To address RQ2, we began by analyzing a comprehensive set of app categories available on the iOS App Store. Our study encompasses a total of 25 distinct app categories, including books, music, travel, social networking, shopping, games, entertainment, reference, medical, lifestyle, sports, finance, education, business, news, navigation, health and fitness, photo and video, utilities, productivity, food and drink, graphics and design, weather, magazines and newspapers, and developer tools. This broad classification enables us to explore data tracking practices across a wide array of application types, providing a thorough examination of how different categories justify or do not justify their data collection practices. By considering such a diverse range of app categories, we aim to gain a nuanced understanding of data tracking trends and justifications within the mobile app ecosystem.
Categories such as sports, education, books, medical, business, news, utilities, reference, productivity, graphics and design, magazines and newspapers, and developer tools typically do not require location tracking to deliver their core functionalities. Therefore, we specifically examined the data tracking practices for apps within these categories using the dataset from the iOS App Store’s “Data Used to Track You” feature. The rationale behind excluding location tracking for these categories is that their primary functions are not inherently dependent on geographic information. For instance, an app designed for productivity or reference purposes does not need to access a user’s location to offer its services effectively. By focusing on these categories, we aimed to identify and understand the types of data that are being collected and assessed whether such practices align with the actual needs of the app’s functionality.
Additionally, we also investigated categories such as travel, social networking, entertainment, navigation, health and fitness, photo and video, and weather. Although location tracking may seem justifiable for some of these categories, we assessed them to determine whether it was indeed necessary or overextended. Our analysis aimed to reveal the extent and nature of data tracking within these categories to understand better how often location data are collected and whether their use aligns with the intended functionality of the apps.
5.2.1. Justification for Tracking
Books: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, purchases and diagnostics. However, unjustified tracking includes location (18.83%), contact info (8.83%), other data (3.83%), browsing history (2%), sensitive info (0.17%) and financial info (0.17%). The high percentage of location tracking is especially concerning, as book apps typically do not need location data to function effectively.
Music: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, user content, purchases and diagnostics. However, the high percentages of location (38.17%) and contact info (5.52%) tracking are unjustified, given that music apps generally do not need such data. Additionally, other data (3.27%), browsing history (1.52%), search history (1.31%), contacts (0.15%), financial info (0.07%) and sensitive info (0.07%) also appear to be tracked unnecessarily.
Games: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, contact info, user content, purchases, and diagnostics. However, the tracking of location (33.69%), other data (16%), browsing history (0.68%), search history (0.40%), financial info (0.24%), contacts (0.09%), sensitive info (0.06%) and health and fitness (0.04%) is largely unjustified for game apps.
Reference: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, contact info, user content, purchases and diagnostics. However, tracking location (40.35%), other data (3.53%), browsing history (1.56%), search history (1.14%), sensitive info (0.31%) and contacts (0.21%) is unwarranted.
Medical: Justified data tracking includes health and fitness, location, contacts, identifiers, usage data, diagnostics and sensitive info. Unjustified tracking includes location (19.51%), other data (7.56%), user content (4.39%), browsing history (1.76%) and financial info (1.58%).
Lifestyle: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, contact info, purchases and diagnostics. Unjustified tracking involves location (21.50%), other data (3.48%), browsing history (2.48%), search history (2.31%), financial info (1.23%), sensitive info (0.66%), contacts (0.63%) and health and fitness (0.11%).
Sports: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, contact info, purchases, diagnostics, and health and fitness. Unjustified tracking includes location (28.38%), other data (3.54%), browsing history (2.97%), search history (0.95%), financial info (0.32%), sensitive info (0.32%) and contacts (0.19%).
Finance: Justified data tracking consists of financial info, usage data, identifiers, contact info, purchases and diagnostics. Unjustified tracking involves location (19.91%), other data (3.87%), browsing history (1.14%), contacts (1.14%), search history (0.87%), sensitive info (0.13%) and health and fitness (0.07%).
