The First Record and Classification of Planktonic Radiolarian (Phylum Retaria) and Phaeodarian (Phylum Cercozoa) in the Eastern Indian Ocean
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Identification from Plankton Net Tow Samples
2.2. Sample Processing and Microscopic Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Radiolarian Protist in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.2. Systematics and Morphology of Acantharia in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.3. Types of Acantharian Species and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.3.1. Acanthochiasma fusiforme Haeckel 1861 (Figure 2A)
3.3.2. Trizona brandti Popofsky 1904 (Figure 2B)
3.3.3. Acanthostaurus conacanthus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 2C)
3.3.4. Dictyacantha tabulate/Tessaropelmida Haeckel 1886 (Figure 2D)
3.3.5. Amphilonche elongata Muller, 1858/Amphilonche cf. concretum/Amphilithium cf. clavarium Haeckel 1887 (Figure 2E)
3.3.6. Amphibelone cf. anomala Haeckel 1887 (Figure 2F)
3.3.7. Diploconus faces Haeckel 1862 (Figure 2G)
3.3.8. Diploconus cylindrus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 2H)
3.4. Systematics and Morphology of Taxopodida Species and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.5. Type of Taxopodida Species and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
Sticholonche zanclea Hertwig 1887 (Figure 3A–D)
3.6. Systematics and Morphology of Polycystinea Radiolarian in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.7. Types of Collodarian Species and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.7.1. Siphonosphaera magnisphaera Takahashi 1991 (Figure 4A,B)
3.7.2. Collozoum inerme J. Müller 1862 (Figure 5A)
3.7.3. Sphaerozoum punctatum (Huxley) Müeller 1858 (Figure 5B–D)
- Syn.Sphaerozoum geminatum Haeckel 1887, p.45, Figure 4.
- Thalassicola punctata Huxley 1851, p. 434; pl. 16, Figures 1–3.
- Plagonium cf. Sphaerozoum Benson, 1966, p. 286–287; pl. 19, Figures 12 and 13.
3.7.4. Sphaerozoum fuscum Meyen 1834 (Figure 5E,F)
3.7.5. Sphaerozoum ovodimare Haeckel 1860 (Figure 5G)
3.7.6. Thalassoxanthium cervicorne Haeckel 1862 (Figure 5H)
3.7.7. Thalassoxanthium octoceras Haeckel 1887 (Figure 5I)
3.8. Systematics and Morphology of Spumellarian in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.9. Type Species of Spumellaria and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.9.1. Acanthosphaera actinota Haeckel 1860 (Figure 6A)
- Syn. Heliosphaera actinota Haeckel 1862, p. 352, pl. 9, Figure 3.
- Acanthosphaera tunis Haeckel 1887, p. 210.
- Acanthosphaera tenuissima (Haeckel) Renz, 1976, p. 99, pl. 2, Figure 11.
- Acanthosphaera corloca Boltovskoy and Riedel 1980, p. 107, Figure 2 and pl. 1.
3.9.2. Acanthosphaera pinchuda Boltovskoy, 1980 (Figure 6B)
3.9.3. Actinomma capillaceum Haeckel 1887 (Figure 6C,D)
3.9.4. Actinosphaera tenella (Haeckel) Hollande and Enjumet, 1960 (Figure 6E)
- Syn: Haliomma tenellum Haeckel, 1862, p. 428; 1887, p. 236.
- Haliomma spinulosa aff in Müller, 1858a, p. 40, pi. 4, Figure 7.
- Actinosphaera capillaceum (Haeckel) in Hollande and Enjumet, 1960, pi. 52, Figure 3.
3.9.5. Arachnosphaera myriacantha Haeckel 1860 (Figure 6F)
- Syn: Arachnosphaera hexasphaera Popofsky 1912, p. 108, Figures 19–21;
- Arachnosphaera hexasphaera Takahashi and Honjo 1981, p. 147, pI. 2, Figure 13.
3.9.6. Cromyomma circumtextum Haeckel 1887 (Figure 6G)
3.9.7. Centrocubus cladostylus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 6H)
- Syn: Centrocubus octostylus (Haeckel), Takahashi, 1991, P. 191, Pl. 7, Figure 1.
- Octodendron pinetum (Haeckel) in Boltovskoy and Riedel, 1980, p. 113, Pl. 3, Figure 2A,B.
