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Factorial Validity of the German KABC-II at Ages 7 to 12 in a Clinical Sample: Four Factors Fit Better than Five

Faculty of Special Education, Ludwigsburg University of Education, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany
Werner Otto Institute, 22337 Hamburg, Germany
Social Pediatric Center Kreuznacher Diakonie, 55469 Simmern, Germany
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Current address: Private Psychotherapeutic Practice, 55469 Simmern, Germany.
J. Intell. 2023, 11(7), 148;
Submission received: 27 June 2023 / Revised: 18 July 2023 / Accepted: 19 July 2023 / Published: 22 July 2023


Multidimensional intelligence test batteries such as the KABC-II are widely used in clinical practice. Although validity evidence should be provided for all intended uses of a test, data on the factorial validity of the KABC-II mostly relies on the standardization samples and raises some concerns about the adequacy of the factor structure. Confirmatory factor analyses of the KABC-II core subtests were conducted in a sample of 627 children who had been assessed in German Centers for Social Pediatrics. The standard structure of the KABC-II was superior to unidimensional models but, as in previous research, evidenced cross-loadings and a high correlation between Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv. Pattern Reasoning was more closely related to Simultaneous/Gv than to Planning/Gf. A four-factorial structure combining subtests from Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv to form a common factor emerged as a better representation of the data. Story Completion showed a secondary loading on Knowledge/Gc. On average, most subtest variance was accounted for by the general factor. Models with bonus points for fast responses generally fitted worse than those without. Clinicians should be aware that Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv measure both visual and fluid abilities. Scales of the KABC-II should not be interpreted as dimensions independent of the general factor.

1. Introduction

Clinical use and interpretation of standardized assessment instruments needs to be informed by scientific evidence. One of the quality criteria to be met by a standardized test is the factorial validity. It refers to the extent to which the putative structure of a test is supported by empirical data (American Educational Research Association et al. 2014) and is an important precondition for the interpretation of test results. When tests lack factorial validity, scales cannot be interpreted as measuring the constructs they are supposed to measure. If, for example, subtests are empirically related to several scales, test results may be influenced both by the specific construct that is suggested by the name of a scale and by other abilities.

1.1. Theoretical Background and Structure of the KABC-II

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children—Second Edition (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a; see also Kaufman et al. 2005) is a multidimensional measure of cognitive abilities for children and adolescents in the age range of 3 to 18 years. The purpose of the KABC-II is to contribute to “psychological, clinical, psychoeducational, and neuropsychological evaluations” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 8) and to inform clinical diagnoses, treatment planning, and placement decisions. These are high-stakes applications that require comprehensive validity evidence.
The German adaptation of the KABC-II (Melchers and Melchers 2015) is widely used in clinical settings (Irblich et al. 2020) and special education (Joél 2021). This study focuses on the clinical application of the KABC-II at ages 7 to 12 in five German Social Pediatric Centers (SPCs). SPCs provide multidisciplinary assessment and intervention for children and adolescents with disabilities, developmental and psychiatric disorders, and chronic illnesses (Ehrich et al. 2016).
The KABC-II claims to be founded on two theoretical models: the Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) theory of intelligence (McGrew 1997; Flanagan and Ortiz 2001), and Luria’s (1966) neuropsychological theory of cognitive processing.
Based on factor-analytic studies, CHC theory seeks to provide a comprehensive taxonomy of cognitive abilities, organized in three strata with varying degrees of generality: “narrow” abilities (stratum I), “broad” abilities (stratum II), and general intelligence, corresponding to the g-factor (stratum III). In its latest version, Schneider and McGrew (2018) identify 18 broad abilities, each consisting of several narrow abilities. The subtest structure of the KABC-II changes across age groups. At ages 7 to 12, the KABC-II is composed of 10 core and 6 supplementary subtests. The core subtests are grouped into five scales: Fluid Reasoning (Gf), Visual Processing (Gv), Crystallized Ability (Gc), Short-Term Memory (Gsm), and Long-Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr), corresponding to eponymous CHC factors. However, this structure does not consequently align with CHC theory. As classified by Kaufman and Kaufman (2004a) and Flanagan et al. (2013), several subtests (e.g., Rover, Story Completion) are intended to measure narrow abilities that are subsumed under different factors on stratum II (Table 1). Consequently, the scales Fluid reasoning (Gf), Visual Processing (Gv), and Crystallized Ability (Gc) are actually related to two or more broad abilities.
When using the Luria model, subtests of Crystallized Ability (Gc) are not administered. The assignment of subtests to the remaining scales is identical. In the Luria model, the scales are termed Sequential Processing, Simultaneous Processing, Learning Ability, and Planning Ability. Thus, the Luria model is just a CHC model without Gc, although its aim is to measure different constructs. In the following text, we will use the common terminology employed in the manual: Planning/Gf, Simultaneous/Gv, Knowledge/Gc, Sequential/Gsm, and Learning/Glr.
All core subtests equally contribute to global scales, termed the Fluid-Crystallized Index (FCI; CHC model) and the Mental Processing Index (MPI; Luria model). Supplementary subtests may replace core subtests according to the rules provided in the manual or contribute to a more comprehensive measurement of the constructs that are of interest. At ages 7 to 12, three core subtests (Triangles, Story Completion, Rover) have a time limit. On three subtests (Triangles, Pattern Reasoning, Story Completion), the standard scoring procedure credits rapid correct responses with extra points. However, test users have the option to score these subtests based on correct responses only. Time points were introduced because scoring without time points “has the disadvantage that it does not differentiate among higher-ability adolescents” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 26).
When evaluating the structure of the KABC-II, there is a need to know whether the scales intend to measure distinct constructs or a blend of specific and general abilities. In confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), the former interpretation is best mirrored by a bifactor model (e.g., Watkins and Beaujean 2014), and the latter by a higher-order model. In bifactor models, all subtests are allowed to load directly on a general factor. Variance not accounted for by the general factor is captured by uncorrelated group factors. Thus, group factors are defined by the shared variance between a set of subtests once the influence of the general factor has been partitioned out. In bifactor models, subtest scores are directly influenced by the general factor, whereas this influence is mediated by first-order factors in higher-order models (Keith and Reynolds 2018; Markon 2019).
Kaufman and Kaufman (2004a) propose a multistage interpretation procedure that aims at identifying inter- and intra-individual strengths and weaknesses. In this process, broad abilities are intended to be “of primary importance for interpreting the child’s cognitive profile” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 16). FCI and MPI are considered as “almost always secondary in importance to fluctuations within the scale profile” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 43). With these aims in mind, we would expect test construction to focus on the development of subtests and scales that are strong and uncontaminated indicators of the constructs measured. However, Kaufman and Kaufman (2004a) did not advocate the development of pure measures of CHC broad abilities: “… the goal of comprehensive tests of cognitive ability like the KABC-II is to measure problem solving in different contexts and under different conditions, with complexity being necessary to assess high-level functioning. Toward that clinical goal, the authors strove to construct measures that featured a particular ability while incorporating aspects of other abilities” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 16). Thus, at least some subtests were constructed to reflect multiple abilities, but scales are interpreted as indicators of specific constructs.

