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The Classification of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain Types

Center for Astrophysics, Guangzhou University, WaiHuanXi Road No. 230, Guangzhou 510006, China
Astronomy Science and Technology Research Laboratory of Department of Education of Guangdong Province, WaiHuanXi Road No. 230, Guangzhou 510006, China
Key Laboratory for Astronomical Observation and Technology of Guangzhou, WaiHuanXi Road No. 230, Guangzhou 510006, China
Department of Physics, School of Physics and Material Science, Guangzhou University, WaiHuanXi Road No. 230, Guangzhou 510006, China
Shanghai Key Lab for Astrophysics, Shanghai Normal University, GuiLin Road No. 100, Shanghai 200234, China
Department of Physics and Electronics Science, Hunan University of Arts and Science, DongTing Avenue No. 3150, Changde 415000, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Universe 2022, 8(8), 436;
Submission received: 15 July 2022 / Revised: 11 August 2022 / Accepted: 15 August 2022 / Published: 22 August 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Multi-Messengers of Black Hole Accretion and Emission)


In this work, the support vector machine (SVM) method is adopted to separate BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) in the plots of the photon spectrum index against the photon flux, α ph log F , those of the photon spectrum index against the variability index, α ph log V I and those of the variability index against the photon flux, log V I log F . Then, we used the dividing lines to distinguish BL Lacs from FSRQs in the blazar candidates of uncertain types from the Fermi/LAT catalogue. Our main conclusions are: 1. We separate BL Lacs and FSRQs by α ph = 0.123 log F + 1.170 in the α ph log F plot, α ph = 0.161 log V I + 2.594 in the α ph log V I plot and log V I = 0.792 log F + 9.203 in the log V I log F plot. 2. We obtain 932 BL Lac candidates and possible BL Lac candidates, and 585 FSRQ candidates and possible FSRQ candidates. 3. Discussion is given regarding comparisons with the literature.

