What Are Ideological Systems?
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- the process of production of meanings, signs and values in social life;
- (b)
- a body of ideas characteristic of a particular social group or class;
- (c)
- ideas which help to legitimate a dominant political power;
- (d)
- false ideas which help to legitimate a dominant political power.
- (1)
- An Ideology is a system of ideas that an individual or a social group holds over time to which they are committed;
- (2)
- Ideology is an organizing world view that obscures aspects of experience and when it operates as a closed belief system is impervious to evidence contradicting its position;
- (3)
- All ideology diminishes the importance of individuals [9].
- (1)
- Homogeneity: each discourse informs a content previously given and that operates under its own syntaxes. This means that each ideological approach has its history and ways of solving problems, in short constitutes a paradigm. As such, problems at its boundaries are difficult to solve and may require a new paradigm. Ideologies impose a focus that produces a theoretical blindness (Kahneman, [10]);
- (2)
- Heterogeneity: the relation of reality to language introduces a complete displacement of all the usual connections to reality, a fact that makes it impossible to consider the reality-language connections as simple duplicates. This is a central feature of constructivism, that we each have different ways of making sense of the world. Inevitably, there will be differences that depend on the ways we make sense that depend on the experiences that we prioritise in coming to know. Therefore, no one has a monopoly on truth, there are different ways of accounting for experience.
2. Typology of Ideologies
- (1)
- Ediostatic group: The ideologies in this group are:
- (a)
- The Protostatic Ideology: The function of this ideology is to provide a stable social group offering protection against other groups. Identifying with the group was important for survival so thinking was necessarily very conservative and dominated by social cohesion. The group’s thinking is focused on the in-group and hostile or potentially hostile to the out-group;
- (b)
- The Epistatic Ideology: This ideology is one in which improvements to the society become accepted by beginning to recognize individual rights. In some ways it is like Kohlberg’s stage 3 “Good boy, good girl” morality. One religion is likely to be accepted but other religions can exist. It may be described as a transition from the extreme Right to conservatism;
- (c)
- The Parastatic Ideology: A feature of this view is that additional improvements are made for individuals in society through the influence of the sciences. Liberalism with its support for religious tolerance and free political institutions is associated with this ideology.
- (2)
- Ediodynamic group: Following these ideologies emphasizing society the ediodynamic ideologies arose, concerned with restrictions to individual freedom. The emphasis has changed from conserving society and restricting individual freedom to promoting individual freedom. Improvements to living can be made by changing society. However, in each successive ideology there are less constraints on emerging dynamic forms of thinking. The ideologies in this group are:
- (a)
- The protodynamic ideology: Here society is seen to be made up of classes and in this ideology the emphasis is on restructuring society along the lines that we know as social democracy. It is the first step away from conserving society based on individual freedoms;
- (b)
- The epidynamic ideology: This ideology moves further away from social stability of the existing society by identifying class conflict as a medium of social change. Progress is achieved by resolving perceived conflict. Politically this is a form of communism;
- (c)
- The Paradynamic ideology: In cognitive change there is a balance between what was known and emerging knowledge. As the constraints are removed the changes become anarchic. Therefore, the only limit on freedom is that of the individual, that is, the individual is prioritized in the society-individual interface.
- (3)
- Metadynamic group: People in this group recognize that all ideologies depend on key assumptions. Each assumption brings its own constraints between (1) groups of individuals and (2) between individuals and societies. Studying the constraints allows insight into ways ideologies constrain freedoms.
- (a)
- Affirmative Ideology: An ideology that is dominated by affirmative themes and overemphasises an optimistic world view;
- (b)
- Negative or Divergent Ideology: An ideology overly dominated by negative criticism. There are many ways of being negative such as continually calling into question views expressed about the need for careful management of resources;
- (c)
- Polar Ideology: Polar ideology is a negative oriented ideology that seems to derive its identity by being oppositional and antagonistic;
- (d)
- Marginal Ideology: Those theories on the edge are marginal. Marginal ideologies border between affirmative and negative. For example: As for violent radical Islam, Feldman [20] considers it a marginal ideology—which in many ways it is. He goes on to envision what a Middle East beyond violent jihadism could be, quoting a saying of the Prophet Muhammad on the need for a greater jihad concerned with self-development;
- (e)
- Split Ideology: Theories that indicate one thing while encouraging the opposite.