1.2. Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the CHC Test Structure at Ages 7 to 12

The first data on the factorial validity of the KABC-II at ages 7 to 12 were presented by Kaufman and Kaufman (2004a). A higher-order model of core subtests corresponding to the test structure was evaluated by CFA. The model was supported by global fit indices. However, a standardized path coefficient of 1.01 between g and Planning/Gf revealed an inadmissible solution, probably a Heywood case. Inadmissible solutions may indicate misspecification and are considered untrustworthy (Kline 2016). Nevertheless, the results were interpreted as an “extremely good fit to the data” (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a, p. 105). Average variance extracted (AVE, calculated on the basis of the factor loadings provided in the manual) was low for Planning/Gf (0.42) and Simultaneous/Gv (0.42), indicating low convergent validity of the subtests. No alternative models were tested.
An analogous CFA reported in the German manual of the KABC-II (Melchers and Melchers 2015) showed an adequate fit. Again, rival models were not tested. AVE was lowest for Planning/Gf (0.37) and Simultaneous/Gv (0.39). The loading of Planning/Gf on g was close to unity, indicating redundancy of these factors. In summary, the data reported in both manuals indicate that the standard test structure lacks sufficient support for ages 7 to 12.
Most subsequent CFA utilized the US standardization sample of the KABC-II. The analyses differed in age ranges studied, including supplemental subtests, and allowing various types of correlated errors or cross-loadings. Surprisingly, most studies did not investigate the standard test structure with 10 core subtests, which is most relevant for clinical use and interpretation of the KABC-II.
In an important exception, McGill (2020) conducted a reanalysis of the KABC-II normative update (KABC-II NU; Kaufman and Kaufman 2018). The KABC-II NU provides updated norms, while the content and structure of the test did not change. At ages 7 to 12, the sample comprised 250 participants. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for various higher-order, hierarchical, and bifactor models. Fit statistics demonstrated the superiority of a four-factor hierarchical model, with subtests of Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv forming a common factor. In the standard model, Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv were highly intercorrelated (0.92), indicating that they were almost indistinguishable.
Based on normative data of the KABC-II, McGill (2017) proposed an alternative structure for the standard Luria model with eight subtests, permitting Pattern Reasoning to load on both Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv.
Reynolds et al. (2007) included supplemental subtests in a CFA of a KABC-II standardization sample for ages 6 to 18. They reproduced the Heywood case reported in the manual for a model based on subtest configurations proposed by the publishers. Their final model included a cross-loading of Pattern Reasoning on Simultaneous/Gv and loadings on additional factors of two supplemental tests (Gestalt Closure on Knowledge/Gc, Hand Movements on Planning/Gf). In a similar model (Benson et al. 2016), five-factorial solutions were not admissible due to the negative error variance of Planning/Gf. Both the four-factorial higher-order model (allowing cross-loadings, e.g., Pattern Reasoning on Simultaneous/Gv, and direct paths from the second-order factor to Pattern Reasoning and Story Completion) and the bifactor model fit the data well. Similar to Reynolds et al. (2007), they found that models without time points fit better than those with time points.
Other studies focused on research questions, such as a prediction of achievement, and included supplementary subtests or additional measures, mostly based on the co-normed standardization sample data of the KABC-II and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Second Edition (KTEA II; Kaufman and Kaufman 2004b). Final higher-order models of Kaufman et al. (2012) and Villeneuve et al. (2019) allowed for cross-loadings, as proposed by Reynolds et al. (2007), including Pattern Reasoning on Simultaneous/Gv. In the final model of Villeneuve et al. (2019), Planning/Gf was not distinguishable from the general factor.
So far, studies on the factorial validity of the KABC-II in independent samples are scarce (e.g., Malda et al. 2010; Mitchell et al. 2018), and they were conducted with major modifications of the test structure.
In summary, alternative CFA models, notably those allowing Pattern Reasoning to load on Simultaneous/Gv, were superior to the standard test structure in most studies (at ages 5 and 6, Pattern Reasoning is a subtest of Simultaneous/Gv). Some results question separating Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv and show that Planning/Gf is almost identical to the general factor. The difficulty of differentiating Gf and Gv has also been noted in several CFAs (e.g., Canivez et al. 2020; Dombrowski et al. 2018; Lecerf and Canivez 2018; Pauls and Daseking 2021) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition (WISC-V; Wechsler 2014). Although the use of time points is advocated in the manual of the KABC-II, models based on subtests without time points are more closely aligned with the test structure.

1.3. Purpose

The present study endeavors to make the following contributions: (1) To extend our knowledge of the factorial structure of the KABC-II at ages 7 to 12 by using CFA of g-factor, second-order, and bifactor models, including modifications based on CHC theory. (2) To provide the first independent data on the factor structure in a clinical sample of children with heterogeneous developmental disorders. So far, no study on the psychometric properties of the KABC-II has been conducted in applied clinical settings. As demanded by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association et al. 2014), validity evidence should be provided for all intended uses of a test. When testing children with psychiatric and developmental disorders or disabilities, deficits in attention and self-regulation, limitations in access skills (e.g., motor impairment), test anxiety, etc., may compromise the validity of the test results. Therefore, psychometric data that rely only on standardization samples should be complemented by clinical studies.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Participants

The participants were 627 children, aged 7 to 12, that had been assessed between April 2015 and October 2021 due to various developmental, behavioral, or emotional disorders in 5 SPCs in southwest (Simmern), north (Hamburg, Bremerhaven), and northeast (Berlin, Rostock) Germany. Standards of assessment in SPCs are described by Hollmann et al. (2014). All assessments were conducted by experienced clinical psychologists, adhering to the rules for test administration and scoring described in the German manual.
Standard scores for subtests and scales of the KABC-II, various demographic variables, and diagnoses according to ICD-10 were extracted from clinical records. Detailed information on the participant characteristics is provided in Table 2. Test protocols were included only when children had been tested with all core subtests.

