Place Recognition with Memorable and Stable Cues for Loop Closure of Visual SLAM Systems †
:1. Introduction
- A semantically aware place recognition method is introduced, efficiently reducing the less meaningful feature information in the database.
- Optimize the overall image retrieval database by removing unnecessary local features that have less contribution to place recognition.
- 3D spatial information of the landmarks has been used for correct place recognition, which produces the highest precession and recall accuracy.
- A new benchmarking Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) dataset has been introduced for visual place recognition and V-SLAM evaluation.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Method
3.1. Meaningful Feature Selection
3.2. Topological Database
3.3. Database Query and Geometrical Verification
3.3.1. Points Picking Policy
3.3.2. Computing Similar Triangle
4. Experimental Evaluation
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Evaluation Metrics
4.3. Experimental Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BoW | Bag-of-Words |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
EKF | Extended Kalman Filter |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
i2i | Image-to-Image |
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory |
MAV | Micro Aerial Vehicle |
PGO | Pose Graph Optimization |
PnP | Perspective-n-Point |
RTK | Real-Time Kinematic |
SBC | Single Board Computer |
SLAM | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping |
UniSA | University of South Australia |
UniSA-MLK | University of South Australia—Mawson Lakes |
VPR | Visual Place Recognition |
V-SLAM | Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping |
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Dataset | Resolution | Network | Accuracy | Jetson Xavier |
Cityscapes | 512 × 256 | fcn-resnet18 | 83.3% | 480 FPS |
Cityscapes | 1024 × 521 | fcn-resnet18 | 87.3% | 176 FPS |
DeepScene | 576 × 320 | fcn-resnet18 | 96.4% | 360 FPS |
Pascal VOC | 512 × 400 | fcn-resnet18 | 64.0% | 340 FPS |
Dataset | Description | Image Size |
(px × px) | ||
Outdoors, | ||
New College [46] | Dynamic Objects, | 512 × 384 @ 20 Hz |
Frontal Camera | ||
Indoors, | ||
Bicocca [45] | Static Objects, | 640 × 480 |
Frontal Camera | ||
Urban Area, | ||
City Centre [5] | Dynamic Objects, | 640 × 480 |
Lateral Camera | ||
Outdoors, | ||
Malaga [47] | Dynamic Objects, | 1024 × 768 |
Lateral Camera | ||
Outdoors, | ||
Victoria Park, Adelaide, Australia [Ours] | Dynamic Objects, | 1024 × 720 @ 30 Hz |
Frontal Stereo Camera |
GPU | 512-core Volta GPU with Tensor Cores | Depth FPS | Up to 100 Hz |
CPU | 8-core ARM v8.2 64-bit CPU, 8 MB L2 + 4 MB L3 | Depth Range | 0.2–20 m (0.65 to 65 ft) |
Memory | 32 GB 256-Bit LPDDR4× | 137 GB/s | Sensors | Accelerator, Gyroscope, Barometer, Magnetometer, Temperature Sensor |
Storage | 32 GB eMMC 5.1 | Lens | Wide-angle with optically corrected distortion |
DL Accelerator | (2×) NVDLA Engines | Field of View | 110° (H) × 70° (V) × 120° (D) max. |
Vision Accelerator | 7-way VLIW Vision Processor | Aperture | ƒ/1.8 |
Encoder/Decoder | (2×) 4Kp60 | HEVC/(2×) 4Kp60 | 12-Bit Support | Sensor Resolution | Dual 4M pixels sensors with 2-micron pixels |
Dataset | Methods | Precision (%) | Recall (%) |
New College | Proposed | 100 | 75.80 |
Sarlin [49] | 100 | 62.25 | |
DBoW2 [13] | 100 | 60.12 | |
FAB-MAP [5] | 100 | 52.54 | |
Malaga6L | Proposed | 100 | 77.45 |
Sarlin [49] | 100 | 78.42 | |
DBoW2 [13] | 100 | 72.56 | |
FAB-MAP [5] | 100 | 65.87 | |
Bicocca25b | Proposed | 100 | 85.32 |
Sarlin [49] | 100 | 80.20 | |
DBoW2 [13] | 100 | 56.52 | |
FAB-MAP [5] | 100 | N/A | |
City Center | Proposed | 100 | 65.45 |
Sarlin [49] | 100 | 45.15 | |
DBoW2 [13] | 100 | 32.73 | |
FAB-MAP [5] | 100 | 36.64 | |
Victoria Park | Proposed | 100 | 72.23 |
Sarlin [49] | 100 | 53.50 | |
DBoW2 [13] | 100 | 42.25 | |
FAB-MAP [5] | 100 | 38.70 |
Tasks | Execution Time (ms) | |||
Mean | Std | Min | Max | |
Attention Network | 2.85 | 0.45 | 1.52 | 5.65 |
Feature Extraction | 10.81 | 6.44 | 7.00 | 56.00 |
Bag of Words | 7.47 | 3.54 | 3.00 | 25.00 |
Geometrical Verification | 2.50 | 2.41 | 1.48 | 10.50 |
Total Time | 23.63 | 12.84 | 13.00 | 96.00 |
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Share and Cite
Islam, R.; Habibullah, H. Place Recognition with Memorable and Stable Cues for Loop Closure of Visual SLAM Systems. Robotics 2022, 11, 142.
Islam R, Habibullah H. Place Recognition with Memorable and Stable Cues for Loop Closure of Visual SLAM Systems. Robotics. 2022; 11(6):142.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIslam, Rafiqul, and Habibullah Habibullah. 2022. "Place Recognition with Memorable and Stable Cues for Loop Closure of Visual SLAM Systems" Robotics 11, no. 6: 142.
APA StyleIslam, R., & Habibullah, H. (2022). Place Recognition with Memorable and Stable Cues for Loop Closure of Visual SLAM Systems. Robotics, 11(6), 142.