1. Introduction

As a special subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), blazars show certain extreme observational properties: high amplitude and rapid variability superposed on the long-term slow variation light curve, high polarization, powerful γ -ray emissions, sources emitting TeV emissions, strong broad emission line features or with no emission line at all or superluminal motions, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. Those extreme observational properties are explained by a beaming model, in which there is a central supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disk, and two jets that are perpendicular to the disk.
When the jet points to the observer, the observed emission, f ob , is boosted and the variability time scale, Δ t ob , is shortened by f ob = δ q f in and Δ t ob = Δ t in / δ , where f in and Δ t in are the emission and the variability time scale in the comoving frame, δ = [ Γ ( 1 β cos θ ) ] 1 is a boosting factor (or Doppler factor), Γ = 1 / 1 β 2 , is the Lorentz factor, θ is the viewing angle, and β is the jet speed in units of the speed of light, β = v / c , and q is a parameter depending on the jet case: q = 2 + α is for the case of a continuous jet, while q = 3 + α is for the case of a moving sphere [15], and α is a spectral index defined by f ν ν α . Based on the behaviour of emission lines, blazars can be classified into two subclasses—namely, BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs).
FSRQs have strong broad emission lines with the equivalent width greater than 5 ( E W > 5 ), while BL Lacs show only weak or no emission lines at all, or E W < 5 [6,16,17]. BL Lacs were classified as radio-selected BL Lacs (RBLs) and X-ray-selected BL Lacs (XBLs) from surveys. The both have differently observational properties in Hubble diagrams, multiwavelength correlations, spectral index correlations, and linear optical polarizations, etc. [18] and the references therein.
The physical classification of BL Lacs was by Padovani and Giommi [19], who calculated the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for a sample of BL Lacs objects and proposed to use the synchrotron peak frequency ( ν p ) to separate BL Lacs into highly peaked BL Lacs (HBLs) with log ν p ( Hz ) > 15 (the base of the logarithms is ten throughout this paper) and lowly peaked BL Lacs (LBLs) with log ν p ( Hz ) < 15 , and we found that most RBLs belong to LBLs while XBLs belong to HBLs.
Nieppola et al. [20] calculated the SEDs, log ν F ν log ν for 308 BL Lacs and classified them into three subclasses: LBLs, IBLs and HBLs with the boundaries being log ν p ( Hz ) = 14.5 and log ν p ( Hz ) = 16.5 , respectively. Thus, it was set as LBLs if log ν p ( Hz ) < 14.5 , IBLs if 14.5 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 16.5 and HBLs if log ν p ( Hz ) > 16.5 for HBLs.
Later on, Abdo et al. [21] calculated the SEDs using the quasi-simultaneous data of 48 Fermi blazars and extended the definition to all types of non-thermal dominated AGNs using new acronyms: low synchrotron peaked blazars (LSP) if log ν p ( Hz ) < 14 , intermediate synchrotron peaked blazars (ISP) if 14 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 15 and high synchrotron peaked blazars (HSP), if log ν p ( Hz ) > 15 . They also proposed an empirical parametrization to estimate the synchrotron peak frequency using the effective radio-optics spectral index ( α ro ) and the effective optics-X-ray spectral index ( α ox ).
Following Abdo et al. [21], and using their acronyms, Fan et al. [22] calculated the SEDs for 1392 Fermi blazars and proposed following classifications: LSPs if log ν p ( Hz ) 14.0 , ISPs if 14.0 < log ν p ( Hz ) 15.3 and HSPs if log ν p ( Hz ) > 15.3 . They found no component with the extreme high peak frequency of log ν p ( Hz ) > 19 .
Recently, Yang et al. [9] calculated the SEDs for 2709 blazars (including BCUs) in 4FGL DR3 and obtained the following classifications: LSPs if log ν p ( Hz ) 13.7 , ISPs if 13.7 < log ν p ( Hz ) 14.9 and HSPs if log ν p ( Hz ) > 14.9 . These blazar classification boundaries are summarized in Table 1.
Fermi/LAT missions have detected many γ -ray emitters. More than 60% of the Fermi/LAT detected sources are AGNs, and 99% of the Fermi/LAT AGNs are blazars Thus, γ -ray emission is a typically observational property of blazars, and γ -ray emission was taken as one of the observation properties of blazars. Up to now, several catalogues have been released [2,3,21,23,24].
The γ -ray loud blazars are variable on different time scales [9]. Fermi/LAT detected a great deal of γ -ray emitters. There are five catalogues of Fermi/LAT mission, which provide us with a nice opportunity to investigate the variability properties in the γ -ray band. The variability level in the γ -ray was introduced by a so-called variability index ( V I ) as defined by Abdollahi et al. [1]:
V I = 2 i log L i ( S i ) L i ( S glob ) max ( Ø 2 ( S glob ) Ø 2 ( S av ) , 0 ) ,
χ 2 ( S ) = i ( S i S ) 2 σ i 2 ,
where S i are the individual flux values, L i ( S ) is the likelihood in the interval i assuming flux S σ i are the errors on S i , S av is the average flux, and S glob is the globe flux.
The latest fourth Fermi/LAT catalogue (4FGL) with 5099 sources was published [1,3]. Out of them 1432 are BL Lacs, 795 are FSRQs and 1518 blazar candidates of uncertain type (BCUs). The identification of the BCUs is interesting, and it can provide more sources for us to investigate the different physics in BL Lacs and FSRQs. The identification of BCUs has been performed in many works [9,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34].
In this work, we apply the support vector machine (SVM) learning method to separate BL Lacs and FSRQs and then use the dividing line to distinguish BL Lac candidates from FSRQ candidates from the BCUs. The work is arranged as follows: In Section 2, a sample, from 4FGL_DR3 as used in the work, is described. Moreover, the distributions of the physical parameters are given for BL Lacs and FSRQs, and the SVM method is used to separate BL Lacs and FSRQs and to divide BL Lac candidates and FSRQ candidates. Our discussions and conclusions are given in Section 3 and Section 4.

2. Sample and Classifications

2.1. Samples

In this work, we obtained 3743 blazars from the 4FGL catalogue [1,3], which include 1432 BL Lacs, 794 FSRQs and 1517 BCUs. We only list 1517 BCUs in Table 2 since we want to classify them in this work.
Redshift, which is from NEDs (, accessed on 6 July 2022), is available for 2094 sources (1010 BL Lacs, 781 FSRQs and 303 BCUs). The redshift is in a range of z = 0.0005 for 4FGL J1124.0 + 2045 to z = 5.540 for 4FGL J1113.9 + 5523 for the 2094 sources. The averaged values are z = 0.507 ± 0.512 for 1010 BL Lacs, z = 1.200 ± 0.662 for 781 FSRQs and z = 0.777 ± 0.710 for 303 BCUs.

