State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design
:1. Introduction
Metal and Alloy Systems
2. DED Process Variables and Modelling Efforts
2.1. Overview of Powder-Fed DED Process Physics and Thermal History
2.2. Surface Tension and Marangoni Effect
2.3. Dimensionless Numbers
2.4. Energy Distribution in a DED System
2.5. Process–Microstructure Relationship
- Cooling rates as high as 13,000 K/s were recorded in the literature during in-situ process monitoring of Ti-6Al-4V with laser based DED [81]. The initial cooling rates and microstructures changed with an increase in the number of deposited layers. This may be due to the accumulation of thermal energy in the part as more layers are deposited. This is proven in a study of Ti-6Al-4V printed with laser based DED, wherein a martensite microstructure formed in the first layers slowly convert to a Widmanstaten microstructure as the layers build up [82].
- According to the literature, the microstructure of laser based DED processed Ti-6Al-4V was columnar near the substrate (smaller MPC length) and equiaxed away from the substrate (higher MPC length) (due to differences in cooling rates), and there was a superheated melt pool during the process (almost 40%–50%) [81]. Figure 4a shows the relationship between undercooling and constitutional supercooling with respect to the MPC length.
- Heterogeneous nucleation varies with respect to the scanning speed, powder feed rate, and heat source power as shown in Figure 4b. Increases in the scanning speed and powder feed rate or decreasing the heat source power decreases the thermal gradient, G. That leads to an increase in R and a higher amount of equiaxed structure in the part.
- The ratio of G/R is an important parameter. G/R > 1 means a low rate of nucleation, due to a thermal gradient that is greater than the solidification front velocity, and G/R < 1 means a high rate of nucleation, due to a thermal gradient that is smaller than the solidification front velocity, as shown in Figure 4c.
- Figure 4d shows the MPC length, and increases in the value from the bottom to the top of the melt pool.
2.6. Dilution
3. Common Defects
3.1. Porosity
3.2. Changes in Chemical Compositions due to Solute Segregation and Loss of Alloying Elements
3.3. Printability of Alloys
4. Mechanical Properties
4.1. Tensile Strength
4.2. Hardness
4.3. Fatigue
4.4. Residual Stress
5. DED Process Control and Monitoring
6. Determination of Optimal Process Parameters for Laser Based Powder-Fed DED
7. Applications and Emerging Technologies
7.1. DED Metal Parts Used in Various Biomedical Applications
7.2. Welding and Cladding
7.3. Repair
7.4. Bulk Combinatorial Alloy Design
7.5. Construction Materials
7.6. Hybrid Additive Manufacturing
8. Summary and Outlook
Conflicts of Interest
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Material System | Reported Functionality or Application or Process Optimization as Applicable * | References |
Ni coated TiC on Inconel 625 | Improved mechanical properties | [20] |
Invar + TiC | Invar has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion which was used to make parts with low thermal stresses | [21] |
Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb + TiC | Used to study optimum process parameters, high temperature structural applications and it exhibited twice the hardness of Ti-6Al-4V | [22] |
TiC/Ti | Combines the high temperature and wear resistance of ceramics with good mechanical properties of metals | [23] |
VC on SS304 | Ultrahigh temperature coating on stainless steel to improve high temperature performance | [24] |
Ti-6Al-4V-Al2O3 | Conventionally processed ceramics requires post-processing (e.g., high temperature sintering), but this compositionally graded ceramic deposit on Ti-6Al-4V (having compositions, like pure Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-4V + Al2O3, and pure Al2O3) can be achieved in one step using computer aided manufacturing, thereby reducing the need for post-processing | [25] |
Ti-TiO2 | TiO2 on the surface of porous Ti increases surface wettability and biocompatibility | [26] |
Compositionally graded alumina on SS303 | Better interfacial properties of coating due to growth of Al2O3 coarse columnar microstructure in the direction of deposition | [27] |
CoCrMo on porous Ti-6Al-4V | Porous implant that can eliminate stress shielding issue associated with fully dense implants and CoCrMo coting can improve the biocompatibility | [28] |
Ti + SiC | Good electrochemical and tribological properties, non-toxic for biological implants | [29,30] |
Calcium phosphate on Ti | Load bearing implants with high hardness and wear resistance | [31] |
CNT (carbon nanotubes) + calcium phosphate + Ti-6Al-4V | Tribo-film formation improved wear resistance for Ti-6Al-4V, CNT facilitated in-situ carbide formation enhancing hardness | [32] |
Ti-Zr-BN | Demonstrated superior mechanical properties with respect to pure Ti; could be used to improve surface and bulk properties. | [33] |
Hydroxyapatite (HA) coating on Ti-6Al-4V | Deposition of Ti/HA interfacial layer on Ti-6Al-4V using LENS™, followed by plasma spraying of HA, to improve bond strength and increase osteoconductivity of metallic implants | [34] |
Ni-18Al-11Cr-9C and Ni-14Al-8Cr-29C | Improved wear resistance | [35] |
YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) on Ni based superalloy | Good thermal barrier protection and good thermal cycling resistance | [36] |
ZTA (zirconia toughened alumina) | ZTA is tougher than pure alumina, making it useful in many industries, but it exhibits poor surface quality and therefore was post-processed using rotary ultrasonic machining, which combines both grinding and ultrasonic machining processes | [37] |
Inconel and ceramic powders | Optimized the process parameters with the help of mode FRONTIER® software that helped minimize energy consumption and material wastes, and maximizes powder melting | [38] |
Ti-Si-N coatings on Ti | Higher hardness and wear resistant coatings on Ti (with varying ratios of Ti-Si, higher Ti content lead to higher hardness) | [39] |
Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) | Reasonable dielectric properties achieved with DED without post-processing, can be used potentially in the PZT embedded sensors and transducers on structural materials | [40] |
Alumina (Al2O3) | Easier manufacturing of refractory materials by DED compared to expensive and difficult traditional processing techniques | [41,42,43,44,45] |
Al2O3 + YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) | This eutectic ceramic with water-cooled substrate showed a 10% increase in microhardness and a fracture toughness increase of 8.5%, compared to non-water cooled substrate | [46] |
Tri calcium phosphate (TCP) ceramic | Good biocompatibility with cell differentiation ability for load bearing bone implants | [47] |
Al2O3 + ZrO2 | DED with ultrasonic vibrations helped in achieving crack free parts and good mechanical properties | [48,49] |
Al2O3-ZrO2 (Y2O3) eutectic ceramic structures | Direct fabrication by DED without binders, having acceptable mechanical performance | [50] |
Ni-Ti | Influence of laser power on the properties of DED fabricated equi-atomic Ni-Ti composition and the effect of laser power on corrosion resistance | [51] |
SS316L | Greater resistance to corrosion after heat treatment | [52] |
Nb-Ti-Si-Cr | High temperature structural strength and oxidation resistance | [53] |
Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo-W-B | Optimized volume of hard precipitates using CALPHAD, achieved crack free deposition on carbon steel substrate when it was preheated to 400 °C | [54] |
Model | Explanation | Reference |
Powder stream mass and temperature of the melt pool | Mass flow model taking into account powder flow into the melt pool using negative enthalpy method (subtracting the mass out of the model compared to the one considering no mass). | [58] |
Powder flow trajectory simulations | The powder catchment efficiency was dependent on the carrier gas flow rate, with a higher flow rate giving more catchment; bigger powders had a smaller velocity due to inertia, leading to less catchment efficiency. Smaller powders also had less catchment efficiency. | [59] |
Forced convection events | This model takes into account forced convection effects due to inert gas flow inside the chamber, and also the powder flow along with the inert gas, to reduce errors in simulations. | [60] |
Powder nozzle physics | Numerical simulations to study the powder flow and determine the contribution of nozzle geometry in affecting the powder flow. | [61] |
Columnar to equiaxed transition | Thermal modelling and computational thermodynamics to study microstructure heterogeneity during AM. | [62] |
Phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V | Large scale phase field modelling approach to predict the localized phase transformations in Ti-6Al-4V. | [63] |
Heat transfer and cooling rates during DED | Modelling of melt pool temperatures, velocities, cyclic thermal cooling behavior, and peak temperatures. | [64,65,66,67,68] |
Residual stress evolution | Simulations of localized residual stresses using finite element analysis, and assuming quasi-static models. | [69,70] |
Name | Formula * | Definition | Literature Reported |
Non-dimensional Heat Input | where P is the laser power, V is the scanning speed, Pr is the reference laser power, and Vr is the reference scanning speed (Pr and Vr provide the lowest heat input per unit length of deposited material) | Energy per unit length of material used to deposit layers | [74] |
Peclet Number | where U is the characteristic velocity, α is the thermal diffusivity of the alloy, and L is the characteristic length. | The relative strength of convection to conduction in the system | [75] |
Fourier Number | where α is the thermal diffusivity, τ is the characteristic time scale, and L is the characteristic length | Gives relative value between heat dissipation and heat storage rates | [76] |
Study Technique | Function | Reported Literature |
In-situ acoustic monitoring | Detects defects and cracks during process | [110,111] |
Non-destructive thermographic inspections like IR cameras | Captures the thermal history | [81,112] |
IR two wave pyrometers and high-speed CCD cameras | Monitors the melt-pool characteristics and temperature | [81,113,114,115,116,117,118] |
High energy X-ray diffraction and imaging | Detects phase transformations and melt pool dynamics | [73,108,109] |
Repetitive process controller | Used to optimize layer height during the process | [119] |
Material System | Optimal Dilution Range or Optimal Process Parameters or Acceptable Range Values as Reported | Study |
Stainless steel grade 303L | – | [126] |
H13 tool steel | Optimal, generally low dilution preferred | [12] |
Inconel 718 in steel substrate | – | [127] |
Ti-6Al-4V | Within 10%–30% | [128] |
Ti-6Al-4V | – | [5] |
H13 tool steel | – | [129] |
P420 steel on low carbon steel | 12%–20%; optimal is 16% | [130] |
Inconel 690 on Inconel 600 | Optimal | [131] |
24CrMoNi alloy steel | 32% | [2] |
Ti-15Mo | 54%–68% | [132] |
Fe | 10%–20% | [133] |
Inconel 718 on AISI 1045 carbon steel | – | [83] |
Stellite® 12 (Cr-W based alloy) on 0.2% C steel | – | [134] |
Zirconium on Zr alloy | 50% | [135] |
Ti-6Al-4V | 48%–52% | [136] |
NiFeBSiNb on mild steel | Above 10% | [137] |
Inconel | Optimal | [121] |
Fe | – | [138] |
Ti-6Al-4V | Within 10% to 30% | [128] |
Ti-6Al-4V | Zero porosity data; optimal | [139] |
NiCrAlY on Inconel 738 superalloy | 15%–25% | [140] |
Ni-Cr based alloy (commercially known as 19E alloy) | 5%–30% | [141] |
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Share and Cite
Dass, A.; Moridi, A. State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design. Coatings 2019, 9, 418.
Dass A, Moridi A. State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design. Coatings. 2019; 9(7):418.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDass, Adrita, and Atieh Moridi. 2019. "State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design" Coatings 9, no. 7: 418.
APA StyleDass, A., & Moridi, A. (2019). State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design. Coatings, 9(7), 418.