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Comprehensive Analysis of Imipenemase (IMP)-Type Metallo-β-Lactamase: A Global Distribution Threatening Asia

Pisut Pongchaikul
1,2,3,* and
Paninee Mongkolsuk
Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Chakri Naruebodindra Medical Institute, Mahidol University, Samut Prakan 10540, Thailand
Integrative Computational BioScience Center, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand
Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Antibiotics 2022, 11(2), 236;
Submission received: 8 January 2022 / Revised: 7 February 2022 / Accepted: 8 February 2022 / Published: 11 February 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Global Spread of Antibiotics)


Antibiotic resistance, particularly beta-lactam resistance, is a major problem worldwide. Imipenemase or IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) has become a more prominent enzyme, especially in Asia, since it was discovered in the 1990s in Japan. There are currently 88 variants of IMP-type enzymes. The most commonly identified variant of IMP-type enzymes is IMP−1 variant. IMP-type MBLs have been detected in more than ten species in Enterobacterales. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most frequent carrier of IMP-type enzymes worldwide. In Asia, IMP-type MBLs have been distributed in many countries. This work investigated a variety of currently available IMP-type MBLs at both a global level and a regional level. Out of 88 variants of IMP-type MBLs reported worldwide, only 32 variants were found to have susceptibility profiles. Most of the bacterial isolates carrying IMP-type MBLs were resistant to Carbapenems, especially Imipenem and Meropenem, followed by the 3rd-generation cephalosporins, and interestingly, monobactams. Our results comprehensively indicated the distribution of IMP-type MBLs in Asia and raised the awareness of the situation of antimicrobial resistance in the region.

1. Introduction

Multidrug resistance organisms, especially β-lactamase-harbouring pathogens, are a major global public health problem worldwide resulting in high mortality, high morbidity and rising economic costs [1]. The β-lactamase enzyme, which can be produced by both gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria, inactivates β-lactam antibiotics (i.e., penicillin, cephalosporin, carbapenem and monobactam) by hydrolysing the amide bond of β-lactam ring [2]. Currently, there are more than 7270 enzymes available in the β-lactamase database (Beta-Lactamase database. Available online:, accessed on 30 November 2021). β-lactamase can be classified into four classes based on Ambler classification. Class A, C, D include serine protease-derived β-lactamases while class B includes the metallo-or zinc dependent β-lactamase (MBL) [3].
Imipenemase (IMP) is encoded by blaIMP genes. Along with other enzymes in this group: Verona Integron-encoded Metallo-β-lactamase (VIM), São Paulo metallo-β-lactamase (SPM) and German imipenemase (GIM). IMP belongs to class B β-lactamase and has carbapenemase activity [4]. Similar to other MBLs, IMP MBL breaks β-lactam ring with zinc as a catalyst and the enzyme can be inhibited by EDTA. IMP is commonly transferred between organisms, especially Gram-negative bacteria, via class 1 or class 3 of integron [5]. The discovery of blaIMP1 was first reported in Japan in 1988 from P. aeruginosa strain GN17203 [6]. There are currently 88 variants of IMP reported worldwide.
Even though IMP-type MBLs are important and widely distributed around the world, a comprehensive review of this enzyme has not been conducted. Moreover, a previous phylogenetic construction was restricted due to the limited number of available sequences. To understand the comprehensive picture of the blaIMP gene, a review of relevant literature and a phylogenetic tree reconstruction was performed to investigate the distribution of IMP-type MBLs, phylogenetic relationship of the genes, and the association between phylogenetic cluster and antibiotic susceptibility.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Review of Literature

A comprehensive literature search was performed by PM and PP on Pubmed/Medline and EMBASE until 30 November 2021 to obtain relevant articles. The search terms used were “IMP and β-Lactamases”. A list of references was stored and the duplicates were removed using Endnote. PM and PP separately screened and selected the titles and the abstracts mentioning IMP metallo-β-lactamase. Articles were included when the prevalence of blaIMP gene was reported. Articles were excluded when the English version was not available.