2.2. Average Values

γ -Ray Photon Flux- log F : Based on the photon flux intensity from the 4FGL catalogue [1,3], we obtained the logarithm of the γ -ray photon flux ( log F ) and show their distributions for FSRQs and BL Lacs in the upper-left panel of Figure 1, and their cumulative distributions are in the upper-right panel of Figure 1. Their averaged values are log F = 9.294 ± 0.520 for FSRQs and log F = 9.434 ± 0.482 for BL Lacs. When a K-S test is performed to the distributions, a probability p = 6.708 × 10 7 for the two distributions to be from the same parent distribution is obtained.
Photon Spectral Index- α ph : We show the distributions of α ph for FSRQs and BL Lacs in the middle-left panel in Figure 1, and their cumulative distributions are shown in the middle-right panel of Figure 1. The average photon spectral indexes are α ph = 2.470 ± 0.201 for 795 FSRQs and α ph = 2.032 ± 0.212 for 1432 BL Lacs. The K-S test gives p = 7.77 × 10 16 .
Variability Index-VI: For the variability index, we calculated the corresponding logarithm and show their distributions for FSRQs and BL Lacs in the lower-left panel of Figure 1, and their cumulative distributions are in the lower-right panel of Figure 1. For the averaged values, we have log V I = 2.025 ± 0.777 for FSRQs and log V I = 1.393 ± 0.481 for BL Lacs. The probability for the two distributions to be from the same parent distribution is p = 7.77 × 10 16 .

2.3. Correlations

From the available data: photon flux ( F ) , photon Spectral Index ( α ph ) and variability spectral index ( V I ), we can make mutual correlations.
Photon Flux versus Photon Spectral Index ( F α ph ) : From the given γ -ray photon flux and the photon spectral index from the 4FGL catalogue, we investigated their mutual correlation and obtained
α ph = ( 0.022 ± 0.012 ) log F + 2.395 ± 0.116
with r = 0.038 and p = 7.5 % for BL Lac and FSRQs. The corresponding best fitting result is shown in the upper panel of Figure 2. When BL Lacs and FSRQs are considered separately, one has α ph = ( 0.138 ± 0.012 ) log F + 1.189 ± 0.115 with r = 0.369 and p = 4.42 × 10 27 for FSRQs, and α ph = ( 0.040 ± 0.012 ) log F + 2.407 ± 0.110 with r = 0.09 and p = 6.3 × 10 4 for BL Lacs.
Photon Spectral Index versus Variability Index ( α ph V I ) : The photon spectral index and variability index give the following linear mutual correlation
α ph = ( 0.132 ± 0.009 ) log V I + 1.975 ± 0.016
with r = 0.30 and p = 8.3 × 10 48 for BL Lacs and FSRQs, the corresponding best fitting result is shown in the middle panel of Figure 2. We have the following results when BL Lacs and FSRQs are considered separately,
α ph = ( 0.050 ± 0.012 ) log V I + 1.962 ± 0.017
with r = 0.114 and p = 1.53 × 10 5 for BL Lacs and
α ph = ( 0.051 ± 0.009 ) log V I + 2.573 ± 0.020
with r = 0.196 and p = 2.65 × 10 8 for FSRQs.
Flux versus Variability Index ( F V I ) : From the γ -ray photon flux and the variability index, we obtained their mutual correlation
log V I = ( 1.018 ± 0.018 ) log F + 11.176 ± 0.170
with r = 0.766 and p 0 for all BL Lacs and FSRQs. The corresponding best fitting result is shown in lower panel of Figure 2. While for BL Lacs and FSRQs with available redshift, one has log V I = ( 0.745 ± 0.018 ) log F + 8.420 ± 0.166 with r = 0.746 and p 0 for FSRQs and log V I = ( 1.261 ± 0.025 ) log F + 13.741 ± 0.230 with r = 0.876 and p 0 for BL Lacs.

