Not Only Anteriority in the Past: The Functions of the Pluperfect in Spoken Italian
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- Bill had arrived at six o’clock (Comrie 1976)
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- Me lo aveva promesso, ma adesso fa finta di non ricordarsene (Squartini 1999)‘(S)He had promised me, but now (s)he acts as if (s)he didn’t’
- (3)
- Su questo argomento tanti anni fa N. ci aveva scritto un libro (Squartini 1999)‘N. wrote a book on this many years ago’
2. Materials and Methods
[word = ”avev.*|er.*”][word = ”.*at.?|.*ut.?|.*it.?|fatto|detto|visto|messo|preso”]
3. Results
3.1. Past-in-the-Past
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- TOI052: e quindi stavo facendo fareTOI052: ehmTOI052: dei lavoretti per pasqua e pasquettaTOI051: siTOI052: e invece una volta prima gli avevo fatto [113] fare delle corniciTOR007: che cariniTOI052: e dei quadretti cose cosi’ e poi avevamo fatto [114] proprio la mostra eh ce’TOI052: and so I was having them makeTOI052: uhmTOI052: Easter craftsTOI051: yesTOI052: and one time before I had had [113] them make framesTOR007: how cuteTOI052: and small paintings things like that and then we had done [114] a proper exhibit I mean4
- (5)
- TOR004: si’ ma sai che avevo sentito [22] di uno che aveva fatto [23] causa a starbucks perche’ non aveva scritto che il bicchiere poteva essere bollente quello si era bruciato [24] la manoTOR004: yeah but do you know that I heard (lit. had heard [22]) about someone who had sued [23] Starbucks because they didn’t write (lit. hadn’t written) that the cup could’ve been hot that one had burned [24] his hand
- (6)
- TOI008: san giovanni che io ho trovato incredibile perche’ eh mhTOI008: appunto io abito vicino al po quindi ci metto cinque minuti ad andare li’TOR001: mh mhTOI008: e tutti gli anni sempre andato tantissima gente sempre strapieno quest’anno eh mh ho detto non vado nemmeno perche’ ci avevano messo [64] i tornelli ilTOR001: no certoTOI008: tutti i vari controlli e ho detto non ci vado nemmenoTOI008: San Giovanni5 which I found incredible because uh uhmTOI008: indeed I live close to the Po so I’m there in five minutesTOR001: uhm uhmTOI008: and every year I always went lots of people always super full this year uh uhm I said I’m not even going because they had put [64] the turnstiles theTOR001: no of courseTOI008: all the controls and I said I’m not even going
3.2. Perfect-in-the-Past
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- TOI065: eravamo frutto di una mhTOI065: di una riformaTOR001: mh mhTOI065: e non potevamo passare al secondo biennio era ancora quadriennaleTOI065: se non avevamo dato [60] quattro obbligatori del primoTOR001: okayTOI065: ma ehTOI065: io ce n’era ne avevo dati [61] due gli altri due erano enormiTOI065: we were the result of a uhmTOI065: of a reformTOR001: uhm uhmTOI065: and we couldn’t move to the third and fourth years it was still four years longTOI065: if we hadn’t passed [60] four mandatory [exams] of the first two yearsTOR001: okayTOI065: but uhTOI065: I there was I had passed [61] two the other two were huge
- (8)
- TOI077: le parole testuali aveva fattoTOR004: fai occhioTOI077: han fatto effetto evidentementeTOR004: quanto te le sei preparateTOI077: no niente perche’ non e’TOI077: non avevo intenzioneTOR004: non era neache previstoTOI076: non volevaTOI077: si’ avevo capito [31] che x vabbe’ questa7TOI077: vuol8 che io x che la accompagnoTOI077: he said those literal wordsTOR004: watch outTOI077: clearly they workedTOR004: how much did you prepare themTOI077: no nothing because it’s notTOI077: I had no intentionTOR004: it wasn’t even plannedTOI076: he didn’t wantTOI077: yes I had understood [31] that well this oneTOI077: she wants me to give her a ride
- (9)
- TOI051: perche’ l l la sua mamma era podalica e’ stato un parto bruttissimoTOR007: mh anch’io sono nata podalicaTOI051: ehTOI051: mahTOR007: eh ha sofferto molto mia mammaTOI051: ma io da una parte era solo un un anno e mezzo che avevo avuto [118] il primo figlioTOI052: mh mhTOI051: e allora le ossa erano ancoraTOI051: ehTOR007: si’ si’TOI051: abbastanza aperteTOI051: because her mom was podalic it was a terrible deliveryTOR007: uhm I was born podalic tooTOI051: uhmTOI051: bahTOR007: uhm she suffered a lot my momTOI051: well on one hand for me it had been just a year and a half since I had had [118] my first childTOI052: uhm uhmTOI051: and so the bones were stillTOI051: uhmTOR007: yes yesTOI051: pretty open
