Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites
:1. Introduction
2. Kenaf Plant and Fibre
2.1. Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Fibre
2.2. Surface Modification of Kenaf Fibre
3. Performance of Kenaf Fibre-Reinforced Cementitious Composites (KFRCC)
3.1. Fresh Properties
3.2. Mechanical and Microstructural Properties
3.3. Durability Properties
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions and Future Outlook
- KF are cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fibres that can be utilized to improve the mechanical properties and durability of cementitious composites.
- KFRCC mixtures have lower workability and longer setting time than plain cementitious mixtures. Fibre pre-treatment can alleviate the reduction in workability by minimizing the water-absorbing chemical components of KF.
- The incorporation of KF in cement based-composites reduces their compressive strength. This is in line with the general understanding that the primary function of fibres is to control the propagation of the cracks in composites by bridging across cracks and providing post-cracking ductility rather than increasing compressive strength.
- The use of the appropriate length and content of KF improves the tensile and flexural strengths of cementitious composite. KF control the micro-cracks propagation, resulting in enhanced ductility, crack pattern and fracture energy of the cementitious composites.
- KF can effectively enhance the shrinkage performance of cement-based composites. However, further research is needed to thoroughly understand their effect on long-term performance.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type | Cellulose | Hemi-Cellulose | Lignin | Pentosan | 1% NaOH Extract | Hot Water | E.B. Extract | Ash |
Bast | 56.4 | 26.2 | 14.7 | 13.5 | 14.5 | 3.4 | 2.7 | 2.2 |
Core | 46.1 | 29.7 | 22.1 | 20.7 | 20.6 | 3.9 | 2.2 | 1.6 |
Density (g/cm3) | Tensile Strength (MPa) | Young Modulus (GPa) | Elongation at Break (%) | Ref. |
1.45 | 930 | 53 | 1.5 | [12] |
1.29 | 157–600 | 12.8–34.2 | - | [17] |
- | 129.10–267.69 | 9.02–11.88 | 1.35–2.07 | [27] |
1.4 | 223–930 | 14.5-53 | 1.5–2.7 | [28] |
1.2 | 580–925 | - | 1.26–2.6 | [29] |
1.2 | 350–600 | 40 | 2.5–3.5 | [30] |
Treatment Method | Treatment Effect | Matrix | Tensile Strength (MPa) | Ref. | |
Untreated | Treated | ||||
Improved the properties of the single fibres and the composite. | Cement | 423 423 | 433 503 | [9] | |
Alkaline treatment | Cleaned and chemically modified the surface of the KF, resulting in a rise in surface roughness, which improves interfacial adhesion between the cement matrix and KF in terms of hydration, and internal curing. | Cement | - | [21] | |
Improved the tensile behaviour of the treated fibres. | Single | 129.10 | 267.69 | [27] | |
Removed the lignin and hemicellulose components of KF. | Cement | - | - | [35] | |
- | Cement | - | - | [36] | |
- | Cement | - | - | [37] | |
Removed the surface impurities of the fibres. | Single fibre | 218 | 254 | [38] | |
Removed the impurities from the surface of the fibres and improved the mechanical properties of the composite. | Polyester | 69.1 | 90.8 | [39] | |
Cleaned and chemically modified the fibre surface with increased surface roughness. | Single fibre | 215.4 | 243.7 | [40] | |
Removed the amorphous hemicellulose and lignin from the fibre and re-arranged the cellulose chain into a more compact manner, resulting in an increased packing density and improved mechanical properties. | Single fibre | 251.4 | 384.7 | [41] | |
Improved the mechanical strength of the composite. | Unsaturated polyester | 67 | 84.2 | [42] | |
Silane treatment | Removed a large portion of hemicellulose, lignin, and hydroxyl groups, which improved the fibre-matrix interfacial bonding. | Phenolic | 48 | 52 | [43] |
Improved the flexural, interfacial shear strengths, and mechanical properties of the composites. | Thermoplastic polypropylene | 26 | 47 | [44] | |
Thermosetting unsaturated polyester | 43 | 85 | |||
Graft copolymerization | Decreased the lignin content from 14.3% to as low as 3.3%. Besides, the SEM results showed that the treated KF surface was cleaner and smoother than the surface of the untreated fibres. | Single fibre | - | - | [45] |
Hydrogen peroxide | Increased the cellulose content and the crystallinity of the fibres by 40% and 26.8%, respectively. | Single fibre | 423.01 | 503.02 | [34] |
Potassium permanganate | Increased the cellulose content in the fibres by 21%, while the hemicellulose and lignin content decreased by 34.21% and 17%, respectively, compared to untreated fibres. | Single fibre | 423.01 | 425 | [34] |
Benzoyl chloride | Improved the fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion by the formation of a new linkage that connected the surface of KF with the matrix. | polyvinyl chloride with epoxidized natural rubber | 4.4 | 4.7 | [46] |
Stearic acid | Increased the matrix interphase region and wettability. Besides, increased surface roughness resulted in improved surface interaction between resin and fibre. | Unsaturated polyester | 35.664 | 56.893 | [47] |
Heat treatment | Decreased the fibre surface moisture absorption and voids content, which resulted in a composite with better properties. | Thermosetting unsaturated polyester | - | - | [48] |
Increased cellulose crystallinity due to the modification of the molecular structure in addition to the partial removal of the impurities on the surface of the fibres. | Single | 251.43 | 320.85 | [49] |