Education: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, contact info, purchases, diagnostics, other data, and health and fitness. Unjustified tracking includes location (28.25%), other data (6.30%), browsing history (1.40%), search history (0.75%), financial info (0.25%), contacts (0.22%) and sensitive info (0.10%).
Business: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, contact info, purchases, diagnostics and other data. Unjustified tracking involves location (26.39%), other data (5.46%), search history (2.89%), browsing history (2.48%), financial info (1.26%), contacts (0.95%), sensitive info (0.41%) and health and fitness (0.18%).
News: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, contact info and other data. Unjustified tracking includes location (24.54%), browsing history (2.67%), other data (2.33%), search history (1.39%), contacts (0.54%), financial info (0.10%) and sensitive info (0.05%).
Utilities: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, other data and contacts. Unjustified tracking includes location (22.37%), other data (4.95%), financial info (0.67%) and search history (0.67%).
Productivity: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, other data and contacts. Unjustified tracking involves location (24.59%), other data (4.31%), purchases (3.25%), browsing history (1.06%), search history (0.69%), financial info (0.37%), sensitive info (0.37%) and health and fitness (0.11%).
Graphics and Design: Justified data tracking consist of usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, user content and location. Unjustified tracking involves location (13.08%), purchases (6.27%), other data (5.72%), user content (1.36%), search history (0.54%) and financial info (0.27%).
Magazines and Newspaper: Justified data tracking includes location, usage data, identifiers, diagnostics and user content. However, unjustified tracking involves location (13.81%), purchases (6.67%), search history (3.81%), user content (1.90%), other data (0.95%) and browsing history (0.48%).
Developer tools: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, user content and contacts. However, unjustified tracking involves location (14.89%), other data (4.26%), search history (2.13%), user content (2.13%) and contacts (2.13%).
Travel: Justified data tracking includes location, usage data, identifiers, purchases, contact info, user content and diagnostics. Despite this, other data (3.82%), search history (2.57%), browsing history (1.45%), contacts (1.18%) and sensitive info (0.20%) are tracked beyond what is typically needed for travel-related functionality.
Social Networking: Justified data tracking consists of location, contact info, identifiers, user content, search history, usage data, purchases, diagnostics and contacts. However, the presence of other data (5.25%), financial info (0.91%), sensitive info (0.76%), browsing history (0.76%) and health and fitness (0.23%) tracking is concerning and seems unnecessary.
Shopping: Justified data tracking includes location, contact info, identifiers, user content, search history, usage data, purchases, financial info and diagnostics. Unjustified tracking includes contacts (5.18%), browsing history (2.22%), other data (2.06%), sensitive info (0.32%) and health and fitness (0.04%), which are not essential for shopping apps.
Entertainment: Justified data tracking includes usage data, identifiers, contact info, user content, purchases, diagnostics and location. The tracking of other data (3.92%), browsing history (2.76%), search history (1.31%), financial info (0.46%), contacts (0.23%), sensitive info (0.12%) and health and fitness (0.04%) appears to be unnecessary.
Navigation: Justified data tracking consists of location, usage data, identifiers and diagnostics. Unjustified tracking involves other data (7.52%), search history (2.64%), financial info (0.81%) and contacts (0.81%).
Health and Fitness: Justified data tracking includes health and fitness, usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, location and sensitive info. Unjustified tracking includes financial info (0.53%), other data (3.21%), contacts (0.41%) and search history (1.18%).
Photo and Video: Justified data tracking consists of usage data, identifiers, diagnostics, user content and location. Unjustified tracking involves other data (4.28%), contacts (0.29%), search history (0.21%) and sensitive info (0.07%).
Food and Drink: Justified data tracking includes purchases, usage data, location, identifiers and diagnostics. Unjustified tracking includes other data (1.48%), browsing history (3.67%), contacts (0.19%) and sensitive info (0.15%).
Weather: Justified data tracking includes location, usage data, identifiers, diagnostics and user content. Unjustified tracking includes other data (2.60%), purchases (2.60%), contacts (2.02%), search history (0.58%) and browsing history (0.58%).
Stickers: We noticed that nothing is tracked for the stickers app category.