Teaching Minority Languages in Multiethnic and Multilingual Environments: Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Attitudes toward the Teaching of Basque in Compulsory Education
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Euskara as a Minority Language
2.2. Language Learning in the Basque Multilingual and Multiethnic Educational Context
2.3. Teachers’ Perceptions when Teaching Minority Languages
- (1)
- What are the reasons for students to complain when learning Basque, the issues related to the teaching in Basque, and teachers’ possible solutions?
- (2)
- How are complaints against Basque performed (i.e., do students ally to avoid studying Basque)?
- (3)
- Is there any relation between the origin of the students, the teachers’ working experience and the teachers’ working region with the occurrence of issues, type of complaints in class and the role of their parents?
3. Methods
3.1. Tools
3.2. Data Analysis
4. Results
5. Discussion
5.1. The Issues Related to the Teaching of Basque
5.2. Teachers’ Working Experience and Family Influence
5.3. Students’ Complaints against Basque
5.4. Students’ Origin and Teachers’ Perceptions in the Survey
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- (a)
- Primary Education
- (b)
- Secondary Education
- (c)
- Vocational Training
- (d)
- Other (Please specify)
- (a)
- Alava
- (b)
- Gipuzkoa
- (c)
- Bizkaia
- (d)
- Navarre
- (e)
- Other (Please specify)
- (a)
- Yes
- (b)
- No
- (c)
- Does not know/ Does not answer (DK/DA)
- (a)
- 0–1
- (b)
- 1–5
- (c)
- 5–10
- (d)
- 10–15
- (e)
- 15>
- (a)
- Yes
- (b)
- No
- (a)
- PL0
- (b)
- PL1 PL2
- (c)
- Other (Please specify)
- (d)
- (a)
- Never
- (b)
- Sometimes
- (c)
- Often
- (d)
- Always
- (e)
- (a)
- I have no problem and the students are fluent in Basque.
- (b)
- Students speak and respond to me in Spanish.
- (c)
- Students complain about the use of Basque.
- (d)
- When I speak in Basque, the students make noise.
- (e)
- Other (Please specify)
- (a)
- Latin American
- (b)
- Maghreb
- (c)
- European
- (d)
- African
- (e)
- Asian
- (f)
- Other (Please specify)
- (a)
- Yes
- (b)
- No
- (c)
- Sometimes
- (d)
- Often
- (e)
- (a)
- Because they find it difficult.
- (b)
- To break the pace of the class.
- (c)
- To oppose the teacher.
- (d)
- For pure idleness.
- (e)
- Other (Please specify)
- (a)
- Alone
- (b)
- Group
- (c)
- Both
- (d)
- (a)
- Yes.
- (b)
- No.
- (c)
- Depending on the situation.
- (d)
- Other (Please specify)
- (e)
- (a)
- Yes
- (b)
- No
- (c)
- Depending on the situation
- (d)
- Other (Please specify)
- (e)
- (a)
- Play dumb
- (b)
- Meeting Parents
- (c)
- Talk to the students
- (d)
- Depending the student
- (e)
- Other (Please specify)
- (f)
- (a)
- Yes
- (b)
- No
- (c)
- Other (Please specify)
- (d)
- (a)
- At Home
- (b)
- TV
- (c)
- Friends
- (d)
- Other (Please specify)
- (e)
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Total | Model A n (%) | Model B n (%) | Model D n (%) | Model X n (%) | |
Total Number of Students in Education | 34,588 | 13,481 (39%) | 5551 (16%) | 15,469 (44.7%) | 87 (0.25%) |
Number of Students in Pre-School Education | 7084 | 274 (3.9%) | 1029 (14.5%) | 5764 (81.4%) | 17 (0.25%) |
Number of Students in Primary Education | 9725 | 576 (5.9%) | 2246 (23.1%) | 6863 (70.6%) | 40 (0.41%) |
Number of Students in Secondary Education | 5374 | 1273 (23.7%) | 1792 (33.3%) | 2289 (42.6%) | 20 (0.37%) |
Teaching Level | Region | Basque Teacher? | Teaching Experience (Years) |
Childhood or primary education (111/56%) | Araba (35/17.7%) | Yes (95/48.2%) | <5 (99/50.3%) |
Secondary education or higher (86/43.7%) | Biscay (69/35%) | No (99/50.3%) | >5 (96/48.7%) |
Gipuzkoa (71/36%) | Did not answer (3/1.5%) | ||
Navarre (12/6.1%) | |||
Two or more (10/5.1%) |
Variables | n | Value | df | Asymptotic Significance (2-Sided) |
Origin (10) * Issues (8) | 189 | 3355 | 2 | 0.19 |
Origin (10) * type issues (9) | 184 | 22,802 | 2 | 0.20 |
Origin (10) * Complaint (11) | 187 | 2276 | 2 | 0.32 |
Origin (10) * Complain why (14) | 157 | 40,081 | 2 | 0.06 |
Origin (10) * Stand (15) | 84 | 3403 | 4 | 0.49 |
Origin (10) * Friends (16) | 89 | 0.46 | 4 | 0.98 |
Origin (10) * Only Basque (17) | 112 | 2742 | 4 | 0.60 |
Origin (10) * Solution (18) | 173 | 36,485 | 30 | 0.19 |
Origin (10) * Parents (19) | 178 | 2028 | 2 | 0.36 |
Years (5) * Issues (11) | 195 | 4885 | 1 | 0.027 * |
Years (5) * Complaint (11) | 192 | 0277 | 1 | 0.60 |
Years (5) * Parents (19) | 182 | 0984 | 1 | 0.32 |
Region (2) * Issues (11) | 197 | 9475 | 4 | 0.05 |
Region (2) * Complaint (11) | 192 | 7,93 | 4 | 0.09 |
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Share and Cite
Roman Etxebarrieta, G.; Pérez-Izaguirre, E.; Langarika-Rocafort, A. Teaching Minority Languages in Multiethnic and Multilingual Environments: Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Attitudes toward the Teaching of Basque in Compulsory Education. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10020025
Roman Etxebarrieta G, Pérez-Izaguirre E, Langarika-Rocafort A. Teaching Minority Languages in Multiethnic and Multilingual Environments: Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Attitudes toward the Teaching of Basque in Compulsory Education. Education Sciences. 2020; 10(2):25. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10020025
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoman Etxebarrieta, Gorka, Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre, and Argia Langarika-Rocafort. 2020. "Teaching Minority Languages in Multiethnic and Multilingual Environments: Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Attitudes toward the Teaching of Basque in Compulsory Education" Education Sciences 10, no. 2: 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10020025
APA StyleRoman Etxebarrieta, G., Pérez-Izaguirre, E., & Langarika-Rocafort, A. (2020). Teaching Minority Languages in Multiethnic and Multilingual Environments: Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Attitudes toward the Teaching of Basque in Compulsory Education. Education Sciences, 10(2), 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10020025