2.1. CI-MBPT Method
To calculate Th II energies, a CI+MBPT method developed for open-shell atoms with multiple valence electrons is used (see for example [
17]). The effective CI+MBPT Hamiltonian for Th II is split into two parts:
The one-electron contribution
in addition to the
Dirac-Hartree-Fock (DHF) potential contains the valence electron self-energy correction,
18]. In the current CI+MBPT program, the self-energy correction is calculated with the second-order MBPT. The term
is scaled with seven factors for one-electron relativistic angular momentum numbers:
. These factors both take into account some high-order MBPT corrections and relativistic effects, including the one-particle Hartree–Fock Breit term. The two-electron Hamiltonian is
is the Coulomb interaction screening term arising from the presence of the core [
19], which is calculated in the second order of MBPT. Fitting with three additional scaling factors is introduced for zero-, first- and second-order multipolarity of the Coulomb interaction. Further details on the CI+MBPT approach can be found in Ref. [
20]. In numerical calculations, first, the DHF V
potential is calculated (the closed-shell Th V ion). Second, the basis in the frozen V
potential is calculated using a B-spline subroutine, with a cavity of radius
a.u. chosen for the ion. In this basis, the CI+MBPT terms of Equation (
1) are evaluated. The final step in the energy states and wavefunctions calculation is the the solution of eigen-value problem for the effective Hamiltonian matrix.
The program can generate a set of configurations by single-, double-, etc. excitations of the input configurations limited by a given maximum angular momentum and . In case of Th II, we chose single and double excitations limited by: for s and p states, for d states, 9 for f states. The effective Hamiltonian matrix generation is repeated multiple times for different scaling factors and the optimization procedure described below is used until some optimum is reached. The electric dipole matrix elements are evaluated only. Random-phase approximation (RPA) corrections are added to take into account core-polarization corrections for the matrix elements.
2.2. Optimization of and Parameters
Seven and three parameters (the parameter’s definition is provided in the previous section) were found using a random walk method, with one parameter fixed to 0.8, about the average value of the other parameters. The meaning of this procedure is that by scaling the second-order energy corrections, more accurate single valence electron and screened Coulomb interaction can be obtained. Value 1 means just ab initio second-order MBPT corrections in CI-MBPT, while 0 means only valence-valence CI, with core-polarization effects ignored. Values close to 1, such as 0.8, means that the perturbation theory convergences, and high-order corrections constitute only 20% of the second-order corrections.
Initially guessed parameters were modified by some small random values at the same time and the energies and g-factors were compared between old and new sets, with the minimization of error used as the optimization goal. The g-factor errors were weighted with some factors to regulate how accurately g-factors need to be improved. If the error between theory and experiment was reduced, the new set was accepted, or if not, the old set was kept, and the iterations were repeated many times. The smaller number of configurations was initially used, but then it was increased and the parameters were re-optimized. The final optimal values of parameters and configurations are shown in
Table 1. The
parameter for
s and
p states substantially deviate from unity, meaning significant higher-order effects, owing to deeper penetration of these valence electrons into the core. Some differences for different values of J can be observed. This can be partially due to differences in energies of different J states and hence level of correlations.
In this paper, we focused on lifetimes of J = 1.5 and J = 2.5 odd states, so the optimization was done for these and the even states to which transitions are allowed. The basic set of configurations explicitly shown in the table was extended by single and double excitations which included 7s–11s, 7p–11p, 6d–10d, and 5f–9f electrons.
The energies were found in close agreement with the experiment, with the error on the order 100 cm
Table 2 shows J = 1.5 odd states for which experimental and theoretical lifetimes will be compared in the next section. These states are quite strongly mixed, so despite a close agreement for energies, g factors show significant differences, which are often due to small distances between levels. We found that g factors for some mixed states can be added together (or averaged, as in the table), and then the agreement between theory and experiment becomes much improved. Such addition or averaging will be used later for lifetimes to show similar significant improvement.
J = 2.5 odd states (
Table 3), for which we present lifetime calculations, are less mixed than J = 1.5 odd states, at least for low-energy states. The averaging for g factors is shown only for two mixing groups. Thus it is expected that theoretical lifetimes will be reliable for most states listed in the table.