- (1)
- The dominant ideology or ideology now in force;
- (2)
- The residual ideology. Ideology that was dominant;
- (3)
- The emergent ideology. Ideology that is evolving in resistance to dominance.
- (1)
- The first is identification: the actor subject accepts the values and beliefs in society;
- (2)
- The second is counter-identification: the actor subject opposes the values and beliefs in the dominant ideology, and by this acceptance confirms the dominant ideology and fails to notice problems in the society;
- (3)
- The third position is termed dis-identification: this happens when a subject actor adopts an identity in opposition, rather like reframing the subject in a newer paradigm. Dis-identification requires a transformation in the way the subject is ideologically defined. It is a matter of understanding people differently, in terms of their relations to one another, and in the ways institutions relate to and define people. The concept of dis-identification is useful in analyzing group inter-relationships in sociopolitical categories such as class, race, and gender. Pecheux [25] has argued we make meaning with implicit ideological intent in our words, expressions, propositions. However, it is the meaning not the intent of the speaker that arises from the subject’s position in a conversation when most people in a society belonging to a particular Deontic Impure System (DIS) adopt the status quo and do not even want to think of alternatives, we have a hegemony or a dominating world view. This hegemony has the corollary of the over-simplistic argument of philosophers and writers of the 20th century that adjustments to the language in the media may produce ideological homogeneity.
3. Elements of an Ideology
- (1)
- Personal commitment to an ideology is a potent and evident feature. Without personal commitment, ideologies would wither through lack of support. We would need other variables to study social systems;
- (2)
- Ideologies are systems that are bigger than their expression in committed believers. The believers know the parts of the ideology that form parts of their expressed identities. However, they will recognize other aspects of the ideology since ideological systems have their own coherence. The parts of the ideology that individuals do not like will provide grist to the mill for ideological change and development;
- (3)
- Psychological mechanisms are clearly involved in ideologies and their influence. Partly this is a function of identification with the values of an ideology that goes a long way to explain commitment. The connectedness of an ideology in society is also due to the social psychology of group behavior;
- (4)
- The life span of an ideology is a function of the social relevance of the ideas rather than the individual believers;
- (5)
- Ideologies are enormously variable in terms of content;
- (6)
- The boundaries of an ideology may be difficult to define. Neat boundaries may occur if the boundaries are constructed with some social purpose in mind, determining who is “in” and who is “out”. Of course, different social groups with different ideologies are a paradigm case of clear boundaries, but whether this is because of the social groups or the ideologies is a moot point.
- (1)
- Doxical Superstructure (DS) is formed by values in political and religious ideologies and culture of a human society in a certain historical time;
- (2)
- Mythical Superstructure(MS) also has been divided in two parts:
- (a)
- MS1 containing mythical components or primogenital bases of ideologies and cultures with ideal values;
- (b)
- MS2 containing ideal values and utopias that are ideal wished and unattainable goals of belief systems of the Doxical Superstructure (DS).