2.2. Instrument

The German adaptation of the KABC-II (Melchers and Melchers 2015) closely follows the structure and content of the original test. Norms were collected from April 2013 through February 2014. The total norming sample comprised 1745 children, including 656 participants aged 7 to 12. Descriptions of the KABC-II subtest are available in the test manuals (Kaufman and Kaufman 2004a; Melchers and Melchers 2015) and in Kaufman et al.’s work (2005).

2.3. Statistical Analyses and Models

AMOS 28 (Arbuckle 2021) was used to conduct CFA with maximum likelihood estimation based on age-referenced subtest scores. We first tested a series of models (see Table 3) based on all core subtests with timed scores for Triangles, Story Completion, and Pattern Reasoning:
  • Model 1: A first-order model with all core subtests loading on a single-factor (g-factor). To achieve identifiability, one subtest loading was fixed to one.
  • Model 2: A second-order (three-stratum) model reflecting the standard test structure with one second-order factor and five first-order factors. One loading of each factor was fixed to one. Model 2 was used as a baseline model for comparisons with modified models allowing cross-loadings of subtests. These models were selected based on the CHC narrow-ability classifications (Table 1) and previous research:
    2a: Riddles allowed to load on Planning/Gf
    2b: Story Completion allowed to load on Knowledge/Gc
    2c: Story Completion allowed to load on Simultaneous/Gv
    2d: Rover allowed to load on Planning/Gf
    2e: Pattern Reasoning allowed to load on Simultaneous/Gv
    2f: A model including all significant cross-loadings from models 2a to 2e
  • Model 3: A bifactor model with all subtests loading on a general factor and five orthogonal group factors corresponding to the scales of the KABC-II. To achieve identifiability, loadings of all subtests on group factors and of one subtest on the general factor were fixed to one.
  • Model 4: A four-factor, second-order model, combining subtests of Simultaneous/Gv and Planning/Gf to form a single factor. Variants 4a and 4b included modifications as specified in models 2a and 2b. Model 4 is identical to the final model chosen by McGill (2020).
  • Model 5: A four-factor bifactor model, with four group factors, including a combined Gf/Gv factor.
Furthermore, the effects of substituting timed scores with untimed scores of Triangles, Story Completion, and Pattern Reasoning were investigated for the standard model and selected models of the preceding analyses.
Univariate normality was assumed for skewness < 2 and kurtosis < 7 (West et al. 1995). Multivariate normality was assessed by Mardia’s coefficient. SPSS 27 (IBM Corp 2020) was used for descriptive analyses. Scaled scores were compared with standardization data by one-sample t-tests. Cohens d was calculated as a measure of the effect size.
As recommended by Kline (2016), the following indices were used along with the χ2 test to assess model fit: the comparative fit index (CFI), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR), and the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Adequate model fit was assumed with CFI ≥ 0.95, SRMR ≤ 0.05, and RMSEA ≤ 0.06 (Hu and Bentler 1999; Schermelleh-Engel et al. 2003). Model comparisons were evaluated by χ2 difference tests for nested models. Additionally, differences in AIC (ΔAIC) and Akaike weights (Wagenmakers and Farrell 2004) were calculated. ΔAIC is the difference between the minimal AIC of the models considered and the AIC for a given model. For the best-fitting model, ΔAIC will be zero. According to Burnham and Anderson (2004), models with ΔAIC ≤ 2 have substantial support, models with 4 ≤ ΔAIC ≤ 7 have considerably less support, and models with ΔAIC ≥ 10 have no support. Akaike weights (wi AIC) can be interpreted as the probability that a model is the best of several models considering the data.
According to Kline (2016), models should never be retained “based solely on global fit testing” (p. 461). Therefore, the presence of local fit problems (e.g., negative variances, non-significant factor loadings) was evaluated in all models. Coefficient omega (ω) and average variance extracted (AVE) will be reported for selected models of interest. AVE allows assessing the convergent validity of subtests of a scale, while omega estimates the proportion of variance in the observed scores explained by a common latent variable. AVE ≥ 0.50 and ω ≥ 0.70 will be considered adequate. For second-order models, proportions of subtest variance accounted for by the general factor, second-order, and uniqueness were computed, as outlined by Brunner et al. (2012).
Models with cross-loadings were considered only (a) when global fit was superior to the respective model without cross-loadings and (b) when cross-loadings were statistically significant.
For bifactor models, explained common variance (ECV) and omega were computed for the general factor (omega hierarchical, ωH) and the group factors (omega hierarchical subscale, ωHS) using the Omega program (Watkins 2013). For ωH, Reise et al. (2013) proposed a minimum value of 0.50. Higher ECV values indicate a stronger general factor (Reise et al. 2010).

3. Results

3.1. Preliminary Analyses

Descriptive statistics of scales and subtests are displayed in Table S1. Skewness and kurtosis of all subtests fell into the acceptable range proposed by West et al. (1995). Mardia’s coefficient of multivariate kurtosis was 4.70 and significantly differed from zero (critical ratio 4.18). Therefore, the Bollen–Stine bootstrap method (Bollen and Stine 1992) with 2000 bootstrap samples (Nevitt and Hancock 2001) was used to correct for potential biases of the χ2 statistic.
As expected, in a clinical sample, the subtest, scales, and global scores were significantly lower compared to normative data. One-sample t-tests showed a large effect for the FCI (t(626) = −20.54, p < 0.001, d = −0.82) and the MPI (t(626) = −21.41, p < 0.001, d = −0.95). Intercorrelations of the subtests are provided in Table S2.

3.2. Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Core Subtests (With Time Points)

