1. Introduction
The use of robotics to remove humans from hazardous environments has been increasing in recent years [
1]. In particular, robotic solutions have been used to decrease the risk to radiation workers during routine and emergency scenarios in the nuclear sector [
2]. Robots can be designed to monitor ambient radiation levels and identify contamination [
5], monitor spent fuel and assets [
6] and handle materials [
8], amongst other general inspection tasks, whilst monitoring their own internal radiation exposure to avoid damage to circuitry and materials [
The use of robots has been highlighted as a key area for development for nuclear decommissioning and monitoring efforts in the United Kingdom [
4] as well as globally [
2], with the possibility to not only protect human health, but to reduce cost, accelerate operations, and improve repeatability and information collection capabilities through in situ sampling and inspection. However, robotic solutions need to demonstrate safe and reliable operation in a number of scenarios before their adoption will be widespread. Without this, stakeholder confidence in the use of autonomous robots will be low, resulting in limited uptake of such systems. Recently, the UK nuclear industry suggested that software validation and verification, along side specific trials, will be a necessary part of testing robotic systems before deployment into the most harsh environments [
One solution is to use representative facilities [
13]. These allow for testing of a robot’s capabilities in a realistic demonstration site, without the presence of certain hazards. However, by lacking these critical hazardous components, there will be a fundamental impact on the autonomous behaviour of a robotic system, which can raise concerns over insufficient testing. It is imperative that algorithms and autonomous elements of these systems are exposed to situations where radiological or other hazardous materials are present to force the testing of reactionary behaviours.
Gaining access to active sites for continuous testing of systems can be difficult, typically due to security, radiation exposure, and contamination concerns. Moreover, minimising radiation exposure in accordance with the principals of ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) can greatly limit the strength of radioactive sources used in laboratory trials and testing. Though these scenarios have utility, they are ultimately unrepresentative of the most challenging radiation environments faced by robots, which can contain large quantities of mixed and dispersed radioactive materials [
To reduce the need for excessive deployments into active scenarios during routine development of robotic systems and to reduce lead times and operator exposure in accordance with ALARP, a method to test robotic capabilities within a simulated radiation field is required. Furthermore, there exists a growing requirement for robots, particularly whilst under development, to have compatibility with the Robot Operating System (ROS), including at a regulatory or governmental level [
15]. As a result, an increasing number of bespoke and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) platforms and radiation sensing instruments are being made ROS compatible [
19]. Currently no existing codified solution to simulate complex radiation fields and sensors in a ROS compatible manner is available to researchers and industrial operators, greatly inhibiting development of nuclear-relevant robots.
Simulation tools have been a useful resource for the robotics community for many years, removing the need for access to sites or physical robots. These simulation environments provide safe scenarios in which to test robots and algorithms, whilst removing many of the previously highlighted issues regarding site access, variety and safety. One popular simulation environment used in the robotics community is Gazebo [
20], offering physics based simulations of robot mechanisms and sensors with extensive ROS integration. This allows for control of simulated robots in the same way real systems would be used with ROS, with the ability to run the same code on both. These simulation tools are useful, but can be challenging to set up and to edit. For tasks such as environmental monitoring, they can often be difficult to extend with additional functionality.
This work addresses this pressing need by providing a simulation based approach for extensive testing of robotics in nuclear environments. It presents the use of the natively ROS-compatible physics simulator Gazebo [
20] with a custom radiation sensor plugin implemented to mimic the behaviour of radioactive sources and sensors. This allows for an environment in which developers can continue to leverage the existing functionality of Gazebo to model robots, their sensors (such as LiDAR and cameras) and their interactions with physical environments, whilst providing the additional capability to simulate radiation fields. Simulated radiation sensors can publish information directly to ROS, enabling rapid development of algorithms and autonomous behaviours pertaining to radiation with the rest of the robot’s general functionality. Simulations have been identified as a key resource for predicting, planning, verification, and validation of research [
21], and this work allows developers to exploit simulated environments more effectively for nuclear-centric robotics.