2.2. blaIMP Gene Sequence Retrieval and Analysis

A total number of 88 sequences of IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase genes (blaIMP) were found and downloaded from both β-lactamase databases [7] (last accessed, November 2021) and GenBank database in November 2021. IMP−36, IMP−50 and IMP−57 could not be found and retrieved from both databases. Multiple sequence alignment of both nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences was processed using an iterative refinement algorithm in MUSCLE with default parameters [8] and manually edited in MEGA software version 11 [9]. The analysis of overall domain family of the BlaIMP was conducted in Pfam [10].

2.3. Phylogenetic Tree Estimation

Prior to the construction of the phylogenetic tree, the model test was conducted to estimate the most appropriate model using built-in functions in MEGA [9]. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree with 1000 bootstraps was constructed using General Time Reversible (GTR) model with gamma distribution for nucleotide sequences using FastTree [11]. The tree was visualised in FigTree (FigTree. Available online:, accessed on 30 November 2021) and annotated in the interactive Tree of Life (iTOL) [12].

3. Results

3.1. Distribution of IMP-Type MBLs

A search of the NCBI database and EMBASE using “IMP and β-Lactamases” for gene encoding blaIMP demonstrated a variety of variants of IMP-type MBL genes as well as species of IMP-carrying organisms. There were 88 variants of IMP-type MBL genes currently deposited on NCBI’s GenBank. These 88 variants were identified in 29 species across 32 countries (Table 1). Interestingly, most of the blaIMP genes identified were from hospital isolates (Table 1). According to the genes submitted to GenBank and the literature search, the detection of blaIMP was frequently reported from Japan (25%), followed by China (17%) and France (7%) (Figure 1A).
According to Figure 1A, Asia accounted for 69% of the reporting countries. The presence of the blaIMP gene was reported in 12 countries, namely, China (including Hong Kong), India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. Focusing on Asia, Japan and China were the first (36%) and the second (25%) most frequently blaIMP identified countries. Thailand and Singapore were the third most frequently reported countries (7%) (Figure 1B). The most frequently reported blaIMP carriers were Pseudomonas aeruginosa, followed by Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter cloacae. By considering the variant of blaIMP in countries with high prevalence of blaIMP in Asia, blaIMP−1 was the most frequently reported in Japan (23%) and Singapore (50%). blaIMP−4 and blaIMP−14 were the most frequently reported in China (27%) and Thailand (27%), respectively (Figure 2A–D).

3.2. In Silico Analysis of IMP-Type MBLs

In silico analysis of IMP-type MBL genes was conducted to investigate the diversity of the genes. Using multiple sequence alignment of 88 variants of IMP-type MBLs, the conserved sequences of active sites were identified as follows: His95, Phe96, His97, Asp99, Ser100, His157, Cys176 and His215 (numbered according to IMP−1; Supplementary Materials Figure S1) [17]. These sequences were residues of a lactam ring-catalytic site. The overall analysis showed 79.3%–96.7% amino acid sequence similarity. To investigate other functions of the protein, we performed protein domain prediction in Pfam. The result showed that this protein contained only one domain, namely ‘Metallo-hydrolase-like-MBL-fold superfamily’, covering from amino acid position 23 to position 234 (result not shown).
A phylogenetic tree was constructed to visualise the relationship of the genes. blaIMP genes were separated into three main clusters (Figure 3). Group I contains 38 variants. Noticeably, blaIMP−12, blaIMP−63 and blaIMP−90, previously identified as group II [18], were currently in a subgroup of group I, called group Ia, with 95.1% bootstrap support. These three variants were isolated from strains with European origin. Group II contains 41 variants. Lastly, group III contains nine variants (Figure 3).

3.3. Resistance of IMP MBL Variants-Carrying Strains

The pattern of antibiotic susceptibility of the isolate carrying each blaIMP variant was obtained from the articles to investigate whether the variation in each variant was associated with susceptibility. The susceptibility profiles were taken from bacterial isolates carrying those blaIMP genes. By reviewing the literature, most of the antibiotic agents tested were in the group of cephalosporin and carbapenem (Figure 3), especially anti-pseudomonal antibiotics, since P. aeruginosa was the most abundant species identified to possess the blaIMP gene. Out of 88 available variants, susceptibility profile was reported only in 32 variants (Figure 3, right panel). Overall, strains with blaIMP were resistant to several β-lactam antibiotics.
For carbapenem, almost all of the isolates with blaIMP variants were resistant to both meropenem and imipenem. IMP−19, −28, and −34 enzymes were unable to inactivate the carbapenems. Similarly, Cephalosporin was shown to be less active against blaIMP -carrying species. Likewise, isolates with blaIMP were resistant to cephalosporins. Aztreonam, a monobactam, was also shown to have an anti-bacterial effect on most of blaIMP carriers.
By combining the antibiotic susceptibility profile with the phylogenetic tree to investigate the relationship between clustering and susceptibility, it was found that susceptibility pattern was not associated with the phylogenetic tree (Figure 3).

