The Multiple Role of Silicon Nutrition in Alleviating Environmental Stresses in Sustainable Crop Production
:1. Introduction
2. Analysis of Silicon in Plants
3. Availability of Silicon for Plants
4. Silicon Uptake and Transport in Plants
5. Phytoliths
Areas of Practical Use for Phytoliths
6. Effects and Possibilities of Silicon Fertilization
7. Silicon—A Valuable Tool for Regulating Biological and Abiological Stresses in Crop Production
7.1. Abiotic Stresses
7.1.1. Function of Silicon in Mitigating Plant Nutrient Imbalance and Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency
7.1.2. Function of Silicon in Mitigating Metal and Heavy Metal Stress
7.1.3. Function of Silicon in Mitigating the Negative Effect of Heat and Drought Stress
7.1.4. Function of Silicon in Mitigating the Negative Effect of Salt Stress
7.1.5. Function of Silicon in Carbon Sequestration
7.2. Biotic Stresses
7.2.1. Disease Resistance
7.2.2. Pest Resistance
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kovács, S.; Kutasy, E.; Csajbók, J. The Multiple Role of Silicon Nutrition in Alleviating Environmental Stresses in Sustainable Crop Production. Plants 2022, 11, 1223.
Kovács S, Kutasy E, Csajbók J. The Multiple Role of Silicon Nutrition in Alleviating Environmental Stresses in Sustainable Crop Production. Plants. 2022; 11(9):1223.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKovács, Szilvia, Erika Kutasy, and József Csajbók. 2022. "The Multiple Role of Silicon Nutrition in Alleviating Environmental Stresses in Sustainable Crop Production" Plants 11, no. 9: 1223.
APA StyleKovács, S., Kutasy, E., & Csajbók, J. (2022). The Multiple Role of Silicon Nutrition in Alleviating Environmental Stresses in Sustainable Crop Production. Plants, 11(9), 1223.