3.9.8. Elatomma penicillus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 6I)
3.9.9. Hexalonche amphisiphon Haeckel 1887 (Figure 6J,K)
3.9.10. Styptosphæra spongiacea Haeckel 1887 (Figure 7A)
3.9.11. Streblacantha circumtexta Jorgensen 1910 (Figure 7C)
3.9.12. Spongurus pylomaticus Riedel 1958 (Figure 7F)
3.9.13. Xiphosphaera tessaractis Dreyer 1913 (Figure 7I)
3.9.14. Xiphatractus sp. Dreyer 1913 (Figure 7J)
3.9.15. Spongotrochus longispinus (Figure 7K)
3.9.16. Stylochlamydium venustum Bailey Haeckel, 1887 (Figure 7L)
- Syn. Perichlamydium venustum Bailey 1856, p. 5, pl. 1, Figures 16 and 17.
- Spongotrochus (?) venustum Bailey, Nigrini and Moore 1979, p. S119, pl 15, Figure 3a,b.
- Spongotrochus venustum (Morley, 1985) pl. 2, Figure 1A,B.
3.10. Systematics and Morphology of Nassellarian in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.11. Types of Nassellarian and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.11.1. Callimitra carolotae Haeckel, 1887 (Figure 8A,B)
- Syn: Callimitra emmae (Haeckel), p. 1218; pl. 63, Figures 3 and 4.
- Callimitra emmae Takahashi and Honjo, 1981 p. 151; pl. 7, Figure 11.
- Callimitra emmae Takahashi 1991, p. 99; pl. 26, Figure 14.
3.11.2. Lophophaena capito Ehrenberg 1873 (Figure 8D,H)
- Syn: Lithomelissa capito Ehrenberg 1873, p. 240.
- Lophophaena cf. capito Ehrenberg in. Takahashi 1991, p. 96, Pl. 25, Figures 6–9.
3.11.3. Lampromitra schultzei (Haeckel) Takahshi 1991 (Figure 8J)
- Syn: Eucecryphalus schultzei Haeckel, 1862, p. 309, pl. 5. Figures 16–19; 1887, p. 1216.
- Lampromitra coronata Haeckel, 1887, p. 1214, pI. 60, Figure 7.
- Sethophormis pentalactis Haeckel in Takahashi and Honjo 1981, p. 152, pI. 8, Figure 5.
3.11.4. Plectacantha trichoides Jørgensen 1905 (Figure 8L)
3.11.5. Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes (Bailey) Petrushevskaya 1967 (Figure 8M)
- Syn. Dictyophimus gracilipes Bailey, 1856 p. 4, pl. 1, Figure 8; Boltovskoy and riedel 1980, p. 124, pi. 5, Figure 8.
- Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes tetracanthus Popofsky 1913; Leg 104. Leg 27 (p791 and Pl. 18);
- Takahashi and Honjo 1981, p. 153, pI. 9, Figures 3 and 4.
3.11.6. Cladoscenium ancoratum Haeckel 1877 (Figure 8N)
3.11.7. Tetraphormis dodecaster Takahashi 1991 (Figure 8O)
- Syn. Sethophormis dodecaster Haeckel 1887, p 1248, pl. 56, Figure 12.
- Sethophormis cf. dodecaster (HaeckeI) Takahashi and Honjo 1981, p. 152, pl. 8, Figure 8.
3.11.8. Tetraplecta pinigera Haeckel 1881 (Figure 9A)
3.11.9. Archibursa tripodiscus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 9B)
3.11.10. Pterocanium korotnevi Dogiel and Reshetnyak 1952 (Figure 9C)
3.11.11. Pterocorys hertwigii (Haeckel) Petrushevskaya 1971 (Figure 9G)
- Syn. Eucyrtidium hertwigii Haeckel 1887; p. 1491 pl.80 Figure 12.
- Theoconus hertwigii Nigrini, 1967, p. 73–74; pl. 7, Figure 4a,b.
- Pterocorys hertwigii (Haeckel) in Caulet and Nigrini, 1988, p. 229–230; pl. 1, Figures 11 and 12.
- Pterocorys hertwigii (Haeckel) Boltovskoy 1998, Figure 15.155.
- Pterocorys zancleus forma hertwigii van de Paverd, 1995, p. 244; pl. 74, Figures 3 and 4.
3.11.12. Conarachnium parabolicum (Popofsky) Takahashi 1991 (Figure 9H)
- Syn. Sethoconus anthocyrtis Haeckel 1887, p. 1296, pl. 62, Figure 21.
- Lampromitra parabolica Popofsky 1913, p. 348, Figure 54; Renz 1966, p. 122, pi. 4, Figure 14.