- (1)
- Values. Like ideologies, values define the good in particular domains. We refer to ideal values belonging to the Mythical Superstructure (MS). They are goals in the sense that they are the values in terms of which the Doxical Superstructure (DS) is justified. Ideal values are generally tightly associated with the reward systems socially in place for particular social attributes, like heroic characteristics or fidelity to the system. Values have a function in a society like the action of evolution, that is, it is after the fact that the inherent value is recognized and lauded. Therefore, values are really a posteriori rather than a priori. Values emerge through reflection on the structural base (SB) and may then be generalized towards a new use in a flexible way. Many cultural events are expressions of cultural values in concrete situations that allow the society to relive the abstract values (take for example, the New Zealand Haka at the beginning of international rugby games);
- (2)
- Substantive beliefs (Sb) [36]. They constitute the basic and important beliefs in any ideology. Statements such as: equality is important, the right to vote, God created the World, Slavery is Wrong. For believers, the substantive beliefs are crucial;
- (3)
- Behavior. The way believers act may assume other believers think and act the same way. However, this may not be the case. If we take the example of a particular political or religious ideology, it consists of detailed doctrines and policies that emerge over a long period of time from the relevant substantive beliefs. Even naming the believers takes time whether they are Far Right, Communists, or the Real IRA (Irish Republican Army). The believers work together and then experts work out what is the correct behavior, the “right” values and so on;
- (4)
- Language. A language L is the logical expression of an ideology relating one substantive (Substantive beliefs [36,37] make up a system’s axioms, and most of the beliefs make up their theorems) belief [27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39] to the others in the belief system. Language is understood from repeated patterns in the use of sets of beliefs. The meanings are implicit, and often applied inconsistently. Let Sb be a substantive belief. We have proposed the following rules of generation of ideologies [33]:
- (5)
- Perspective. Perspectives of an ideology consist of their key ideas or tools. How does the ideology help adherents think about their social neighbors, their environment, and their own social context. How do we view neighbors or neighboring countries or immigrants? Is the relationship one of equality, or of friendship, or as dominators? How do individuals perceive themselves in the society? Perspective may exist in the Mythical Superstructure [32,33,34,35,36,38,40]. Perspective may also provide an explanation of how we come to be as in the case of religious belief and the answer to questions about the purpose of our lives. Cognitive orientation, identification and meaning (d-significances [31]) and are provided;
- (6)
- Prescriptions and proscriptions. Included here are ethical options, policy options and recommendations about behavior (deontic norms). These are the connotations, the projections from the interpretations of the belief system (IDS) to the Structural Base (SB). Within the Marxist tradition examples include Marx’s Communist Manifesto, Lenin’s What is To Be Done. Hitler’s Mein Kampf is an example of prescriptions within the Fascist tradition. Deontic norms provide a clear link of an MS-image with SB-projections illustrating the abstract idea (in the Mythical Superstructure as an Ideal Structure) and the experienced belief actualized in behavior. The social group acts on prescriptions or not and are rewarded or not by the social group;
- (7)
- Ideological Technology. Borhek and Curtis [41] describe how beliefs in an ideology are related to values. Some beliefs deal with subjective legitimacy and others with the effectiveness of d-significances. For example, the technology of an ideology consists in political activism and organizational strategy. It provides the means achieving the goals of the ideology, both in the Structural Base (immediate) or in the long term Ideal Structure as the Utopia. Ideological Technology while a central part of an ideology is on a different level to belief systems. That is, it may limit substantial beliefs, and commitment to it may be different without altering commitment to the ideology. The Ideological Technology adopted may cause changes to the ideology as can prescriptions for action or indeed living in the Structural Base. Each condition may have social consequences providing opportunities to reconsider beliefs and their implications. A good historical example is provided by Western Europe’s Eurocommunism. Ideological Technology may become symbolic through the DS-image and an inverse MS-image on the Primogenital Base belonging to Mythical Superstructure, and it can cause major differences between ideological approaches and cause conflict. In the Spanish Civil War there were conflicts between anarchists and Communists and also between Trotsky’s ideas and Stalin’s. Flashpoints occur when differences are taken to be differences that make a difference wherever they occur. Examples include the differences between Catholic and Protestants at various times in history within the Christian religion; and between Muslims and Hindus as an example of differences between different religions.
- (1)
- Conflicts depend on what difference symbolizes in the Mythical Superstructure’s Primogenital Base;
- (2)
- Substantive beliefs are understood by their ideal values, how they work (criteria of validity), the language they are expressed in, and how they provide perspective to individuals;
- (3)
- The believer can usually discuss substantive beliefs more easily than values, principles or orientations, which are likely to be the assumptions for his (ideological) activities;
- (4)
- Substantial beliefs gain significance and justification from their relation to ideal values, the validity criteria, and the forms of language and perspective.