4. Discussion

The attention to clinically important bacteria has been rising due to the multidrug resistance caused by the production of drug-inactivating enzymes, especially β-lactamases [19]. More critically, the carbapenemase enzyme has been increasingly detected in pathogens that are associated with nosocomial infections [20,21]. This study is the first to comprehensively investigate the epidemiology and the diversity of IMP-type MBLs, class B β-lactamase with carbapenemase ability.
An IMP-type MBL is encoded by the blaIMP-N gene (N = an order of variant discovered) which can be located on the chromosome or the plasmid, which facilitates the transfer of the blaIMP gene via horizontal gene transfer [22,23]. Our study showed that the blaIMP gene was detected in clinically relevant species, including P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii, which are associated with nosocomial infection and listed in “Priority 1: CRITICAL” list of antibiotic resistant pathogens by WHO (WHO publishes list of bacteria for which new antibiotics are urgently needed. Available online:, accessed on 30 December 2021). Interestingly, our analysis revealed that the top two countries where blaIMP genes were detected were both Asian countries: Japan and China. Japan is the first place where IMP-type MBLs (IMP−1) were reported [6]. In Asia, there were 28, 15, 7 and 5 variants of the blaIMP gene identified in Japan, China, Thailand and Singapore, respectively. A recent study revealed that carbapenemases (derived from P. aeruginosa) are distributed throughout Thailand [18]. However, the epidemiological study of IMP variants in Japan and China has not yet been conducted. It is, therefore, important to note that the blaIMP gene is one of the causes of antibiotic resistance in Asia.
The phylogenetic tree is commonly used to investigate the evolutionary relationship of genes or organisms. Our findings revealed that a reconstructed phylogenetic tree using 88 blaIMP variants clustered the genes into three main groups (Figure 2). In a broad picture, this tree was similar to the previous version [18]. Nevertheless, group Ia, which was previously clustered in group II, was currently identified in group I with high bootstraps. It is important to note that the structure of phylogeny of blaIMP is nearly well-defined although some branches remain dynamic depending on the number of genes added to the tree. The change of position in the phylogenetic tree could be caused by the increased number of tested genes in our study.
A search for antibiotic susceptibility profiles revealed that strains containing 32 variants (out of 88) were tested for their susceptibility. The profile showed that the 3rd-generation cephalosporins and carbapenem were less effective against most strains with the blaIMP gene. Interestingly, Aztreonam is the only agent that is active to the strains with most types of blaIMP (Figure 3). However, the association between susceptibility and the phylogenetic tree was absent. This is supported by the findings showing that the sequence of the active site (catalytic site) was highly conserved within the members of MBLs [17]. It is of note that nucleotide or amino acid substitutions outside the active site might not affect the β-lactam-hydrolysing activity of the enzyme. In addition, the susceptibility profile of the strains containing each blaIMP variant must be performed to ensure the association between the substitution/phylogenetic tree and the antibiotic resistance pattern. It is important to note that the susceptibility profile was taken from bacterial isolates, so the susceptibility can be affected by another mechanism, such as other β-lactamases or efflux pumps [24]. All in all, the findings of this work demonstrated that antibiotic resistance-associated genes were distributed to several regions around the world. This emphasised that the need of discovering or inventing novel antibiotic agents and enforcing antibiotic stewardship is urgent.

