Our focus in this section is to construct a non-abelian holographic model of QCD with dynamical symmetry breaking and explicit symmetry breaking masses. We will explore some of the subtleties associated with the non-abelian structures. As in the previous model, we will take the basic components inherited from the D3/probe D7 system and make minimal adjustments to fit the theory to be modelled.
4.1. Kinetic Terms
To describe the vacuum of QCD, we will need to include the field
X that describes the chiral condensate. It naturally transforms under the chiral symmetries as
. In addition, we must include gauge fields to provide the holographic description of the sources and currents associated with the chiral symmetries. Our kinetic terms (as is familiar from the earliest AdS/QCD models [
10], although the factors of
r are adjusted since to include the backreaction of
X, which has one dimension) are
Here, we do not include an explicit dilaton factor. Below we will introduce a term that can be thought of as the effects of a dilaton, as we will explain.
The five-dimensional coupling may be obtained by matching to the UV vector–vector correlator [
9], and is given by
is the dimension of the quark’s representation and
(R) is the number of flavours in that representation. The covariant derivative is
The model lives in a five-dimensional AdS
spacetime, which is given by
however, again we must promote these metric elements to matrices that transform also under the chiral symmetries as
. This essentially means writing
r as a matrix
Note that formally the identity here is some combination of metric elements such as that is the identity, but transforms under the chiral symmetries. The STr represents that we include the metric terms in all possible positions allowed by the symmetries of the model equally.
4.2. Potential
To induce dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in the model, we must include a potential for the X fields, which naturally takes the form
where the coefficients may be
dependent (representing the entering of metric components, etc., of the background) and to ensure all terms are of the correct dimension. At this stage, we assume they are flavour independent since any flavour breaking (including quark masses) will be generated as vevs for the bulk fields. The coefficients are therefore scalars rather than matrices.
A only contributes to the vacuum energy and we do not fix it.
B, which we call
below, is a contribution to the mass of the X fields. To understand its role, let us return to the abelian D7 probe computations briefly. An example of a chiral symmetry breaking set up in the probe D7 system is obtained by adding a world-volume baryon number magnetic field [
. This breaks supersymmetry and conformality. The DBI action arranges to give the usual action with an effective dilaton multiplier
The resulting equations of motion for the vacuum configuration for
L have solutions with
in the UV (for large
) that bend off the
axis in the interior. These solutions break the U(1)
chiral symmetry. The reason for this behaviour follows from the divergent behaviour of the dilaton factor—for example, in Equation (
44), the action clearly grows as
. One can further see an instability though by expanding the dilaton factor around
, the chirally symmetric vacuum,
term in the expansion is simply a mass term, although in this case
dependent. At small
, the mass grows until it violates the Breitenlohner-Freedman (BF) bound [
49] (this is when this contribution to the mass
since the field
L has intrinsic dimension one in AdS
) and the
solution becomes unbounded. In the AdS duality the mass is precisely linked to the dimension
of the mass and quark condensate operator that
L is dual to:
. The instability sets in when the anomalous dimension of the quark mass
—see [
50] for more detailed discussion of this instability. Thus, the
term we introduce can be thought to include the effects of any dilaton factor in the action.
The bottom-up dynamic AdS/QCD model [
20] took inspiration from this mechanism to simply include a potential inspired by the running of
in the gauge theory. Here, to match the perturbative regime, we set [
where we have quoted the gauge theory’s one-loop running of
in terms of the running of
. In previous papers, we have taken the running of
from the two loop gauge theory result setting
. We will discuss this identification in more detail below.
The two-loop result for the running coupling in a gauge theory with multi-representational matter is given by
Note that we have written the results for Weyl fermions instead of Dirac fermions in a given representation as this is more useful in the case of Composite Higgs models [
We now convert this logic to a bottom-up model of QCD’s non-abelian flavour symmetries. The base Lagrangian in the scalar sector is
As discussed, a key point for non-abelian extensions of the abelian case is that the metric components or equivalently
are a matrix as in Equation (
Let us begin by assuming
is the flavour independent scalar quantity
B we introduced in the potential above. That is, we make it a
-dependent function by setting
in (
46). Now, in QCD, the SU(
chiral symmetries are sufficient to diagonalize the chiral condensate matrix. We will therefore assume the vacuum state of
X is diagonal and real
. The
satisfy the equations
The UV behaviour (assuming
in the UV) is [
As in the abelian case though here is a BF bound violation at small
, which cannot be removed by the formation of a vev for the
. To remove this, we naturally want to make the shift
in each equation. This we will do, but it intrinsically implies that we have made
a matrix that must be included inside the STr in the action. If one expands that matrix in powers of
, then we can see that we have effectively chosen all of the coefficients
in (
43) to return the equation of motion we desire. The shift
is a well motivated choice of these parameters though.