4. Variables of an Ideology
- (1)
- Interrelatedness of their substantive beliefs defines the degree of an ideology (DId) and it is defined as the number m of their logical abstract relations. Logically, some belief systems’ ideologies are more tightly interrelated than others. We can suppose the ideologies and belief systems forming a continuum: . Then: (a) At the right end of the continuum are ideologies that consist of a few highly linked general statements from which a fairly large number of specific propositions can be derived. Confronted by a new situation, the believer may refer to the general rule to determine the stance he should take. Science considered as ideology is an example; (b) At the left end of the continuum are ideologies that consists of sets of rather specific prescriptions and proscriptions (deontical norms) between which there are only weak functional links, although they may be loosely based on one or more assumptions. Confronted by a new situation, the believer receives little guidance from the belief system because there are no general rules to apply, only specific behavioral deontical norms that may not be relevant to the problem at hand. Agrarian religions are typically of this type. They are not true ideologies but proto-ideologies. If DId is defined by m or any number of logical abstract relations between substantive beliefs, then m = 0 defines the nonexistence of a belief system and an ideal ideology that is the contemplated understanding of the totality, that is to say, of the experienced Reality. Consequences: (a) A high DId may inhibit diffusion. It may make an otherwise useful trait inaccessible or too costly by virtue of the baggage that must accompany it. Scientific theories are understood by a small number of experts; (b) If DId is high, social control may be affected on the basis of sanctions and may be taught and learned. Ideologies with a relative high DId seem to rely on rather general internalized deontical norms to maintain social control;
- (2)
- The empirical relevance (ER) is the degree to which individual substantive belief Sbi confronts the empirical world (Reality). The proposition that the velocity is the space crossed by a mobile divided by the time that takes to cross that space has high empirical relevance. The proposition “God’s existence” has low empirical relevance. , being 0 null empirical relevance (Homo neaderthalensis lives at the moment) and 1 total empirical relevance. When beliefs lacking empirical relevance arise in response to pressing strain in the economic or political structures (SB), collective action to solve economic or political problems becomes unlikely. Lack of ER protects the ideology and the social vehicle from controversies arising between the highly differentiated populations of believers;
- (3)
- The ideological function is the actual utility for a group of believing subjects. Ideological function conditions the persistence of the ideology, or the time that it is useful or influences the social structure;
- (4)
- The degree of the willingness of an ideology (WD) is the degree to which an ideology accepts or rejects innovations. . being WD = 0 null acceptance and WD = 1 total acceptance. The ease with which ideologies adapt to changes in their social environment is a major consequence of WD taking innovations. Beliefs with means accepting innovations of all ideological degrees to survive extreme changes in social structure: Shinto in Japan or Roman Catholicism are examples;
- (5)
- The degree of tolerance of an ideology (TD) is the degree with which an ideology accepts or rejects competing ideologies or belief systems. . being TD = 0 indicating total rejection and TD = 1 indicating total acceptance. Some ideologies accept all others as equally valid but simply require different explanations of reality . Others reject all other ideologies as evil , and maintain a position such as one found in revolutionary or fundamentalist movements. Then: (a) High TD seems to be independent of the ideological system and the degree of the willingness (WD); (b) Low TD is fairly strong related with WD; (c) Low TD is fairly strong related with a high relevance (ER). Relevance of highly empirical beliefs to each other is so clear. Therefore . TD has consequences for the ideology: (1) It affects the ease with which the organizational vehicle (social structure) may take alignments with other social structures; (2) It affects the social relationships of the believers;
- (6)