Global fit statistics for all models are shown in Table 4.
Unidimensional model: Global fit was clearly inadequate according to RMSEA, SRMR, and CFI. The model was inferior to all other models according to χ2 difference tests for nested models (p < 0.001) and ΔAIC (≥491.08). Loadings of subtests on the general factor are displayed in Table 5.
Five-factorial second-order models: Model 2, corresponding to the standard test structure and thus of special interest, was not fully adequate due to the RMSEA (0.064) slightly exceeding the cutoff value. CFI and SRMR fell within the acceptable ranges. All regression coefficients (Figure 1) were statistically significant. Loadings of first-order factors on the second-order factor ranged from 0.66 (Sequential/Gsm) to 0.96 (Planning/Gf). The partitioning of variance did not yield a consistent pattern (Figure 2). The general factor explained 26% (Number Recall) to 61% (Pattern Reasoning) of the subtest variance. Broad abilities accounted for an additional 4% (Pattern Reasoning) to 44% (Word Order), and unique variance ranged from 21% (Riddles) to 58% (Rover). AVE was greater than 0.50 for all scales, and omega surpassed the threshold of 0.70 for Sequential/Gsm, Planning/Gf, and Knowledge/Gc (Table 6). Implied correlations of first-order factors ranged from 0.51 to 0.85 (Table S3).
Model 2 served as a baseline model for comparisons with the modified second-order models. Inadmissible solutions were found for models 2a (loading of Riddles on Knowledge/Gc > 1.0) and 2d (negative error variance of Triangles, indicating a Heywood case). Therefore, these models were not considered further. CFI and SRMR were adequate for all models. RMSEA fell above the specified cutoff value for all models except 2e and 2f.
For Model 2b, the χ2 difference test (Δχ2(1) = 8.293, p = 0.004) suggested an improved fit. Story Completion significantly loaded on Knowledge/Gc (λ = 0.19, p = 0.002). In model 2c (Δχ2(1) = 0.014, p = 0.906), the cross-loading of Story Completion on Simultaneous/Gv was not significant (λ = −0.02, p = 0.910). Models 2e (Δχ2(1) = 41.67, p < 0.001) and 2f (Δχ2(2) = 43.78, p < 0.001) were significantly superior to the baseline model. In both models, Pattern Reasoning loaded stronger on Simultaneous/Gv (2e: λ = 0.55, p < 0.001; 2f: λ = 0.54, p < 0.001) than on Planning/Gf (2e: λ = 0.32, p = 0.003; 2f: λ = 0.35, p = 0.005). In model 2f, the path from Story Completion to Knowledge/Gc was not significant (λ = 0.12, p = 0.123).
Comparing all five-factorial second-order models with ΔAIC and Akaike weights showed that models 2e (ΔAIC = 0.11, wi AIC = 0.49) and 2f (ΔAIC = 0.00, wi AIC = 0.51) represented the data equally well. Due to the non-significant cross-loading of Story Completion in 2f, model 2e was considered preferable.
Five-factorial bifactor model: For model 3 (Figure 3), all fit indices were identical to model 2 (Table 4). Loadings of subtests on the general factor ranged from 0.51 (Number Recall) to 0.78 (Pattern Reasoning). All subtest loadings on the general factor and group factors were significant. ECV of group factors ranged from 0.01 (Planning/Gf) to 0.13 (Sequential/Gsm). The ωH coefficient for the general factor was high (0.83), whereas ωHS for all group factors, ranging from 0.05 (Planning/Gf) to 0.46 (Sequential/Gsm), fell below the specified criterion (Table 7).
Four-factorial second-order models: All four-factorial models showed an adequate fit according to CFI, SRMR, and RMSEA (Table 4). Model 4b emerged as the best of these models according to χ2 difference tests, ΔAIC, and Akaike weights (wi AIC = 1.00). The path from Knowledge/Gc to Story Completion was significant (λ = 0.24, p < 0.001).
Four-factorial bifactor model: CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR indicated a well-fitting model (Table 5). Subtest loadings (Figure 4) on the general factor ranged from 0.49 (Rover) to 0.74 (Riddles). Group factors explained between 6% (Learning/Glr) and 11% (combined Gf/Gc factor) of the common variance. For group factors, ωHS ranged from 0.23 (Learning/Glr) to 0.33 (Sequential/Gsm) (Table 8), whereas ωH was 0.81 for the general factor.
Final model comparison: Comparing all models showed the highest Akaike weight for model 4b (wi = 0.998), followed by models 2, 2f, and 5 (wi = 0.001). Thus, a four-factorial, second-order structure with a cross-loading of Story Completion on Knowledge/Gc emerged as the best model.

3.3. Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Core Subtests (Without Time Points)

CFAs of core subtests without time points were calculated for models 2, 2e, 3, 4, 4b, and 5. Global fit statistics for these models and ΔAIC values for the comparison with models with time points are shown in Table 9. All models showed an adequate fit according to CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR. Model 4b (Figure 5) was the only model with a non-significant χ2 test (p = 0.069) and was favored by Akaike weights (wi = 0.972), followed by model 2e (wi = 0.025) and model 3 (wi = 0.003). For each pairwise comparison of models with and without time points, ΔAIC (≥8.941) indicated superiority of models without time points (Table 9). An additional comparison of all models with and without time points confirmed the superiority of model 4b without time points (wi = 0.961).

4. Discussion

Published data on the factorial validity of KABC-II at ages 7 to 12 mostly relied on the KABC-II standardization samples and—except for analyses presented in the manuals and by McGill (2020)—did not exactly adhere to the structure of the KABC-II core subtests. Results of available studies raised some concerns about the adequacy of the factor structure, e.g., casting doubts on separating Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv. This study closes a gap in the research on the factorial validity of the KABC-II by providing the first independent evaluation of the structure of core subtests in a clinical sample.

4.1. Standard Higher-Order Model of KABC-II Subtests

According to our criteria for the evaluation of global model fit, the standard higher-order model did not prove fully adequate when subtests with time points were included. While CFI and SRMR indicated an acceptable fit, RSMEA surpassed the cutoff. Discrepancies between different indices are not a rare occurrence in CFA and need not be related to model misspecification (Lai and Green 2016). McNeish et al. (2018) demonstrated that RMSEA values above common cutoff criteria can indicate an acceptable fit when factor loadings are high. Additionally, based on the more lenient cutoffs for RSMEA proposed by some authors (e.g., MacCallum et al. 1996) or for combinations of CFI and RSMEA (Hair et al. 2014), the model fit of the standard test structure might be considered acceptable. In summary, there was no clear indication of global model misfit.
However, global fit is not sufficient for a thorough evaluation of the KABC-II factor structure. AVE surpassed the threshold of 0.50 for all scales, although only minimally for Simultaneous/Gv and Learning/Glr. As in previous research, Planning/Gf and g were almost indistinguishable (λ = 0.96), indicating the redundancy of this factor. Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv were highly intercorrelated, challenging the assumption that these factors can be meaningfully interpreted as measuring different constructs. The strong association between these factors replicates findings from the US and the German standardization samples and from McGill (2020).
Decomposed variance estimates show that on average, 41% of the total subtest variance was accounted for by the second-order factor, 21% by the first-order factor, and 38% by uniqueness (specificity and measurement error). Variance accounted for by Planning/Gf was negligible, whereas Sequential/Gsm accounted for more variance than the general factor.
Due to the multifaceted nature of several subtests, alternative models based on CHC theory could be generated. As in previous research, significant cross-loadings were found that aligned with the classification of narrow CHC abilities. Pattern Reasoning was more closely related to Simultaneous/Gv (λ = 0.55) than to Planning/Gf (λ = 0.32), leaving only Story Completion with a strong loading on Planning/Gf. A loading of Story Completion on Knowledge/Gc (λ = 0.19) vanished when both cross-loadings of Pattern Reasoning and Story Completion were allowed, simultaneously. Thus, model 2e emerged as the best of all 5-factorial models, underscoring the ambiguous character of Pattern Reasoning.
These results from 5-factorial higher-order models suggested that 4-factorial models, combining subtests of Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv, might offer a better representation of the data. Indeed, these models were superior to the structure proposed by the test authors. All global fit indices showed that model 4 fit the data very well. The combined Gf/Gc factor and the general factor were less closely related (λ = 0.84) than Planning/Gf and the general factor in 5-factorial models. AVE was acceptable for all scales and ω was >0.80, except for Learning/Glr. Finally, model 4b, with a cross-loading of Story Completion on Knowledge/Gc, was the best of all the models with time points.