We solve (
50) with the initial conditions in the infrared (IR) [
The boundary conditions in Equation (
51) are motivated by those in the D3/D7 system—there one sets
for regularity of the D7 brane in the interior of the space. Here, we move that condition to the scale where the IR quark mass equals the RG scale, i.e., where it goes on mass shell. This seems the minimal change that does not require us to incorporate the glue dynamics below the mass scale (which is presumably unimportant for the quark physics itself).
In the UV one demands that
. According to Equation (
51), the vev
could also contribute, but they are suppressed at UV due to the large value of
. However, one can still extract the quark mass and the vev numerically by taking the first derivative
The value is fixed using the IR boundary condition and then one can also read out the derivatives . A more immediate estimate of the dynamically generated chiral symmetry breaking gap is given by the IR quark mass rather than the condensate. For the three flavour theory, we take the quark masses, for from the particle data book. In other cases where we, for example, set , we allow them to float and fit them to the pion and kaon masses. are the scales where each quark goes on the mass shell. In practice, these IR values are quite similar for the quarks despite possible large hierarchies of UV quark masses. In the following subsections, we will consider fluctuations describing spin zero and spin one states. We will set the corresponding boundary conditions in the IR at max the scale where the highest mass quark component goes on mass shell.
We now consider fluctuations about the vacuum configuration. We solve these equations numerically using the prescription discussed in
Section 3.2.1. We will parameterize the scalar fluctuations as [
where in each case the generators are four orthogonal (Tr
) basis matrices. A natural basis are the generators of SU(
) plus
, but we will also discuss the linear combinations
in the SU(2) example below.
Moreover, we will use the combinations
V corresponds to vector states and
A to axial vector states.
The equations of motion can be found from the abelian case by including the STr over the matrix valued components. For example, for the real scalar
and the vector field, which we write as
, we find
For the perpendicular components of the vector gauge field, we have
As one can see, for a generic parametrization of the field
X as in Equation (
15) with a non-diagonal vev, there will be mixing between essentially all fields in the model. In fact, we find that for the particular parametrization of
X in (
54), the fields in the vector and axial pieces of the scalar and vector remain unmixed even for a
X vev that is not proportional to the identity.
We also note that we do not compute radial excitations of meson states in the discussion here. The reason is, as is well-documented, models where the supergravity states are particles typically fail to reproduce the Regge
behaviour expected. To include this one should include string dynamics in the bulk for excited states—the philosophy here is that for the lowest excited states the strings are contracted and the field approximation works well. We discussed this aspect of the model in detail in [
12]. We note some authors try to correct this phenomenology with a soft wall in the geometry [
52], but this seems the wrong correction since it does not introduce the needed stringy aspect of excited mesons.
4.3. The Higgs Mechanism for the Vector Gauge Field
When the quark masses are unequal, the vector symmetry is explicitly broken in the gauge theory. In the bulk though, the quark masses emerge in the solutions of the equations of motion for the entries in the X matrix in flavour space, and there is a vector gauge field still present. This gauge symmetry is naturally Higgsed in the bulk gravity theory.
To see the Goldstone mode, consider a
version of the theory with a truncated scalar potential
here in our model
with further terms in the Taylor expansion dropped. The vacuum is given by diagonal elements of
, satisfying
Now, consider a fluctuation
with quadratic action
Here we have not included space-time dependent kinetic terms because we will seek a massless solution on which they would vanish. The resulting equation of motion has the particular solution
. This is the Goldstone from the bulk perspective that is eaten by the vector gauge field when
. In the field theory, this is not a physical state because
does not vanish asymptotically. Nevertheless, it is important to write the potential in the expanded form in Equation (
43) to correctly generate the equations of motion for the off-diagonal fluctuations.
Now let us include the vector field. We can derive three equations of motion—one for the scalar
and two for the vector field that we write as
—the first is the equation of motion for
with this form substituted, and the other is the direct equation for
There are really only two equations with one redundant—for example, substituting the bottom equation in Equation (
63) into the top one leads to Equation (
Were one to include higher order terms in the expansion (STr
), this same Higgs mechanism and consistency holds—in a sense, Equation (
63) implicitly contains the information of the potential in Equation (
62) through the solutions
This Higgs mechanism in the bulk is rather elegant since it shows how explicit breaking in the gauge theory translates to the bulk gauge symmetry. However, unfortunately when in Equation (
50) we impose the running of
at the level of the equation of motion rather than in the Lagrangian, we spoil these consistency conditions. Then, if we use (
63), we do not obtain numerical results that give degeneracy of the
as the mass splitting vanishes. Instead of using the full (
62), in the numerics below, for small mass splitting, we will ignore the vector field mixing (the last term in (
62) of vanishes as
) and use the
equation of motion
which is consistent with the substitution in (
50) that we have made.
