Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability
:1. Introduction
2. Data Description
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Sources
2.3. Seasonal Variability of Climate Indices in the Study Area
3. Methods
3.1. Sowing Strategies of the Growing Season
3.2. The FAO Crop Model AquaCrop
Description of the Model: AquaCrop-GIS
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Inter-Annual Variation of the Onset Approaches
4.2. Safe Sowing Window across West Africa and Risks
4.3. Climate Effects and Risks on the Onset of the Rainy Season between 1982 and 2019
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter Descriptions | Value | Units or Meaning | Source Values |
Time from sowing to maturity | 90 (Fixed) | Day | 97 [40] |
Time from sowing to emergence | 6 | Day | 6 |
Time from sowing to start of canopy senescence | 70 * | Day | 72 |
Time from sowing to flowering | 48 * | Day | 52 [40] |
Duration of flowering | 10 | Day | 10 |
Time from sowing to maximum rooting depth | 80 * | Day | - |
Maximum effective rooting depth, Z | 1.0 | Meter | 1.0 |
Reference harvest index, | 40 | % | 40 [41] |
reduction | 54 * | % | 53 |
under soil fertility stress | 45 * | % | 40–77 |
Time to maximum canopy cover | 56 | Day | Automated or |
Building up of | 25 | Day | recommended by |
Minimum effective rooting depth, | 0.3 | Meter | AquaCrop (FAO) |
Plant population | 40,000 | Plant/ha | |
N fertilizer levels | 0 (No input) | N kg/ha | Expert |
Weeds management | 12 | % coverage | knowledge |
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Agoungbome, S.M.D.; ten Veldhuis, M.-C.; van de Giesen, N. Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability. Climate 2024, 12, 44.
Agoungbome SMD, ten Veldhuis M-C, van de Giesen N. Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability. Climate. 2024; 12(3):44.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAgoungbome, Sehouevi Mawuton David, Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis, and Nick van de Giesen. 2024. "Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability" Climate 12, no. 3: 44.
APA StyleAgoungbome, S. M. D., ten Veldhuis, M.-C., & van de Giesen, N. (2024). Safe Sowing Windows for Smallholder Farmers in West Africa in the Context of Climate Variability. Climate, 12(3), 44.