Evaluation of State-Resolved Reaction Probabilities and Their Application in Population Models for He, H, and H2
:1. Introduction
2. Population Models
2.1. Theory of Population Modeling
2.2. The Flexible Sover Yacora
3. Atomic Population Models
3.1. Helium
3.1.1. Properties of the Helium Atom
3.1.2. The CR Model for Helium and Results
3.2. Atomic Hydrogen
3.2.1. Properties of the Hydrogen Atom
3.2.2. The CR Model for Atomic Hydrogen
3.2.3. Application of the CR Model for H to an Ionizing Plasma
3.2.4. Application of the CR Model for H to a Recombining Plasma
4. Population Models for Molecular Hydrogen and Deuterium
4.1. The Hydrogen Molecule
4.2. Characteristics of the Models for H2 and D2
4.3. Franck–Condon Factors and Einstein Coefficients
4.4. Electron Collision Excitation Cross-Sections
4.5. Electron Collision Ionization Cross-Sections
4.6. Application of the Models
5. Conclusions
OES | Optical emission spectroscopy |
TALIF | Two-Photon Excited laser Induced Fluorescence |
TDLAS | Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy |
CR model | Collisional radiative model |
EEDF | Electron energy distribution function |
ECR | Electron cyclotron resonance |
RF | Radio frequency |
ITER | The internuclear thermonuclear experimental reactor (or latin for “the way”) |
NBI | Neutral beam injection |
FCF | Franck-Condon factor |
ICP | Inductively coupled plasma |
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Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U. Evaluation of State-Resolved Reaction Probabilities and Their Application in Population Models for He, H, and H2. Atoms 2016, 4, 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms4040026
Wünderlich D, Fantz U. Evaluation of State-Resolved Reaction Probabilities and Their Application in Population Models for He, H, and H2. Atoms. 2016; 4(4):26. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms4040026
Chicago/Turabian StyleWünderlich, Dirk, and Ursel Fantz. 2016. "Evaluation of State-Resolved Reaction Probabilities and Their Application in Population Models for He, H, and H2" Atoms 4, no. 4: 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms4040026