2.4. Classifications

From the mutual correlation analyses, we found that BL Lacs and FSRQs show different correlation and they both occupy different regions in the plots. In this sense, we can attempt to find a dividing line to separate BL Lacs and FSRQs, and we can use this dividing line to distinguish BL Lacs from FSRQs when the BCUs are placed in the plots.
In the last version of the Fermi catalogue [1,3], there are 1517 blazar candidates unidentified type (BCUs). It is interesting to divide them into BL Lacs and FSRQs. In this work, we used a SVM, a kind of supervised machine learning (ML) method, to find a dividing line for separating the two blazar subclasses as in Yang et al. [9]. SVM is widely used for classification and regression problems in astrophysics studies [9,35,36,37,38]. Consider two linearly separable samples in the N dimensional parameter space; thus, there are infinite numbers of N 1 dimensional hyperplanes can be found to separate them into two sides. The SVM is, then, applied to determine the plane with the maximum margin, i.e., the maximum distance to the nearest samples.
For the case of non-linearly separable samples, SVM maps the samples to a high-dimensional space and finds the optimal separating hyperplane in the high-dimensional space. The SVM requires a training data set and a data set, that randomly takes 70% and 30% sources of each type. The training set is used to find the optimal hyperplane, the test set is used to evaluate the classification accuracy of the hyperplane. In this work, we place BL Lac and FSRQ samples in the two-dimensional parameter space, formed by either two (denote ‘A’ and ‘B’) of the three parameters log F , α ph and log V I .
Assuming the hyperplane, is a line in the two-dimensional space, is expressed as w 1 A + w 2 B + m = 0 . The factors w 1 , w 2 and m can be determined through training SVM with the training set. The svm.LinearSVR (from sklearn package) is employed as a SVM classifier, and the hyperparameters of svm.LinearSVR need to be specified before the SVM training starts. We iterate different combinations of hyperparameters in the training process until w 1 , w 2 and m converge to the the maximum margin. Finally, we find a number of different optimal dividing lines, and the one with the highest accuracy on the test set is the final optimal dividing line.
When the SVM is adopted to the ( F α ph ) data, the result gives an accuracy of 88.60% for the separation and a dividing line of α ph = 0.123 log F + 1.170 as shown in Figure 3. One can notice that FSRQs mainly occupy the region with α ph > 0.123 log F + 1.170 , and the majority of BL Lacs occupy the region with α ph < 0.123 log F + 1.170 .
When the 1517 BCUs are placed into the plot, we found there are 639 BCUs locate in the region above the dividing line and they can be taken as FSRQ candidates (FC) while there are 878 BL Lac candidates (BC) since they are in the region below the dividing line.
When we considered the ( α ph V I ) plot, we found that BL Lac and FSRQs can be divided by α ph = 0.161 log V I + 2.594 with an accuracy of 89.26% as shown in Figure 4. When the 1517 BCUs are placed into the plot, we found 585 FSRQ candidates (FC) and 932 BL Lac candidates (BC).
For the ( F V I ) plot, we found a dividing line of log V I = 0.792 log F + 9.203 with an accuracy of 79.16% as in Figure 5. Based on which, we obtained 337 FSRQ candidates (FC) and 1180 BL Lac candidates (BC).
In our consideration, we take a BCU as a BL Lac candidate (BC) if it is below the dividing line in the three plots and as a possible BL Lac candidate (p-BC) if it is below the dividing line in any two plots; For FSRQs, we also take the same consideration. Therefore, we have 751 BL Lac candidates (BCs) and 181 possible BL Lac candidates (p-BCs)—namely, 932 BC and p-BCs in total; 210 FSRQ candidates (FCs) and 375 possible FSRQ candidates (p-FCs)—namely, 585 FCs and p-FCs in total. The ratio of the number of FCs and p-FCs versus BC and p-BC is 2 3 (585 versus 932).
When we considered the ( α ph V I ) plot, we found that BL Lac and FSRQs can be divided by α ph = 0.161 log V I + 2.594 with an accuracy of 89.26% as shown in Figure 4. When the 1518 BCUs were placed into the plot, we found 377 FCs and 714 BCs. For the ( F V I ) plot, we found a dividing line of log V I = 0.792 log F + 9.203 with an accuracy of 79.16% as in Figure 5. Based on which, we obtained 223 FCs and 888 BCs.
In our consideration, we take a BCU as a BL Lac candidate if it is below the dividing line in the three plots and as a possible BL Lac candidate if it is below the dividing line in any two plots. For FSSRQs we also take the same consideration. Therefore, we have 590 BCs and 124 p-BCs; 714 BC and p-BCs in total; as well as 145 FCs and 232 p-FCs, 377 FCs and p-FCs in total.