Ref. | Year | Fibre Diameter μm | Fibre Length mm | Optimum Length | Fibre Volume % | Optimum Volume | Testing Variables | Dependent Variables | Testing Method |
[9] | 2021 | 62.99–83.24 | 10 | - | 0.25–0.75 | - | Treatment method, fibres content and effect of superplasticizer | Mechanical properties | Compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and flexural strength and toughness |
Microstructural properties | SEM | ||||||||
[17] | 2011 | Mix (25–38) | - | 1.2–2.4 | 1.2 | Effect of fibre content | Mechanical properties | Compressive strength, elastic modulus, tensile and flexural strength | |
[35] | 2015 | - | 25 and 50 | 50 | 0.5–2 | 0.75 | Effect of fibre content and length | Fresh properties | Slump |
Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength | ||||||||
[36] | 2018 | - | 25 and 50 | 25 | 0.5–1.5 | 0.5–1 | Effect of fibre content and length | Fresh properties | Slump |
Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength | ||||||||
Microstructural properties | SEM and EDX | ||||||||
[37] | 2018 | 39–115 | 25 and 50 | 50 | 0.5–1 | 0.5 | Effect of fibre content and length | Fresh properties | Slump, compaction factor and VeBe test |
Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength and elastic modulus test | ||||||||
Durability properties | Drying shrinkage | ||||||||
[51] | 2020 | - | - | - | 2–10 | 8 | Fibre’s content | Mechanical properties | Modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity (MOE) |
Durability properties | Water absorption, fungal decay and termite damage | ||||||||
[52] | 2015 | - | Mix (20 + 50) | - | 1–5 | 1 | Effect of fibre content | Fresh properties | Slump and compaction factor |
Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength, direct shear and rebound hammer | ||||||||
[53] | 2021 | - | - | - | 0.1–0.3 | - | Fibres type and content | Fresh properties | Flowability |
Mechanical properties | Compressive and tensile strength | ||||||||
Thermal properties | Thermal conductivity | ||||||||
[54] | 2021 | - | - | - | 0.5–2 | 0.5 | Metakaolin ratio and kenaf content | Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength |
[55] | 2021 | - | 5 and 400 µm | - | 0.3–0.6 | - | Effect of fibres size and content | Fresh properties | Flowability, setting time and heat of hydration |
Mechanical properties | Compressive strength | ||||||||
Microstructural properties | SEM EDS mercury intrusion porosimetry | ||||||||
[56] | 2021 | - | 30 | - | 1 and 2 | 1 | Effect of sodium hydroxide and fibre content | Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength |
[57] | 2020 | 75 | Mix of (60–80) | - | 0.25–1 | 1 | Fibre type and content | Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength |
[58] | 2020 | - | Mix of (5 –15) | - | 0.5–2.5 | 0.5 | Fibre type and content | Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength |
Thermal properties | Thermal conductivity | ||||||||
Microstructural properties | SEM | ||||||||
[59] | 2020 | - | Mix of (5–15) | - | 1–2 | 1 | The influence of the strength grade and fibre content | Mechanical properties | Compressive strength, flexural strength, deformation behavior and toughness |
Microstructural properties | SEM and XRD | ||||||||
[60] | 2020 | 65.4 | 25 and 50 | 50 | 0–2 | 0.5 | Effect of fibre length and content | Fresh properties | Slump, compaction factor and VeBe test |
Mechanical properties | Compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and flexural creep | ||||||||
Microstructural properties | SEM | ||||||||
[61] | 2019 | - | 20 | - | 2.5 | - | Barchip fibre/kenaf fibre ratio | Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength |
[62] | 2019 | - | 50 | - | 0.75 | - | The interfacial bonding behaviour between KFCC and cement | Mechanical properties | Shear test, compressive strength and tensile strength |
[63] | 2018 | - | 25 and 50 | 50 | 0.5–1.5 | 0.5 and 0.75 | Fibre content and binder material | Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength |
[64] | 2017 | - | 50 | - | 0.4–0.5 | 0.45 | Effect of fibre content | Mechanical properties | Compressive, tensile and flexural strength |
Durability properties | Water absorption | ||||||||
[65] | 2016 | - | 40 | - | 0–1.5 | 1 | Curing conditions, fibre types and content | Fresh properties | Slump |
Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength | ||||||||
[66] | 2015 | - | 19 | - | 0.25 and 0.4 | 0.4 | Fibres type and content | Fresh properties | Slump |
Mechanical properties | Compressive and flexural strength | ||||||||
Durability properties | Water absorption and drying shrinkage | ||||||||
Microstructural properties | SEM |
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Abbas, A.-G.N.; Aziz, F.N.A.A.; Abdan, K.; Mohd Nasir, N.A.; Norizan, M.N. Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites. Fibers 2022, 10, 3.
Abbas A-GN, Aziz FNAA, Abdan K, Mohd Nasir NA, Norizan MN. Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites. Fibers. 2022; 10(1):3.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbbas, Al-Ghazali Noor, Farah Nora Aznieta Abdul Aziz, Khalina Abdan, Noor Azline Mohd Nasir, and Mohd Nurazzi Norizan. 2022. "Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites" Fibers 10, no. 1: 3.
APA StyleAbbas, A.-G. N., Aziz, F. N. A. A., Abdan, K., Mohd Nasir, N. A., & Norizan, M. N. (2022). Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites. Fibers, 10(1), 3.