AdS/CFT in Fractional Dimension and Higher-Spins at One Loop
:1. Introduction
2. Higher-Spin Partition Function in Fractional Dimensions
2.1. Integer Dimensions
2.2. Fractional Dimensions
2.3. Volume of Hyperbolic Space
2.4. Non-Minimal Type-A
2.5. Minimal Type-A
2.6. Matching Free Vector Model
2.7. Matching Critical Vector Model
3. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. From Intermediate to Final Form
Appendix B. Modified Zeta Function
Appendix B.1. Zeta
Appendix B.2. Deficit
Appendix B.2.1. d = 3
Appendix B.2.2. d = 5
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1. | |
2. | The second term in the brackets is to subtract the ghosts. |
3. | One can represent the spectral zeta-function as a differential operator acting on some seed function that has enough parameters to produce . Character is an example of such a function [42,47], which is also indispensable for taking tensor products. The characters are however difficult to define in non-integer dimension. |
4. | For a more detailed discussion see [57]. |
5. | The contour is the reflection image of Figure 1 around the real axis. |
6. | Recall that . |
7. | We refer to it as intermediate as the integral is divergent and requires regularization. |
8. | The deficit at order z is just the leftover of without the part including in [45]. This allows us to conclude that the modified zeta function works well for arbitrary dimension since is irrelevant at one loop. |
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Skvortsov, E.; Tran, T. AdS/CFT in Fractional Dimension and Higher-Spins at One Loop. Universe 2017, 3, 61.
Skvortsov E, Tran T. AdS/CFT in Fractional Dimension and Higher-Spins at One Loop. Universe. 2017; 3(3):61.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSkvortsov, Evgeny, and Tung Tran. 2017. "AdS/CFT in Fractional Dimension and Higher-Spins at One Loop" Universe 3, no. 3: 61.
APA StyleSkvortsov, E., & Tran, T. (2017). AdS/CFT in Fractional Dimension and Higher-Spins at One Loop. Universe, 3(3), 61.