Tools are also provided and demonstrated to quickly build and prepare simulated environments that contain items that would commonly be found in facilities requiring inspection in nuclear scenarios, such as storage drums with differing structural conditions (deformation, swelling, corrosion etc.). Multiple radiation sources of varying locations and magnitudes can be easily generated along with multiple radiation detectors of defined sensitivity response.
The article will present how these tools can be used to generate complex and unique environments before presenting an example of realistic radiation mapping of an environment, through the use of the radiation plugin integration, which previously has not been possible. Using the radiation plugin with the world building tools presented gives the users the ability to develop algorithms which try to reduce/limit total dose received by a robot by avoiding high dose areas, without having to access such a facility. The environments developed interact with the radiation to shield and attenuate the radiation measured by the robot.
Currently, there exist several challenges issued by organisations to promote remote inspection of nuclear environments. These challenges contain many of the generic difficulties faced by industry and include the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Robotics Challenge [
22], the European Robotics Hackathon ENRICH [
23], Sellafield Ltd Game Changers challenges [
24] and the Fukushima Robot Test Field [
25]. In this same manner, this work provides prearranged test environments in which users can benchmark robot platforms, closely referenced to real-world deployment opportunities, based on facilities in the UK such as Sellafield and Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE). In each environment, activities have been suggested based on the needs of UK nuclear stakeholders. These are centred around key activities which rely on sensors reporting on radiation, radiation mapping, source identification, and monitoring of robot health.
The article is structured as follows:
Section 2 details the usage of the world builder tools and the Gazebo implementation for the radiation sensor plugin and its underlying physics approach. Demonstration and benchmarking of the radiation simulation is reported in
Section 3, followed by a discussion of the limitations and challenge scenarios in
Section 4. Final concluding remarks are found in
Section 5.
3. Results
3.1. Benchmarking
The Gazebo implementation of modelling radiation fields was compared against a Monte Carlo simulation of the same geometry. The simulation code used was the well established MCNP6 [
50], designed for radiation transport studies, with each run generating 100 million photons in an isotropic pattern. The gamma intensity estimates made in Gazebo did not feature a noise profile, to add in clarity in assessing if the relationship with distance and attenuation functions correctly.
This experiment was undertaken to determine if the Gazebo simulation implementation describes both the relationship with distance, and with attenuating materials correctly. To this end, the test environment consists of a point source, with three attenuating objects placed at cardinal directions and one direction left unperturbed. These attenuating objects were placed 0.3 m from the source, either modelled as water or concrete, two common media found in nuclear environments. Each object either has differing attenuation coefficient or thickness to test the two major parameters for estimating attenuation.
The radiation source was chosen as a Caesium-137 point source as it is a common isotope found in radiological inspection, with only a single dominant 0.66 MeV gamma emission considered in this work. Designers of the Quince robot immediately deployed at Fukushima considered Cs-137 as the most relevant isotope during robot design and inspection [
9], whereas for regions around the legacy Chernobyl site, Cs-137 continues to be used as a primary isotope for detection [
51]. For the MCNP simulation, flux impinging on a modelled perfect detector was recorded at 1 cm resolution from the source in each cardinal direction based on the same 3D geometry of a point source with three objects. As the Gazebo implementation only considers mono-energetic models, in MCNP the total flux was spectrally filtered to only account for contributions from Cs-137 in a small window around 0.66 MeV. The Gazebo simulation was sampled using a 1 × 1 mm grid resolution in 2D to record the intensity measured by a pseudo detector of uniform sensitivity.
Figure 11 shows the test environment built using the world builder tools. It consists of three attenuating media labelled A–C, placed orthogonal to the point source. The objects labelled A and B are based on water, with 5 and 10 cm thicknesses, respectively, and therefore B should exhibit approximately the square of the attenuation to A. Object C is modelled as concrete, with a greater linear attenuation coefficient than water, i.e., for the same 5 cm thickness as water, the attenuation should be greater. The linear attenuation coefficients for water and concrete are ≈
and ≈
; therefore, over 5 cm, using Equation (
2), the attenuation is ≈
and ≈
, respectively. For 10 cm of water the attenuation factor is expected to be ≈
, very similar to concrete of only half the thickness.