3.11.13. Dictyocodon palladius Haeckel 1887 (Figure 9I)
3.11.14. Eucecryphalus clinatus Takahashi 1991 (Figure 9J)
3.11.15. Eucyrtidium dictyopodium (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991 (Figure 9K)
3.11.16. Sethoconus venosus Haeckel 1887 (Figure 10A,B)
- Syn. Phlebarachium venosum Haeckel 1887, p. 1297, pl. 55, Figure 2.
- Eucyritidinium venosum Takahashi, 1991.
3.11.17. Theocorys veneris Haeckel 1887 (Figure 10C)
- Syn: Theocorys creticum Ehrenberg in Haeckel, 1887, p. 1415.
- Eucyrtidium veneris van de Paverd 1995, p. 240; pl. 75, Figures 12–14.
3.11.18. Theopilium tricostatum (Haeckel) Boltovskoy 1998 (Figure 10E)
- Syn. Theocalyptra sp. Renz p. 137; pl. 5, Figure 13.
- Eucecryphalus tricostatus Takahashi 1991, p. 110; pl. 33, Figures 4 and 6.
- Sethoconus tricostatus van de Paverd 1995, p. 233; pl. 69, Figures 4–8.
3.11.19. Cephalospyris cancellata Haeckel 1887 (Figure 10F)
3.12. Systematics and Morphology of Phylum Cercozoa-Pheodarian in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.13. Type Species of Pheodarian Species and Distribution in the Eastern Indian Ocean
3.13.1. Aulacantha scolymantha Haeckel 1862 (Figure 11A)
3.13.2. Auloceros arborescens subelegens Haeckel 1879 (Figure 11B)
- Syn: Auloceros arborescens birameus (Immermann) Haecker, 1908b, p. 53, pI. 3, Figures 21–25, 34, 35;
- pI. 10, Figure 102.
3.13.3. Aularia ternaria Haeckel (Figure 11C)
3.13.4. Coelodendrum ramosissimum Haeckel 1860 (Figure 11D)
3.13.5. Castanella longispinium (Haecker) Takahashi, 1991 (Figure 11E)
3.13.6. Conchopsis Compressa (Haeckel) Takahashi, 1991 (Figure 11F)
3.13.7. Conchellium capsula (Borgert) Takahashi 1991 (Figure 11G)
3.13.8. Conchidium caudatum Haeckel 1881 (Figure 11H)
3.13.9. Challengeron radians Borgert 1904 (Figure 11J)
3.13.10. Pharyngella gastrula Haeckel 1879 (Figure 11K)
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Group-A | Group-B |
Class Acantharia | Class Sticholonchea, (poche, 1913) petrushevskaja. 1977 |
Order Holacanthida | Order Taxopodida |
Suborder Arthracanthida | Suborder sticholonchida schewiakoff, 1926 |
Family Acanthochiasmidae Haeckel, 1862 | Family Sticholonchida Hertwig, 1887 |
* Acanthochiasma fusiforme, * Trizona brandti | Genus sticholonche hertwig, 1887 |
Family Phyllostauridae Schewiakoff, 1926 | * Sticholonche zanclea |
* Acanthostaurus conacanthus | Group-D |
Family Dictyacanthidae Schewiakoff, 1926 | Order Nassellaria |
* Dictyacantha tabulate | Suborder Collodaria |
* Tessaropelmida | Family Collozoidae Haeckel, 1862 |
Suborder Symphyacanthida | Subfamily Collospheroidea Muller, 1858 |
Family Amphilithidae Haeckel, 1887 | Solenosphaera zanguebarica, Collosphaera huxleyi, Collosphaera macropora, Collosphaera tuberosa, Disolenia quadrata, Siphonosphaera polysiphonia, Siphonosphaera socialis, * Siphonosphaera magnisphera * Collozoum inerme |
* Amphilonche concreta | Family Thalssopheroidae Haeckel, 1862 |
Suborder Sphaenacantha | * Thalassoxanthium cervicorne, |
FamilyDiploconidae Haeckel, 1887 | * Thalassoxanthium octoceras |
* Diploconus saturnus | Family Artostrobiidae Riedel, 1967 emend. Foreman, 1973 |
Group-C | Botryostrobus auritus-australis, Spirocyrtis subscalaris |
Phylum CERCOZOA Cavalier-Smith, 1998 | Family Carpocaniidae Haeckel, 1881 emend. Riedel, 1967 |
Class Thecofilosea t. Cavalier-Smith and E.E.-Y. Chao, 2003 | Carpocanium sp., Acrosphaera spinosa/cyrtodon, |
Subclass Phaeodaria Haeckel, 1879 | Euchitonia furcata, Euchitonia triangulum, Spongodiscus craticulatus, Spongodiscus resurgens, Spongotrochus glacialis, Spongaster tetras, Spongurus cylindricus, Spongurus pylomaticus, Stylodictya aculeata, Stylodictya multispina, |
Order Phaeosphaerida Haeckel, 1887 | Stylochlamydium asteriscuss, Buccinosphaera invaginata |
Family Aulacanthidae Haeckel, 1862 | Suborder Nassellaria incertae sedis () |
* Aulacantha scolymantha, | Super family Eucyrtidiacea |
* Auloceros arborescens subelegens | Family Theoperidae Haeckel, 1881 Emend. Riedel, 1967 |
