Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement
:1. Introduction
2. Economic Importance of Eggplant
2.1. Bioactive Compounds of Eggplant
2.1.1. Phenolic
2.1.2. Carotenoids
2.1.3. Glycoalkaloids
2.2. Antioxidant Capacity of Eggplant
3. Eggplant Origin and Domestication: First Insights
4. Global Germplasm Collection and Conservation
5. Strengthening Interdisciplinary Collaborations for Management and Utilization of Germplasm
6. Characterization of Eggplant Diversity
7. Classical Genetics and Traditional Breeding
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Area | Area Harvested | Production | Area | Area Harvested | Production |
China | 782,998 | 35,590,700 | Spain | 3470 | 245,150 |
India | 727,000 | 12,680,000 | Mexico | 2333 | 185,234 |
Egypt | 43,818 | 1,180,240 | Algeria | 6047 | 184,145 |
Turkey | 23,337 | 822,659 | Syrian Arab Republic | 8342 | 154,807 |
Iran | 21,350 | 670,158 | Iraq | 8660 | 136,749 |
Indonesia | 43,954 | 575,392 | Sri Lanka | 9877 | 134,863 |
Japan | 8650 | 301,700 | Kazakhstan | 4812 | 108,065 |
Italy | 9550 | 300,620 | United States of America | 2614 | 105,302 |
Philippines | 21,819 | 249,890 | Rest of the world | 119,173 | 1,572,468 |
Total | 1,847,804 | 55,198,142 |
Nutrient (Unit) | Amount | Nutrient (Unit) | Amount |
Proximates | Vitamins | ||
Sugars, total (g) | 3.53 | Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) (μg) | 3.5 |
Fibre, total dietary (g) | 3 | Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) (mg) | 0.3 |
Carbohydrate, (g) | 5.88 | Vitamin A, IU (IU) | 23 |
Total lipid (fat) (g) | 0.18 | Vitamin A, RAE (μg) | 1 |
Protein (g) | 0.98 | Folate, DFE (μg) | 22 |
Energy (kcal) | 25 | Vitamin B6 (mg) | 0.084 |
Water (g) | 92.3 | Niacin (mg) | 0.649 |
Minerals | Riboflavin (mg) | 0.037 | |
Zinc, Zn (mg) | 0.16 | Thiamin (mg) | 0.039 |
Sodium, Na (mg) | 2 | Vitamin C (mg) | 2.2 |
Potassium, K (mg) | 229 | Lipids | |
Phosphorus, P (mg) | 24 | Cholesterol (mg) | 0 |
Magnesium, Mg (mg) | 14 | Fatty acids, total polysaturated (g) | 0.076 |
Iron, Fe (mg) | 0.23 | Fatty acids, total monosaturated (g) | 0.016 |
Calcium, Ca (mg) | 9 | Fatty acids, total saturated (g) | 0.034 |
Scientific Name | GBIF [34] | GENESYS [35] | AVGRIS [36] |
Solanum nigrum | 211,385 | 44 | 20 |
Solanum americanum | 27,624 | 43 | 189 |
Solanum melongena | 21,852 | 4056 | 2256 |
Solanum torvum | 12,775 | 115 | 39 |
Solanum villosum | 11,590 | 48 | 17 |
Solanum sisymbriifolium | 7054 | 4 | 10 |
Solanum nigrescens | 4794 | 1 | 2 |
Solanum aethiopicum | 4230 | 590 | 60 |
Solanum anguivi | 4098 | 6 | 39 |
Solanum anguivi | 4098 | 23 | 4 |
Solanum seaforthianum | 3713 | 3 | 5 |
Solanum linnaeanum | 3327 | 4 | 3 |
Solanum linnaeanum | 3327 | 3 | 3 |
Solanum capsicoides | 2638 | 1 | 1 |
Solanum viarum | 2237 | 3 | 17 |
Solanum incanum | 2008 | 28 | 3 |
Solanum aculeatissimum | 1873 | 46 | 19 |
Solanum violaceum | 1606 | 1 | 59 |
Solanum scabrum | 1400 | 148 | 55 |
Solanum macrocarpon | 1365 | 95 | 42 |
Solanum lasiocarpum | 1076 | 31 | 34 |
Solanum virginianum | 1032 | 1 | 3 |
Solanum virginianum | 1032 | 3 | 3 |
Solanum trilobatum | 207 | 10 | 7 |
Solanum ferox | 150 | 11 | 8 |
Solanum insanum | 110 | 11 | 16 |
Grand total | 1,518,222 | 5204 | 2907 |
Seedling Traits | Unit | Scale |
Germination period | no. | Number of days from sowing to first seed germination |
Cotyledonous leaf color | - | 7 = Violet; 5 = Light violet; 3 = Green |