Using these simplifications, we will now consider some particular phenomenologically interesting cases.
4.4. Scenario 1— Equal Masses
For the case of a diagonal quark mass matrix, the vacuum structure of the theory breaks into
copies of the
case. The equation of motion for each real diagonal component of
X is
where here
is simply a scalar function corresponding to any one of its equal diagonal components. We have dropped the indices here to simplify the notation. We insert the
r dependent
here at the level of the equation of motion so that we are precisely using it to set the running anomalous dimension. We plot the solution for a variety of common quark masses in the left plot of
Figure 2. In the UV, the curve will flatten to the given quark masses, as can be seen from the
u and
d quark embeddings. The strange quark embedding will eventually tend to 95 MeV, which is not shown explicitly in this plot. We set the scale with the rho meson mass. The solution of Equation (
65) is denoted by
We now discuss the fluctuations (mesons) of the theory. Let us begin the scalar sector where it is sensible here to discuss the isospin triplet,
, and isospin scalar,
, states. The kinetic terms for the
fields are simply quadratic (any linear terms cancel when evaluated on the solutions of the equation of motion) and separately follow the basic trace algebra
Since the vev of
X is proportional to the identity, we can move the
and metric factors outside of the STr in Equation (
56). The trace treats
on an equal footing—they will therefore be degenerate.
The equation of motion, consistent with the truncation in Equation (
65), for the
fluctuation reads
vector-mesons are obtained from fluctuations of the gauge fields
around the vacuum. They couple to
X via a commutator, which is zero for
, so their equations are also governed simply by the quadratic
kinetic term. They are all degenerate and satisfy the equation of motion
The axial-vector-meson gauge field in the bulk enters the covariant derivative for the field
X, coupling as an anti-commutator. The result is that a
-dependent mass term proportional to
forms. In choosing the
gauge and decompose the axial-vector as
, with
, one observes a Higgs mechanism. The action is of the form
where we have suppressed the space-time indices. One arrives at the equation of motion for the
axial mesons, which are degenerate
fields (the phases of
X) mix to describe the pion—we have the two equations of motion
The difference of these two gives a total derivative that can be integrated and the constant was determined to be zero at large
The solutions of these equations have been previously studied in [
12] and generate
massless pions in the zero quark mass limit and display a Gell–Mann–Oakes–Renner relation at finite quark mass. We present numerical computations of the meson masses in the next section where we also include
4.5. Scenario 2—Two Equal-Mass Quarks and Effects
In Scenario 1 above, all the terms we have lead to degeneracy between the
states in the vector and scalar meson sectors. Generically, these states split into a
dimensional representation of SU(
) and a singlet. To include such splitting, we must add for example additional terms to our scalar potential, which must be invariant under the symmetries. To see the key point, it is useful to explicitly compute the operator
Clearly, these terms break the degeneracy between
. We add the double trace term
to the Lagrangian to exemplify the effect. It will also change the equation of emotion for the embedding, which now reads as
The numerical effect of such a contribution is however small, as can be seen from the right-hand plot of
Figure 2, where we show the case relevant for the strange quark. In case of smaller masses, e.g., for the
u- and
d-quarks, the cases
can hardly be distinguished.
This operator affects in particular the equations of motion of
, they are changed to
Solving the equations numerically, we find a dependence of the scalar masses on the factor
, as shown in
Figure 3. Double trace terms in QCD are expected to be suppressed by
, so we have chosen a fairly narrow range of
values in
Figure 3.
We solve the meson masses from Equation (
76) using the shooting method, the spectrum is listed in
Table 1. The vector
meson mass is used as an input parameter to read out physical masses of the other lowest meson states. We find that most of the masses lie within a 3% range with respect to the data. The pion (
) mass is very sensitive to the quark mass
, this explains the larger deviation comparing with the others. Note that adding a double trace term in the same mass scenario does produce a realistic mass splitting between the scalar singlet (
) and triplet (
) mass.
4.6. Scenario 3— Split Masses
In this section, we discuss the case of unequal masses for the different quark flavours. To start with, we consider a two flavour theory with different quark masses (
) to exemplify the features of the non-abelian DBI action. Here, we neglect the additional contributions in QCD from the electromagnetic interactions. The U
symmetry can be used to find a basis in which the mass matrix is real and diagonal. To begin with, consider only including single trace terms in the potential for the mass splitting case. At this stage, the vacuum is expected to also be diagonal—the matrix structure simply falls apart into two copies of the one flavour case, but here we set different IR boundary conditions on the two
s to represent the different UV masses—we can call the two solutions
The vacuum now preserves a U(1) vector symmetry in each of the u and d quark sectors. In this large N limit with no multi-trace terms, the mesons made of or are unmixed mass eigenstates (the and states are not mass eigenstates)—thus, one just repeats the two separate sectors with different .