3.3. Reversed Result
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- TOI003: ha perso tantissime cose torinoTOR001: mhTOI003: se uno pensaTOI002: no pero’ si e’ arricchita parecchio con le olimpiadi a pa guarda prima non c’eraTOI003: a partire da esperimentaTOI003: a partire da un macello di cose che io mi ricordo quando andavo a scuola potevi fareTOI003: un casi era diventata [187] la citta’ delle delle mhTOI002: mado’ ma prima tu vede mado’ ma tu prima vedevi turismo a torinoTOI003: del libro e poi l’ha spostata a milanoTOI003: Torino lost a lot of thingsTOR001: uhmTOI003: if one thinksTOI002: no but it developed a lot with the Olympics look before there wasn’tTOI003: starting from EsperimentaTOI003: starting from a lot of things that I remember when I still went to school you could doTOI003: a lot it became (lit. had become [187]) the city of of uhmTOI002: God but before you saw God but before you saw tourism in TorinoTOI003: of books and then they moved it to Milano
- (11)
- TOI054: e quello mi aveva fatto [88] mi aveva un po’ pero’TOI054: poi mi e’ passatoTOI054: and that did (lit. had done [88]) me a little butTOI054: then it went away
- (12)
- TOI077: ci hanno proposto il viaggio al cairo in pullman abbiam detto vabbe’ quando ci ricapitaTOR004: perche’ era organizzatoTOI077: si’TOR004: okayTOI076: e c avevano detto [44]TOI076: meno ore e invece poi alla fine siam stati sei ore in quelTOI077: si’TOI077: cinque sei oreTOI076: sei oreTOI077: they proposed us the trip to Cairo by bus we said well this won’t happen a second timeTOR004: because it was organizedTOI077: yesTOR004: okayTOI076: and they told (lit. had told [44]) usTOI076: less hours and instead then in the end we’ve stayed six hours in thatTOI077: yesTOI077: five six hoursTOI076: six hours
3.4. Past Temporal Frame
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- TOR004: eh ma tortoli’ eh mizzeca e’ bellissimaTOR004: c’e’ la spiaggia del saraceno quello con la torre ti ricordi eravamo andati [48] anche insieme l’anno che sei venutaTOR004: uh but Tortolì uh my goodness is really beautifulTOR004: there is the Saraceno beach that with the tower do you remember we also went (lit. had gone [48]) together the year you came
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- TOR004: avevi degli amici nel paese dove viveviTOI054: no io tantissimi amiciTOI054: sempre avuto tante c tante conoscenze ma tanti amici anche tanta gente che le piaceva stare con meTOR004: e ma organizzavate delle feste facevate delle coseTOI054: perche’ comunqueTOI054: si’ anche a casa mio padre per i miei sedices e il mio sedicesimo annoTOR004: compleannoTOI054: compleannoTOI054: e mhTOI054: mhTOI054: sopra il mio al nostro alloggio dove avevamo la casaTOI054: e avev c’era una mansardaTOI054: to tutta unica e luiTOI054: e per un po’ di tempo ha diviso tutte ha fatte delle stanze poi aveva messo [80] la moquette avevamo messo [81] addirittura la tappezzeriaTOI054: e io per il mio sedicesimo annoTOI054: avevo tutto e poi mi aveva comprato [82] lo stereoTOI054: e avevam fatto [83] la festaTOR004: did you have friends in the town you lived inTOI054: no me lots of friendsTOI054: I always had lots lots of connections but lots of friends too lots of people that liked being with meTOR004: well but did you organize parties do thingsTOI054: because howeverTOI054: yeah also at home my dad for my 16th for my 16th yearTOR004: birthdayTOI054: birthdayTOI054: and uhmTOI054: uhmTOI054: over mine our flat were we had the houseTOI054: and we had there was an atticTOI054: all open and heTOI054: for a while he divided all he made rooms then he put (lit. had put [80]) the carpet we even put (lit. had put [81]) the wallpaperTOI054: and I for my 16th yearTOI054: I had it all and then he bought (lit. had bought [82]) me the stereoTOI054: and we made (lit. had made [83]) the party
