Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition
:1. Introduction
- We organized a competition on recognizing compound emotions that require, in addition to performing an effective visual analysis, dealing with recognition of micro emotions. The database includes 31,250 faces with different emotions of 115 subjects whose gender distribution is almost uniform. The challenge was held at the FG2020.
- We introduce the winning method: a two-stage recognition algorithm to recognize compound emotions. In the first stage, coarse recognition, a DCNN was used to extract appearance features, and they are afterward combined with facial-point features. Then, in the second stage, fine recognition is done using a binary classifier. This two-stage recognition method is our first contribution to the proposed method. The second one is multi-modality, using appearance information with facial-point information. Moreover, to improve the performance, a model-ensembling based on the label distribution was used.
2. Related Work
3. Compound Emotion Recognition Challenge
3.1. Compound Emotions Database
3.2. Baseline–Compound Emotion Recognition Using Multi-Modality Network with Visual and Geometrical Information
3.3. Evaluation Metric
4. The Winning Approach
4.1. The Two-Stage Recognition Model
4.1.1. Preprocessing
4.1.2. The First-Stage: Coarse Recognition
4.1.3. The Second-Stage: Fine Recognition
4.1.4. Ensembling and Voting
5. Experimental Results
- Dialog tag: we used the same complementary and dominant as a dialog tag to define the label. There are eight dialog tags in this competition such as
- Symmetrical tag: we defined the symmetrical labels pair as a symmetrical tag. There are 21 symmetrical tags in this competition such as
- Model_1: One-stage model: In this model, we used only the first-stage recognition, and the output of this model is the prediction results of all 50 categories. The backbone of this Model is ResNet18-like, where we used both appearance and facial-point features for the classifier.
- Model_2: Two-stage recognition model-version1: The first-stage recognition is the same as Model 1, and the prediction results will go through the second-stage recognition. In this stage, we trained 21 binary classifiers corresponding to 21 Symmetrical tags to classify the final label for each symmetrical tag.
- Model_3: Two-stage recognition model-version2: We transferred the 50 categories into 29 tags for training data in this model and retrained the first stage recognition with 29 output categories. Furthermore, the prediction results would go through the corresponding binary classifier in the second stage of recognition for the final output.
6. Discussion
6.1. Backbone Selection
6.2. Image Resolution
7. Conclusions and Future Work
- A two-stage strategy is used to mitigate the symmetrical label misclassification.
- We benefit from both appearance and facial-point information for compound emotion recognition.
- We ensemble one-stage and two-stage base models to further enhance the performance.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Angry | Contempt | Disgust | Fear | Happy | Sadness | Surprise | |
Angry | angry | contemptly angry | disgustingly angry | fearfully angry | happily angry | sadly angry | surprisingly angry |
Contempt | angrily contempt | contempt | disgustingly contempt | fearfully contempt | happily contempt | sadly contempt | surprisingly contempt |
Disgust | angrily disgusted | contemptly disgusted | disgust | fearfully disgusted | happily disgusted | sadly disgusted | surprisingly disgusted |
Fear | angrily fearful | contemptly fearful | disgustingly fearful | fearful | happily fearful | sadly fearful | surprisingly fearful |
Happy | angrily happy | contemptly happy | disgustingly happy | fearfully happy | happy | sadly happy | surprisingly happy |
Sadness | angrily sad | contemptly sad | disgustingly sad | fearfully sad | happily sad | sad | surprisingly sad |
Surprise | angrily surprised | contemptly surprised | disgustingly surprised | fearfully surprised | happily surprised | sadly surprised | surprised |
Label | Emotion | Label | Emotion | Label | Emotion | Label | Emotion |
0 | neutral | 14 | contemptly surprised | 28 | fearfully surprised | 42 | sadly surprised |
1 | angry | 15 | disgustingly angry | 29 | happily angry | 43 | surprisingly angry |
2 | angrily contempt | 16 | disgustingly contempt | 30 | happily contempt | 44 | surprisingly contempt |
3 | angrily disgusted | 17 | disgust | 31 | happily disgust | 45 | surprisingly disgust |
4 | angrily fearful | 18 | disgustingly fearful | 32 | happily fearful | 46 | surprisingly fearful |
5 | angrily happy | 19 | disgustingly happy | 33 | happy | 47 | surprisingly happy |
6 | angrily sad | 20 | disgustingly sad | 34 | happily sad | 48 | surprisingly sad |
7 | angrily surprised | 21 | disgustingly surprised | 35 | happily surprised | 49 | surprised |
8 | contemptly angry | 22 | fearfully angry | 36 | sadly angry | ||
9 | contempt | 23 | fearfully contempt | 37 | sadly contempt | ||
10 | contemptly disgusted | 24 | fearfully disgust | 38 | sadly disgust | ||
11 | contemptly fearful | 25 | fearful | 39 | sadly fearful | ||
12 | contemptly happy | 26 | fearfully happy | 40 | sadly happy | ||
13 | contemptly sad | 27 | fearfully sad | 41 | sad |
Layer Name | Output Size | Layer |
Input layer | ||
Layer1 | [] [] | |
Layer2 | [] [] | |
Layer3 | [] [] | |
Layer4 | [] [] |
Method | Test Set |
Model_1 | 18.51 |
Model_2 | 19.71 |
Model_3 | 19.28 |
Ensembling | 21.83 |
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Kamińska, D.; Aktas, K.; Rizhinashvili, D.; Kuklyanov, D.; Sham, A.H.; Escalera, S.; Nasrollahi, K.; Moeslund, T.B.; Anbarjafari, G. Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition. Electronics 2021, 10, 2847.
Kamińska D, Aktas K, Rizhinashvili D, Kuklyanov D, Sham AH, Escalera S, Nasrollahi K, Moeslund TB, Anbarjafari G. Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition. Electronics. 2021; 10(22):2847.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKamińska, Dorota, Kadir Aktas, Davit Rizhinashvili, Danila Kuklyanov, Abdallah Hussein Sham, Sergio Escalera, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund, and Gholamreza Anbarjafari. 2021. "Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition" Electronics 10, no. 22: 2847.
APA StyleKamińska, D., Aktas, K., Rizhinashvili, D., Kuklyanov, D., Sham, A. H., Escalera, S., Nasrollahi, K., Moeslund, T. B., & Anbarjafari, G. (2021). Two-Stage Recognition and beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition. Electronics, 10(22), 2847.