Family Aulosphaeridae or Medusettidae Haeckel, 1887 | Conarachnium parabolicum, Corocalyptra cervu, Corocalyptra elisabethea, Corocalyptra craspedota, Cycladophora davisiana, Cycladophora rosette, Dictyophimus macropterus, Dictyocodon palladius, Eucecryphalus clinatu, Eucecryphalus gegenbauri, |
* Aularia ternaria, Alusophaera trigonopa | Eucecryphalus sestrodiscus, Eucecryphalus craspedota, Eucytridium cienkowiski, Eucyrtidium venosum, Eucytidium hexastichum, Eucytidium dictyopodium, Litharachnium tentorium, Lipmanella bombus, Theocorys veneri, Theopilium tricostatum, Sethoconus anthocyrtis. |
Family Coelodendridae Haeckel, 1887 | Family Plagiacanthidae Hertwig, 1879 |
* Coelodendrum ramosissimum | Arachnocorallium calvata, Cystidium princeps, |
Family Castanellida Haeckel, 1879 | Callimitra emmae, |
* Castanella longispinium | Callimitra carolotae, Clathrocanium coarctatum, |
Order Phaeoconchia Haeckel, 1879 | Clathrocorys teuscheri, Clathrocanium murrayi, |
Family Conchariidae Haeckel, 1879 | Ceratocyrtis histricosus, Cladoscenium aucoratum, |
* Conchopsis compressa, | Cladoscenium tricolpium, Cladoscenium limbatum, |
* Conchelliumcapsula, | Lophospyris pentagona pentagone, Lophophaena hispida-cylindrica, Lophophaena dodecantha. |
* Conchidium caudatum, | Family Pterocorythidae Haeckel, 1881 |
* Challengeron radians | Archibursa tripodiscus, Anthocyrtidium sp., |
Family Challengeridae Murray, 1885 | Anthocyrtidium cineraria, Anthocyritidium ophirens, |
* Pharyngella gastrula | Lamprocyclas maritalis, Pterocorys campanula, |
Group-D | Pterocorys zancleus, Pterocanium korotnev, |
Class Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838 | Pterocanium hrilolum, Pterocanium pretextum, |
Order Spumellaria | Theocorythium trachelium, Theocorythium tricostas, |
Family Actinommidae Haeckel, 1862, Emend. Riedel, 1967 | Stichopilium bicorne. |
Subfamily Astrosphaeridae Haeckel, 1881 | Family Trissocylidae Haeckel, 1881, Emend. Goll, 1968 |
Acanthosphaera actinota, Acanthosphaera dodecastyla, Actinomma arcadophorum, Actinosphaera capillaceum, Acanthosphaera pinchuda, Actinosphaera tenella, Arachnosphaera myriacantha, Astrosphaera hexagonalis, Centrocubus cladostylus | Amphispyris reticulata, Cephalospyris cancellata, |
Cromyechinus circumtextum, Cladococcus scoparius, Cladococcus cervicornis, Cladococcus megaceros, Cladoccocus abietinus, Drymosphaera cf. polygonalis | Ceratospyris hyperborea, Ceratospyris mulderi, |
Subfamily Ethmosphaeridae | Dictyospyris sp., Eucecryphalus craspedota, |
Elatomma penicillus, Hexalonche amphisiphon, Heliosphaera radiata, | Eucytridium cienkowiski, Eucyrtidium venosum, |
Gonosphaera primordialis, Cyrtidosphaera reticulata, Hexacontium armathostile, Hexastylus, Haeckeliella macrodora, Octodendron cubocentrum, Spongosphaera streptacantha, Spongodictyon | Eucytidium hexastichum, Eucytidium dictyopodium, Litharachnium tentorium, Lipmanella bombus, Theocorys veneris, Theopilium tricostatum, Tholospira cervicornis |
spongiosum, * Stylosphaera spongiacea | Sethoconus anthocyrtis, Semantis gracilis, Zygocircus productus |
Spongodrymus elaphococcus, Xiphosphaera tessaractis, Xiphosphaera | |
Family Coccodiscidae Haeckel, 1862 | |
Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus | |
Family Litheliidae Haeckel, 1862 | |
Larcopyle buetschlii | |
Family Pyloniidae Haeckel, 1881 | |
Octopyle stenozona/Tetrapyle octacantha, | |
Streblacantha circumtexta | |
Family Spongodiscidae Haeckel, 1862 Emend. Riedel, 1967 | |
Amphirhopalum ypsilon, Dictyocoryne profunda, | |
Dictyocoryne trucatum, Dictyocodon palladius, | |
Dictyocoryne euclidis, Euchitonia elegans, |
Radiolarian Groups | Species | Shell Outline | Central Capsule (Int)/Medullary Shell | External Capsulum (Ext)/Cortix Shell | Cephalis (ce) | Thorax (th) | Abdomen (ab) | PL (Protoplasmic Spine) | Texture | Pores | Spines | Basal Feet (bf) | |
Acanthria | Acanthochiasma fusiforme | Star-shape | Small, spherical (0.035 mm) | Colorful | None | None | None | None | Porous | Small | 10–20 dimeteril radial, spindle spines (0.57 mm) | None | |