5. Conclusions

Carbapenemase, especially IMP-type MBLs, causes public health problems worldwide. This study is the first to comprehensively analyse all currently available variants of IMP-type MBLs and their associated susceptibility. Asian countries, especially Japan and China, are presently under a wide spread of blaIMP -carrying bacteria which are antibiotic-resistant organisms listed by WHO. An unrooted phylogenetic backbone of blaIMP gene variants illustrated two separate groups without susceptibility or geographical association. This strengthens antibiotic stewardship policy on a global level to control antibiotic resistance problems.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Multiple sequence alignment of amino acid sequence of 88 blaIMP variants.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, P.P.; methodology, P.P.; formal analysis, P.P. and P.M.; writing P.P. and P.M.; visualization, P.P. and P.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research project is supported by Mahidol University (Basic Research Fund: fiscal year 2022; grant number: BRF1-018/2565).


Thanks to Jitpisuth Tantasiri for proofreading, mental support and expecting a little baby girl.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Distribution of IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase annotated genes (A) worldwide (B) in Asia.
Figure 1. Distribution of IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase annotated genes (A) worldwide (B) in Asia.
Antibiotics 11 00236 g001
Figure 2. Distribution of blaIMP annotated genes in four countries in Asia: (A) Japan, (B) China, (C) Thailand and (D) Singapore. IMP-N is used to represent blaIMP-N.
Figure 2. Distribution of blaIMP annotated genes in four countries in Asia: (A) Japan, (B) China, (C) Thailand and (D) Singapore. IMP-N is used to represent blaIMP-N.
Antibiotics 11 00236 g002
Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationship of blaIMP genes. An unrooted maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree constructed using nucleotide sequences of 88 blaIMP genes with 1000 bootstrap supports was visualised together with antibiotic susceptibility profile of 32 variants of the blaIMP gene. Red squares indicated “resistant” while green squares indicated “susceptible”. IMP-N is used to represent blaIMP-N.
Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationship of blaIMP genes. An unrooted maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree constructed using nucleotide sequences of 88 blaIMP genes with 1000 bootstrap supports was visualised together with antibiotic susceptibility profile of 32 variants of the blaIMP gene. Red squares indicated “resistant” while green squares indicated “susceptible”. IMP-N is used to represent blaIMP-N.
Antibiotics 11 00236 g003
Table 1. List of currently available IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase genes.
Table 1. List of currently available IMP-type metallo-β-lactamase genes.
IMP TypeHostCountry of IsolationReference or AccessionSource of Isolates
IMP−1Achromobacter xylosoxidansJapanEF027105.1, KF032823.1, KF032821.1, KF032820.1Hospital
Comamonas thiooxydansJapanAP025194.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapan AB983593.1Hospital
ChinaAY386702.1, AY912485.1Hospital
IranKR703251.1, JX648311.1, JX644173.1, JQ766530.1Hospital
SingaporeAY168635.1, AY625689.1, AY625688.1, AY625687.1, AY625686.1Hospital
(Direct submission from Brazil)GU831553.1, GU831552.1, GU831551.1, GU831550.1,
GU831549.1, GU831548.1, GU831547.1, GU831546.1
(Submitted from the UK, unpublished)MH594579.1Hospital
Turkey DQ842025.1Hospital
USAMK388919.1, MF479262.1N/A
Pseudomonas putidaSingaporeAY251052.1Hospital
Pseudomonas fluorescensSingaporeAY250709.1Hospital