Cotyledonous leaf length | mm | N = 10 |
Cotyledonous leaf width | mm | N = 10 |
Cotyledon length to width ratio | - | 9 = Very high (>5.0); 7 = High (~3.5); 5 = Intermediate (~2.5); 3 = Low (~2.2); 1 = Very low (<2.0) |
Vegetative Traits | ||
Plant breadth at flowering stage | cm | 9 = Very strong (>130); 7 = Broad (~90); 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Narrow (~40); 1 = Very narrow (<30) |
Plant height at flowering stage | cm | 9 = Very tall (>150); 7 = Tall (~100); 5 = Intermediate (~60); 3 = Short (~30); 1 = Very short (<20) |
Plant growth habit | - | 7 = Prostrate; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Upright; 1 = Very upright |
Stem ridging | - | 7 = Prominent; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Shallow; 0 = Absent |
Degree of stem pubescence | - | 4 = Very many; 3 = Many; 2 = Intermediate; 1 = Few; 0 = Absent |
Spines on stem | - | 7 = Long; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Short; 0 = Absent; |
Number of primary branches per plant | no. | 9 = Very strong (>30); 7 = Strong (~20); 5 = Intermediate (~10); 3 = Weak (~5); 1 = Very weak (~2) |
Petiole length | mm | 9 = Very long (>100); 7 = Long (~50); 5 = Intermediate (~30); 3 = Short (~10); 1 = Very short (<5); 0 = None |
Petiole color | - | 9 = Dark brown; 7 = Dark violet; 3 = Violet; 2 = Greenish violet; 1 = Green |
Leaf blade length | cm | 7 = Long (~30); 5 = Intermediate (~20); 3 = Short (~10) |
Leaf blade width (maximum width) | cm | 7 = Wide (~15); 5 = Intermediate (~10); 3 = Narrow (~5) |
Leaf blade tip angle | - | 9 = Very obtuse (>160°); 7 = Obtuse (~110°); 5 = Intermediate (~75°); 3 = Acute (~45°); 1 = Very acute (<15°) |
Leaf blade lobes | - | 9 = Very strong; 7 = Strong; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Weak; 1 = Very weak |
Leaf blade color (upper surface) | - | 9 = Violet; 7 = Greenish violet; 5 = Dark green; 3 = Green; 1 = Light green |
Leaf hairs (no. of hair per mm2 on lower surface of the leaf) | no. | 9 = Very many (>200); 7 = Many (100–200); 5 = Intermediate (50–100); 3 = Few (20–50); 1 = Very few (<20) |
Leaf prickles (no. of leaf prickles on upper surface of the leaf) | no. | 9 = Very many (>20); 7 = Many (11–20); 5 = Intermediate (6–10); 3 = Few (3–5); 1 = Very few (1–2); 0 = None |
Inflorescence Traits | ||
Flowering time | no. | Number of days from sowing until first flower opening |
Sepal length | cm | N = 5 |
Petal length | cm | N = 5 |
Stamen length | cm | N = 5 |
Style Exsertion | - | 7 = Exerted; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Inserted |
Pollen production | - | 7 = High; 5 = Medium; 3 = Low; 0 = None |
Relative style length | mm | 7 = Long (~5); 5 = Intermediate (~3); 3 = Short (~1); |
Corolla color | - | 9 = Bluish violet; 7 = Light violet; 5 = Pale violet; 3 = White; 1 = Greenish white; 0 = Yellow |
Seed Traits | ||
100 seeds weight | gm | - |
Seed size (diameter) | mm | 7 = Large (~4); 5 = Intermediate (~3); 3 = Small (~2) |
Seed density | - | 7 = Dense; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Scarce |
Number of seeds per fruit | - | 9 = Very many (>500); 7 = Many (~300); 5 = Intermediate (~100); 3 = Few (~50); 1 = Very few (<10); 0 = None |
Seed color | - | 9 = Black; 6 = Brown black; 5 = Brown; 4 = Brownish yellow; 3 = Grey yellow; 2 = Light yellow; 1 = White |
Fruit Traits | ||
Fruiting date | no. | Days to 50% mature fruits per plant |