As air itself is an attenuating medium, to be consistent with MCNP simulations free space was also modelled with a linear attenuation coefficient of ≈
. Values for linear attenuation were calculated using mass attenuation coefficients and densities from the NIST database of X-ray attenuation coefficients [
41], including the three additional objects in the simulations.
Figure 12 compares MCNP normalised values directly with those from Gazebo. It is clear the correct trend with distance is observed in Gazebo with respect to the MCNP benchmark. For the different materials and thicknesses of objects in the environment, attenuation phenomena are correctly modelled as a distinct decrease in intensity when compared to the unattenuated case. Moreover, the attenuation appears to be at the same scale for both simulations, demonstrating the efficacy of the simpler Gazebo simulation.
The MCNP simulations took approximately one hour to compute each data point in
Figure 12; in comparison, the radiation component of the gazebo simulation was running at the same speed as the physics simulation and capable of reporting new radiation observations in the order of
times faster than MCNP before reaching hardware limitations in this instance. It is clear that running Monte Carlo particle transport simulations, such as MCNP, is not tenable for a real-time physics simulator such as Gazebo; however, the lightweight implementation presented in this work can effectively approximate radiation fields from a mono-energetic point source at speeds necessary for effective simulations.
3.2. Multiple Radiation Sources in 3D
Having demonstrated the simulation can correctly model radiation intensity for a single source, performance with multiple sources was investigated. As a demonstration, six sources of equal strength were placed in an environment where they were embedded within objects representing storage drums objects.
Figure 13 shows the arrangement of drums in the environment, built using the previously described world builder tools, with
Figure 2g providing a template and
Figure 2j as the resulting Gazebo world. Drums with radiation sources embedded are highlighted with a coloured circle and a reference number. Drums were arranged in six groups of 2 × 3, with three layers stacked on top of each other for a total of 18 drums per grouping. The sources were placed in drums at the bottom layer at the same height as the sensor, with source 3 placed in a drum 1 m above this in the middle layer. This environment is a simplified version based on a real-world waste storage facility discussed in
Section 4.2.2. A pseudo sensor with uniform sensitivity traversed from left to right between the drums covering a distance of 28 m, indicated by a grey arrow.
The path taken is deliberately shifted by 1 m to be closer to the bottom row of drum arrangements. As all sources are of equal strength, it is expected that at closest approach these sources should yield greater gamma flux due to the decreased distance (e.g., source 2 compared to source 1). However, there is included some offset in where the drums are placed to represent a more realistic environment. Each drum is modelled as containing water, capable of attenuating radiation emitted from other drums, therefore producing a complex radiation field, with contributions from many sources.
Figure 13 shows the Gazebo detector intensity as a function of travel distance when only individual sources were present, and the case where all sources were present. As expected, the impact of distance is clear, with sources placed further from the sensor path registering fewer counts compared to those that were 1 m closer. Furthermore, the additional vertical distance of source 3 (≈
m) yields a reduction in detected counts compared to source 2, demonstrating correct behaviour across three dimensions. This distance also invokes a pattern through simple geometry, where further sources subtend a greater path length before being rapidly attenuated at the shoulders of the distribution by nearby drums. For example, source 1 has an extent of ≈
m, whereas sources 2 or 3 have a smaller extent of ≈
m. The rapid decrease in intensity due to attenuation by other drums is not seen for sources 5 and 6, which have an unobstructed path as the detector approaches them (distance < 24 m).
It can be seen in
Figure 13, with all sources present, that there are locations which demonstrate increased radiation intensity compared to the single source cases, due to the accumulative contributions from multiple sources. For example, peak intensities for sources 5 and 6 are approximately 250 and 950, respectively, whereas the peak intensity in combination is approximately 1200. Moreover, the unique features due to source 4, located in the back row of drums, are present superimposed on the broader contributions of nearby sources 5 and 6, as well as source 3.