3. Discussions

After the launch of Fermi/LAT in 2008, a series of catalogues have been released. The latest catalogue [1] contain 3743 blazars and BCUs including 1432 BL Lacs, 794 FSRQs and 1517 BCUs. Recently, Yang et al. [9] studied the variability properties and the classification of BCUs based on a sample selected from the common blazars from [1,22] with V I > 18.48 . In the work [1], who indicated that V I > 18.48 suggests that a source is variable. Thus, it is not necessary for one to take the restriction of V I > 18.48 since not all sources are violently variable.
It is clear that there many blazars with V I < 18.48 , we will misclassify a great deal of BCUs if we only consider the BCUs with V I > 18.48 . This is why we considered all BCUs listed in Abdollahi et al. [1] in the present work.

3.1. The Average Values

For the observational data, the γ -ray photon flux ( log F ), the photon spectral index ( α ph ) and the variability index ( log V I ). The averaged values of three physics parameters in FSRQs are greater than those of BL Lacs. The K-S test indicates that the probability (p) for the distribution for FSRQs and that for BL Lacs to be from the same parent distribution is p < 6.708 × 10 7 .
For the subclasses of BL Lacs, we investigate the LBLs and HBLs, and we do not consider IBLs since IBLs may include some LBLs and HBLs. In this sense, we found that, for the photon spectral index, α ph = 2.197 ± 0.168 for LBLs and α ph = 1.902 ± 0.149 for HBLs, which show clear difference between LBLs and HBLs with p = 5.5 × 10 92 ; for the photon flux, log F = 9.301 ± 0.482 for LBLs and log F = 9.398 ± 0.485 for HBLs with p = 4.25 % ; and for the variability index, log V I = 1.584 ± 0.594 for LBLs and log V I = 1.377 ± 0.421 for HBLs with p = 1.33 × 10 6 .
When we considered FSRQs and LBLs for comparison, we found that the probability for the two subclasses of blazars to be from the same parent population is p = 1.75 × 10 75 for the photon spectral index, α ph , p = 37.8 % for the photon flux, log F and p = 1.17 × 10 20 for variability index, log V I . The comparisons between FSRQs and HBLs give p 0 for the photon spectral index, α ph , p = 4.6 × 10 3 for the photon flux, log F and p = 9.39 × 10 56 for the variability index, log V I .
One can see a clear difference in the photon spectral index ( α ph ) between FSRQs and LBL, between FSRQ and HBL and between LBLs and HBLs, giving α ph | FSRQ > α ph | LBL > α ph | HBL . We also found that log V I | FSRQ > log V I | LBL > log V I | HBL . A clear difference in photon flux ( log F ) between FSRQ and HBL ( p = 4.6 × 10 3 ) and a marginal different between HBLs and LBLs with a p = 4.26 % are found. However, no clear difference in the photon flux between LBL and FSRQs. We can say there is a sequence from FSRQ to LBL to HBL for photons spectral index and variability index that is similar to that indicated by Fossati et al. [39]; also see in Ghisellini et al. [40].