Trizona brandti | Star-shape | Small, spherical (0.16 mm) | Colorful | None | None | None | None | Porous | Medium | Radial, needle shape, 10–20 diameter (0.57 mm) | None | ||
Acanthostratus conacanthus | Star shape | Small, spherical (0.25 mm) | Colored (0.16 mm) | None | None | None | None | Porous | Medium | Radial, blunt shape, small 10 diameter (0.57 mm) | None | ||
Dictyacantha tabulata | Spherical shell with polygonal meshes | Intercapsulum (0.16 mm) | Mesh type, transparent (0.26 mm) | None | None | None | None | polygonal meshes | Rectangular pores | Thin spines (0.18 mm) | None | ||
Amphilonche concreta/Amphilonche elongata | Elongated shell, has rod type spines at the edges | Smooth | Broken | None | None | None | None | Smooth | Invisible | Bi-spines,short (0.01 mm) | None | ||
Diploconus cylindrus | Large shell has cylindrical or conical shape cornet and ribs | Spherical, small (0.003 mm) | Wider and fan shaped (0.0084 mm) | None | None | None | None | Smooth attached with ribs and horns (0.074 mm) | Microperforate, ribs | Shorts (0.0084 mm) | None | ||
Diploconus faces | Bell-shaped shell | Small, spherical (0.019 mm) | Small | None | None | None | None | Smooth, porous with ribs and horns | Medium | Pin-like curved spicules | None | ||
Taxopodia | Sticholonche zanclea | Capsular cell with Oar-like axopods spines | Capsular cell (0.24 mm) | None | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Oar-like axopodia (0.44 mm) | None | |
Pheodaria | Aulacantha scolymantha | Lattice shell, has cylinderial radial tubes and well developed sclerocome | Intercapsulum are short with numerous tadial tubes. | Circular with capsular wall | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Radial tubes with teeth-like dentation at the distral end | None | |
Auloceras arborescens | Radial tubes, has 2 to 4 branches, are circular at the distal end. | None | None | None | None | None | None | Smooth and branching | None | 2–4 branches, cylinderical at the tip | None | ||
Aulatractus ternaria | Thick, has smooth, long triangular mesh tubes. | None | None | None | None | None | None | Six triangular nets, with seven nodal points of tubes (0.132 mm) | Nodal pores (0.09 mm) | None, no radial tubes | None | ||
Coelodendrum ramossissimum | Round central capsulum has divergent branches at the radial spine. | Dark colored (0.0017 mm) | Pentagonal meshes | None | None | None | None | Two thin-walled hemispherical valves, has conical gaea which again has more divergent branches | None | Divergent branches (0.003–0.0008 mm) | None | ||
Castanidium longispiniim | Lattice spherical shell, has numerous short spines and bars. | Large, spherical | Large and porous (0.0131 mm) | None | None | None | None | rugose, and porous | round | radial spines short with thick flame (0.0159 mm) | None | ||
Concliellium capsula | Lattice bivalve shell, lobulate, has elongate chambers. with horn on aboral hinge. | Trochospiral | Left and right | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Medium to large | None | |||
Conchidium compressa | Compressed or subcircular shell, with spindle shape cinctural perimeter | Bivalve (0.16 mm) | Spindle shaped | None | None | None | None | Spiny | Small pores, (0.0006 mm) | None | None | ||
Conchidium caudatum | Lenticulate, compressed, ovate sagittal. Cinctural perimeter and frontal elliptical and conical Teeth. | Conical, compressed | Colored and porous | None | None | None | None | Smooth | microperforated (0.0009 mm) | Teeth-like (0.0171 mm) | None | ||
Challengeron radians | Amphora-shaped structure, with 18-26 equally spaced, radial teeth on the margin. | Compressed (0.046 mm) | Left and right | None | None | None | None | Lens-shaped, compressed | Microperforated | Spines on sharp marginal edge of shell, pointed teeth are longer than marginal spine (0.018 mm0.0098 mm) | None | ||
Pharyngella gastrula | Ovoid and bilaterical symmetrical shell, has peristome and two parallel and pointed teeth. | Non lattice shell, with pyranx and mouth | None | None | None | None | None | Ovoid, smooth surface | None | Two pointed teeth (0.0049–0.0047 mm) | None | ||
