Web Publication of Schmitt’s Map of Southern Germany (1797)—The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis
:1. Historical Background
2. The Schmitt’s Map
- Germany: Baden-Württemberg (full coverage), Bayern (almost full coverage), Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate (cc. half of their territories), and some parts of Saar and Thüringen;
- Austria: Salzburg and Vorarlberg (full coverage), and some parts of Tirol;
- Lichtenstein: full coverage;
- Some parts of France and Switzerland.
3. Previous and Contemporary Survey Maps
4. Triangulation Works in the Schmitt’s Map Area before 1797
5. The Construction and Projection of Schmitt’s Map
6. Scanning, Georeferencing, and Web Publishing of Schmitt’s Map
7. Accuracy of the Georeferencing of Schmitt’s Map
8. Conclusions
- The projection of the Schmitt map, like the two main triangulation chains, is the Paris-centered Cassini projection, from which the network north is rotated by 5 degrees, thus coinciding the geographical and network norths in West Germany;
- The projection mentioned in the previous point was achieved in practice by using a controlling, low-scale map sketch in the Cassini projection;
- The map content of each sheet was compiled from previous maps, sketches, or rapid survey data according to this control sketch. The majority or all of the original map material is assumed to have been prepared in local coordinate systems using a measuring table by graphic triangulation.
- The Cassini-based control sketch ensured that the map did not show the major regional distortions that characterized maps of similar size until the early 17th century. If the section mosaic is georeferenced in the Cassini projection without further correction, the residual errors average 1–1.5 km, up to 5 km at extremities, partly due to internal survey distortions in the maps on which the compilation is based, but more largely due to hastily carried out redrawing.
- The nature of the accuracy of Schmitt’s map is very similar to that of contemporary cartography: no significant regional distortion errors, but local survey errors are large by today’s standards. And not only by today’s standards. The local errors are about twice as large as the average error of 5–600 m of the Cassini map of France or the Hungarian zone (the largest one) of the first Habsburg military survey, which is similar in area to the Schmitt map. This is the difference between the accuracy of regular triangulation-based surveys—but still without subordinate geodetic networks—and map works based on compilations of maps, sketch maps, and survey sketches from different sources.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Timár, G.; Kiss, E. Web Publication of Schmitt’s Map of Southern Germany (1797)—The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2024, 13, 207. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi13060207
Timár G, Kiss E. Web Publication of Schmitt’s Map of Southern Germany (1797)—The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2024; 13(6):207. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi13060207
Chicago/Turabian StyleTimár, Gábor, and Eszter Kiss. 2024. "Web Publication of Schmitt’s Map of Southern Germany (1797)—The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 13, no. 6: 207. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi13060207