The unique contribution from source 4 is a direct consequence of drums placed between the detector and drum containing the radiation source. These drums act to greatly attenuate emitted radiation, producing clear shine paths for gamma photons in the gaps between them, observed at roughly 15, 18, 20 and 23 m positions.
It is evident that the sensor can report the accumulative contribution of radiation intensity from multiple sources in 3D space, including for scenarios where the radiation field may be quite complex as a consequence of attenuating materials in the environment. The addition of sources can be extended beyond the six demonstrated in this experiment, and is only limited by processing capabilities of the simulation hardware. During development of these tools, it was observed that even with a greatly increased sensor update rate of 100 Hz, for realistic environments such as the drum store it was possible to include tens of sources, tens of detectors, whilst maintaining the same Gazebo real-time factor of 1.00 on a modest laptop computer with hundreds objects present in the scene. At a typical sensor update rate of 1 Hz, it is not anticipated that radiation simulation will negatively impact computational performance in the majority of cases.
3.3. Detector Collimation Using Sensitivity Functions
Some detector designs have a high degree of sensitivity to radiation flux as a function of their geometry, producing an inherent limited field of view [
52]. The use of collimation with radiation detectors may increase this anisotropy to allow for improved spatial isolation of incident particles to a more narrow field of view. This has been used on robots to aid in localisation and spectral identification of sources [
53], including imaging of operational nuclear reactors [
19]. With obvious utility to operators, this behaviour has been replicated in this work.
Miller et al. [
42] demonstrate a straightforward use of a collimated LaBr
scintillator detector on a robot platform to provide a measure of radiation intensity as a function of robot yaw angle, therefore localising multiple sources in an environment. The following experiment emulates this capability by introducing a simple sensitivity envelope to a pseudo detector.
The sensitivity response is taken as a simple Gaussian function with full width half maximum
radians), as an approximation to the detector sensitivity function as reported in [
42]. The maximum response, where sensitivity is unity is aligned with the y axis of the detector, shown in
Figure 14. The sensor is therefore highly insensitive to sources behind itself or at extreme angles to the sides. The sensor is also modelled with Poisson variance to mimic the random fluctuations of decay events of radioactive sources.
Figure 15 shows the sensor centred in a Gazebo environment surrounded by four drums at equal distance of 3.2 m facing the yaw = 0 direction. Drums A and B contain radiation sources, with approximate relative strength 100 and 50 counts per second, respectively, at the sensor location. This environment is modelled on mock nuclear case studies accessible through the UK National Nuclear User Facility, discussed in
Section 4.2.1.
As the detector rotates in position, the field of view of the detector is directed towards different drums.
Figure 16 presents the detected radiation intensity as a function of yaw angle for both uncollimated and collimated cases. In the uncollimated case, the detector always measures the cumulative contribution of the two sources. When the pseudo sensor is collimated, it is clear that the locations of individual radiation sources can be identified; moreover, it is evident the relative strength of each source is different.
Figure 16 shows the same behaviour found in [
42], demonstrating that approximating collimation and detector geometric response through the use of the provided sensitivity functions performs correctly to mimic the response seen in real-world detectors on robots. Moreover, the use of a Poisson variance provides the expected fluctuation in detected radiation intensity, as evidenced by the uncollimated case.
3.4. Integration with Robots in Complex Environments
Previous experiments have only showcased the sensor operating as an individual entity, traversing an environment with differing radiation field conditions. For applications and testing of robotic systems, it is necessary to demonstrate a pseudo-sensor in operation attached to a robotic platform and in a representative environment.
To this end, an uncollimated sensor with Poisson variance enabled was attached to a simulated Clearpath Jackal, with the robot manually controlled to explore an environment representative of an active nuclear facility at Sellafield Ltd, discussed in
Section 4.2.3.
Figure 17 shows the rendered Gazebo model of the nuclear facility, with the robot and attached sensor. The robot was limited to a maximum linear speed of 0.5 m/s, whilst the radiation sensor published observations at a rate of 1 Hz.