- The degree of commitment demanded by an ideology (DCD) is the intensity of commitment demanded of the believer on the part of the ideology or the type of social vehicle by which the ideology is carried. . being DCD = 0 indicating null commitment demanded and DCD = 1 indicating total adhesion. Then: (a) DCD is not dependent on the ideological system ID, the empirical relevance (ER), the acceptance or innovation (WD) and the tolerance (TD); (b) The degree of commitment demanded (DCD) has consequences for the persistence of the ideology. If an ideology has and cannot motivate the believers to make this commitment, it is not likely to persist for very long. Intentional communities having immediate objective utopias have typically failed in large part for this reason. Revolutionary and fundamentalist ideologies typically demand DCD = 1 of their believers and typically institute procedures, such as party names to both ensure and symbolize that commitment (Crossman, [43]); (c) DCD depends on validation. Ideological systems with low DCD fail or are invalidated slowly as particular beliefs drop from the believers’ repertoire one by one or are relegated to some inactive status. Invalidation of ideological systems with high DCD produces apostates. High DCD ideological systems seem to become invalidated in a painful explosion for their believers, and such ideologies are replaced by an equally high DCD to an ideology opposing the original one. However, reality is not constructed. Reality is encountered and then we construct our knowledge of it. Human Subjects do, in fact, encounter each other in pairs or groups in situations that require them to interact and to develop beliefs and ideologies in the process. They do so, however, as socialized beings with language, including all its values in fact, logic, prescriptions and proscriptions; in the context of the previous work of others; and constrained by endless social restrictions on alternative courses of action. Commitment is the focus of ideologies, because the focus is that Ideas may be good, true, or beautiful in some context of meaning but their goodness, truth, or beauty is not sufficient explanation for their existence, their capacity to be shared, or perpetuated through time. Ideology provides cultural consensus. This consensus may follow from a marginal group. use Using the term broadly, ideology is the system of interlinked ideas, symbols, and beliefs forming the identity of a culture that it justifies itself and from which it draws its energy. This provides the web of rhetoric, and ritual that society uses to persuade or enforce the social structures needed to develop and sustain commitment. These structures also limit alternatives, social isolation, and social insulation through strategies that require heavy involvement of the individual Subject in group-centered activities. Individual commitment is viewed as stemming either from learning and reinforcements for what is learned, or from ideological functions (actual utility) that maintain personality either by compensating for some feeling of inadequacy, or by producing order out of disorder [44,45]. Commitments are validated (or made legitimate) by mechanisms that make them subjectively meaningful to Subjects [46];
- (7)
- The external quality (EQ) of an ideology [47] is the property by which ideologies seem to believers to transcend the social groups that carry them and to have an independent existence of their own.
- (1)
- Believers conserve their ideologies, that is, they hold to the identity of the ideologies in terms of stable and unchanging ideas, that are independent and make sense of their lives. Ideologies appear to members of a social group as being beyond or above the group, a set of eternal truths, if you like given and agreed by all and therefore true [47]. In reality, beliefs are changeable;
- (2)
- Similarities among substantive beliefs are not necessary parallel structural similarities among ideologies;
- (3)
- The historic source of beliefs (the myths) may, by virtue of their original use, endow them with features that remain stable through millennia of change and this particularly fits them to use in novel contexts;
- (4)
- The most important commonality among a set of substantive beliefs is social structure.
5. Validation of Ideologies
- (1)
- The ideology may be given up, or the commitment may fall;
- (2)
- The ideology may be maintained in the very teeth of stimuli (the jubilance of faith);
- (3)
- The believers may say the context was different so the conflicting events were not relevant or some other form of denial.
- (1)
- Social condition: Criterion of validity is chosen consensually and it is applied through a series of social conventions [46];
- (2)
- First nonsocial condition: Ideology has a logic of its own, which may not lead where powerful members of the social group wanted it to go;
- (3)
- Second nonsocial condition: The pressure of events (physical or semiotic stimuli coming from the stimulus social environment H’) that may pressure believers to relinquish an ideology. For an ideology to survive the pressure of events with enough member-commitment to make it powerful it must receive validation beyond the level of consensus.
