Dynamic Stability and Flight Control of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. FWMAV Multibody Model and Coordinate Systems
2.1.1. FWMAV Multibody Modeling
2.1.2. Coordinate Systems
2.2. Wing Kinematics and Aerodynamic Model
2.2.1. FWMAV Wing Kinematics
2.2.2. Quasi-Steady Aerodynamic Model
2.3. Multibody Dynamics Simulation Framework and Trim Search Algorithm
2.3.1. FWMAV Multibody Dynamics Simulation Framework
2.3.2. Gradient-Based Trim Search Algorithm
2.4. Equations of Motion and Linearization
2.5. Augmented LQR Controller Design for Transition Flight Tracking
2.5.1. Gain-Scheduled LQR Controller Design for Linear System
2.5.2. Gain-Scheduled LQR Controller Design for Nonlinear System
2.6. Trajectory Tracking Controller Design
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Stability Characterization of Longitudinal Dynamics
3.2. Flight Control Simulations for Stabilizing Fixed Flight Conditions
3.3. Flight Control Simulations for Transition Flight Tracking
3.4. Flight Control Simulations for Reference Trajectories Tracking
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter (Unit) | Description | Value |
ms (mg) | Total system’s mass | 1437.5 |
mw (mg) | Single wing’s mass | 48.3 |
Ls (mm) | Total length of the system (anterior tip to posterior tip) | 40.2 |
Rw (mm) | Wing span | 48.3 |
r2 (mm) | Radius of second moment of wing area | 24.6 |
tw (mm) | Wing thickness | 3.7 × 10−2 |
Sw (mm2) | Single wing area | 879.8 |
(mm) | Mean aerodynamic chord | 18.1 |
l1 (mm) | Distance between center of mass (CG) and wing-pivot point | 10.9 |
l (mm) | Distance between center of mass (CG) and anterior tip | 20.5 |
Iyy (kg·mm2) | Mass moment of inertia of the system | 0.28 |
χo (o) | Trimmed body pitch angle | Trimmed result |
βo (o) | Trimmed stroke plane angle | Trimmed result |
fo (Hz) | Trimmed flapping frequency | Trimmed result |
ϕo (o) | Trimmed stroke positional angle | Trimmed result |
αo (o) | Trimmed feathering angle | Trimmed result |
f (Hz) | Flapping frequency | Wing kinematics |
ϕ (o) | Stroke positional angle | Wing kinematics |
α (o) | Feathering angle | Wing kinematics |
Flight Speed (m/s) | fo (Hz) | ϕo (deg) | αo (deg) | χo (deg) | βo (deg) |
0 | 30.687 | 9.013 | 98.749 | 37.506 | 19.496 |
0.25 | 30.546 | 10.520 | 97.563 | 35.409 | 21.593 |
0.5 | 30.412 | 12.107 | 96.538 | 33.283 | 23.719 |
0.75 | 30.141 | 13.613 | 95.867 | 31.203 | 25.796 |
1 | 29.976 | 15.178 | 95.3 | 29.112 | 27.889 |
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Share and Cite
Bhatti, M.Y.; Lee, S.-G.; Han, J.-H. Dynamic Stability and Flight Control of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle. Aerospace 2021, 8, 362. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8120362
Bhatti MY, Lee S-G, Han J-H. Dynamic Stability and Flight Control of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle. Aerospace. 2021; 8(12):362. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8120362
Chicago/Turabian StyleBhatti, Muhammad Yousaf, Sang-Gil Lee, and Jae-Hung Han. 2021. "Dynamic Stability and Flight Control of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle" Aerospace 8, no. 12: 362. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8120362
APA StyleBhatti, M. Y., Lee, S.-G., & Han, J.-H. (2021). Dynamic Stability and Flight Control of Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle. Aerospace, 8(12), 362. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8120362