Radiation observations collected by the robot with its position are presented in
Figure 18a. Four radiation sources were placed in the environments labelled 1–4, attached to models in the environment with varying relative activity values of 5000, 900, 500, and 200 respectively. The position of the robot, and therefore the radiation sensor, was derived using the available ROS SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) package Gmapping using wheel odometry, IMU (interial measurement unit), and 2D LiDAR. Blue represents a low dose rate and green through orange to red represents a higher dose rate. Materials in the environment, including the walls and the objects which housed radiation sources, all act to attenuate radiation.
The measured dose rate at a given robot location and the accumulated total dose experienced by the robot is reported in
Figure 19. As the robot first approaches sources 1 and 2, there is a clear increase in local dose rate and therefore total received dose. As the robot traverses behind effective shielding concrete walls, this drops to very low levels. Once it approaches sources 3 and 4, there is again an increase in local dose rate; however, it is lower due to the proportionally lower activity sources.
The damaging influence of ionising radiation on electronics can be a concern for robotic systems developers [
9], as such during an inspection mission it may be beneficial for a robot to avoid radiation or retreat to a safe location. By monitoring the accumulated dose received by the robot, it can be used to set thresholds for robot health and trigger autonomous behaviours, much like a human responding to alarms from a personal dosimeter. This work provides a safer means by which to develop autonomous behaviours without the requirement of exposure to actual radioactive sources, which may damage robotic systems, for prolonged periods.
Robot-collected data can be further processed in real-time or post-inspection to infer conditions in the environment, driving development of robot behaviours or for planning of future missions. For example, using the technique outlined in [
5] the robot collected data in
Figure 18b was interpolated onto the map of the facility to give a more intuitive description of the radiation field and its features.
This interpolated map shows hot spots in the environment around each source. Attenuation is also demonstrated, including attenuation of source 1 by the object source 2 is embedded in. Attenuation due to concrete walls is clearly visible around sources 1 and 2. The shine path of gamma radiation through the opening in the walled off area directed in the +x, −y direction has been reconstructed through interpolation. This information could inform future missions to avoid this area, travelling through areas of lower dose rate to minimise total dose.
The simulated radiation capability provided by this work has utility to be exploited for numerous robotic platform development challenges for nuclear environments. Describing the behaviour of gamma radiation from point sources accurately, and its interaction with environmental objects.
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitations of Current Implementation of Radiation
To maintain a computationally lightweight solution only a minimal viable description of radiation behaviour has been utilised. This preserves computation resources for not only running the physics simulation, which alone can become unwieldy in complex environments, but for robot algorithms and autonomy. As a result some physical assumptions must be enforced which limit the description this implementation can provide.
Firstly, all radiation sources are described as point sources. It has been previously demonstrated that radiation sources in real-world nuclear environments may be distributed or highly collimated; however, the use of only point sources greatly reduces computational overhead and is a common assumption in nuclear inspection. Users who wish to include diffuse nonpoint sources can approximate this through the use of many point sources in close proximity, a common approach in more sophisticated simulation suites [
56]. As this implementation is computationally lightweight the use of many sources is possible.
The exclusion of scattering and reflections, reported in real-world nuclear environments [
57], is also an attempt to reduce computational requirements. To include true nonpoint sources, and more importantly scattering phenomena, typically requires the need for full Monte Carlo radiation transport modelling [
58], therefore ionising radiation simulations will commonly exclude this functionality to increase speed [
55]. Despite ongoing research into ray-tracing and light transport simulations [
59], they often rely on computational acceleration with dedicated graphics processing for real-time use. To be useful and run concurrently at equivalent real-time speeds of the physics simulation, this considerable escalation in hardware requirements was deemed too great to ask of users compared to the simplistic but effective offering in this work.