4.2. Bifactor vs. Higher-Order Structure Models

Fit indices for a classical bifactor model that does not allow cross-loadings (Zhang et al. 2021) and the standard higher-order model were identical. Both models demonstrated the importance of the general factor and led to identical conclusions in terms of variance accounted for by the general factor, and respectively, group factors, and uniqueness. For the four-factorial solution, the bifactor model showed excellent fit and was favored by ΔAIC compared to the higher-order model, but not compared to the higher-order model allowing Story Completion to load on Knowledge/Gc. Neither of the bifactor models demonstrated an ideal bifactor structure. Group factors lacked convergent validity, rendering their interpretation almost impossible. There was limited common variance between subtests when the general factor was accounted for.
There is an ongoing scholarly debate about whether bifactor or higher-order models are more adequate representations of the structure of multidimensional intelligence test batteries (e.g., Cucina and Byle 2017; Decker 2021; Dombrowski et al. 2021). From a theoretical perspective, both models differ in their assumptions on the relation between subtests and general intelligence (direct vs. mediated by broad abilities; see Keith and Reynolds 2018, for a comprehensive discussion), while some authors have pointed out communalities (Brunner et al. 2012; Gignac and Kretzschmar 2017). However, we hold that so far, this debate is of limited relevance for the clinical use of the KABC-II (see Renner et al. 2022). Unlike group factors in bifactor models, standardized scales of the KABC-II do not represent constructs that are uncorrelated with intelligence. Thus, a higher-order model is more in line with the test structure of the KABC-II. In clinical practice, test interpretation relies on standard scores provided in the manual. Standard scores for latent group factors are not available, and there is a complete lack of data on divergent, convergent, prognostic, and known-groups’ validity of group factors. However, the bifactor models of the KABC-II warn test users against interpreting scales as pure measures of specific constructs and against disregarding the influence of the general factor.
In analyses of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-V (WISC-V; Wechsler 2014) and its international adaptations, proponents of bifactor models have argued that clinicians should refrain from interpretation of subscales (e.g., Canivez et al. 2021; Dombrowski et al. 2018; Pauls and Daseking 2021). From a clinical perspective, we should like to add a cautionary note to this conclusion. In the case of significant profile heterogeneity, global IQ scores may not adequately represent cognitive functioning. Dissociation of cognitive abilities is obviously possible and common in children with developmental disorders and disabilities, as demonstrated by research on genetic syndromes (e.g., Williams syndrome; Miezah et al. 2021), neurological diseases (e.g., Landau-Kleffner-syndrome; Riccio et al. 2017), or autism spectrum disorder (Takayanagi et al. 2022). A cognitive test should be able to assess these dissociations because they are highly relevant for everyday functioning and planning of interventions. Of course, this presupposes that subscales represent these cognitive abilities specifically, rather than measuring a mixture of various intelligence factors.

4.3. Effects of Time Points

Rewarding speed introduces an additional component in two of five scales of the KABC-II. In terms of CHC theory, the broad ability Processing Speed (Gs) influences the results of some subtests but is not explicitly considered in the theoretical model and the test structure. Without time points, an acceptable fit was found for the standard test structure according to all fit indices. All models based on subtests without bonus points for rapid correct responses provided a better fit to the data than models with time points (ΔAIC ≥ 8.9). Again, allowing cross-loadings (models 2e and 4b) substantially improved the model fit.
The manuals of the KABC-II provide norms for tests without time points, but data on the reliability and validity are limited to subtests with time points. The reanalysis of Reynolds et al. (2007) and our results suggest that test users need not worry that calculating standard scores based on subtests with time points compromises the factorial validity of the KABC-II. We recommend that the effects of using time points should be considered in future psychometric studies (see Gernsbacher et al. 2020, for a comprehensive discussion of time-limited tests).

4.4. Limitations

Our results were based on a highly selected sample. Children had to be referred to a SPC by a pediatrician or general practitioner and intelligence testing had to be considered important by the SPC team. Referral questions, common institutional practices, specifics of the case (e.g., limitations in verbal or motor skills), and preferences of the examiner influenced the decision to use the KABC-II. The effects of this selection process remain unclear. Age of participants was not equally distributed over the total age range studied. Typically, for data collected in SPCs, males were overrepresented (e.g., Lüdeke et al. 2015; Renner et al. 2019). Therefore, our study does not allow generalization of findings to other clinical settings or the general population. Accordingly, we did not aim at estimating population parameters but instead intended to explore whether the data on factorial validity presented in the manuals of the KABC-II were generalizable to a clinical dataset.
Only core subtests could be included in our analyses. In the SPCs participating in this study, supplementary subtests were rarely used, probably because of time constraints and the need to avoid lengthy testing in children with limited attention and motivation. Thus, each scale of the KABC-II was represented by only two manifest variables, although a minimum of three indicators for each latent factor is preferable (Gignac and Kretzschmar 2017; Kline 2016). On the other hand, including all supplementary subtests would not have corresponded to the standard test structure of the KABC-II. Results of the re-analyses of the US standardization sample with all subtests (Reynolds et al. 2007) converged with our findings (e.g., Pattern Reasoning measuring multiple abilities, effects of time points).
Factor structures may differ for different age ranges. We aligned our analyses with the age range of confirmatory factor analyses reported in the manuals of the KABC-II. Nevertheless, more differentiated analyses (e.g., ages 7 to 8, etc.) might provide additional insight on the factor structure of the KABC-II.
A reviewer pointed out that our data (collected over a 6-year period) may have been affected by the Flynn effect. As research indicates that the Flynn effect has come to a standstill in Germany (Pietschnig et al. 2021), we did not assume a strong effect. However, there is some evidence that stratum II factors may be differentially affected by the Flynn effect (Lazaridis et al. 2022). Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that the correlations underlying the analyses were influenced by secular trends.
We evaluated several alternative factor models, mainly based on CHC theoretical classifications of subtests. In the age range studied, previous research did not suggest important additional hypotheses. We cannot exclude that other theoretical perspectives or statistical methods (e.g., exploratory bifactor analysis; Jennrich and Bentler 2011) might instigate further meaningful modifications. We refrained from using modification indices to improve the model fit without defensible theoretical arguments (see MacCallum et al. 1992; Tomarken and Waller 2003) and may have missed better representations of the data.