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- TOR004: e non sei mai andata all’universita’TOI054: noTOI054: si’TOI054: scherzando andavoTOR004: ahTOR004: in che sensoTOI054: del tipoTOI054: che andavo a scuola a ragioneriaTOR004: ehTOI054: a cirie’TOI054: prendevo il treno con la mia amicaTOR004: okayTOI054: e andavamo a torinoTOI054: e poi andavamo all’universita’TOI054: ed e’ successo d ascoltare anche delle lezioniTOR004: delle lezioni di cosaTOI054: e avevamo ascoltato [79] delle lezioni di biologiaTOR004: ahTOI054: e poi prendevamo il quaderno con degli appunti facevamoTOI054: facevamo le le universitarieTOR004: and you never went to universityTOI054: noTOI054: yesTOI054: I went as a jokeTOR004: ohTOR004: what do you meanTOI054: likeTOI054: I went to high schoolTOR004: uhmTOI054: in CirièTOI054: I took the train with my friendTOR004: okayTOI054: and we went to TorinoTOI054: and then we went to the universityTOI054: and it happened that we listened lessons tooTOR004: what lessonsTOI054: well we listened (lit. had listened [79]) biology lessonsTOR004: ohTOI054: and we took the notebook with notes we playedTOI054: we played university students
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- TOR002: pensa che dove c’e’ adesso l’areoporto di caselle mio nonno aveva un terreno che gli hanno espropriatoTOI119: si’TOI119: ehTOR002: quando han costruito l’areoporto nuovoTOI118: mhTOI119: ah si’ ma poi era caduto [17] anche l’aereo la’ nelle caseTOI118: caselleTOR002: eh si’TOR002: think that where there now is the Caselle airport my grandpa had land that they expropriatedTOI119: yesTOI119: uhmTOR002: when they built the new airportTOI118: uhmTOI119: oh well but then even the plan fell (lit. had fallen [17]) there in the housesTOI118: CaselleTOR002: yeah
- (17)
- TOI077: minchia l’ho portata in camperTOI077: gia’ cheTOI077: saliva in camperTOI077: poi siamo arrivati a sto posto li’TOR004: non eraTOI076: eh eh la racconto ioTOR004: non eri convintaTOI076: noTOI077: ma per niente aveva paura voleva andarsene viaTOI076: ah gia’ e’ vero avevo chiamato [46] mia mammaTOI076: mentre tu eri sceso a parlareTOI077: shit I brought her campingTOI077: alreadyTOI077: getting on the camperTOI077: then we arrived in that place thereTOR004: it wasn’tTOI076: uh uh I tell itTOR004: you weren’t convincedTOI076: noTOI077: not at all she was scared she wanted to leaveTOI076: oh right that’s true I called (lit. had called [46]) my momTOI076: while you had gotten off to talk
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- TOI051: delle maschere ho fatto tanti di quei vestitiTOI052: treTOR007: anche mia nonna ugualeTOI052: bellissimiTOI052: bellisimi proprioTOI052: davveroTOI052: ancheTOI052: quello che avevi fatto [120] vedere l’altro giorno di quando mamma ha fatto laTOI051: ah la danzatriceTOI051: some masks I made so many dressesTOI052: threeTOR007: also my grandma the sameTOI052: very beautifulTOI052: very beautiful reallyTOI052: for realTOI052: alsoTOI052: the one that you showed (lit. had showed [120]) the other day of when mom wasTOI051: oh the dancer
3.5. Left-Out Occurrences
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- TOR004: e com’e’ che siete finiti la’TOI054: non lo soTOI054: da questa superstrada che dava la cartinaTOI054: oltretutto ero andata [87] con aldo ehTOR004: pensa teTOI054: e quindi lui era uno cheTOI054: sapeva girare nel senso guardare la cartina non era unTOI054: uno che si perdeva eccoTOR004: and how is it that you ended up thereTOI054: I don’t knowTOI054: from this highway the map saidTOI054: besides I went (lit. had gone [87]) with Aldo uhTOR004: just thinkTOI054: and so he was one thatTOI054: he knew how to travel I mean look at the map he wasn’t aTOI054: one that got lost okay
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- TOI076: perche’ abbiam fatto ho fatto diverse lampade o anche lampadariTOI076: eh queste si’ ci mi piacciono mi piacciono tantoTOR004: eh come fate per fare i lampada cioe’ dovete farvi tutto lo studio deiTOR004: dei caviTOI076: si’TOI076: so fare collegamenti elettrici io ehTOI077: eh quello che gli avevo insegnato [27] ioTOI076: ho imparato daTOI076: da giulio anche eh dal mio suoceroTOI077: si’ anche mio padreTOI076: because we made I made many lamps or also chandeliersTOI076: uh these yes we I like I like these a lotTOR004: uhm how do you do to make chandeliers I mean you have to study allTOR004: the cablesTOI076: yesTOI076: I know how to make electrical connections duhTOI077: well that that I taught (lit. had taught [27]) herTOI076: I learnt fromTOI076: from Giulio also uhm from my father-in-lawTOI077: yes also from my father