Collodaria | Siphonosphaera magnisphaera | Sphere and non-lattice shell, has polygonal surface, without spines. | None | None | None | None | None | None | Rougose | 4 large pores, numerous small (0.0017–0.0003 mm) | None | None | |
Sphaeozoum punctatum | Colonies, non-lattice shell and spherical has spicules. | Sphere with central vacuole; (0.22 mm) | Sphere with capsular wall | None | None | None | None | Smooth with symbionant parasite | None | Spicules, rod shape with three needle spines; (0.096 mm) | None | ||
Sphaerozoum fusum | Colonies, spherical in shape | Contian the central vacuole | Contains symbiotic parasite’ (Sy) (0.021 mm) | None | None | None | None | Smooth and spiny spicules | None | Spicule rod has long, spiny needle; rod (0.03 mm); lateral branches (0.0003 mm), length of spicule (0.132 mm) | None | ||
Sphaerozoum ovodimare | Spherical, has loosely attached spicules | Colored (0.216 mm) | Colored with celleform bodies | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Three spicules shrank are shorter than middle rod, loosely detached to the skeleton (0.0315 mm) | None | ||
Collozoum inerme | Spherical, colored cytoplasm, without spicules | (0.239 mm) | Colored with celleform bodies | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Symbionants, no spicules (0.025 mm) | None | ||
Thalassoxanthium cervicorne | Siliceous spicules has three triangles equally spaced shanks, has three or more branches on each distal end. | None | None | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Three triangles shanks with branches (0.234 mm) and branches (0.0086–0.00152 mm) | None | ||
Thalassoxanthium octoceras | Spicules contains a short rod which has four diverging shanks | None | None | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | Short intermediate rod (0.0075 mm) and four diverging shanks (0.109–0.1199 mm) | None | ||
Spumellaria | Acanthosphaera actinota | Lattice shell, lobulate to compressed. | Porous | Thin meshes on cortix shell | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Large polygonal pores | Thread like bars (6–8) or radial ridges | None | |
Acanthosphaera dodecastyla | Lattice shell, Larger, has circular pores and three bladed spines | Spherical | Right | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Large | Three-bladed spines | None | ||
Acanthosphaera pinchuda | Lattice shell has circular pores contains thread like spines | None | Sphere | None | None | None | None | Rugose | Large and circular | Thread like spines at the noda points | None | ||
Actinosphaera capillacea | Spherical and lattice shell has thin bars and circular pores | Medullary shell (0.043 mm) | Thin polygonal meshes (0.0149 mm) | None | None | None | None | Smooth | Circular, medium (0.00030 mm) | Bar-like spines and three bladed spine, thin (0.024 mm) | None | ||
Actinosphaera tenella | Concentric shell, oval and spherical | Medullary shell is porous | Cortix shell with large pores | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid, crystalline | Circular and Large | Single radial bar and numerous bristle. Radial spine (0.12 mm0 and bristle spines (0.1002 mm) | None | ||
Arachnosphaera myriacantha | Concentric and sphere-shape shell | Sphere with regular hexagonal meshes | None | None | None | None | Smooth network | Branches like cobweb network and spines | None | ||||
Centrocubus cladostylus | Non-discoidal shell, contains 8 radial spines and spongy mesh network | (0.0030 mm) | Left | None | None | None | None | Meshnetwork | Large, polygonalnet (0.0018 mm) | Radial spines more than 6 (0.012 mm) | None | ||
Cromyechinus circumtextum | Concentric shell, have polygonal meshes at the cortix shell. | Spherical | Polygonal meshes | None | None | None | None | Smooth to network frame | Large | Three bladed spines and polygonal meshes having short bars. | None | ||