Serratia marcescensJapanAB162950.1, AB162949.1, AB162948.1, AB162947.1, NG_049172.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeIranLC512050.1, LC512051.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeJapan[14]Hospital
Acinetobacter spp.Korea[15]Hospital
Acinetobacter bereziniaeKoreaEU014166.1, EU686386.1Hospital
Acinetobacter calcoaceticusThailandHM185482.1Hospital
Acinetobacter baumanniiJapan[15]Hospital
(Submitted from Korea, unpublished)EF375699.1Hospital
IranKR080548.1, KF723585.1Hospital
(Submitted from Brazil, unpublished)KF381490.1, KF381489.1, KF381488.1, KF381487.1Hospital
Acinetobacter pittiiKoreaGQ288398.1, GQ288393.1Hospital
TaiwanGU064942.1, GU064941.1N/A
Acinetobacter nosocomialisKoreaGQ288394.1Hospital
TaiwanGU064940.1, GU064939.1, GU064938.1N/A
Citrobacter freundiiJapanAB754498.1N/A
Citrobacter youngae(Direct submission from Ireland)MW847603.1Hospital
Enterobacter aerogenesJapan[15]Hospital
Enterobacter cloacae(Direct submission from Japan)LC508022.1Hospital
Enterobacter hormaecheiChinaMG287118.1N/A
Escherichia coliJapan[16]Hospital
Proteus mirabilisBrazilKY057362.1Hospital
Proteus vulgarisJapan[16]Hospital
Providencia rettgeriJapanAB754496.1N/A
Leclercia adecarboxylataChinaKJ531212.1Hospital
IMP−2Acinetobacter baumanniiItalyAJ243491.1, NG_049183.1Hospital
Serratia marcescensJapanAB182996.1N/A
Pseudomonas aeruginosaIndiaKC588963.1Hospital
IMP−3Shigella flexneri(Published in USA)NG_049194.1N/A
IMP−4Acinetobacter baumanniiHong KongNG_049203.1, AF445082.1, AF244145.1Hospital
SingaporeDQ532122.1, AY795963.1, AY590475.1Hospital
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(Direct submission from Malaysia, unpublished)DQ307573.1N/A
Citrobacter freundiiChinaEU368857.1Hospital
Escherichia coliChinaAB636651.1N/A
(Direct submission from India)MF169878.1N/A
Enterobacter cloacaeChinaKF699334.1Hospital
Enterobacter aerogenesChinaKF184385.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeChinaEU368858.1, KF184388.1, FJ384365.1Hospital
JQ808503.1, JN106667.1, KF680003.1N/A
Klebsiella oxytocaChinaJQ820404.1N/A
Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaDQ297664.1N/A
IMP−5Acinetobacter baumanniiPortugalNG_049212.1, JF810083.1Hospital
IMP−6Escherichia coliJapanAB753460.1N/A
Serratia marcescensJapanNG_049220.1, AB040994.1Hospital
Providencia rettgeriJapanAB754497.1N/A
Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB188812.1Hospital
IMP−7Pseudomonas aeruginosaCanadaNG_049221.1, AF318077.1Hospital
Japan LC091209.2, LC091210.2Hospital
MalaysiaGQ221781.1, AF416736.2, GU213192.1Hospital
IMP−8Acinetobacter baumanniiTaiwanEF127959.1Hospital
China DQ845788.1Hospital
Escherichia coli SingaporeKF534724.1Hospital
Enterobacter cloacaeTaiwan[16]Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeChinaJQ820406.1, EU368856.1Hospital
TaiwanNG_049222.1, AF322577.2Hospital
Klebsiella oxytocaChinaHQ651093.1Hospital
Serratia marcescensTaiwanEU042136.1N/A
IMP−9Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaAY033653, EU176818.1Hospital
KF184386.1, KF255597.1, KF255596.1, KF255595.1N/A
(Direct submission from China)HM106459.1N/A
IMP−10Achromobacter xylosoxidansJapanAB074435.1, AB195638.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB074434.1, AB074433.1, NG_049173.1, AB195637.1Hospital
(Direct submission from Japan, Unpublished)DQ288156.1Hospital
Pseudomonas putidaItalyAJ420864.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeTunisiaHE605040.1Non-hospital
IMP−11Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB074437.1Hospital
Acinetobacter baumanniiJapanAB074436, NG_049174.1Hospital
Enterobacter cloacaeJapanLC628821.1N/A
IMP−12Pseudomonas putidaItalyNG_049175.1Hospital
IMP−13Pseudomonas aeruginosaItalyFJ172676.1, FJ172674.1, AJ512502.1, NG_049176.1Hospital
Pseudomonas monteiliiItalyJN091097.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniaeTunisia HE605041.1Non-hospital
IMP−14Achromobacter xylosoxidansThailand KJ406506.2, KJ406505.2Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaThailandAY553332.1, NG_049177.1Hospital