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- TOI052: guarda nonna ti faccio vedereTOI052: ehTOI052: marcoTOI051: si’TOI052: la bimba e’ cresciuta guarda eh quiTOI051: uh uhTOI052: gli ha fatto una canzone sai che suona marcoTOI051: certo lo soTOI051: guarda guarda x com’e’ attentaTOI052: guarda qui bellaTOI051: guarda coTOI051: ma che caraTOI052: si’ son e’ bellissimaTOI052: ehTOI052: e invece giulia aveva mandato [125][…] (addressees don’t listen as they are still commenting on the video of the song)TOI052: e invece giuliaTOI052: ha mandatoTOI052: si sente il cuoricino di adele aspettaTOI052: look grandma I’ll show youTOI052: uhTOI052: MarcoTOI051: yesTOI052: the baby has grown look hereTOI051: uh uhTOI052: he wrote her a song you know that Marco playsTOI051: of course I knowTOI051: look look how she’s alertTOI052: look here prettyTOI051: look howTOI051: she’s so sweetTOI052: yes they she’s very beautifulTOI052: uhmTOI052: and Giulia send (lit. had sent [125]) instead[…] (addressees don’t listen as they are still commenting on the video of the song)TOI052: and Giulia insteadTOI052: has sentTOI052: you can hear Adele’s little heart wait
- (22)
- TOI052: e tra l’altro il nonno quandoTOI052: lui non c’e’ quando si fanno i compleanni pero’ se lo chiami la canzoncina te la canta sempreTOI051: no lTOI051: si’ si’ e’ veroTOI051: l lo canta anche per telefono ehTOI052: certo si’ infatti lo chiamiTOI051: eh perche’TOI052: quest’anno tra l’altro vabbe’ quest’anno ci siamo visti quindi alla fine non mi aveva chiamato [111]TOI051: si’ eravamo li’ ehTOI052: and by the way grandpaTOI052: he doesn’t come when we celebrate birthdays but if you call him he always sings you the songTOI051: noTOI051: yes yes it’s trueTOI051: he also sings it over the phone duhTOI052: of course yes you call him indeedTOI051: uhm becauseTOI052: this year by the way well this year we saw each other so in the end he didn’t call (lit. hadn’t called [111])TOI051: yes we were there uh
- (23)
- TOR002: io guido si chiama io guidoTOR001: bravoTOI012: bravissimoTOI013: si’TOI012: e’ veroTOR001: e’ iniziato molto pr perche’ io mi ricordo che quando ero venuta [227] qua a torino c’erano gia’ e a milano noTOR002: Io guido it’s called Io guidoTOR001: bravoTOI012: bravissimoTOI013: yesTOI012: it’s trueTOR001: it began very early because I remember that when I arrived (lit. had arrived [227]) here in Torino there were already but not in Milano
4. Discussion
- the past-in-the-past function (145/245) is used to temporally organize events with respect to one other, i.e., to locate the event encoded by the Pluperfect prior to another past event (which can also be a proper consequence of the former). The temporal collocation of the events may be further specified by the presence of adverbial modifiers (e.g., una volta prima ‘one time before’).
- The perfect-in-the-past function (28/245) is used to highlight the relevance of the event encoded by the Pluperfect at a later past time. This reading is naturally compatible with the adverb già ‘already’, and with expressions measuring the temporal distance of the event encoded by the Pluperfect to the RT.
- The reversed result function (16/245) is used to stress that the results of the event encoded by the Pluperfect have been reversed at a later time in the past. This reading can often be confirmed by a following sentence describing the reversed situation that holds at the ST (eventually introduced by adverbs such as invece ‘instead’ or poi ‘then’).
- The past temporal frame function (63/245) is used to stress that the event encoded by the Pluperfect is past-bound. It is often used in contexts of remembering, and may co-occur with expressions with the noun volta ‘time’ (e.g., la volta ‘the time (that)’, la prima volta ‘the first time (that)’, etc.).