Elatomma penicillus | Disc-shaped biconvex | Trochospiral | Left | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Medium | None | None | ||
Hexalonche amphisiphon | Lattice shell with thin wall, has bristle-like radial spines | (0.523 mm) | Octahedral medullary shell has polygonal meshes | None | None | None | None | Smooth network | Hexagonal pores on cortix, polygonal pores on medullary shell (0.039 mm) | Six main radial spines (0.27 mm) | None | ||
Styptosphaera spongiacea | Concentric sphere shell with spongy framework | Small and compact | Extercapsulum, cortix sponge type (0.068 mm) | None | None | None | None | Smooth to spongy network | Medium (0.046 mm) | None | None | ||
Spongurus pylomaticus | Ellipsoidal shell has dense spongy meshes at the surface and bristle spines at the apex point. | Dense spongy | Looser meshwork | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Small, circular | Bristle shaped spines at the edges | None | ||
Xiphosphaera tessaractis | Single, lattice-sphere has two or more spines | Sphere and porous (0.12 mm) | None | None | None | None | None | Smooth to hispid | Small, circular (0.013 mm) | Three radial spines (0.027 mm) | None | ||
Streblacantha circumtexta | Symmetrical shell, has unequal pores and needle like spines at the boundary of cell. | Spherical | None | None | None | None | None | Rugose | Medium to large, unequal | Needle-like spines | None | ||
Stylodictya longispinus | Spherical, ring disc, wheel-shaped | Inner shell (11.11 um) | Rings are shorter as 8 or 12 | None | None | None | None | Smooth and porous | Circular pores, small to medium (4.3 um) | Radial spines, thin (189.2 mm) | None | ||
Stylochlamydium venustum | Concentric and disk shape shell | Spongyform | None | None | None | None | Smooth and porous | Small to medium (0.0041 mm- 0.0061 mm) | Numerous radial spines (0.134 mm) | None | |||
Nassellaria | Cystidium princeps | Large central capsules, ovoid in shape, with simple circular Porohora surrounded by the red pigment granules | Ovoid | Circular | None | None | None | None | Smooth | None | None | ||
Callimitra carolotae | Subspherical cephalic, thorax pyramidal has mesh networks and three vertical wings. | None | None | Subspherical | Pyramidal (0.0819 mm) | Mesh network | None | Smooth | Microperforated | Long spiny (0.076 mm) | None | ||
Lophophaena capito | Spherical and domp shaped shell | None | None | Bulb shaped (0.120 mm), with spines | Smooth and cylindrical | Spherical and porous | Invisible | Smooth to hispid | Circular, polygonal pores | Three bladed spines (0.075 mm) | Three bladed | ||
Lampromitra schultzei | Large cephalic, ragged to compressed shape thorax wih large pores surface. | None | None | Domp shape (0.039 mm) | Large, Mesh surface (0.128 mm) | Invisible | Invisible | Smooth and porous | rectangular pores (0.023 mm– 0.055 mm) | (0.12 mm) | None | ||
Plectacantha trichoides | Cephalic has loose network of arches,large and irregular pores | None | None | Small | Loose network | Invisible | None | Network of arches | Large and irregular | Short | None | ||
Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes | Cephalis has three divergent spines extending obliquely downward from the thorax and abdomen | None | None | Spherical with circular pores | Porous | Porous | Invisible | Porous | Circular | Large conical apical spine (s) | Three divergent basal feets | ||
Tetraplecta pinigera | Three-bladed spines joint at the mid-point of the cell, delicate branches emerging out from the each spines | None | None | Small | None | None | None | None | Lateral spines | Three to four basal feet | |||
Tetraphormis dodecaster | Shell flattened, has small cephalis, and conical thorax, contains twelve prominent nerves. | None | None | Small, spherical (0.081 mm) | Conical, porous (0.068 mm) | None | Invisible | Smooth and porous | Medium to large (0.0063–0.042 mm) | Ribs (0.076 mm) | Branches as nerves | ||
Archibursa tripodiscus | Shell subspherical, smooth with three basal feet and triangular pores, basal view | None | None | Invisible | Conical | Invisible | Invisible | Smooth and porous | three triangular pores | Invisible | Three feet widely divergent, straight, three sided prismatic, | ||
