Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Approach and Methodology
2.1. Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory
2.2. Rydberg Excitation in a Dense Environment
2.3. Simulating Lineshape of Rydberg Excitation in a Dense Environment
- We choose the distance of the Rydberg excitation from the center of the trap. The probability of a radial distance should be proportional both to the density at and the surface area of a sphere of radius . Thus, we use as a radial probability distribution where and normalizes the distribution to 1.
- We choose the number of nearby perturber atoms N. We define “nearby” to mean within of the Rydberg core in atomic units, where is the effective principal quantum number of the Rydberg state. Beyond this point, the electronic wavefunction is negligible. We assume so that the nearby density is roughly uniform. Thus, the expected number of nearby perturbers is , and, according to a Poisson distribution, the probability of N nearby perturbers is .
- We choose the distance r of each perturber from the Rydberg core. Since the nearby density is constant, this is a uniform distribution in space, or one proportional to . This can be normalized as where .
- The total effect of perturbers on the excitation energy is then , where the sum runs over all perturbers. This gives the detuning for this Rydberg excitation.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Determining Effective Scattering Lengths
3.2. Determining BEC Density Parameters
3.3. Accuracy of the Quasi-Static Simulations
- To determine the random error, 10 lineshapes of excitations each are generated for each n. The average of lineshapes gives lineshape A, and their standard deviation gives the random error.
- To infer uncertainty due to the intrinsic errors attached to the effective scattering lengths, two lineshapes and of excitations each were generated for each n, calculating detunings using the scattering length lower and upper bounds, respectively. Both and used the same perturber arrangements as the excitations of lineshape A. Two new lineshapes, and , are defined as and without being normalized. Then , wherever positive, is an additional source of lower uncertainty, and , wherever positive, is an additional source of upper uncertainty.
3.4. Roles of the Rydberg Core–Perturber Interaction and the Thermal Fraction
4. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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(a.u.) | m (a.u.) | (a) | (MHz) |
153,123 | 123 | 1 |
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Scheuing, T.; Pérez-Ríos, J. Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media. Atoms 2023, 11, 95. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms11060095
Scheuing T, Pérez-Ríos J. Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media. Atoms. 2023; 11(6):95. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms11060095
Chicago/Turabian StyleScheuing, Trevor, and Jesús Pérez-Ríos. 2023. "Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media" Atoms 11, no. 6: 95. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms11060095
APA StyleScheuing, T., & Pérez-Ríos, J. (2023). Quasi-Static Lineshape Theory for Rydberg Excitations in High-Density Media. Atoms, 11(6), 95. https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms11060095