Phenomenological Review on Quark–Gluon Plasma: Concepts vs. Observations
:1. Introduction
2. Matter under Extreme Conditions
3. Phases of QCD Matter
3.1. The Role of the QCD Ground State
3.2. Strongly Interacting Quark–Gluon Plasma
3.3. QCD at High Temperatures and Vanishing Chemical Potentials
3.3.1. Softest Point in the EoS of Deconfined QCD Matter
3.3.2. Testing the Properties of the Medium with Infinitely Heavy Static Test Charges
3.4. QCD at High Temperatures and Non-Zero Chemical Potentials
4. Study of Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter Using Nuclear Collisions
4.1. Heavy Ion Accelerators
4.2. Heavy Ion Collisions as a Source of Strong Electromagnetic Fields
Quark–Gluon Plasma in a Strong Magnetic Field
4.3. Transport Models
4.3.1. Elements of Relativistic Hydrodynamics
4.3.2. Blast Wave Parametrization
4.4. Initial State Description of Nuclear and Hadronic Interactions
4.4.1. Glauber Model
4.4.2. QCD Scattering in the Dipole Picture: Initial-State Energy Loss and Shadowing
4.4.3. Color Glass Condensate
4.4.4. Other Initial State Models
5. Experimental Signatures of Deconfined QCD Matter
5.1. Bulk Observables
5.2. Hard Probes
5.2.1. High- Hadrons and Jets
5.2.2. Quarkonia
5.3. Penetrating Probes
6. New Developments
6.1. Search for the Critical Point of QCD Phase Diagram
6.2. Collectivity in Small Systems
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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