Users should understand however that this compromise of speed over accuracy can lead to discrepancies between simulated detector behaviour and real-world detector behaviour, which may have consequences when developing reconstruction approaches. Surfaces such as bench tops and walls may appear as weak distributed sources when in very close proximity to a source, which is not captured in this approach. Furthermore, for very strong or highly collimated sources, despite only small fractions of reflected photons from a surface, the high source intensity may lead to detection of backscattered gamma photons from surfaces large distances from a source [
5]. In short, in real-world deployment, spurious scattering may lead to abundance of apparent weak or diffuse sources, but the impact on analysis is entirely dependant on the approach used.
To maintain simplicity each source is assumed to be the same isotope. The benefit being that all sources are treated as emitting mono-energetic photons; therefore, the attenuation coefficients of materials can easily be expressed as a single value. Users do not have to consider the impact of photon energy on attenuation coefficients, detector response or modelling subsequent decay pathways. If required, some aspects of this can be emulated through the construction of appropriate sensitivity functions on a per detector basis. The addition of multiple coefficients for multiple energies is not prohibited by the current methods used, and could be implemented in future work. This also means that other species (alpha, beta, neutron) could also be included in this implementation in future work.
Furthermore, each source is treated as having an individually specified constant activity in time, which is not the case for real radioactive material as the progressive decay into daughter products alters the overall activity. However, on the time scales of a single robot mission, for long lived radioisotopes this approximation holds. Short-lived isotopes such as those used for medical imaging and therapeutic treatments may be poorly represented by a fixed activity source over the duration (minutes to hours) of a robotic inspection mission. Temporal changes in background or source production, for example, during ramp-up and shut down of a reactor, cannot be directly driven by source activity.
4.2. Modelled Nuclear Environments and Challenges
The environments presented are examples of trial opportunities and real-world challenges faced by the UK nuclear sector. Common tasks include radiation field characterisation, source localisation, drum integrity monitoring (i.e., monitoring for swelling due to gas production or corrosion), inventory management (through use of barcode reading on drums), and physical reconstruction. There are also opportunities to optimise these activities as well as maintain the health of the robot through the use of autonomous behaviours. The challenge tasks presented are not intended to be exhaustive, but representative of common industrial operations, and users are encouraged to augment the environments to suit their development needs.
4.2.1. NNUF-HR Drum Store Demonstrator
The National Nuclear User Facility-Hot Robotics (NNUF-HR) builds on existing infrastructure to provide enhanced research capabilities across the UK [
60]. One of its sites, based near The University of Manchester Dalton Cumbrian Facility, houses a small mock drum storage facility which can be used by researchers to demonstrate and trial robotic systems.
Having both the physical environment and its simulated digital twin available enables researchers to develop systems, sensing, algorithms, and autonomous behaviours rigorously before deploying physical hardware. The facility consists of a 5 × 5 m space, with four waste storage drums located around the space. Active sources can also be placed at locations around the facility to mimic contamination detection or general survey operations. This environment was the basis for the experiment undertaken in
Section 3.3, with the generated simulation space shown in
Figure 15.
Along with reconfigurable drum locations, in the space are walls and objects which attenuate radiation, therefore making mapping and localisation tasks more complex, and allowing for some variation in challenges for more robust validation. This simplified geometry makes prediction of robot behaviour easier, whilst providing enough freedom to define specific inspection challenges.
The suggested assessment for this scenario is for mobile or static manipulator robots to localise sources in the environment. Using emerging techniques such as scene data fusion [
61], leverage other robotic sensing modalities to further identify which objects contain radionuclides.
4.2.2. UKAEA CCFE Drum Store
The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) activities at their CCFE (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) site (Oxford, UK), namely relating to Fusion research at the JET (Joint European Torus) and MAST (Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak) facilities produce tritiated and neutron activated waste which is stored on site [
62]. Furthermore, with the future FTF (Fusion Technologies Facility) and H3AT (Hydrogen-3 Advanced Technology) facilities on-site expected to handle and manage tritiated and irradiated waste [
63], there is an increasing need to catalogue and monitor waste storage solutions.
