Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Current Status and Prospects
:1. Introduction
1.1. Basics of the Gravitational Radiation Theory
1.2. Brief History of Gravitational Waves Detections
1.3. Properties of Neutron Stars
1.4. General Information about Continuous Gravitational Waves
1.5. Methods and Strategies of CGWs Searches
- The -statistic method introduced in [13]. The -statistic is obtained by maximizing the likelihood function with respect to four unknown parameters of the simple CGW model of rotating NSs—CGW amplitude , initial phase of the wave , inclination angle of NS rotation axis with respect to the line of sight , and polarisation angle of the wave (which are henceforth called the extrinsic parameters). This leaves a function of only four remaining parameters: , , and (called the intrinsic parameters). Thus the dimension of the parameter space that we need to search decreases from 8 to 4. To reduce computational cost and improve method efficiency, the -statistic can be evaluated on the 4-dimensional optimal grid of the intrinsic parameters [117]. As was shown in Equation (20), strength of the signal depends on the observational time: on the one hand by increasing T one can expect a detection of weaker signals, on the other hand however, analysing long-duration data requires substantial computational resources, e.g., for Polgraw time-domain F-statistic pipeline7, computational cost for an all-sky search scales as . Promising strategies to solve this problem are hierarchical semi-coherent methods, in which data is broken into short segments. In the first stage, each segment is analysed with the -statistic method. In second stage, the short time segments results are combined incoherently using a certain algorithm. Several methods were proposed for the second stage: search for coincidences among candidates from short segments [118,119], stack-slide method [101,120,121], PowerFlux method [122,123] with the latest significant search sensitivity improvements for O1 data [124,125], global correlation coordinate method [126,127], Weave method [128,129]. Independently of the details, the main goal of the -statistic method is to find the maximum of function, and hence the parameters associated with the signal. Several optimisation procedures (such as optimal grid-based or non-derivative algorithms) were implemented in such analyses [130,131,132]. -statistic can be evaluated on the time-domain data [13,47,49,117,130,133] and the frequency-domain data [101,118,119,120,134,135]. The main difference between these two concepts is that in the time-domain the information is distributed across the entire data set, while the frequency-domain analysis focuses on the part of the data around the frequency at which the peak appears. The data is initially calibrated in the time-domain and to be used by the frequency-domain methods, usually it is converted with the Fourier Transform methods.
- The Hough transform [136,137] is a widely used method to detect patterns in images. It can be applied to detect the CGWs signals in specific representations of the data: on the sky [138], and in frequency-spin-down plane [139,140]. Both types of the Hough transform method, called SkyHough and FrequencyHough, are typically used for all-sky searches and are similar to the -statistic are matched-filtering type methods. Due to limited computational power, they require division of data into relatively short segments. Interesting application of the Hough transform to the unknown sources searches was introduced in [141]. This Generalised FrequencyHough algorithm is sensitive to the braking index n, a quantity that determines the frequency behaviour of an expected signal as a function of time. In general, the evolution (decrease) of rotational frequency is described asValue of the braking index reveals a spin-down mechanism: if the spin-down is triggered by the relativistic particle wind; , if the spin-down is dominated by dipole radiation (as in the case of dipolar EM field); if it is purely quadrupolar radiation (GWs emission in General Relativity); if the spin-down is due to the oscillations (lowest order r-modes, see Section 4 for further details). Some of the CGWs searches strategies assume that object is spinning-down only due to the gravitational radiation (), as it was mentioned with Equations (33) and (34), while Generalised FrequencyHough method does not assume any specific spin-down mechanism, but allows for its examination.
- The 5-vector method [146], in which detection of the signal is based on matching a filter to the signal + and × polarization Fourier components. The antenna response function depends on Earth sidereal angular frequency and results in a splitting of the signal power among five angular frequencies , and , where . This method is typically used for narrowband and targeted searches.
- The Band Sampled Data (BSD) method, is dedicated for the directed searches, or those assuming limited sky regions, such as the Galactic Centre [147]. The application of this method results in a gain in sensitivity at a fixed computational cost, as well as gain in robustness with respect to source parameter uncertainties and instrumental disturbances. From the cleaned, band-limited and down-sampled time series, collection of the overlapped short Fourier Transforms is produced. Then, the inverse Fourier Transform allows removing overlap, edge and windowing effects. Demodulation of the signal from the Doppler and spin-down effects can be done e.g., by using heterodyne technique (see below). While in the -statistic method one could manipulate with the search sensitivity by increasing the observation time, BSD method works in Fourier-domain and analogously can be improved by increasing length of frequency bands (for comparison: bandwidth in -statistic method is typically Hz and in BSD Hz).