Pterocanium korotnevi | Shell is dome shape cephalis with cupola thorax and three basal feet spines | None | None | Sphere, domp shaped spines | Cupola type and porous | Spherical | Invisible | porous | Apical spine | Three basal feet curved | |||
Pterocorys hertwigii | Shell conical, with three slight strictures. | None | None | Large, conical, with two apical spines (0.0267 mm) | Cylinder with three remarkable wings and divided into two segments (0.061 mm) | Two segments (0.071 mm) | Invisible | Smooth and porous | Small, circular (0.0028–0.0031 mm) | Conical spines (0.036 mm) | Three bladed | ||
Conarachnium parabolicum | Shell conical, with small cephalis and broader thorax | None | None | Small with spines | Wider and broader | Invisible | Invisible | Smooth, cone shaped | Hexagonal | Short apical and accessory cephalis spines | Invisible | ||
Dictyocodon palladius | Shell with distinct collar have evanescent lumbar stricture | None | None | Short | Thorax three-sided pyramidal | Inflated, gradually dilated abdomen | Invisible | Smooth and porous | Equal and circular | Large pyramidal horn | |||
Eucecryphalus clinatus | Subspherical shell and small cephalis and thorax with hexagonal pores | None | None | Spherical and small | Thorax is a smooth and unique beret- shaped | Invisible | Smooth and porous | Hexagonal pores | Invisible | None | |||
Eucyrtidium dictyopodium | Short cephalis, thorax with six abdomen sections | None | None | Subspherical (0.0022 mm) | Cylindrical and small (0.0037 mm) | Wide, porous, six segmented | 2 PL lobes | Smooth and porous | Small (0.0003–0.0005 mm) | Short (0.0004 mm) | (0.0043 mm) | ||
Sethoconus venosum | Spherical shell with cephalis and thorax, supported by three divergen radial beams and network of mesh polygonal pores | Central capsule with 4 PLC | Subspherical (0.399 mm) | Wider and with mesh network | 4 PL lobes | Delicate network of polygonal meshes | Polygonal meshes | Radial beams | Invisible | ||||
Theocorys veneris | Small cephalis and large thorax with three bladded spines | None | None | Short (0.0025 mm) | Thorax spherical, large (0.0053 mm) | Short | None | Smooth and porous | Small (0.0004 mm) | Conical apical horn (0.0034 mm) | Two basal feet, (0.0064 mm) | ||
Theopilium tricostatum | Spherical, non-lattice shell | None | None | Subspherical (0.0031 mm) | Campulate thorax (0.0137 mm) | Spherical abdomen (0.0063 mm) | Three (0.0039 mm) | Smooth and porous | Circular, polygonal pores (0.0021 mm) | Apical spine (0.028 mm) | None | ||
Cephalospyris cancellata | Ovate shell, deep sagittal stricture with complete ring. Delicate meshes, irregular polygonal pore, rudimentary horn at apex. | Deep sagittal stricture | Mesh type and delicate | has horns | Deep sagittal stricture | None | None | Smooth and mesh type | Polygonal pores | Apical spines and rudimentary horns | Three basal feet curved |
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Munir, S.; Sun, J.; Morton, S.L. The First Record and Classification of Planktonic Radiolarian (Phylum Retaria) and Phaeodarian (Phylum Cercozoa) in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Biology 2021, 10, 202.
Munir S, Sun J, Morton SL. The First Record and Classification of Planktonic Radiolarian (Phylum Retaria) and Phaeodarian (Phylum Cercozoa) in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Biology. 2021; 10(3):202.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMunir, Sonia, Jun Sun, and Steve L. Morton. 2021. "The First Record and Classification of Planktonic Radiolarian (Phylum Retaria) and Phaeodarian (Phylum Cercozoa) in the Eastern Indian Ocean" Biology 10, no. 3: 202.
APA StyleMunir, S., Sun, J., & Morton, S. L. (2021). The First Record and Classification of Planktonic Radiolarian (Phylum Retaria) and Phaeodarian (Phylum Cercozoa) in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Biology, 10(3), 202.