Biosensors with Built-In Biomolecular Logic Gates for Practical Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Recognition and Transduction Strategies of Logically Gated Sensing Activity
3. Advances of Enzyme-Based Logical Gates for Sensing and Actuation
3.1. Sensing Based on Biocatalytic Reactions
3.2. Sensing and Actuation Processed by Enzyme Cascade Reactions
4. Advances of Nucleic Acid-Based Logic Gates for Sensing and Actuation
4.1. Sensing Based on DNA Processing
4.2. Sensing and Actuation Processed by DNA
5. Advanced Biomolecular Logic Gates Operated with Enzyme/Nucleic Acid Integrated System
6. Molecular Logic Gates Built with Unique Materials and Microorganisms
7. Conclusions and Perspectives
Conflicts of Interest
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Lai, Y.-H.; Sun, S.-C.; Chuang, M.-C. Biosensors with Built-In Biomolecular Logic Gates for Practical Applications. Biosensors 2014, 4, 273-300.
Lai Y-H, Sun S-C, Chuang M-C. Biosensors with Built-In Biomolecular Logic Gates for Practical Applications. Biosensors. 2014; 4(3):273-300.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLai, Yu-Hsuan, Sin-Cih Sun, and Min-Chieh Chuang. 2014. "Biosensors with Built-In Biomolecular Logic Gates for Practical Applications" Biosensors 4, no. 3: 273-300.
APA StyleLai, Y.-H., Sun, S.-C., & Chuang, M.-C. (2014). Biosensors with Built-In Biomolecular Logic Gates for Practical Applications. Biosensors, 4(3), 273-300.