Automated Quantum Hardware Selection for Quantum Workflows
:1. Introduction
2. Fundamentals & Problem Statement
2.1. NISQ Era & Quantum Hardware Selection
2.2. Quantum Workflows & QuantME
2.3. Problem Statement
3. Related Work
4. Automated Quantum Hardware Selection Approach
4.1. Quantum Hardware Selection Subprocess
4.2. Automated Hardware Selection and Dynamic Workflow Adaptation
4.3. Transformation into Native Workflow Models
- First, the NISQ Analyzer is invoked with the ingoing quantum circuit from the Quantum Hardware Selection Subprocess, which is stored in a traditional data object after the transformation.
- Afterward, the result from the NISQ Analyzer is received, and the list of suitable quantum hardware is added to a new data object.
- Next, one of the suitable quantum computers or simulators has to be chosen depending on the selection strategy defined in the configuration attributes of the subprocess. Thereby, the implementation of this activity can, e.g., be done using a script task if the quantum hardware with the shortest queue size should be used. Another selection strategy could include a manual selection and, thus, would be implemented by a human task. Hence, new selection strategies can be added as plugins with the corresponding implementation of the selection task. For this, the implementation of the selection activity is defined as a workflow fragment. These workflow fragments are then automatically injected during transformation based on the configured selection strategy.
- Subsequently, the transformation of the workflow fragment specified within the Quantum Hardware Selection Subprocess has to be performed. For this, the selected quantum hardware, as well as the workflow fragment to transform, are sent to the QuantME Transformation Framework. Thereby, the workflow fragment is serialized and stored in a separate data object, which can, e.g., be done using the XML syntax for BPMN [22]. The result of the transformation is a workflow model, which is assembled from multiple workflow fragments, depending on the QuantME tasks within the subprocess [21].
- The transformed workflow model is deployed after the successful transformation, and the corresponding endpoint is received by the workflow.
- In the last step, the deployed workflow model is invoked with the input data. Thereby, the input data comprises any ingoing data object to the replaced Quantum Hardware Selection Subprocess including the quantum circuit to execute. Finally, the result of the invocation is stored in the data object outside the subprocess, which can be accessed by subsequent tasks in the workflow. The invocation of the transformed workflow fragment is done using a call activity in BPMN. However, if such an activity is not supported by the used workflow language, then it can be split into a send and receive task, as shown for the invocation of the NISQ Analyzer.
5. System Architecture & Prototypical Validation
5.1. System Architecture
5.2. Prototypical Implementation
5.3. Case Study
- First, the calibration matrix for the mitigation is requested from a provenance system, such as QProv (see Section 5.1). Thereby, the calibration matrix differs for various quantum computers and, thus, it depends on the hardware selection [16].
- Afterward, the response from the provenance system is received, containing the calibration matrix for the quantum computer if available. Hence, it does not have to be separately determined for the current workflow execution, reducing the number of quantum circuits to execute and increasing the efficiency [8].
- However, if no up-to-date calibration matrix is available for the selected quantum computer, it can also be directly calculated in the workflow. For this, the corresponding calibration circuits are generated in the next task.
- Subsequently, the calibration circuits are executed on the quantum computer.
- Based on the results from the calibration circuit executions, the calibration matrix can be determined and is stored in a designated data object.
- Finally, the received or calculated calibration matrix is used to mitigate the readout-errors in the execution results that are passed to the subprocess as input. Thereby, different readout-error mitigation or unfolding techniques are available [71,72], and in our example, the so-called matrix inversion technique is used. Hence, the calibration matrix is inverted and multiplied with the execution results to retrieve mitigated results.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Weder, B.; Barzen, J.; Leymann, F.; Salm, M. Automated Quantum Hardware Selection for Quantum Workflows. Electronics 2021, 10, 984.
Weder B, Barzen J, Leymann F, Salm M. Automated Quantum Hardware Selection for Quantum Workflows. Electronics. 2021; 10(8):984.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWeder, Benjamin, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, and Marie Salm. 2021. "Automated Quantum Hardware Selection for Quantum Workflows" Electronics 10, no. 8: 984.