IMP−15Pseudomonas aeruginosaThailandNG_049178.1, AY553333.1Hospital
IMP−16Pseudomonas aeruginosaBrazilAJ584652.2, NG_049179.1Hospital
IMP−17Pseudomonas aeruginosaItalyNG_049180.1Hospital
IMP−18Pseudomonas aeruginosaUSAAY780674.2, NG_049181.1Hospital
(Direct submission from Costa Rica, unpublished)KC907377.2Hospital
(Direct submission from Japan, unpublished)AB587676.1N/A
IMP−19Acinetobacter baumanniiIranJQ766528.1N/A
JapanAB184977.1 Hospital
Achromobacter xylosoxidansJapanAB201263.1N/A
Enterobacter cloacaeJapanAB201264.1N/A
Aeromonas caviaeFranceNG_049182.1Hospital
Klebsiella pneumoniae(Direct submission from Japan, unpublished)LC062960.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB184976.1Hospital
Pseudomonas putidaJapanAB201265.1N/A
Serratia marcescensPolandMH071810.1N/A
IMP−20Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB196988, NG_049184.1N/A
IMP−21Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB204557, NG_049185.1N/A
IMP−22Providencia rettgeriJapanAB754495.1N/A
Pseudomonas aeruginosaAustriaFM876313.1Hospital
Pseudomonas fluorescens ItalyDQ361087.2, NG_049186.1Non-hospital
IMP−23Citrobacter freundiiChinaNG_049187.1N/A
IMP−24Serratia marcescensTaiwanEF192154.1, NG_049188.1Hospital
IMP−25Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaEU352796Hospital
KoreaEU541448.1, NG_049189.1Hospital
(Direct submission from China, unpublished)KY081418.1, KY081417.1, HM175876.1N/A
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia(Direct submission fom China)GU944726.1N/A
IMP−26Enterobacter cloacaeChinaHQ685900.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaMalaysiaJQ629930.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaNepalLC636067.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaSingaporeGU045307.1, NG_049190.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaVietnamLC075717.1N/A
IMP−27Morganella morganiiMexicoKY847875.1, KY847873.1N/A
Proteus mirabilisUSAJF894248.1Hospital
(Direct submission from USA)NG_049191.1N/A
Providencia rettgeriUSAKY847874.1N/A
IMP−28Klebsiella oxytocaSpainHQ263342.1, NG_049192.1Hospital
IMP−29Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceHQ438058.1, JQ041634, NG_049193.1Hospital
IMP−30Escherichia coliChinaKM589497.1Hospital
Pseudomonas aeruginosaRussiaNG_049195.1N/A
IMP−31Pseudomonas aeruginosaGermanyKF148593.1, NG_049196.1Hospital
IMP−32Klebsiella pneumoniaeThailandNG_049197.1, JQ002629.1Hospital
IMP−33Pseudomonas aeruginosaItalyJN848782, NG_049198.1Hospital
IMP−34Klebsiella oxytocaJapanAB700341.1, NG_049199.1Hospital
Acinetobacter colistiniresistensJapanLC276939.1Hospital
IMP−35Pseudomonas aeruginosaGermanyJF816544.1, NG_049200.1Hospital
IMP−36Not found in NCBI database and pubmed
IMP−37Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceJX131372.1, NG_049201.1Hospital
IMP−38Klebsiella pneumoniaeChinaHQ875573.1, NG_049202.1N/A
IMP−39Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceMK507818.1, NG_064724.1Hospital
IMP−40Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB753457, NG_049204.1N/A
IMP−41Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanAB753458, NG_049205.1N/A
IMP−42Acinetobacter soliJapanAB753456.1, NG_049206.1N/A
IMP−43Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_049207.1Hospital
IMP−44Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_049208.1Hospital
IMP−45Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaKJ510410.1, NG_049209.1Animal
IMP−46Pseudomonas putidaFranceMK543944.1, MK507819.1, NG_064725.1Hospital
IMP−47Serratia marcescens(Direct submit USA)KP050486.1N/A
IMP−48Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submit USA, unpublished)NG_049210.1, KM087857.1N/A
IMP−49Pseudomonas aeruginosaBrazilNG_049211, KP681694.1 N/A
IMP−50Not found in NCBI database and pubmed
IMP−51Pseudomonas aeruginosaVietnamNG_049213.1, LC031883.1Hospital