5. Conclusions

The authors of the KABC-II aimed to construct subtests and scales that measure specific intelligence factors, incorporate other abilities, and allow the derivation of a global intelligence score. Previous research and our results indicate that this intention and its realization are partly incompatible with a clear factorial structure. We suggest that the following key findings of this study should be considered in clinical practice when applying and interpreting the KABC-II:
  • Our data showed that the scales of the KABC-II cannot be interpreted as dimensions independent of the general factor. Therefore, focusing mainly on the interpretation of scales and disregarding the influence of general intelligence on all scales is not recommended. At the same time, a general factor model that would support an interpretive strategy based solely on the total score was inferior to four- and five-factorial solutions.
  • As in previous research, the distinction between Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv is questionable. These scales seem to measure both visual and fluid abilities. Consequently, we caution against interpreting normative and intraindividual strengths and weaknesses in these scales as strong indicators of strengths and weaknesses in fluid intelligence, and respectively, visual processing. Accurate differentiation of fluid and visual abilities may require the use of additional tests that provide a purer measure of these intelligence factors.
  • The strong additional loading of Pattern Reasoning on Simultaneous/Gv precludes an unequivocal interpretation of this subtest as measuring Planning/Gf. The cross-loading between Story Completion and Knowledge/Gc points to the influence of verbal processes in this subtest.
  • Some subtests, notably Rover, Number Recall, and Atlantis, showed a large portion of unique variance. When used separately or as part of a cross-battery assessment, they should not be interpreted as strong measures of general intelligence or the presumed CHC factors.
We suggest that future development of intelligence test batteries should be guided by a systematic and thorough content analysis of test formats, linked to a clearly articulated theoretical basis. If the intention of a test is to measure specific abilities, it is important to develop unidimensional (sub-)tests that measure well-defined constructs (Canivez et al. 2021).
The importance of factorial validity for test interpretation is evident. However, it is not sufficient for responsible test use. So far, only a few studies (e.g., Benson et al. 2016; Irblich et al. 2020; Scheiber 2016; Scheiber and Kaufman 2015) have addressed other aspects of the validity, reliability, and fairness of the KABC-II and the interpretive strategy proposed by the publisher. We hope that future research will place more emphasis on these issues.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online: Table S1: Descriptive statistics for KABC-II subtests, scales, and global scales. Table S2: Intercorrelations of KABC-II core subtests. Table S3: Standard second-order CHC model: loadings of first-order factors on the general factor and implied correlations of first-order factors for core subtests with and without time points.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.R., D.I. and A.S.; methodology, G.R.; formal analysis, G.R.; investigation, D.I. and A.S.; resources, G.R., D.I. and A.S.; data curation, G.R., D.I. and A.S.; writing—original draft preparation, G.R.; writing—review and editing, G.R., D.I. and A.S.; project administration, G.R., D.I. and A.S.; funding acquisition, G.R., D.I. and A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Data collection was supported by a research grant of the German Society for Social Pediatrics and Youth Medicine (DGSPJ). The APC and English language text editing were funded by Ludwigsburg University of Education.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Charité University Medicine: EA2/076/17, 2017-05-18.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent for administration of the KABC-II was obtained by participating institutions from the parents of all children.

Data Availability Statement

Data are available from the first named author upon reasonable request.


