This section presents the results and discussions on the impact of climate change-induced hazards on peri-urban livestock farming operations in the City of Masvingo.
4.2. The Impact of Climate Change-Induced Hazards on Livestock Production in the City of Masvingo
A climate change index variable was used as the main independent variable. It is the average of the different variables that measure climate change-induced hazards. Since measurement error in the constituent variables is cancelled out when using index variables, the impact of climate change-induced hazards is better measured. Likewise, livestock production performance is a variable constructed by averaging Likert-scale responses on the decline in the number of livestock raised; poor health and welfare of livestock; reduced pasture productivity; reduced quality of livestock products; increase in incidents of livestock deaths; difficulty in transport and distribution of livestock products. In computing inferential statistics on the impact of climate change-induced hazards, the researchers considered the demographic variables of the respondent characteristics of livestock farmers as the control variables. It can be noted that the respondent characteristics and demographic data may affect the performance of (peri-)urban livestock farming, hence the need to isolate their effects [
29]. The researchers had to control for the influence of gender, age, experience, level of education, or income of farmers. Therefore, the results for these variables are presented in
Table 2 but are not analysed or discussed [
The results presented in
Table 2, columns (I), (II), and (III), indicate that climate change-induced hazards have significantly influenced urban livestock production activities in the city of Masvingo. When the climate change-induced disaster index increased by one unit, the livestock production decreased by 0.364 units, holding all other factors constant. The
p-values for the climate change-induced hazard index in the OLS, OLOGIT and OPROBIT models are smaller than 0.01, implying a statistically significant impact at a 1% level of significance. This implies that if climate change-induced hazards continue to increase without specific adaptation strategies, many urban household livelihoods will be affected negatively. These results are consistent with previous studies. For example, increases in temperatures in Nepal reduced the number of cattle, whilst, for the same reason, milk production in West Africa and China has also declined [
33]. This result further concurs with a previous study by [
22], which revealed climate change-induced hazards disrupted the shipping of agricultural products.
The study triangulated the questionnaire instrument results with the interview results of the livestock stakeholders. The triangulation process proved that there was a significant corroboration of the results. The interviews with key informants revealed that livestock production has suffered major drawbacks due to droughts, heat stress, animal diseases, and pests. The interview results confirm the themes from the literature review, which showed that livestock production has suffered from climate change-induced hazards. These themes are primary production, storage, transport and distribution, and profitability.
The interviews with key informants revealed that climate change affects livestock farmer output through several pathways. Due to the impact of climate change, water levels in dams, rivers, and boreholes have been very low. More so, the study confirms that Masvingo urban farmers who rely on artificial water bodies have suffered competition for water supply with industrial and domestic use. This was illustrated by one veterinary doctor who said:
“There have been negative effects of climate change on livestock production, especially beef and dairy cattle farming. Due to recurrent droughts, there has been poor quality or shortage of feed and water supply, resulting in starvation and malnutrition. Urban farmers have also reported massive deaths of cattle due to animal disease and pest outbreak as climate change sometimes brings more extreme wet and warmer conducive environments for disease and pest outbreaks. This and last year we lost many of our cattle to January disease (Theileriosis), a tick-bone common warm rainy weather.”
(Veterinary Doctor, 15 June 2022)
This was further confirmed by a veterinary officer who lamented huge losses in broiler chickens by farmers.
“When we experience very high temperature, which has now become common with climate change, it affects the size and weight of broiler chickens and sometimes many of them die hence reducing the profit attainable.”
(Veterinary Officer, 17 June 2022)
In other instances, livestock experts reported a massive decline in milk productivity. One informant said:
“We used to have enough rainfall in the past. However, our milk production has been reduced since we started experiencing these heat waves, droughts and erratic weather patterns. Climate change has affected the quality of grass for our dairy cows to graze. Climate change has made Masvingo city extremely hot or cold depending on the time of year, and these conditions are not conducive for pasture growth. Sometimes we get intense rain over a few days rather than steady rain events across a season making the rain not sufficient for pasture growth.”
(Dairy Officer, 01 July 2022)
These results support the results in the literature showing that hot weather conditions have disrupted several reproductive processes [
17]. Heat stress has also reduced growth, decreased meat quality, and increased mortality in the pork industry [
16]. This was further corroborated by [
15], who established that hot environments strongly and negatively affect the quantity and quality of animal milk and meat production.
The results from the interviews also show that the livestock industry can be affected by climate change through interference with distribution from farm production for human consumption. Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of floods, storms, and cyclones, which the participants confirmed as threats to road transport infrastructure. Damaged and flooded roads restrict the distribution of products and increase the costs of repairing vehicles.
“The recent cyclone Idai have left us with no roads. They were washed away by the heavy rains, making them impassable. This situation is further exacerbated by our already weak transportation infrastructure. It was difficult for farmers to transport their livestock and livestock products.”
(Local Supermarket Manager, 17 June 2022)
Key informants also revealed that the storage conditions for milk, beef, and other meat products have worsened as temperatures increase, reducing the product storage life. Some have tried to mitigate these adverse effects by refrigeration to sustain the required shelf lives. However, this has resulted in increased energy costs and utilization. The incessant rains that also come with climate change have been confirmed as a threat to the storage and preservation of livestock products.
“Increasing temperatures have contributed to spoilage and contamination of milk and meat. Sometimes the extended humid weather can have equally bad effects. There are some people who rely on drying meat for preservation. The meat will be difficult to dry in incessant rains that accompany the now common cyclones”
This result supports the findings of [
21], who also discussed climate change as a contributor to increased biological and insect pest damage to agriculture produce during storage.
Further, the results from interviews suggest that climate change-induced hazards, such as excessive heat, effects both labour supply and productivity.
“Temperatures have generally been increasing. It is not good for farmers to stand in the heat for too long. Due to heat exhaustion farmers often experience headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness, irritability, confusion, thirst, and heavy sweating, our local knowledge has confirmed. Herd boys sometimes fall asleep leaving cattle and goats to go astray. There have been reports of farmers who lose livestock this way.”
(Farmer, 13 June 2022)
Ref. [
23] also found that climate change-related hazards have had an effect on the labour supply by changing the time allotted to labour beyond a given point, especially in environments where workers are highly exposed to climatic elements, such as in the agriculture sector. Climate change affects labour productivity because workers who are under acute heat stress have reduced work rates and require longer breaks to refresh and cool off.
The results from the agricultural experts reveal that, due to climate change, farmers have experienced changes in costs and revenue from raising livestock and processing livestock products. Livestock stakeholders have incurred more costs as they try to mitigate the effects of climate change-related hazards. These changes in farm income and expenditures have had a significant impact on their enterprises’ profitability.
“Natural hazards increase financial losses and costs due to higher fodder expenses, while at the same time reduce farm revenue leaving farmers with reduced profits. Farmers have also sold their livestock for a ‘song’ as their herds succumb to drought.”
(Butchery Owner, 12 June 2022)
This was also reiterated by an Agriculture Extension Officer with the excerpt below:
“We have short-term drought effects including increases in crop and forage prices that results in decreased live cattle prices as farmers are induced by droughts to liquidate their beef cattle herd. Crop and forage price increases will in the long-run indirectly force farmers to reduce livestock inventory, leading to fewer animals moving through the meat supply chain and increased livestock prices”.
(Agriculture Extension Officer, 28 June 2022)
The results confirm the quantitative results in
Table 2, showing that urban livestock production in Masvingo city has been significantly and negatively influenced by climate change-induced hazards. These results are in line with findings from earlier research that indicated increases in the costs of inputs due to climate hazards [