The mixed
states see the mass splitting though. After taking the symmetrised trace, we find the equations of motion are sorted into two classes. We take here the vectors as an example, and the equations of motion for other fluctuations are listed in
Appendix A. The off-diagonal
are dual with the meson states consist of two flavours of quarks
In writing these equations, we have defined
and taking the
gauge, and here we have concentrated on the transverse pieces. We observe a Higgs mechanism since the longitudinal piece
mixes with the scalars, see Equation (
A2). The masses for the off-diagonal vector and axial-vector excitations can be solved using the usual procedure with the boundary conditions
i.e., we shoot from the IR and solve for the mass
such that the field
vanishes in the UV.
Due to the Higgs mechanism, the off-diagonal scalars have coupled equations of motion. For example, the scalar
is coupled to the longitudinal
. One can set the boundary condition
b is a free shooting parameter as discussed in
Section 3.2.1. The IR scale is set by whichever of
terminates at the highest
. Again, finding the solutions that vanish for both fields in the UV gives the corresponding mass and the boundary condition
b. However, we find that taking the limit that
are small compared to other fluctuations so they can be neglected is a good approximation. The resulting masses are shown in
Table 2. They are very close to the triplet states shown in
Table 1 due to the small physical mass splitting. After introducing the mass splitting, we see the deviation of
. In
Figure 4a, we show how the
mass depends on the quark mass splitting.
Finally, we can add in a double trace term
in addition to mass splitting. The former favours a basis where
are the mass eigenstates, whilst the latter prefers the
basis. In this case, the true mass eigenstates are a mixture in either basis and one must solve fully coupled equations using the methodology of
Section 3.2.1.
Firstly, the presence of the double trace term changes the vacuum dynamics governed now by
and for example gives corrections to the diagonal scalar excitations:
Figure 4b, we show the two mass eigenstates as a function of
Note we have not discussed the mass of , which would be close to 250 MeV in this approximation, since we have not included the effect of the chiral anomaly.
4.7. Scenario 4— Split Masses,
In this section we extend the description to three quark flavours. The main effect on the spectrum we investigated is from the mass difference between the
s-quark and the quarks of the first generation. Thus, we take here the approximation
. The vacuum equations of motion take the same form as in Equation (
77), and the three embeddings follow
in the UV.
In this approximation, the isospin SU(2) subgroup of the SU(3) flavour group is conserved. In the neutral sector one has a mixing between the SU(3) singlet fields and the one corresponding to the 8th component of SU(3). In case of vector mesons, these correspond to the
. In this case, we do have some quite experimental information to rely on. For example, chapter 5 of [
54] teaches that there is an ideally mixed case where one mass eigenstate corresponds to an
and the second one to a
combination. This implies that actually in this case the isospin SU(2) becomes enlarged to a U(2). As a test, we have used this information to define the states
We denote here any fluctuation by
f and the indices
u and
s are chosen according to composition
, respectively. In this approximation, we set the
for the input and obtain other masses as predictions, which agrees quite well with the experimental value, see
Table 3. In this way, the equations of motion decompose into three groups:
s, corresponding to the adjoint, the fundamental and a singlet of U(2), respectively. The corresponding equations of motion have the same structure as in the
case and we summarize in
Appendix B how those two cases are related. Using the same procedure as before, we obtain the various meson masses listed in
Table 3. We see that the results for the vector mesons agree quite well with the experimental data. This is a consequence of the fact that in this sector the ideal mixing between the singlet and the octet state is realized. In the case of the axial vectors, a sizeable deviation exists, which can be understood using the technique of the QCD conformal partial wave expansion [
55]. This explains the larger deviations observed in this sector. In the scalar section, the
shows an even larger deviation; however, these states that can be
, glueball or even pion molecules are hard to identify. In the case of the pseudoscalars, theoretically we can only compute the values for the pions and kaons, which again agree quite well with the data. The
mass are shown to complete the full analysis. This value should have a somewhat large deviation given that we did not include the chiral anomaly. To include the chiral anomaly, one would need to add a Wess–Zumino–Witten term to the non-abelian DBI. For example, this has been discussed in the D3/D7 system in [
56]. It would be interesting in the future to incorporate these dynamics in the non-abelian system.