Nexus of Financing Constraints and Supply Chain Finance: Evidence from Listed SMEs in China
:1. Introduction
2. Related Literature and Hypothesis Development
2.1. Financing Constraints on SMEs in China
2.2. Supply Chain Finance in China
3. Data and Method
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. Model Construction
- (1)
- Basic model
- (2)
- Extended model
3.3. Definition and Description of Variables
- (1)
- Operating cash flow (CF)
- (2)
- The indicator of the development degree of supply chain finance (SCF)
- (3)
- The interaction term between the operating cash flow and the development degree of supply chain finance (CF × SCF)
4. Analysis and Findings
4.1. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Test
4.2. Estimation Process
4.3. Findings
4.4. Robustness Test
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Symbol | Variable | Calculation Method | |
Dependent Variable | ΔCASH | Change in cash and cash equivalents | |
Independent Variables | CF | Operating Cash flow | |
SCF | Development degree of supply chain finance | ||
CF × SCF | Interaction term between operating cash flow and development degree of supply chain finance | ||
Control Variables | SIZE | Enterprise size | |
TAGR | Total assets growth rate | ||
ΔNWC | Change in non-cash net working capital | ||
ΔSD | Change in short-term liabilities | ||
DEBT | Liabilities-to-assets ratio |
Variable | Observations | Mean | Std. Dev. | Minimum | Maximum |
∆CASH | 3626 | 0.01146 | 0.07796 | −0.39488 | 0.33871 |
CF | 3626 | 0.04995 | 0.06675 | −0.31265 | 0.51553 |
SCF | 3626 | 0.16430 | 0.11862 | 0.00000 | 0.76806 |
SIZE | 3626 | 22.14429 | 1.03684 | 19.39899 | 26.69427 |
TAGR | 3626 | 0.10804 | 0.19981 | −2.00683 | 0.98729 |
∆NWC | 3626 | 0.06209 | 0.18735 | −1.60270 | 0.73019 |
∆SD | 3626 | 0.04063 | 0.11733 | −1.28704 | 0.78767 |
DEBT | 3626 | 0.43930 | 0.17810 | 0.06337 | 2.68091 |
∆CASH | CF | SCF | SIZE | TAGR | ∆NWC | ∆SD | DEBT | |
∆CASH | 1.000 | |||||||
CF | 0.204 *** | 1.000 | ||||||
SCF | −0.048 *** | −0.162 *** | 1.000 | |||||
SIZE | 0.019 | −0.064 *** | 0.130 *** | 1.000 | ||||
TAGR | 0.377 *** | 0.006 | −0.106 *** | 0.142 *** | 1.000 | |||
∆NWC | −0.068 *** | −0.082 *** | −0.552 *** | −0.262 *** | 0.059 *** | 1.000 | ||
∆SD | 0.145 *** | −0.078 *** | 0.103 *** | 0.166 *** | 0.679 *** | −0.139 *** | 1.000 | |
DEBT | −0.041 *** | −0.137 *** | 0.627 *** | 0.381 *** | −0.072 *** | −0.666 *** | 0.187 *** | 1.000 |
Variable | Fixed Effects | Fixed Effects with Robust Standard Errors | PCSEs |
CF | 0.197 *** (0.0184) | 0.197 *** (0.0180) | 0.086 *** (0.0045) |
SIZE | −0.003 ** (0.0012) | −0.003 * (0.0016) | −0.006 *** (0.0010) |
TAGR | 0.208 *** (0.0078) | 0.208 *** (0.0083) | 0.074 *** (0.0019) |
∆NWC | −0.057 *** (0.0090) | −0.057 *** (0.0085) | −0.008 *** (0.0010) |
∆SD | −0.142 *** (0.0138) | −0.142 *** (0.0141) | −0.098 *** (0.0019) |
DEBT | −0.006 (0.0062) | −0.006 (0.0091) | 0.007 * (0.0039) |
constant | 0.060 ** (0.0267) | 0.060 ** (0.0263) | 0.017 *** (0.0036) |
R-squared | 0.214 | 0.214 | 0.178 |
Observations (N × T) | 3626 | 3626 | 3626 |
Tests for heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, and cross-sectional dependence | |||
Modified Wald test | χ2 (518) = 2883.20 Prob = 0.0000 | ||
Wooldridge test | Prob = 0.0467 | ||
Pesaran CD test | Prob = 0.0221 |
Variable | Fixed Effects | Fixed Effects with Robust Standard Errors | PCSEs |
CF | 0.298 *** (0.0291) | 0.298 *** (0.0286) | 0.088 *** (0.0044) |
SCF | 0.025 * (0.0144) | 0.025 * (0.0142) | 0.006 ** (0.0028) |
CF × SCF | −0.636 *** (0.1334) | −0.636 *** (0.1330) | −0.207 *** (0.0184) |
SIZE | −0.003 ** (0.0012) | −0.003 * (0.0017) | −0.006 *** (0.0009) |
TAGR | 0.209 *** (0.0083) | 0.209 *** (0.0086) | 0.075 *** (0.0019) |
∆NWC | −0.057 *** (0.0087) | −0.057 *** (0.0081) | −0.008 *** (0.0005) |
∆SD | −0.144 *** (0.0141) | −0.144 *** (0.0144) | −0.085 *** (0.0020) |
DEBT | −0.006 (0.0098) | −0.006 (0.0121) | 0.008 (0.0053) |
constant | 0.057 ** (0.0268) | 0.057 ** (0.0259) | 0.016 *** (0.0035) |
R-squared | 0.219 | 0.219 | 0.153 |
Observations (N × T) | 3626 | 3626 | 3626 |
Tests for heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, and cross-sectional dependence | |||
Modified Wald test | χ2 (518) = 2423.82 Prob = 0.0000 | ||
Wooldridge test | Prob = 0.0471 | ||
Pesaran CD test | Prob = 0.0289 |
Variable | Basic Model | Extended Model |
CF | 0.232 *** (0.0251) | 0.337 *** (0.0355) |
SCF | 0.031 * (0.0166) | |
CF × SCF | −0.596 *** (0.1275) | |
SIZE | −0.002 * (0.0011) | −0.002 * (0.0011) |
TAGR | 0.328 *** (0.0132) | 0.332 *** (0.0116) |
∆NWC | −0.083 *** (0.0152) | −0.079 *** (0.0144) |
∆SD | −0.172 *** (0.0161) | −0.163 *** (0.0169) |
DEBT | −0.011 (0.0135) | −0.010 (0.0125) |
constant | 0.072 ** (0.0348) | 0.077 ** (0.0360) |
R-squared | 0.095 | 0.088 |
Observations (N × T) | 3626 | 3626 |
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Share and Cite
Ng, S.-H.; Yang, Y.; Lee, C.-C.; Ong, C.-Z. Nexus of Financing Constraints and Supply Chain Finance: Evidence from Listed SMEs in China. Int. J. Financial Stud. 2023, 11, 102.
Ng S-H, Yang Y, Lee C-C, Ong C-Z. Nexus of Financing Constraints and Supply Chain Finance: Evidence from Listed SMEs in China. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2023; 11(3):102.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNg, Sin-Huei, Yunze Yang, Chin-Chong Lee, and Chui-Zi Ong. 2023. "Nexus of Financing Constraints and Supply Chain Finance: Evidence from Listed SMEs in China" International Journal of Financial Studies 11, no. 3: 102.
APA StyleNg, S.-H., Yang, Y., Lee, C.-C., & Ong, C.-Z. (2023). Nexus of Financing Constraints and Supply Chain Finance: Evidence from Listed SMEs in China. International Journal of Financial Studies, 11(3), 102.