3.2. The Correlations for FSRQs and BL Lacs

In this work, we considered the mutual correlations amongst α ph , log F and log V I between FSRQs and BL Lacs. There is a tendency for a positive correlation between spectral index ( α ph ) and photon flux ( log F ) for known blazars. When we considered BL Lacs and FSRQs separately, a clear anti-correlation was found for FSRQs with p = 4.42 × 10 27 and a positive correlation for BL Lacs as shown in the upper panel of Figure 2. BL Lacs and FSRQs show different spectral index dependence on photon flux.
Both subclasses also show different spectral index dependence on the variability flux in the middle panel of Figure 2, which indicates that the spectral index ( α ph ) in FSRQs decreases with variability index log V I while that in BL Lacs increases with the variability index. While for photon flux ( log F ) and variability index ( log V I ), blazars and the two subclasses all show positive correlation indicating that the variability index ( log V I ) increases with photon flux ( log F ) as shown in the lower panel of Figure 2.
The linear correlations that we obtained amongst α ph , log F and log V I do not mean strict mathematic linear correlation but demonstrate possible trends between two parameters. It is more reasonable to explore trends instead strict mathematical linear correlations. The theoretical relationship between the three parameters (and also for other astronomical quantities) is rarely investigated. As these observational quantities show a significant discrepancy, the discrepancy leaves enough space for various models to explain the phenomenon.
In the case of individual sources, the observational discrepancy can come for several reasons, the source’s intrinsic reason (e.g., the black hole mass and spin, the accretion ratio, etc.) and the external reason (e.g., the gas and dust density of the host galaxy, the magnetic field, the distance, etc.). In the case of many sources, the distribution of the sources may serve a selection effect of the telescope or a few sources in the universe that have very high/low values of some quantities. All the above-mentioned reasons could obstruct us from discovering the linear correlation mathematically.
For the sources in our sample, it is natural that most of the sources have a low photon flux (i.e., log F < 8.5 ) and variability index (i.e., log V I < 2.5 ), and those sources with a high photon flux (i.e., log F > 7.5 ) and variability index (i.e., log V I > 4.5 ) are rare in the universe; see the middle and lower panels of Figure 2.
Through the correlations study amongst α ph , log F and log V I in this work. We conclude that the FSRQs show trends of anti-correlation for α ph vs. log F and α ph vs. log V I , while the BL Lacs show trends of positive correlation for the two; see in the upper and middle panels of Figure 2. Furthermore, both FSRQs and BL Lacs show trends of positive correlation for log V I vs. log F .

3.3. The Classification for BCUs

We found that most of BL Lacs and FSRQs occupy different regions in the plots of α ph versus log F (Figure 3), α ph versus log V I (Figure 4) and log V I versus log F (Figure 5). When the support vector machine (SVM) method was adopted to the relevant data, separating lines were obtained, which can be used to give BL Lac and FSRQ candidates when BCUs are placed in the plots.
In those cases, we obtained 639 FCs and 878 BCs in the α ph versus log F plot (Figure 3), 582 FCs and 932 BCs in the α ph versus log V I plot (Figure 4) and 337 FCs and 1180 BCs in the log V I versus log F plot (Figure 5). We take a BCU as an FC if it is classified as an FC in all the three cases, and we take a BCU as a p-FC if it is classified as an FC in any two cases. We also give similar considerations for BCs and p-BCs. Our candidate classifications are shown in Table 2. Therefore, we have 932 BC and p-BCs, 585 FCs and p-FCs giving a number ratio 2 3 .
We also made a comparison with the classification results in Kang et al. [34]. We take a BCU as an FC if it was classified as an FC in all their three considerations and as a p-FC if it was classified as an FC in any two of their considerations [34]. For BC, we also give a similar classification. If this case, we obtained that there are 302 FCs and 109 p-FCs, 556 BCs and 114 p-BCs, which are given in Col. (6) in Table 2.
When we compared our classifications with those in Kang et al. [34], we found that there were 1091 common sources, and 426 sources in the present work were not included in Kang et al. [34]. For the 1091 common sources, our analyses found that 590 BCs in this work (TW) correspond to 492 BCs, 10 FCs, 68 p-BCs and 20 p-FCs in the work Kang et al. [34]; 145 FCs in TW correspond to 4 BCs, 119 FCs, 6 p-BCs and 16 p-FCs in Kang; 124 p-BCs in TW correspond to 60 BCs, 15 FCs, 24 p-BCs and 25 p-FCs in Kang; and 231 p-FCs in TW correspond to 10 BCs, 147 FCs, 16 p-BCs and 48 p-FCs in Kang.
Therefore, our 590 BCs and 124 p-BCs (total 714) correspond to 552 BCs and 92 p-BCs (total 644) in Kang, which means that, out of 714 sources in our considerations, 644 are similar to those by Kang giving a 90.2% goodness of fit, and our 145 FCs and 231 p-FCs (total 376) correspond to 266 FCs and 64 p-FCs (total 330) in Kang giving a 87.8% goodness of fit.