IMP−52Escherichia coliJapanNG_049214.1, LC055762.1N/A
IMP−53Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submit USA)NG_049215.1N/A
IMP−54Pseudomonas aeruginosaThailandKU052795.1, NG_049216.1N/A
IMP−55Acinetobacter baumanniiIranKU299753.1, NG_049217.1Hospital
IMP−56Pseudomonas aeruginosaMexicoKU351745.1Hospital
GuatemalaKU315553.1, NG_049218.1N/A
IMP−57Not found in NCBI database and pubmed
IMP−58Pseudomonas putidaDenmarkKU647281.1, NG_049219.1N/A
IMP−59Escherichia coliAustraliaKX196782.1, NG_055477.1N/A
IMP−60Enterobacter cloacaeJapanLC159227.1, NG_050945.1Hospital
IMP−61Acinetobacter baumannii(Direct submission from Germany, unpublished)KX462700.1, NG_051166.1Hospital
IMP−62Pseudomonas aeruginosaMexico KX753224.1, NG_051513.1Hospital
IMP−63Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceKX821663.1, NG_052049.1Hospital
IMP−64Proteus mirabilisUSANG_054710.1, KX949735.2N/A
IMP−65Pseudomonas aeruginosaThailand KY315991.1, NG_066508.1Hospital
IMP−66Escherichia coliJapanLC190726.1, NG_054676.1N/A
IMP−67Providencia rettgeri(Direct submission from USA, unpublished)MF281100.1, NG_055271.1N/A
IMP−68Klebsiella pneumoniaeJapanMF669572.1, NG_055584.1N/A
IMP−69Providencia spp.ChinaMF678349.1, NG_055665.1N/A
IMP−70Pseudomonas aeruginosaGermanyMG748725.1, NG_056176.1Hospital
Providencia rettgeriJapanLC348383.1N/A
IMP−71Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceMG818167.1Hospital
IMP−72Pseudomonas aeruginosaMexicoMH021847.1N/A
IMP−73Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanMH021848.1, NG_057463.1N/A
IMP−74Pseudomonas aeruginosaBrazilMH243349.1, NG_057606.1N/A
IMP−75Pseudomonas aeruginosaMexicoMH243350.1, MW692112.1, NG_057607.1N/A
IMP−76Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_061409.1Hospital
IMP−77Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_061410.1Hospital
IMP−78Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_061411.1Hospital
IMP−79Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceMG873561.1, NG_061626.1Hospital
IMP−80Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanNG_062274.1Hospital
IMP−81Pseudomonas aeruginosaColumbiaMN267699.1N/A
IMP−82Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submission from Germany, unpublished)MN057782.1Hospital
(Direct submission from USA, unpublished)NG_065873.1Hospital
IMP−83Pseudomonas aeruginosaMexicoMN104595.1, NG_065874.1N/A
IMP−84Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submission from Switzerland, unpublished)MN219692.1N/A
Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submission from USA, unpublished)NG_065875.1N/A
IMP−85Pseudomonas aeruginosaFranceMN510335.1, NG_066696.1Hospital
IMP−86Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaMT241520.1, NG_076650.1N/A
IMP−87Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaMT241521.1, NG_076651.1N/A
IMP−88Pseudomonas aeruginosaJapanLC558310.1, NG_070737.1Hospital
IMP−89Pseudomonas putidaChinaNG_070738.1N/A
IMP−90Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Direct submission from Germany, unpublished)MW811441.1 Hospital
(Direct submission from USA, unpublished)NG_074713.1Hospital
IMP−91Pseudomonas aeruginosaChinaMZ702721.1, NG_076634.1N/A
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MDPI and ACS Style

Pongchaikul, P.; Mongkolsuk, P. Comprehensive Analysis of Imipenemase (IMP)-Type Metallo-β-Lactamase: A Global Distribution Threatening Asia. Antibiotics 2022, 11, 236.

AMA Style

Pongchaikul P, Mongkolsuk P. Comprehensive Analysis of Imipenemase (IMP)-Type Metallo-β-Lactamase: A Global Distribution Threatening Asia. Antibiotics. 2022; 11(2):236.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Pongchaikul, Pisut, and Paninee Mongkolsuk. 2022. "Comprehensive Analysis of Imipenemase (IMP)-Type Metallo-β-Lactamase: A Global Distribution Threatening Asia" Antibiotics 11, no. 2: 236.

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