- The time-domain heterodyne method [148] is a targeted search which uses the EM measurements of , and (model of the phase evolution, Equation (26), assumes ). The signal depends on four unknown parameters: , , and . Due to the Earth’s rotation, amplitude of the signal recorded by an interferometric detector is time-varying since the source moves through the antenna pattern (see Equations (8)–(10)). These variations, in the heterodyne method, are used to find characteristic frequency which is the instantaneous signal frequency, register at the detector. Additionally, frequency of the signal seen in the detector is affected due to the Earth motion. Second important step of the demodulation is to remove the Doppler shifts (correct signal time-of-arrival). A targeted search is performed with a simple Bayesian parameter estimation: first the data is heterodyned with an expected phase evolution and binned to short (e.g., 1 min) samples. Then, marginalisation over the unknown noise level is performed, assuming Gaussian and stationary noise over sufficiently long (e.g., of the order of 30 min) periods. 95% upper limit is defined, inferred by the analysis, in terms of a cumulative posterior, with uniform priors on orientation and strain amplitude. At the end the parameter estimation is done by numerical marginalisation. Effective and commonly used algorithm for the last marginalisation stage is called Markov Chain Monte Carlo [149,150], in which the parameter space is explored more efficiently and without spending much time in the areas with very low probability densities.
2. Elastic Deformations
3. Magnetic Field
4. Oscillations
5. Free Precession
6. Summary
Conflicts of Interest
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1. | In Einstein’s theory, for weak gravitational fields, space-time can be described as a metric: , where is Minkowski metric and corresponds to (small) GW perturbation. In the TT gauge the perturbation is purely spatial , and traceless . From the Lorentz gauge condition one can imply that the spatial metric perturbation is transverse: . |
2. | |
3. | For the chronology of the events see [56]. |
4. | Note that the most precisely measured quantity from an inspiral phase is a so-called chirp mass: . Using Newton laws of motion, Newton universal law of gravitation, and Einstein quadrupole formula, one can see that depends only on GW frequency and its derivative —quantities determined directly from the observational data: . Information about the individual masses is taken from the waveforms filtering, including post-Newtonian expansion. That is why determination has the smallest errors, while estimations are model-dependent and generate relatively big errors, e.g., for the GW170817 event individual masses (for the low-spin priors) were estimated as: M and M, while chirp mass M [34,69]. |
5. | The ATNF Pulsar Database website: |
6. | Of course, the whole picture is more complex when binary system is considered since in that case also the binary orbital parameters that additionally modulate the CGW signal have to be taken into account. In this review we focus only on the isolated NSs. Leverage of searches for CGWs signals from isolated objects, in order to identify and follow-up signals from NSs in binary systems were investigated in [104]. |
7. | Project repository: |
8. | Project webpage: |
9. | We consider here density perturbations, which affect the spherical shape of the star , where denotes spherical harmonics. The multipole moment of the perturbation along radius coordinate r is . Here we focus only on the lowest-order perturbation , consistent with , for which . Note that in this section we consider the simplest model, in which rotational and axes are aligned. In general they may be misaligned, producing additional CGW radiation at frequency, whose strength depends on the angle between rotational and axes and is maximal when they are perpendicular [7]. Such cases are consider in Section 3 and Section 5. Searches in the LVC data for the CGW radiation at both and were performed in the past [159]. |
10. | Note that in Equation (36) the function has a positive sign, which means that the poloidal magnetic field tends to distort a NS into an oblate shape. For a toroidal field the expression changes sign, making the NS shape prolate. |
11. | Whole energy of the mode is transferred to the NS spin-down and loss of the canonical angular momentum of the mode. |
12. | Unlike in the case of the elastic deformations, what was shown in Section 2, r-modes affect equation of motion , where is dimensionless amplitude and is the angular frequency in co-rotating frame. The only non-trivial solution is for , giving , what can be transferred to the angular frequency in the inertial frame: . Dividing this expression by gives . |
13. | When viscosity is dominated by normal matter, then the NS enters into a limit cycle of spin-up by accretion and spin-down by the r-mode. |
14. | The timescales discussed here are related to the polytrope and : the simplest illustrative model. General expressions of the timescales are [248]: ; , where is the shear viscosity factor; , where is the bulk viscosity factor. In principle all these timescales are sensitive to EOS due to the occurrence of density in the equations. |
15. | In the case of precession, general expression for the ellipticity is defined as , where moment-of-inertia tensor is given by and is the moment of inertia of the spherically symmetric density field . |
Known Waveform | Unknown Waveform | |
Long-lived | Rotating neutron stars | Stochastic background |
(continuous) | ||
Short-lived | Compact binaries coalescences | Supernovæ |
( s) |
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Sieniawska, M.; Bejger, M. Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Current Status and Prospects. Universe 2019, 5, 217.
Sieniawska M, Bejger M. Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Current Status and Prospects. Universe. 2019; 5(11):217.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSieniawska, Magdalena, and Michał Bejger. 2019. "Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Current Status and Prospects" Universe 5, no. 11: 217.
APA StyleSieniawska, M., & Bejger, M. (2019). Continuous Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: Current Status and Prospects. Universe, 5(11), 217.