Design of Generalized Search Interfaces for Health Informatics
:1. Introduction
- What are the criteria for the structure and design of generalized ontology-supported interfaces for health informatics search tasks involving large document sets?
- If such criteria can be distilled, can they then be used to help create such interfaces?
2. Background
2.1. Health Informatics
2.2. Machine Learning
- Users communicate their task requirements as a query.
- Users ask their tool to apply that query as input within its computational system.
- The tool performs its computation, mapping the features against the document set.
- The tool represents the results of the computation in its interface.
- Users assess whether they are or are not satisfied with the results.
- Users restart the interaction loop with adjustments or conclude their use of the tool.
- Users are people, not oracles (should not be expected to repeatedly answer whether a model is right or wrong).
- People tend to give more positive than negative feedback.
- People need a demonstration of how machine learning should behave.
- People naturally want to provide more than just data labels.
- People value transparency.
- Transparency can help people provide better labels.
2.3. Ontologies
3. Methods
3.1. Task Review
3.1.1. Health Data, Information Management, and Information-Centric Interfaces
3.1.2. Search Tasks and Structuring the Design of Interfaces for Health Informatics
- Naturalness: The workflow of the system must present a natural task progression.
- Consistency: The parts of the system should present similar functional language.
- Prevent errors: Be proactive in the prevention of potential errors.
- Minimizing cognitive load: Align cognitive load to the requirements of the task.
- Efficient interaction: Be efficient in the number of steps to complete a task.
- Forgiveness and feedback: Supply proper and prompt feedback opportunities.
- Effective use of language: Promote clear and understandable communication.
- Effective information presentation: Align with information characteristics.
- Customizability/flexibility: The system should remain flexible to the task requirements.
- Make task goals and constraints explicit.
- Support user understanding of model uncertainty and confidence.
- Capture intent rather than input.
- Provide effective data representations.
- Exploit interactivity and promote rich interactions.
- Engage the user.
3.1.3. Aligning Vocabularies for Health Informatics Search Tasks
- Difficulty understanding the domain being searched.
- An inability to apply their domain expertise.
- Lacking the capacity to formulate an effective search query within the interface that accurately reflects their information-seeking objective.
- Deficient understanding of how to assess results produced by search, to decide whether the search has or has not satisfied their objective.
3.2. High-Level Criteria
3.3. Analysis of Traditional Interface Strategies for Health Informatics Search Tasks
3.3.1. Structured Interface Strategy
3.3.2. Unstructured Interface Strategy
3.3.3. Query Expansion Interface Strategy
4. Results
4.1. Design Scope
4.2. Technical Scope
4.3. Functional Workflow of ONTSI
- Users to communicate their task requirements as a query within its Upload and Search subview.
- Users to ask their tool to apply that query as input within its computational system within its Search Subview.
- The tool to perform its computation, mapping the features against the document set within its ONTSI server and Solr server.
- The tool to represent the results of the computation in its interface within its Result List and Result Item subviews.
- Users to assess whether they are or are not satisfied with the results within its Result List, Result Item, and Saved List subview.
- Users to restart the interaction loop with adjustments within the Upload and Search subviews or conclude their use of the tool.
4.4. Front-End Subviews
4.4.1. Upload Subview
4.4.2. Search Subview
4.4.3. Result List Subview
4.4.4. Result Item Subview
4.4.5. Saved List Subview
4.5. Back-End Systems
4.5.1. ONTSI Server
4.5.2. Solr Server
5. Usage Scenario
5.1. User Profile
5.2. Ontology File and Document Set
5.3. Usage Scenario
6. Discussion and Conclusions
6.1. Evaluation of ONTSI
- Users are able to quickly transfer their experiences with previous interfaces to use ONTSI (e.g., A, B).
- Users are capable of utilizing ontology files to align their vocabulary with the vocabulary of the domain, even if they are not initially familiar with the ontology’s domain or its structure and content (e.g., C, D).
- Users are capable of understanding the requirements of the information-seeking process, expressing their valuation of the support they are provided by the interface as they performed their search tasks (e.g., E, F, G).
- Users felt that mediating ontologies make search tasks more manageable and easier, and not having them would negatively affect their task performance (e.g., E, F, G).
(A) “I think with ONTSI, I can immediately it matches my mental models of how I use search interfaces. I type things in, I click run, I go through pages of results”.
(B) “Once I understood what it was showing me, it helped me. Usually with new tools I tend to read through the documentation or watch videos. And then it still takes me like a while to pick up on them. Like, just running through them and using them a few times. Once you get the hang of it, usually you find success in whatever it’s providing you”.