We thank the medical heads of the participating institutions for supporting the data collection, particularly Angela Kaindl (Center for Chronically Sick Children, Department of Pediatric Oncology und Hematology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin), Heike Haase (formerly Social Pediatric Center, University Medical Center, Rostock), Christian Fricke (formerly Social Pediatric Center, Werner Otto Institute, Hamburg), Axel Renneberg (Clinic for Pediatric Medicine, Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide), and Gertrud Weiermann (formerly Social Pediatric Center, Bad Kreuznach). For contributing data to this study, special thanks are due to Rainer John (Center for Chronically Sick Children (SPC), Department of Pediatric Oncology und Hematology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin), Manfred Mickley (formerly Social Pediatric Center, University Medical Center, Rostock, Germany), Sarah-Sophie Kub (Social Pediatric Center, Simmern), and Torsten Fricke (Clinic for Pediatric Medicine, Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide Bremerhaven, Germany).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. (a) Second-order model 2 of KABC-II core subtests with time points. χ2 = 106.17, df = 30, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.064, SRMR = 0.38, AIC = 156.166. (b) Second-order model 4 of KABC-II core subtests with time points. χ2 = 72.87, df = 31, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.985, RMSEA = 0.046, SRMR = 0.029.
Figure 1. (a) Second-order model 2 of KABC-II core subtests with time points. χ2 = 106.17, df = 30, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.064, SRMR = 0.38, AIC = 156.166. (b) Second-order model 4 of KABC-II core subtests with time points. χ2 = 72.87, df = 31, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.985, RMSEA = 0.046, SRMR = 0.029.
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Figure 2. Sources of variance for the KABC-II core subtests. Values are based on model 2.
Figure 2. Sources of variance for the KABC-II core subtests. Values are based on model 2.
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Figure 3. (a) Bifactor model 3 of KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 64.50, df = 29, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.064, SRMR = 0.038. (b) Bifactor model 5 of KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 66.48, df = 31, p = 0.003, CFI = 0.987, RMSEA = 0.043, SRMR = 0.026.
Figure 3. (a) Bifactor model 3 of KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 64.50, df = 29, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.064, SRMR = 0.038. (b) Bifactor model 5 of KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 66.48, df = 31, p = 0.003, CFI = 0.987, RMSEA = 0.043, SRMR = 0.026.
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Figure 4. (a) Second-order model 2 of KABC-II core subtests without time points. χ2 = 90.50, df = 30, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.978, RMSEA = 0.057, SRMR = 0.035. (b) Second-order model 4 of KABC-II core subtests without time points. χ2 = 61.81, df = 31, p = 0.001, CFI = 0.989, RMSEA = 0.040, SRMR = 0.028.
Figure 4. (a) Second-order model 2 of KABC-II core subtests without time points. χ2 = 90.50, df = 30, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.978, RMSEA = 0.057, SRMR = 0.035. (b) Second-order model 4 of KABC-II core subtests without time points. χ2 = 61.81, df = 31, p = 0.001, CFI = 0.989, RMSEA = 0.040, SRMR = 0.028.
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Figure 5. Overall best-fitting model (4b without time points) of the KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 42.19, df = 31, p = 0.069, CFI = 0.996, RMSEA = 0.025, SRMR = 0.021.
Figure 5. Overall best-fitting model (4b without time points) of the KABC-II core subtests. χ2 = 42.19, df = 31, p = 0.069, CFI = 0.996, RMSEA = 0.025, SRMR = 0.021.
Jintelligence 11 00148 g005
Table 1. KABC-II core subtests and scales for 7- to 12-year-olds.
Table 1. KABC-II core subtests and scales for 7- to 12-year-olds.
Scale SubtestCHC Narrow Abilities Measured
Planning/Fluid Reasoning (Gf)
 Pattern ReasoningGf: Induction
Gv: Visualization
 Story CompletionGf: Induction
Gf: General Sequential Reasoning
Gc: General Information
Gv: Visualization
Simultaneous Processing/Visual Processing (Gv)
 RoverGv: Spatial Scanning
Gf: General Sequential Reasoning
Gq: Math Achievement
 TrianglesGv: Spatial Relations
Gv: Visualization
Crystallized Ability (Gc)
 RiddlesGc: Lexical Knowledge
Gc: Language Development
Gf: General Sequential Reasoning
 Verbal KnowledgeGc: Lexical Knowledge
Gc: General Information
Sequential Processing/Short-Term Memory (Gsm)
 Number RecallGsm: Memory Span
 Word OrderGsm: Memory Span (without color interference)
Gsm: Working Memory (with color interference)
Learning Ability/Long-Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr)
 AtlantisGlr: Associative Memory
 RebusGlr: Associative Memory
Note. According to Kaufman and Kaufman (2004a).
Table 2. Demographic characteristics of participants and the most common diagnoses.
Table 2. Demographic characteristics of participants and the most common diagnoses.
Variablen (%)
 7;0–7;11154 (24.6%)
 8;0–8;11168 (26.8%)
 9;0–9;11131 (20.9%)
 10;0–10;1185 (13.6%)
 11;0–11;1157 (9.1%)
 12;0–12;1132 (5.1%)
 Male425 (67.8%)
 Female202 (32.2%)
Family structure
 Two-parent family411 (65.6%)
 Single-parent family121 (19.3%)
 Step-family59 (9.4%)
 Foster and residential care31 (4.9%)
 Other/unknown5 (0.8%)
 None466 (74.3%)
 Parents only124 (19.8%)
 Child25 (4.0%)
 Other/unknown12 (1.9%)
Most common psychological diagnoses (ICD-10, Chapter 5)
 Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills (F81.x)305 (48.6%)
 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (F90.x)156 (24.9%)
 Specific developmental disorders of speech and language (F80.x)149 (23.8)
 Emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood (F93.x)116 (18.5%)
 Other/Unspecified disorders of psychological development (F88.x, F89.x)110 (17.5%)
 Other behavioral and emotional disorders (F98.x)103 (16.4%)
 Conduct disorders (F91.x)50 (8.0%)
 Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders (F43.x)47 (7.5%)
 Intellectual disabilities (F7x.x)35 (5.6%)
Most common somatic diagnoses (ICD-10)
 Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00–Q99)79 (12.6%)
 Diseases of the nervous system (G00–G99)65 (10.4%)
 Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00–R99)63 (10.0%)
 Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (E00–E99)47 (7.5%)
 Diseases of the eye (H00–H59)39 (6.2%)
 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00–P96)26 (4.1%)
Note. Multiple diagnoses per participant were possible.
Table 3. Overview of KABC-II subtest configurations for CFA models.
Table 3. Overview of KABC-II subtest configurations for CFA models.
2asecond-orderGfGfGvGvGc + GfGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
2bsecond-orderGf + GcGfGvGvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
2csecond-orderGf + GvGfGvGvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
2dsecond-orderGfGfGv + GfGvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
2esecond-orderGfGf + GvGvGvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