Fruit breadth (diameter at broadest part) | cm | 9 = Very large (>10); 7 = Large (~5); 5 = Intermediate (~3); 3 = Small (~2); 1 = Very small (<1) |
Fruit length (from base of calyx to tip of fruit) | cm | 9 = Very long (>20); 7 = Long (~10); 5 = Intermediate (~5); 3 = Short (~2); 1 = Very short (<1) |
Fruit length/breadth ratio | - | 9 = Several times as long as broad; 8 = Three times as long as broad; 7 = Twice as long as broad; 5 = Slightly longer than broad; 3 = As long as broad; 1 = Broader than long |
Fruit calyx prickles (N = 10) | no. | 9 = Very many (>30); 7 = Many (~20); 5 = Intermediate (~10); 3 = Few (~5); 1 = Very few (<3); 0 = None |
Fruit cross-section | - | 9 = Very irregular; 7 = Many grooves (~8); 5 = Few grooves (~4); 3 = Elliptic, no grooves; 1 = Circular, no grooves |
Fruit pedicel prickles | no. | 9 = Very many (>30); 7 = Many (~20); 5 = Intermediate (~10); 3 = Few (~5); 1 = Very few (<3); 0 = None |
Fruit pedicel thickness | mm | 9 = Very thick (>10); 7 = Thick (~5); 5 = Intermediate (~3); 3 = Thin (~2); 1 = Very thin (<1) |
Fruit pedicel length | mm | 9 = Very long (~75); 7 = Long (~50); 5 = Intermediate (~25); 3 = Short (~10); 1 = Very short (<5) |
Fruit color at commercial ripeness | - | 9 = Black; 8 = Purple black; 7 = Purple; 6 = Lilac gray; 5 = Scarlet red; 4 = Fire red; 3 = Deep yellow; 2 = Milk white; 1 = Green |
Fruit curvature | - | 9 = U shaped; 8 = Sickle shaped; 7 = Snake shaped; 5 = Curved; 3 = Slightly curved; 1 = None |
Fruit yield per plant | gm | 9 = Very high (>5000); 7 = High (~2500); 5 = Intermediate (~1000); 3 = Low (~500); 1 = Very low (<250) |
Fruit flesh density | - | 9 = Very dense; 7 = Dense; 5 = Average density; 3 = Loose (crumbly); 1 = Very loose (spongy) |
Fruit color at physiological ripeness | - | 9 = Black; 8 = Light brown; 7 = Scarlet red; 6 = Poppy red; 5 = Fired red; 4 = Deep orange; 3 = Yellow orange; 2 = Deep yellow; 1 = Green |
Fruit position | - | 9 = Pendant; 7 = Semi-pendant; 5 = Horizontal; 3 = Semi-erect; 1 = Erect |
Fruit apex shape | - | 7 = Depressed; 5 = Rounded; 3 = Protruded |
Varietal mixture condition | - | 7 = Serious mixture; 5 = Medium mixture; 3 = Slight mixture; 0 = Pure |
Fruit color distribution at commercial ripeness | - | 7 = Striped; 5 = Netted; 3 = Mottled; 1 = Uniform |
Fruit shape | - | 7 = About 3/4 way from base to tip; 5 = About 1/2 way from base to tip; 3 = About 1/4 way from base to tip |
Fruit flavor | - | 7 = Sweet; 5 = Intermediate; 3 = Bitter |
Relative fruit calyx length | mm | N = 10 |
Number of locules per fruit | no. | N = 10 |
Number of fruit per plant | no. | Total number of fruit per plant |
Parents | Fusion | Hybrid Characteristics | Source |
S. melongena ×S. tuberosum | Electrical | Introgression of bacterial wilt resistance to Solanum tuberosum from Solanum melongena | [70] |
S. integrifolium ×S. sanitwongsei | UV | Ralstonia solanacearum Resistance | [67] |
S. melongena ×S. aethiopicum gr. Aculeatum | Electrical | Fertile and fusarium wilt resistant | [71] |
S. melongena ×S. sanitwongsei | polyethylene glycol | Fertile and bacterial wilt resistant | [72] |
S. melongena ×S. aethiopicum gr. Aculeatum | Electrical | Ralstonia solanacearum Resistant and high-yielding | [73] |
S. melongena ×S. integrifolium | - | Fertile and bacterial wilt resistant | [74] |
S. melongena ×S. nigrum | Electrical | Sterile and atrazine resistant | [75] |