- (1)
- If one of the basic propositions (substantive beliefs) of an ideology is brought under attack, then so is the entire ideology. In consequence, an ideology is at the mercy of its weakest elements;
- (2)
- An ideology has powerful conceptual properties, but these very properties highlight the smallest disagreement and give importance to the logical connections with other items of ideology;
- (3)
- Even if an ideology is entirely non-empirical, it is vulnerable because even one shaken belief can lead to loss of commitment to the entire ideological structure;
- (4)
- Ideologies such as the religious ideologies, with relatively little reference to the empirical world cannot be much affected by external empirical relevance, simply because the events do not bear upon it. The essential substantive belief in the mercy of God can scarcely be challenged by the continuing wretchedness of life;
- (5)
- Nevertheless, concrete ideologies are directly subject to both internal and external evidence;
- (6)
- An abstract ideology is protected from external evidence by its very nature. A cult under fire may be able to preserve its ideology only by retreating to abstraction. Negative external evidence may motivate system-building at the level of the abstract ideology, where internal evidence is far more important;
- (7)
- The separation of the abstract ideology from its concrete expression depends on the ability of believers not affiliated with the association (cult and/or concern) that carried it socially to understand and use it, that is to say, subjects belonging to the Structural Base;
- (8)
- If the validation of an ideology comes from empirical events and the ability to systematically relate propositions according to an internally consistent logic, it can be reconstructed and perpetuated by any social group with only a few hints;
- (9)
- The adaptation of an ideology is some sort of compromise between the need for consensual validation and the need for independence from the associations that carry it.
- (1)
- If the social order remains, then the ideological beliefs must somehow be valid, regardless of the pressure of the events;
- (2)
- If the ideological beliefs are agreed upon by all, then the social order is safe.
- (1)
- Social support (associations and no militant people), which maintains ideology;
- (2)
- Problems posed by pressure of events which threaten ideology.
- (1)
- False patriotism consists in following a government no matter what is says;
- (2)
- Neo-conservatism is about maintaining the status quo;
- (3)
- Radical Progressivism is the belief that social reality can change undermining the foundations of a millenarian culture;
- (4)
- Shallow utilitarianism is about maintaining that the majority views should be obeyed. It is a case of following the herd and may be identified with groupthink. Erich Fromm [44] called it “the pathology of normalcy” and argued it was due to consensual validation.
6. Conclusions
- (1)
- An ideology is a systemic set of beliefs;
- (2)
- Ideologies are not a collection of accidental facts considered separately and referred to an underlying history and are: (a) Thoughts about our own behaviors, lives and courses of action; (b) A mental impression—something that is abstract in our heads—rather than a concrete thing; (c) A system of belief. Just beliefs—non-unchangeable ultimate truths about the way the world should be;
- (3)
- Ideology has different meanings. These meanings all arise from ideologies being a form of world view, or way of viewing experience. As such ideologies filter experience and may be resistant to evidence on the contrary, but while intact form an integral part of the individual’s identity and of the mechanism through which the individual relates to the society in which he lives. As such ideologies are often highly resistant to reasonable discussion and may be intransigent as indicated in what follows;
- (4)
- The greater the ideological degree (Did), the greater the impact of negative evidence for the whole ideology;
- (5)
- The less the degree of empirical relevance, the less the importance of external evidence (pressure of events), but the greater the importance of internal evidence;
- (6)
- The supra-social form of an ideology derives most significantly from its abstract ideal form belonging to the Mythical Superstructure. The current social influence of an ideology derives of its concrete form belonging to the Doxical Superstructure;
- (7)
- The more systematic and empirically relevant an ideology is, the greater the feasibility of preserving it as an abstract ideal apart from a given concrete expression;
- (8)
- The greater the Ideological degree (DId) and the greater the degree of empiricism, the less the reliance on internal evidence and the greater the reliance of external evidence;
- (9)
- The extent of commitment to ideology varies directly with the amount of consensual validation available, and inversely with the pressure of events.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Nescolarde-Selva, J.A.; Usó-Doménech, J.-L.; Gash, H. What Are Ideological Systems? Systems 2017, 5, 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems5010021
Nescolarde-Selva JA, Usó-Doménech J-L, Gash H. What Are Ideological Systems? Systems. 2017; 5(1):21. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems5010021
Chicago/Turabian StyleNescolarde-Selva, Josué Antonio, José-Luis Usó-Doménech, and Hugh Gash. 2017. "What Are Ideological Systems?" Systems 5, no. 1: 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems5010021
APA StyleNescolarde-Selva, J. A., Usó-Doménech, J. -L., & Gash, H. (2017). What Are Ideological Systems? Systems, 5(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems5010021