4. Conclusions

In this work, 3743 blazars from the 4FGL catalogue [1,3], which includes 1432 BL Lacs, 794 FSRQs and 1517 BCUs were analysed regarding their averaged values and mutual correlation amongst the photon spectral index, variability index and the photon flux for the known blazars. The SVM method was adopted to separate BL Lacs and FSRQs. Then, we used the separating line to classify the the BCUs into BL Lac and FSRQs. We also proposed to classify a BCU as a BL Lac object if it is classified in all the three cases and as a possible BL Lac candidate if it is classified as a BL Lac in only two cases. For the FSRQ candidates, we also took similar considerations. Our classifications were compared with those of Kang et al. [34]. Our conclusions are as follows:
  • The γ -ray photon flux, spectral index and variability index of FSRQs were higher than those of BL Lacs for the known blazar sample. There is a sequence from FSRQs to LBLs to HBLs that is similar to that in Fossati et al. [39].
  • A positive correlation was found between the γ -ray flux and the photon spectral index for the whole sample; however, an anti-correlation was found for FSRQs and a positive correlation for BL Lacs. In addition, a positive correlation was found between the variability index ( log V I ) and the γ -ray photon spectrum index ( α ph ) for the whole sample but an anti-correlation for FSRQs and a positive correlation for BL Lacs. We found that those two positive correlations for the whole sample were apparent.
  • We adopted the SVM machine-learning method to classify BL Lacs and FSRQs in the α ph vs . log F , and α ph vs . V I plots and log F vs . V I . We obtained 932 BL Lac candidates and possible BL Lac candidates as well as 585 FSRQ candidates and possible FSRQ candidates.
  • We compared our classifications with those in Kang et al. [34] and found that, for the common sources, there was a goodness fit of 90.2% for BL Lac and possible BL Lac candidates and a goodness of 87.8% for FSRQ and possible FSRQ candidates with those by Kang et al. [34].

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.-H.F. and K.-Y.C.; methodology, J.-H.F. and H.-B.X.; writing—original draft preparation. J.-H.F., W.-X.Y., J.-C.L. and G.-H.C.; visualization and discussion, J.-H.Y., Y.-H.Y. and D.-X.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC U2031201, NSFC 11733001, U2031112, NSFC 12133004, NSFC 12103012), Guangdong Major Project of Basic and Applied Basic Research (Grant No. 2019B030302001).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data can be found in VizieR (, accessed on 6 July 2022) or obtained from the corresponding authors.