2fsecond-orderGf + GvGf + GvGvGvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
3bifactorg, Gfg, Gfg, Gvg, Gvg, Gcg, Gcg, Gsmg, Gsmg, Glrg, Glr
4asecond-orderGf/GvGf/GvGf/GvGf/GvGc, Gf/GvGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
4bsecond-orderGf/Gv, GcGf/GvGf/GvGf/GvGcGcGsmGsmGlrGlr
5bifactorg, Gf/Gvg, Gf/Gvg, Gf/Gvg, Gf/Gvg, Gcg, Gcg, Gsmg, Gsmg, Glrg, Glr
Note. SC = Story Completion; PR = Pattern Reasoning; ROV = Rover; TRI = Triangles; RID = Riddles; VK = Verbal Knowledge, NR = Number Recall, WO = Word Order; ATL = Atlantis; REB = Rebus; g = general factor of intelligence; Gf = Planning/Gf; Gv = Simultaneous/Gv; Gc = Knowledge/Gc; Gsm = Sequential/Gsm; Glr = Learning/Glr; Gf/Gv = combined factor Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv.
Table 4. Confirmatory factor analysis fit statistics for KABC-II core subtest CHC configurations.
Table 4. Confirmatory factor analysis fit statistics for KABC-II core subtest CHC configurations.
1 g-factor609.238350.0000.7950.162[0.151, 0.173]0.076649.238548.1070.000
2 second-order106.166300.0000.9730.064[0.051, 0.077]0.038156.16655.0350.000
 2a (Gf -> RID)Inadmissible solution
 2b (Gc -> SC)97.873290.0000.9750.062[0.048, 0.075]0.038149.87348.7420.000
 2c (Gv -> SC)106.152290.0000.9730.065[0.052, 0.079]0.039158.15257.0210.000
 2d (Gf -> ROV)Inadmissible solution
 2e (Gv -> PR)64.498290.0020.9870.044[0.030, 0.059]0.027116.49815.3670.001
 2f (Gc -> SC, Gv -> PR)106.152290.0010.9880.044[0.030, 0.059]0.028116.38815.2570.001
3 bifactor64.498290.0000.9730.064[0.051, 0.077]0.038156.16655.0350.000
4 second-order (Gf/Gv) 72.868310.0000.9850.046[0.033, 0.060]0.029120.86819.7370.000
 4a (Gf/Gv -> RID)72.468300.0010.9850.048[0.034, 0.062]0.028122.86821.3370.000
 4b (Gc -> SC)51.131300.0250.9920.034[0.017, 0.049]0.022101.1310.0000.998
5 Bifactor (Gf/Gv)66.487310.0030.9870.043[0.029, 0.057]0.026114.48713.3560.001
Note. CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual; AIC = Akaike information criterion; ΔAIC = difference from the lowest AIC of all models; wi AIC = Akaike weight; Gf = Planning/Gf; RID = Riddles; Gc = Knowledge/Gc; SC = Story Completion; Gv = Simultaneous/Gv; ROV = Rover; PR = Pattern Reasoning; Gf/Gv = combined Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv factor. p-Values are based on the Bollen–Stine bootstrap method.
Table 5. Loadings of CHC core subtests on the general factor in unidimensional measurement models.
Table 5. Loadings of CHC core subtests on the general factor in unidimensional measurement models.
Time PointsNo Time Points
Story Completion0.700.69
Pattern Reasoning 0.740.73
Verbal Knowledge0.750.76
Number Recall0.570.57
Word Order0.640.64
Note. All loadings are significant at p < 0.001.
Table 6. Second-order models: coefficient omega (ω) and average variance extracted (AVE).
Table 6. Second-order models: coefficient omega (ω) and average variance extracted (AVE).
FactorModel 2Model 4
Note. ω = coefficient omega, AVE = average variance extracted.
Table 7. Five-factorial bifactor model of KABC-II core subtests: factor loadings and sources of variance.
Table 7. Five-factorial bifactor model of KABC-II core subtests: factor loadings and sources of variance.
SubtestGeneralGfGvGcGsmGlrUnique Var
Story Completion0.720.520.190.04 0.45
Pattern Reasoning0.780.610.220.05 0.35
Rover0.570.32 0.320.10 0.58
Triangles0.680.46 0.370.14 0.40
Riddles0.690.48 0.550.31 0.22
Verbal Knowledge0.670.45 0.560.31 0.24
Number Recall0.510.26 0.610.38 0.36
Word Order0.590.35 0.630.40 0.26
Atlantis0.550.30 0.460.210.49
Rebus0.580.33 0.470.220.45
ECV0.66 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.13 0.07
ω/ωS 0.92 0.75 0.67 0.87 0.82 0.69
ωHHS0.83 0.05 0.16 0.35 0.46 0.28
Note. Gf = Planning/Gf; Gv = Simultaneous Processing/Gv; Gc = Knowledge/Gc; Gsm = Sequential Processing/Gsm; Glr = Learning/Glr; λ = standardized factor loading; Var = % variance explained; = communality; ECV = explained common variance; ω = coefficient omega; ωS = coefficient omega subscale; ωH = coefficient omega hierarchical; ωHS = coefficient omega hierarchical subscale.
Table 8. Four-factorial bifactor model of KABC-II core subtests: factor loadings and sources of variance.
Table 8. Four-factorial bifactor model of KABC-II core subtests: factor loadings and sources of variance.
SubtestGeneralGf/GvGcGsmGlrUnique Var
Story Completion0.640.410.370.14 0.45
Pattern Reasoning0.690.480.420.18 0.34
Rover0.490.240.370.14 0.62
Triangles0.580.340.440.19 0.47
Riddles0.740.55 0.500.25 0.21
Verbal Knowledge0.710.50 0.500.25 0.25
Number Recall0.550.30 0.590.35 0.35
Word Order0.640.41 0.440.19 0.40
Atlantis0.590.35 0.420.180.48
Rebus0.600.36 0.420.180.46
ECV0.66 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.06
ω/ωS0.92 0.82 0.87 0.77 0.69
ωHHS0.81 0.25 0.28 0.33 0.23
Note. Gf/Gv = a combined Planning/Gf and Simultaneous/Gv factor; Gc = Knowledge/Gc; Gsm = Sequential/Gsm; Glr = Learning/Glr; λ = standardized factor loading; Var = % variance explained; = communality; ECV = explained common variance; ω = coefficient omega; ωS = coefficient omega subscale; ωH = coefficient omega hierarchical; ωHS = coefficient omega hierarchical subscale.
Table 9. Confirmatory factor analysis fit statistics for the KABC-II core subtest CHC configurations without time points.
Table 9. Confirmatory factor analysis fit statistics for the KABC-II core subtest CHC configurations without time points.
2 second-order90.5030<.0010.9780.057[0.044, 0.070]0.035140.49548.310.00015.671
2e (Gv → PR)47.5329.0160.9930.032[0.014, 0.048]0.02399.5267.340.02516.972
3 bifactor90.5030<.0010.9780.057[0.044, 0.070]0.035140.49548.310.00015.671
4 second-order (Gf/Gv) 61.8131.0010.9890.040[0.025, 0.054]0.028109.80717.620.00011.061
4b (Gc → SC)42.1930.0690.9960.025[0.026, 0.055]0.02192.1900.000.9728.941
5 bifactor (Gf/Gv)55.7931.0040.9910.036[0.020, 0.051]0.025103.79411.600.00310.693
Note. CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual; AIC = Akaike information criterion; ΔAIC = difference from the lowest AIC of all models; wi AIC = Akaike weights; Gf = Planning/Gf; Gc = Knowledge/Gc; Gv = Simultaneous/Gv; RID = Riddles; SC = Story Completion; ROV = Rover; PR = Pattern Reasoning. p-Values are based on the Bollen–Stine bootstrap method. a Differences between AIC of the model without time points and the corresponding model with time points (see Table 4). Positive values favor models without time points.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Renner, G.; Schroeder, A.; Irblich, D. Factorial Validity of the German KABC-II at Ages 7 to 12 in a Clinical Sample: Four Factors Fit Better than Five. J. Intell. 2023, 11, 148.

AMA Style

Renner G, Schroeder A, Irblich D. Factorial Validity of the German KABC-II at Ages 7 to 12 in a Clinical Sample: Four Factors Fit Better than Five. Journal of Intelligence. 2023; 11(7):148.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Renner, Gerolf, Anne Schroeder, and Dieter Irblich. 2023. "Factorial Validity of the German KABC-II at Ages 7 to 12 in a Clinical Sample: Four Factors Fit Better than Five" Journal of Intelligence 11, no. 7: 148.

APA Style

Renner, G., Schroeder, A., & Irblich, D. (2023). Factorial Validity of the German KABC-II at Ages 7 to 12 in a Clinical Sample: Four Factors Fit Better than Five. Journal of Intelligence, 11(7), 148.

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