Octonion Internal Space Algebra for the Standard Model †
:1. Introduction
1.1. (Split) Octonions as Composition Algebras
1.2. Jordan Algebras; Guts; Clifford Algebras
1.3. Main Message and Organization of the Paper
2. Triality Realization of :
2.1. The Action of Octonions on Themselves
2.2. as a Generating Algebra of and
2.3. Complex Structure and Symmetry Breaking in
3. The Internal Space Subalgebra of
3.1. Equivalence Class of Lorentz-like Clifford Algebras
3.2. as Annihilator of Sterile Neutrino
3.3. Superselection Rules: Restricted Particle Subspace
3.4. Complex Structure Associated with : A Comment
4. Particle Subspace and the Higgs Field
4.1. The Higgs as a Scalar Part of a Superconnection
4.2. Higgs Potential and Mass Formulae
5. Outlook
5.1. Coming to
5.2. Two Ways to Avoid Fermion Doubling
5.3. Summary and Discussion; a Challenge
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Notation for Clifford Algebras
Appendix A.2. Interrelations between the L, E, and R Bases of so(8)
1 | For a pleasant-to-read review of octonions, their history, and applications, see [13]. |
2 | I had the good fortune to know him personally. See Witten’s eloquent characterization of his personality and work in the Wikipedia entry on Feza Gürsey (1921–1991). |
3 | |
4 | For an enlightening review of the algebra of GUTs and some 40 references, see [38]. |
5 | Aptly called geometric algebra by its inventor—see [39]. |
6 | For any associative ring , particularly for the division rings , we denote the algebra of matrices with entries in by . |
7 | See [50] for a reader-friendly review of Moufang loops and for a glimpse of the personality of Ruth Moufang (1905–1971). |
8 | The 10-fold classification of graded Clifford algebras also involves signs coming from squaring two antiunitary charge conjugation operators—see [51] Chapter 13, pp. 87–125. |
9 | |
10 | The Dublin Professor of Astronomy William Rowan Hamilton (1805–1865) and the Stettin Gymnasium teacher Hermann Günter Grassmann (1809–1877) published their papers on quaternions and on “extensive algebras”, respectively, in the same year of 1844. William Kingdom Clifford (1845–1879) combined the two in a “geometric algebra” in 1878, a year before his death, aged 33, referring to both of them. |
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Todorov, I. Octonion Internal Space Algebra for the Standard Model. Universe 2023, 9, 222. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe9050222
Todorov I. Octonion Internal Space Algebra for the Standard Model. Universe. 2023; 9(5):222. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe9050222
Chicago/Turabian StyleTodorov, Ivan. 2023. "Octonion Internal Space Algebra for the Standard Model" Universe 9, no. 5: 222. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe9050222
APA StyleTodorov, I. (2023). Octonion Internal Space Algebra for the Standard Model. Universe, 9(5), 222. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe9050222