(C) “But … you can get lost in the information too, right? So, if you have like so much so many things related in that ontology, it’s like, well, it can be useful. But it could also be a distraction for something that you know. There’s this flip side, but I think that’s on the searcher to know what they’re using and why they’re using it. So … for me to complete these tasks, if I hadn’t had the ontologies listed, then I would have had a much more difficult time. It essentially provided guidance … and a structure to something I was unfamiliar with in this case”.
(D) “I wasn’t necessarily intimidated, but I was just like—I don’t know what this is. But the background information for the context helped a little bit. A lot of big words, but they did help me when I was looking at the documents that I had to search for to find out which ones I felt best. So even though I did not have full understanding of the words, having them there in that background provided me a kind of help towards finding myself in the space of the question”.
(E) “I was thinking … where (the ontology) would have been helpful. So … it would have possibly brought up some of those other terms just from searching a few words and they would be able to make some connections between the text that was provided and some of my search terms (to see) … how relevant they were. So, if I was shooting in the dark and hoping for the best, which is what I was kind of doing (without the ontology), at the very least, it would have given you confidence of your actions. Yeah, I think so. A little bit more confidence”.
(F) “I thought it would be like pretty easy because I (am used to) answering … open questions like … find the things most relevant. So, this research question is for me … just an easier thing to do because I have background in doing that kind of stuff. ONTSI kind of functions like … a library tool that is available. This kind of tool felt very familiar to me. I wouldn’t say that I’m an expert when it comes to medical knowledge, but … I understand … basic terminology. So… what the terms meant or what they refer to wasn’t really … an issue. It wasn’t really alienating. I have like some general level of confidence just using the terms and trusting the tool as you went along”.
(G) “Yeah, this (ontology) would have helped because I can find the things that … share in common, and that can make it probably much easier to find the relevant documents. Yeah, being able to see the things that certain phrases … or words share in common. You can find that common link … that can find you the relevant documents”.
6.2. Limitations
6.3. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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DC# | Design Criteria |
DC1 | Provide an information-centric interface that shows flexibility towards the evolving needs of users and the dynamic requirements of search tasks like the veracity of data sources and variety of information types. |
DC2 | Provide interaction loops that supply prompt and effective feedback for users during the performance of search tasks. |
DC3 | Provide natural and consistent representations that allow users to understand the constraints, processes, and results provided by the interface. |
DC4 | Provide interactions that allow users to efficiently prepare, perform, assess, and adjust their machine learning to align with the information-seeking objectives of search tasks. |
DC5 | Provide mediation opportunities that assist users in communicating and bridge their information-seeking objectives into the vocabulary of the document set. |
DC# | Structured | Unstructured | Query Expansion |
DC1 | Weak | Variable | Strong |
DC2 | Strong | Strong | Variable |
DC3 | Variable | Variable | Variable |
DC4 | Variable | Strong | Strong |
DC5 | Weak | Weak | Strong |
DC1 | ONTSI leverages powerful third-party computational technology. Specifically, pre-built machine learning packages like SciKit-Learn are integrated within ONTSI, and highly optimized indexing is provided by The Apache Software Foundation’s Solr product [60]. Additionally, ONTSI’s interface provides users with clear text-based alerts, which reflect their current performance status. |
DC2 | ONTSI supports an iterative interaction loop to allow users perform repeated sets of search tasks. That is, within iterative interactions, users can save the results they regard relevant in a persistent location within the tool, while still allowing further performances to occur. |
DC3 | ONTSI provides visual representations to help analyze and judge the relevance of search results. |
DC4 | ONTSI utilizes modern visualization and computational technologies like D3.js to provide powerful interaction opportunities. |
DC5 | ONTSI supports the use of a common vocabulary during query building using the query expansion strategy. Specifically, when using ONTSI, users upload both a document set and an ontology file, which are then integrated into the workflow of the computational systems of ONTSI. Users can interact with a search textbox that allows for unstructured text input. ONTSI provides domain-specific vocabulary suggestions that can assist users in guiding their performance and promote alignment between their vocabulary and domain-specific vocabulary. |
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Demelo, J.; Sedig, K. Design of Generalized Search Interfaces for Health Informatics. Information 2021, 12, 317.
Demelo J, Sedig K. Design of Generalized Search Interfaces for Health Informatics. Information. 2021; 12(8):317.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDemelo, Jonathan, and Kamran Sedig. 2021. "Design of Generalized Search Interfaces for Health Informatics" Information 12, no. 8: 317.
APA StyleDemelo, J., & Sedig, K. (2021). Design of Generalized Search Interfaces for Health Informatics. Information, 12(8), 317.