The waste handling facility stores Low Level Waste (LLW) materials in UN approved 200 litre steel transport drums [
64], stacked on pallets up to three units tall [
65]. Each item is tagged with an identifying marker, either through laser etching or a label for tracking purposes as part of a radioactive inventory management system. The simulated space is approximately 12 × 36 m in size, with a varying number of drums arranged throughout the space.
Health monitoring of these drums is a primary concern for this facility. Deformation caused by gas accumulation, mishandling, and indications of corrosion are indicators of poor drum conditions. This information is collected and stored against the drum identifier and must be repeated at intervals as part of long-term monitoring activities. Furthermore, the does rate of each package must be assessed [
Figure 20 shows initial testing of a mobile robot being deployed into the drum store facility to undertake a health monitoring mission. The software tools this work provides includes the ability to subtly or drastically deform and add visual elements mimicking corrosion to models, including storage drums, in the environment. These can then be evolved over time to simulate the progress of time between survey activities.
The tasks suggested for this scenario, based on stakeholder needs, is to assess the dose rate for each new asset when it enters the facility, track the location of drums and monitor their physical health, and monitor for changes in ambient dose rate. As this is currently performed manually, automation through use of a mobile robot would be beneficial.
4.2.3. Sellafield Ltd. Inspection Challenge
The United Kingdom Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) forecast a cost in excess of GBP 200 bn over the next 120 years to address legacy and future sites across the UK [
66]. To reduce both cost and time associated with decommissioning and remediation of nuclear sites, effective characterisation of environments and materials has been highlighted as a critical requirement [
Sellafield is the largest nuclear site in the UK and is home to some of the most difficult challenges in the NDA estate [
68]. With a legacy of civil and defence operations spanning over 70 years [
69], the NDA and Sellafield Ltd prioritise reduction in the highest risks, which by their nature are often complex, sometimes with limited information regarding their current state [
68]. To reduce risk to human health, Sellafield Ltd have begun to adopt robotics to aid in carrying out inspection and decommissioning tasks [
As part of the UK EPSRC Robotics for Nuclear Environments project (EP/P01366X/1), Sellafield Ltd provided a representative facility for simulated robot deployment. This representation does not match any specific building or facility on-site, but offers an example of scales and geometry associated with active nuclear environments, including features such as pipework, vessels and stairways, and has been used previously to represent a typical nuclear facility [
The facility is approximately 19 m × 16 m, with a mezzanine situated in one corner 3 m above ground level. Industrial equipment and instruments are installed throughout the space, with pipe networks connecting some structures.
Figure 17 shows the environment simulated in Gazebo.
The suggested trial for this environment is to map the ambient dose rate in the facility (such as
Figure 18b), with the possibility of employing autonomous components to complete this task more effectively (with respect to user based heuristics e.g., time, accuracy/data quality). Furthermore, a robot should monitor its internal radiation exposure (see
Figure 19), and attempt to prolong mission lifetime by reducing continued exposure through autonomous behaviours.
4.3. World Builder Tools
The tools that have been developed provide a simple way of building complex environments, such as those described in
Section 4.2, for use with the Gazebo simulator on a per model basis.
Figure 2 shows how the tools developed are able to offer more than the current state of the art [
37], with its ability generate complex environments from multiple meshes and how it can make each element unique. The tools are then able to go beyond previous tools evolving the environment so that it degrades in a realistic manner and offers the integration of none visual/physical hazards, such as radiation, whilst keeping mesh densities low where possible to offer minimal impact on the physics engine.
These key benefits should aide users in development of algorithms designed for long term monitoring of changing environments, with the option of introducing environmental hazards in a realistic way, which was previously not possible.
Whilst demonstrating some possible ways of degrading an environment, the tools are not limited to only those showcased in this work, with other potential evolutionary features being trivial to implement. It is envisioned that these tools could be extended for disaster responses, such as chemical spillage or fire rescue scenarios. It is unlikely robotic platform developers will have regular access to a variety of facilities with different scenarios and hazards for extensive and repeat testing in the presence of such hazards, making these kinds of tools invaluable.