S. melongena ×S. torvum | Electrical | Sterile hybrid resistance to nematodes and Verticillium dahlia | [76] |
S. melongena ×S. nigrum | polyethylene glycol | Sterile and atrazine resistant | [77] |
S. melongena ×S. torvum | polyethylene glycol | Sterile hybrid partial resistance to mites and resistance to Verticillium wilt | [78] |
S. melongena × S.khasianum | Electrical | Sterile and Leucinodes orbonalis resistant | [79] |
Solanum melongena ×S. sisymbrifolium | polyethylene glycol | Sterile hybrid resistant to mites and nematodes | [80] |
S. melongena ×S. torvum | Electrical | Ralstonia solanacearum and Verticillium dahlia resistant | [81] |
Trait | Source | Reference |
Powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) | S. pseudocapsicum, S. aviculare, S. aculeatissimum, S. linnaeanum, | [91] |
Phomopsis fruit rot (Phomopsis vexans) | Solanum xanthocarpum, S nigrum, S gila, S indicum, S. khasianum, S sisymbrifolium | [92] |
Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae) | S integrifolium | [93] |
Spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) | S. sisymbrifolium,S. pseudocapsium, S. mamosum, S. integrifolium, S. macrocarpon, | [94] |
Eggplant fruit and shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) | S. melongena: VI047451; S incanum; S integrifolium; S hispidum; S. khasianum, | [95,96,97,98] |
Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) | S. melongena: A-264-A; S. torvum ‘CNPH 610′ | [99] |
Leafhopper (Amrasca devastans Distant) | S. melongena: VI035835, VI035822, VI034971 | [100] |
Spotted beetles (Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius) | Shankar Vijay, Hissar Selection 14, Arka Shirish | [101] |
Little leaf disease | Solanum hispidum; S. melongena: Nurki, Hisar Shyamal, H-10 | [97,102] |
Bacterial wilt (BW), (Ralstonia solanacearum) | BG 219; EG 203; BG 192; TS 3; S. melongena: TS90, TS87, TS69, TS47, VI034885 and TS3 | [100,103] |
Verticillium wilt (Verticillium spp.) | Skoutari, EMI, S. linnaeanum | [11,104] |
Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici) | PI413784 | [105] |
leaf mosaic virus | S. hispidum | [97] |
aphids | S. hispidum | [97] |
High antioxidant activity | S. aethiopicum: S00197, S. melongena: S00022, S00062 | [86] |
Early maturity | S. melongena: VI046110 | [100] |
High yielding | S. melongena: EG235, EG233, VI44067, VI047332, VI046097, VI037736, VI046110, VI047333, VI045551 | [106] |
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Oladosu, Y.; Rafii, M.Y.; Arolu, F.; Chukwu, S.C.; Salisu, M.A.; Olaniyan, B.A.; Fagbohun, I.K.; Muftaudeen, T.K. Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement. Plants 2021, 10, 1714.
Oladosu Y, Rafii MY, Arolu F, Chukwu SC, Salisu MA, Olaniyan BA, Fagbohun IK, Muftaudeen TK. Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement. Plants. 2021; 10(8):1714.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOladosu, Yusuff, Mohd Y. Rafii, Fatai Arolu, Samuel Chibuike Chukwu, Monsuru Adekunle Salisu, Bolanle Amudalat Olaniyan, Ifeoluwa Kayode Fagbohun, and Taoheed Kolawole Muftaudeen. 2021. "Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement" Plants 10, no. 8: 1714.
APA StyleOladosu, Y., Rafii, M. Y., Arolu, F., Chukwu, S. C., Salisu, M. A., Olaniyan, B. A., Fagbohun, I. K., & Muftaudeen, T. K. (2021). Genetic Diversity and Utilization of Cultivated Eggplant Germplasm in Varietal Improvement. Plants, 10(8), 1714.