Highly Adaptive Linear Actor-Critic for Lightweight Energy-Harvesting IoT Applications
:1. Introduction
- To provide better adaptability, we combined and evaluated the LAC algorithm with Adam (LAC-A) using smaller decay factors for transmission (TX) duty-cycle optimization in an application of sensor data TX in a point-to-point network.
- With the use of smaller decay rates in Adam, we can exclude the initialization bias correction terms to reduce the calculations, and we call the algorithm LAC-AB (LAC with Adam Biased).
- We defined the time of convergence quantitatively based on the mean and variance information for evaluating the speed of convergence of different approaches.
- Simulation results show that, for our application use case, smaller decay rates such as 0.2–0.4 are better for power-failure-sensitive applications and 0.5–0.7 for latency-sensitive applications with in the LAC-AB algorithm.
- We show that LAC-AB with such decay rates helps achieve more reactivity and stability to drastic gradient changes, such as doubled workload, and enables fine-tuning the actions to the initial state more quickly.
2. Related Work
3. System Model
3.1. Energy Harvesting and State-of-Charge Model
3.2. Application Data and State-of-Buffer model
3.3. Power Consumption and Transmission Model
4. Application Scenario
- -
- The control update interval (CUI) is min.
- -
- For the PV cell model, we set the cell area A, conversion efficiency , and tracking factor as 2.5 , , and , respectively [7]. This choice is consistent with an off-the-shelf solar cell that can harvest power from to per cm, depending on the lighting condition [32]. Note that we use the real-life solar irradiance data provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory [33].
- -
- The self-discharge of a supercapacitor whose capacitor size is is considered per day (detailed in Section 3.1). The harvest–use–store scheme is adopted [25,26] to provide high energy efficiency.
- -
- The wireless link quality is under the influence of path-loss and shadowing.
- -
- The workload follows the Poisson distribution. The average rate doubles after the first six months (where the algorithm is put through the test of fast adaptability/reactivity). More precisely, the system receives the average of 1.0 for the first six months, and it impulsively becomes twice (2.0 ) afterwards.
- EHD1: Non-processed real-life one-year data from 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019
- EHD2: Real-life one-year data made by stacking 365 one day (1 December 2018) worth of solar irradiance data
- EHD3: Real-life one-year data made by stacking 365 one day (1 June 2018) worth of solar irradiance data
5. Reinforcement Learning
- Find the optimal policy .
- Determine the estimate of the value function under a certain policy;
6. Algorithm: LAC-AB
- -
- Smaller values lead to more weight on recent changes, i.e., faster online adaptation.
- -
- The gradient variance can become too large and yet carries an important information for parameter updates that can be lost with larger values of and .
Algorithm 1 LAC-AB: LAC Algorithm Using Adam with No Initialization Bias Correction |
3: ▹ For minimizing SoB and maximizing SoC 4: ▹ Less SoB and more SoC are better states (better values) 5: TD-error for Actor-Critic 6: ▹ Advantage function: (: state-action value function) Critic: TD() algorithm 7: ▹ Calculate the eligibility trace 8: ▹ Update the critic parameter Actor: Policy gradient theorem using Adam with no initialization bias corrections 9: 10: ▹ Estimate the first-order moment 11: ▹ Estimate the second-order moment 12: ▹ Update the actor parameter Next TX duty-cycle selection 13: ▹ Less SoB, smaller action values; More SoC, higher action values 14: Clamp to 15: ▹ Gaussian policy for action generation 16: Clamp to 17: Return 18: end for each |
7. Definition of Convergence
- All the mean values (e.g., actor parameter values ) taken over all the simulations at the same time points in a x-day sweeping window are all within error band of the average of all the mean values in the last x-day window under almost the same state (e.g., under the same workload scenario in our test study here).
