The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents That Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Observations
2.2. Numerical Simulations
3. Results
3.1. Precursor Synoptic-to-Meso-α-Scale Dynamics
3.1.1. Continental RWB Resulting in trough Thinning
3.1.2. Dual Short Waves in Response to the Primary and Secondary RWB Leading to Subsequent IW Frontogenesis
3.1.3. Moisture Transport in Response to Downscale Trough Organization and Frontogenesis
3.2. Regional Circulations Organizing Convection at the Meso-β Scale
3.2.1. Dual Jetlet (J1 and J2) Evolution and Divergent Circulation Organizing Convection
3.2.2. Signal of Enhanced/Spatially Variable Convective Instability, Downdraft Potential, and Vertical Wind Shear
3.3. Observed Radar and Simulated Meso-β/γ Scale Low-Level Winds
3.3.1. Observed Radar Evolution
3.3.2. Simulated Meso-β/γ-Scale Low-Level Winds
4. Summary and Conclusions
- The circulation over North America transitioned to a transport of cool arctic air equatorward, creating a meridional temperature gradient across the U.S.–Canadian border.
- A polar jet streak encounters this meridional temperature gradient across the U.S.–Canadian border causing the primary baroclinic, cyclonic RWB to occur, resulting in equatorward PV transport.
- Broad trough thinning accompanying the RWB is followed by a weaker secondary anticyclonic RWB, which reinforces the equatorward reversal of the PV maxima aloft.
- Two short-wave troughs accompanying the RWBs advected cool low-level air from the Central U.S. towards and over the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, where low-level IW frontogenesis occurs.
- Low-level moist air was advected by the nocturnal low-level jet into the river valleys of New Mexico and Arizona.
- A secondary jet streak developed near the low-level IW front and organized a tertiary finer scale jetlet in its unbalanced right entrance region.
- This jetlet subsequently increased the divergence above the MPS over the MR and adjacent mountains, enhancing the ascent from the low-level thermally direct circulation.
- This intensifying jetlet resulted in ageostrophy, divergence, vertical wind shear, and ascent between the MR and Yarnell.
- Convection just north and northeast of Yarnell organized into dual convective lines and a southwestward propagating density current.
- The density current and its northeasterly winds approached Yarnell through Peeples Valley. It subsequently organized new convection in a less sheared and more unstable environment along the slopes of the Eastern Weaver Mountains, organizing a propagating microburst with outflowing easterly winds converging with the dying density current’s northeasterly winds near the firefighters.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kaplan, M.L.; James, C.N.; Ising, J.; Sinclair, M.R.; Lin, Y.-L.; Taylor, A.; Riley, J.; Karim, S.M.S.; Wiles, J. The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents That Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire. Climate 2021, 9, 170.
Kaplan ML, James CN, Ising J, Sinclair MR, Lin Y-L, Taylor A, Riley J, Karim SMS, Wiles J. The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents That Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire. Climate. 2021; 9(12):170.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKaplan, Michael L., Curtis N. James, Jan Ising, Mark R. Sinclair, Yuh-Lang Lin, Andrew Taylor, Justin Riley, Shak M. S. Karim, and Jackson Wiles. 2021. "The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents That Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire" Climate 9, no. 12: 170.
APA StyleKaplan, M. L., James, C. N., Ising, J., Sinclair, M. R., Lin, Y.-L., Taylor, A., Riley, J., Karim, S. M. S., & Wiles, J. (2021). The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents That Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire. Climate, 9(12), 170.