We acknowledge the science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with NO. CMS-CSST-2021-A06 and the supports for Astrophysics Key Subjects of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City, and the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Projects (2020–2023) between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Bulgaria. The work was also supported by Guangzhou University (YM2020001).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Histograms (left panel) for FSRQs and BL Lacs and their corresponding cumulative probability distribution (CPD, right panel) for three parameters. In this plot, the dashed red line for the BL Lacs and the solid black line for the FSRQs. Upper panel: for logarithm of the γ -ray photons, log F in units of ph/cm2/s, middle panel: for the γ -ray photon spectral index, α ph , bottom panel: for logarithm of the γ -ray variability index, log V I .
Figure 1. Histograms (left panel) for FSRQs and BL Lacs and their corresponding cumulative probability distribution (CPD, right panel) for three parameters. In this plot, the dashed red line for the BL Lacs and the solid black line for the FSRQs. Upper panel: for logarithm of the γ -ray photons, log F in units of ph/cm2/s, middle panel: for the γ -ray photon spectral index, α ph , bottom panel: for logarithm of the γ -ray variability index, log V I .
Universe 08 00436 g001
Figure 2. Plot of mutual correlations. The symbol ‘plus’ is for FSRQs, and the ‘open circle’ is for BL Lacs. The straight blue line stands for the best fitting result for blazars (BL Lacs and FSRQs), the ‘broken black line’ for FSRQs and the ‘broken red line’ for BL Lacs. The upper panel is for the plot of photon spectral index ( α ph ) versus γ -ray photon flux ( log F (photon/cm2/s)); middle panel for photon spectral index ( α ph ) against variability index ( log V I ) and lower panel for variability index ( log V I ) against γ -ray photon flux ( log F (photon/cm2/s)).
Figure 2. Plot of mutual correlations. The symbol ‘plus’ is for FSRQs, and the ‘open circle’ is for BL Lacs. The straight blue line stands for the best fitting result for blazars (BL Lacs and FSRQs), the ‘broken black line’ for FSRQs and the ‘broken red line’ for BL Lacs. The upper panel is for the plot of photon spectral index ( α ph ) versus γ -ray photon flux ( log F (photon/cm2/s)); middle panel for photon spectral index ( α ph ) against variability index ( log V I ) and lower panel for variability index ( log V I ) against γ -ray photon flux ( log F (photon/cm2/s)).
Universe 08 00436 g002
Figure 3. Plot of photon spectral index ( α ph ) against γ -ray photon flux ( log F ). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( α ph = 0.223 log F + 1.170 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Figure 3. Plot of photon spectral index ( α ph ) against γ -ray photon flux ( log F ). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( α ph = 0.223 log F + 1.170 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Universe 08 00436 g003
Figure 4. Plot of variability index ( log V I ) against gamma-ray photon flux ( log F ). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( α ph = 0.161 log V I + 2.594 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Figure 4. Plot of variability index ( log V I ) against gamma-ray photon flux ( log F ). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( α ph = 0.161 log V I + 2.594 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Universe 08 00436 g004
Figure 5. Plot of variability index ( log V I ) against gamma-ray photon flux (log F). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( log V I = 0.792 log F + 9.203 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Figure 5. Plot of variability index ( log V I ) against gamma-ray photon flux (log F). Open circles stand for BL Lacs, plus for FSRQs and triangle points for BCUs. The solid line ( log V I = 0.792 log F + 9.203 ) is obtained from the SVM method; it separates FSRQs and BL Lacs.
Universe 08 00436 g005
Table 1. The boundaries of blazar classification.
Table 1. The boundaries of blazar classification.
BL Lacs log ν p ( Hz ) < 14.5 14.5 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 16.5 log ν p ( Hz ) > 16.5 Nieppola et al. [20]308
log ν p ( Hz ) < 14.0 14.0 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 15.0 log ν p ( Hz ) > 15.0 Abdo et al. [21]48
Blazars log ν p ( Hz ) < 14.0 14.0 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 15.3 log ν p ( Hz ) > 15.3 Fan et al. [22]1392
log ν p ( Hz ) < 13.7 13.7 < log ν p ( Hz ) < 14.9 log ν p ( Hz ) > 14.9 Yang et al. [9]2709
N denotes the sample size that the authors used to find the boundary.
Table 2. Classification for the BCU sources in this work.
Table 2. Classification for the BCU sources in this work.
4FGL Name log F log V I α ph Class α ph F Class α ph V I Class F V I Class-TWClass(K19)
(1)(2) (3)(4)  (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)
4FGL J0001.2+4741−9.9001.4032.272BL LacBL LacFSRQP-BBL Lac
4FGL J0001.6-4156−9.5491.4211.775BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacBL Lac
4FGL J0001.8-2153−10.0431.3901.877BL LacBL LacFSRQP-BNN
4FGL J0002.1-6728−9.5871.0981.848BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacBL Lac
4FGL J0002.3-0815−9.9241.1142.092BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacNN
4FGL J0002.4-5156−10.1081.2481.914BL LacBL LacFSRQP-BNN
4FGL J0003.1-5248−9.4630.9031.916BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacBL Lac
4FGL J0003.3-1928−9.3721.6982.282BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacP-F
4FGL J0003.3-5905−9.9161.0062.274BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacP-B
4FGL J0003.5+0717−9.8141.0392.217BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacNN
4FGL J0007.7+4008−9.3511.5522.140BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacBL Lac
4FGL J0008.0-3937−9.9201.2202.626FSRQFSRQBL LacP-FFSRQ
4FGL J0008.4+1455−9.2861.7152.079BL LacBL LacBL LacBL LacBL Lac
This table is available in its entirety in machine-readable forms.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fan, J.-H.; Chen, K.-Y.; Xiao, H.-B.; Yang, W.-X.; Liang, J.-C.; Chen, G.-H.; Yang, J.-H.; Yuan, Y.-H.; Wu, D.-X. The Classification of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain Types. Universe 2022, 8, 436.

AMA Style

Fan J-H, Chen K-Y, Xiao H-B, Yang W-X, Liang J-C, Chen G-H, Yang J-H, Yuan Y-H, Wu D-X. The Classification of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain Types. Universe. 2022; 8(8):436.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fan, Jun-Hui, Ke-Yin Chen, Hu-Bing Xiao, Wen-Xin Yang, Jing-Chao Liang, Guo-Hai Chen, Jiang-He Yang, Yu-Hai Yuan, and De-Xiang Wu. 2022. "The Classification of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain Types" Universe 8, no. 8: 436.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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