Perspectives on Constraining a Cosmological Constant-Type Parameter with Pulsar Timing in the Galactic Center
:1. Introduction
2. Calculating the Perturbation of the Orbital Component of the Time Shift Due to the Cosmological Constant
3. The Opportunity Offered by Hypotetical Pulsars in the Galactic Center
4. Summary and Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Notations and definitions
- Newtonian constant of gravitation
- speed of light in vacuum
- reduced Planck constant
- Planck length
- cosmological constant
- Hubble parameter
- critical density of the universe
- density due to the cosmological constant
- normalized energy density of the cosmological constant
- : mass of the pulsar p
- : mass of the invisible companion c
- : total mass of the binary
- gravitational parameter of the binary
- semimajor axis of the binary’s relative orbit
- Keplerian mean motion
- Keplerian orbital period
- semimajor axis of the barycentric orbit of the pulsar p
- eccentricity
- inclination of the orbital plane
- argument of pericenter
- time of periastron passage
- reference epoch
- mean anomaly
- true anomaly
- eccentric anomaly
- argument of latitude
- relative position vector of the binary’s orbit
- component of the position vector along the line of sight
- magnitude of the binary’s relative position vector
- radial unit vector
- unit vector of the orbital angular momentum
- transverse unit vector
- radial component of the relative position vector of the binary’s orbit
- normal component of the relative position vector of the binary’s orbit
- transverse component of the relative position vector of the binary’s orbit
- perturbing potential due to the cosmological constant
- perturbing acceleration due to the cosmological constant
- periodic variation of the time of arrivals of the pulses from the pulsar p due to its barycentric orbital motion
Appendix A.2. Tables and Figures
Estimated Parameter | Value |
a | |
e | |
I | |
calendar year |
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Iorio, L. Perspectives on Constraining a Cosmological Constant-Type Parameter with Pulsar Timing in the Galactic Center. Universe 2018, 4, 59.
Iorio L. Perspectives on Constraining a Cosmological Constant-Type Parameter with Pulsar Timing in the Galactic Center. Universe. 2018; 4(4):59.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIorio, Lorenzo. 2018. "Perspectives on Constraining a Cosmological Constant-Type Parameter with Pulsar Timing in the Galactic Center" Universe 4, no. 4: 59.
APA StyleIorio, L. (2018). Perspectives on Constraining a Cosmological Constant-Type Parameter with Pulsar Timing in the Galactic Center. Universe, 4(4), 59.