- (24)
- TOI003: ha perso tantissime cose torinoTOR001: mhTOI003: se uno pensaTOI002: no pero’ si e’ arricchita parecchio con le olimpiadi a pa guarda prima non c’eraTOI003: a partire da esperimentaTOI003: a partire da un macello di cose che io mi ricordo quando andavo a scuola potevi fareTOI003: un casi era diventata [187] la citta’ delle delle mhTOI002: mado’ ma prima tu vede mado’ ma tu prima vedevi turismo a torinoTOI003: del libro e poi l’ha spostata a milanoTOI003: Torino lost a lot of thingsTOR001: uhmTOI003: if one thinksTOI002: no but it developed a lot with the Olympics look before there wasn’tTOI003: starting from EsperimentaTOI003: starting from a lot of things that I remember when I still went to school you could doTOI003: a lot it became (lit. had become [187]) the city of of uhmTOI002: God but before you saw God but before you saw tourism in TorinoTOI003: of books and then they moved it to Milano
- (25)
- TOR002: pensa che dove c’e’ adesso l’areoporto di caselle mio nonno aveva un terreno che gli hanno espropriatoTOI119: si’TOI119: ehTOR002: quando han costruito l’areoporto nuovoTOI118: mhTOI119: ah si’ ma poi era caduto [17] anche l’aereo la’ nelle caseTOI118: caselleTOR002: eh si’TOR002: think that where there now is the Caselle airport my grandpa had land that they expropriatedTOI119: yesTOI119: uhmTOR002: when they built the new airportTOI118: uhmTOI119: oh well but then even the plan fell (lit. had fallen [17]) there in the housesTOI118: CaselleTOR002: yeah
- (26)
- TOI077: minchia l’ho portata in camperTOI077: gia’ cheTOI077: saliva in camperTOI077: poi siamo arrivati a sto posto li’TOR004: non eraTOI076: eh eh la racconto ioTOR004: non eri convintaTOI076: noTOI077: ma per niente aveva paura voleva andarsene viaTOI076: ah gia’ e’ vero avevo chiamato [46] mia mammaTOI076: mentre tu eri sceso a parlareTOI077: shit I brought her campingTOI077: alreadyTOI077: getting on the camperTOI077: then we arrived in that place thereTOR004: it wasn’tTOI076: uh uh I tell itTOR004: you weren’t convincedTOI076: noTOI077: not at all she was scared she wanted to leaveTOI076: oh right that’s true I called (lit. had called [46]) my momTOI076: while you had gotten off to talk
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1 | |
2 | This becomes particularly clear when one considers that a speaker of Northern Italian, referring to a deceased person, would not say è nato (lit. ’he has been born’, i.e., using a present perfect which, in the variety under analysis, also encodes an aorist aspect) but era nato (lit. ’he had been born’). |
3 | It is a module of the larger KIParla corpus (Mauri et al. 2019). |
4 | An effort has been made to provide translations as close as possible to the Italian texts, preserving the characteristics of the spoken language where possible. |
5 | The celebration of Turin’s patron saint, St. John, that usually consists of a firework display on the river Po. |
6 | The sentences concerned would look as follows:
7 | ’x’s stand for incomprehensible text. |
8 | The transcription displays vuoi (want.PRS.2.SG), but from listening to the audio track it appears that TOI077 says vuol (want.PRS.3.SG) instead. |
9 | One can imagine that the complete sentence resembled either avevo già capito che il passaggio era solo una scusa (‘I had already understood that the ride was just an excuse’) or avevo capito che le servisse davvero un passaggio (‘I had understood that she genuinely needed a ride’). |
10 | The original (Perfect) meaning of the Italian Present Perfect is being considered here, albeit it has come to encode an aoristic aspect too, especially in Northern Italy. |
11 | The sentence would look as follows:
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Morei, E. Not Only Anteriority in the Past: The Functions of the Pluperfect in Spoken Italian. Languages 2023, 8, 82.
Morei E. Not Only Anteriority in the Past: The Functions of the Pluperfect in Spoken Italian. Languages. 2023; 8(1):82.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMorei, Eleonora. 2023. "Not Only Anteriority in the Past: The Functions of the Pluperfect in Spoken Italian" Languages 8, no. 1: 82.
APA StyleMorei, E. (2023). Not Only Anteriority in the Past: The Functions of the Pluperfect in Spoken Italian. Languages, 8(1), 82.