- The variances of the mean values taken over all the simulations at the same time points are confirmed to be not different, i.e., the homogeneity of variance is tested and confirmed by means of Levene’s test [36], more precisely Brown–Forsythe [37] test, with the confidence interval of (note that we cannot say “the same” mathematically).
8. Simulation Results
8.1. Divergence and Reactivity Problem
8.2. Effectiveness and Convergence of LAC-AB
8.3. Decay Rates Study for LAC-AB
9. Conclusions and Future Direction
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Paper | Method | SoB | SoC | Harvester | Action | Neural? | LR |
[6] | Online statistics & offline optimization | - | Finite | - | Sense & Compress setups | No | NA |
[7] | Prediction & online stepwise adjustment | - | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle, TX power | No | Fixed |
[8] | Lyapunov optimization | - | Finite | Solar | TX modulation | No | NA |
[9] | Lyapunov optimization | - | Finite | Solar | TX power | No | NA |
[10] | Online KKT & prediction | - | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle | No | Fixed |
[11] | Simplex algorithm with prediction and offline data | - | Finite | Solar | Active time (Duty-cycle), accuracy | No | NA |
[13] | Q-learning | - | Finite | - | Suspension mode selection | No | Fixed |
[14] | Actor-Critic | Infinite | Finite | Solar | TX power | 3 layers (3-10-5-1) | Fixed |
[12] | Linear-Quadratic Regulator | - | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle | No | Fixed |
[15] | DRL | - | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle | 3 layers (4-64-64-2) | Fixed |
[16] | Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic | Finite | Finite | Uniform distribution | Duty-cycle, TX power (source and relay) | 3 layers (5-300-200-3(1)) | Fixed |
[17] | Deep RL | Infinite | Finite | Uniform distribution | TX modulation (=TX power) | 3 layers (3-10-10-1) | Fixed or decaying |
[2] | Linear Actor-Critic | - | Finite | Solar, wind | Packet rate | No (Linear function) | Fixed |
[18] | Multi-Agent Actor-Critic | Finite | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle, TX power | No (Linear function) | Fixed |
[19] | Double Deep Q-Network | - | Finite | Two-state Markov process | Uplink scheduling policy | Yes (No details) | Adam (less adaptive) |
[20] | Multi-Agent Double Deep Q-Network | - | - | - | Base station and channel selections | 4-layers (50-64-32-32-26(30)) | Adam (less adaptive) |
[21] | Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient | - | Finite | Solar | Energy budget | Actor: 3(4)-60-30-1, Critic: 3(4)-60-60-60-60-60-1 | Adam (less adaptive) |
This paper | Linear Actor-Critic | Finite | Finite | Solar | Duty-cycle | Linear function | Adam (highly adaptive) |
Algorithm | ||||||
LAC | ||||||
LAC-A | ||||||
Algorithm | LAC-A | LAC-AB | ||
Latency (Mean/Std) | First 6 months | |||
Last 6 months | ||||
# of power failures/# of failed simulations |
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Share and Cite
Sawaguchi, S.; Christmann, J.-F.; Lesecq, S. Highly Adaptive Linear Actor-Critic for Lightweight Energy-Harvesting IoT Applications. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2021, 11, 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/jlpea11020017
Sawaguchi S, Christmann J-F, Lesecq S. Highly Adaptive Linear Actor-Critic for Lightweight Energy-Harvesting IoT Applications. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 2021; 11(2):17. https://doi.org/10.3390/jlpea11020017
Chicago/Turabian StyleSawaguchi, Sota, Jean-Frédéric Christmann, and Suzanne Lesecq. 2021. "Highly Adaptive Linear Actor-Critic for Lightweight Energy-Harvesting IoT Applications" Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 11, no. 2: 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/jlpea11020017
APA StyleSawaguchi, S., Christmann, J.-F., & Lesecq, S. (2021). Highly Adaptive Linear Actor-Critic for Lightweight Energy-Harvesting IoT Applications. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 11(2), 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/jlpea11020017