Mixing for even states is less important for lifetime calculations, which involve summation over multiple even states. Because the mixing occurs for almost degenerate states, their contributions to the total radiative decay rate of the upper odd states will be only weakly dependent on the mixing. The sum of oscillator strengths is an invariant and if energy differences are small, the sum of transition probabilities becomes invariant, too. In
Table 4 CI-MBPT energies and g factors are compared with experiment for J = 1.5 even states. Many g factors have a good agreement, indicating relatively weak mixing. A similar situation is in J = 2.5 even states, for which CI-MBPT calculations are shown in
Table 5. In general, we can conclude that the accuracy of even states is sufficient for lifetime calculations of the odd states.
2.3. Lifetime of J = 1.5 and 2.5 Odd States
Experimental intensities are proportional to
, where
is the upper state degeneracy, and the populations of the upper levels, which are not known accurately, and this is the major source of error for the extraction of transition probabilities. So very often experimental lifetimes are used to exclude the populations:
We assumed that the intensities are normalized, which is approximately true for the same discharge source and for a calibrated detector. The NIST database contains normalized intensities when possible and they will be used here for comparison of theoretical lifetimes with lifetimes derived from intensities.
With the help of LTE level populations for different levels can be related, so only one coefficient and one temperature are needed to obtain the radiative decay rates for different levels
The radiative decay rate can be related to lifetimes,
, so
The fitting parameters
k and
T can be found from comparison with theoretical lifetimes,
In this work, we test this method, which practically is realized by fitting parameters in Equation (
7) to match theoretical lifetimes, Equation (
One problem with the theory of complex atoms, such as Th II, is that multiple states are significantly mixed and the mixing coefficients, since they are very sensitive to small corrections, are not easy to predict. One indication of this problem is a disagreement between theoretical and experimental g-factors, which in non-relativistic approximation are related to the spin and angular momentum of the states, or terms, so the disagreement for transition matrix elements is also expected.
For example, mixing between the second, third, fourth, and fifth J = 1.5 odd states (
Table 2) leads to significant differences between theoretical and experimental
g-factors of each state, but the sum or average, that is the sum divided by the number of mixed states, shows a very close agreement. This leads us to believe that the theory predicts quite accurately the lifetimes averaged by transition rates,
while individual lifetimes are not accurate, but they can be improved by using experimental fraction ratios. The accuracy of the theory is also reduced for smaller values of transition matrix elements due to cancellation effects. Thus we can recommend the theoretical values of lifetimes for the averaged values defined above of mixed or individual unmixed states and the experimental branching ratios to predict mixing and individual lifetimes of the mixed states. The odd J = 1.5 states have many groups of mixed states, while the lowest even J = 2.5 states are not much mixed.
Figure 1 we show that lifetimes derived from experimental NIST intensities are closely correlated with lifetimes derived from theory, with two groups (11–13 and 16–17) of mixed states averaged. The correlation for independently obtained theoretical and experimental lifetimes is a good test of theory and experiment, with the error given by the difference.
Once the temperature and coefficient of proportionality are found from the fit, the experimental values can be used to find lifetimes derived from intensities.
Table 6 shows the values both theoretical and those derived from intensities. The graph has already illustrated close agreement for most states. At very low energies, the agreement becomes worse, but it can be attributed to experimental issues, since theory, in general, is expected to predict more accurately lifetimes for lowest states. Thus we list recommended values as theoretical ones. The error of 10% is assigned from the comparison at higher energies. However, starting with energy 14,545 cm
, the agreement between theoretical and intensity-derived lifetimes becomes quite close, and the recommend values are chosen as the average between the two, with the error taken as the difference between the average and the theory. For high enough energy levels, directly measured experimental lifetimes are available, and they are compared with our recommend values. While the agreement is not perfect, nevertheless it is quite acceptable, considering quite large uncertainties in the intensities from multiple sources. Furthermore, the theory might not be very accurate for higher excited states, even after mixing corrections.
Figure 2 shows similar comparison for J = 1.5 odd states as
Figure 1 for J = 2.5 odd states. Because more groups of mixed states can be found for these states, fewer points are shown on the graph since many individual lifetimes are replaced with averaged values. Still enough points exist that the temperature and the coefficient of proportionality can be extracted. However, the theoretical uncertainty is expected to be larger. In
Table 7 we show theoretical and intensity-derived lifetimes for J = 1.5 odd states. Because of strong mixing for many levels, the lifetimes derived from intensities are recommended. We omitted some theoretical values where a very strong mixing is present since those values are not accurate. The error of 10% is somewhat arbitrary, estimated from the analysis of agreement between theory and experiment when mixing is not present or when the averaged values over the group of strongly mixed states are used. Of course theory does not predict well mixing and correctness of lifetimes for mixed states relies completely on the accuracy of branching ratios.