This article elaborates on the wickedness and complexity of geoengineering through six major arguments: complex cross-boundary feedbacks, economic affordability, decision-making criteria, conflicting interests and values, lack of central governance, and tuxedo fallacy of decision making. The discussion attempts to outline why geoengineering presents challenges as well as opportunities to humans and why it should be considered a “wicked” problem. The following sections discuss the relevant linkages between man and environmental systems, the difficulty of objectively assessing the success (or lack thereof) of a geoengineering intervention, the problem of conflicting interests and values, and the lack of any central governance. Therefore, decision making on geoengineering policies should take a timescale of risks perspective as well as consideration on other factors, such as costs, ethics, governance, etc.
2.1. An Argument on Complex Cross-Boundary Feedbacks in Human-Environment System
Human-Environment Systems (HES) are conceptualized as a coexistence of two different systems with mutual dependencies and reciprocal endorsement, capturing all environmental and technological systems that are relevant for or affected by humans [
23]. It’s argued that the mutuality is not symmetric but beneficial or necessary for the existence of at least one of the two subunits of this system. Human decisions and the short- and long-term environmental impacts from the feedback loops will directly influence the evolution of the system. Detailed philosophy about the HES framework could be seen in [
24]. Global and local environmental problems invoking environmental concerns could be better understood with a reexamination of HES, where social and ecological aspects are interacting at multiple temporal and spatial scales [
To understand the intervention of geoengineering in the climate feedback system as well as its impacts on HES, the HES framework developed by Scholz [
24] is employed to facilitate the understanding of the following argument in this article for the detailed investigation of feedback loops.
Figure 1 illustrates that primary and various secondary feedback loops at different timescales are included in the human-environment relationship. Human decisions at t
0 are assumed to follow the goal-oriented decision rules of the respective agents. The primary feedback of intended impacts at t
0 + t after human action at t
0 is then perceived by human agents for adaptive decision making and reactions. The inner cycle of the arrow forming loop F
1 = (1,2,3) represents the primary feedback, which is, however, coupled by various secondary feedback loops at the second order or the third order, such as F
2 (1,4,6,9) and F
3 (7,8,1). Scholz concluded that secondary feedback loops include three types: F
1, secondary feedback of unintended changes; F
2, secondary feedback loop learning; and F
3, the secondary feedback loop of self-reflection [
24]. Normally, the secondary feedback loop refers to a delayed and long-term environmental impact at t
0 + T, in which T could stand for decades or even a longer time. The concept of “learning” is embedded in the HES framework, especially via the F
2, secondary feedback loop learning of substantial environmental change at large scales. Human agents learn and adapt their behavior and decision making from the evaluation and learning of impacts in the environmental system, through which humans build up their environmental consciousness. It’s worthwhile to recognize that the delayed long-term environmental impacts at t
0 + T might have a dramatic negative influence on human systems, such as the result of global warming. Inspired by the theoretical foundation of the HES framework, this article borrowed the feedback loop rationale from the HES framework in the following elaboration on innovative insight of the interventions of geoengineering to bring in a “timescale of risks” concept.
Figure 1.
Primary and various types of secondary feedback loops in human-environment interaction source: Scholz [
Figure 1.
Primary and various types of secondary feedback loops in human-environment interaction source: Scholz [
The enhanced greenhouse effect possesses influences via complex feedback loops between the climate system and the biosphere and technosphere, respectively. Climate change has influences on the ecosystem and humans, further causing feedbacks via the economy.
Geoengineering, defined as “deliberate large-scale manipulation of planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change”, carries an inherent worldview in the anthroposphere and an implicit recognition of man itself as the executor of manipulation and also a major stakeholder, perhaps with its economy as a whole since economic activity is an essential regime of human civilization. Against the backdrop of the Anthropocentrism assumption, we might be interested to think of how geoengineering could influence humans ourselves, especially with the timescale of risk perspective. This could be diagnosed if we compare the intervention phases in the feedback system as illustrated in
Figure 2. Common criticisms on SRM include the following: (1) it only deals with the symptoms of climate change, notably rising temperature, without tackling the root cause of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere [
26]; (2) it doesn’t solve the ocean acidification problem [
28]; (3) injecting SO
2 into the stratosphere may further cause ozone depletion [
30]; (4) significant whitening of the daytime sky [
32]; (5) increasing acid deposition [
33]; (6) less sun for solar power [
etc. These listed disadvantages of SRM are possible side effects argued in a patchwork way, from a side-effect perspective but not from the relationship of geoengineering and humans in the human-environment system.
Figure 2.
Geoengineering intervention phases in the modified human-climate feedback system framework.
Figure 2.
Geoengineering intervention phases in the modified human-climate feedback system framework.
Our rationale here on the superiority of CDR over SRM, however, gives an alternative philosophical argument that aids our strategic decision making. It is identified by positioning the CDR and SRM interventions into the modified human-climate feedback system adapted from Common’s illustration [
34] for the evaluation of the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” based on a particular view of the coupled human-climate system. We define this new concept “proximity of stake to catastrophe” as “how much distance a risk stays from the stakeholder and how long it will take if a catastrophe (dramatic unintended change) happens and finally destroys the stake”.
Figure 2 presents geoengineering intervention phases in our defined human-climate feedback system framework. The topological organization of the figure is based on the fundamental causality of major subsystems and major activities that influence climate change. Each box represents a subsystem in the coupled human-climate systems. Linkages between subsystems (arrows linking boxes) illustrate the direct influencing power from one subsystem to another subsystem. On the ground of the current scientific understanding of climate feedback system embedded in the biosphere and technosphere, the topological organization and the major linkages among the subsystems are fixed. One may change the positions of the boxes in the figure and reorganize the sequence of the boxes from 1 to 7, however, the major linkages of the subsystems and their influencing relationships remain the same in the context of climate change topic (the “concentrations”, “sinks”, “emissions” are referring to GHG). As mentioned above, in the climate manipulation feedback system illustrated in
Figure 2, man and his economy are considered as the central stake. Because the SRM approaches could not change the fundamental greenhouse gas concentration, the intervention of SRM could only be recognized as working on “climate” phase (shown as box 5 in
Figure 2) as it functions as a “quick aid” to cool down the temperature. SRM generally does not deal with GHG “emissions”, “sinks,” and “concentrations” (from box 2 to 4). Nevertheless, CDR, as its name illustrates, aims at reducing CO
2 concentration directly (box 4). The CDR approach intervention ranges from “emissions” to “sinks” to “concentrations” as a whole combination. Biofuels, renewable energy, and “end-of-chimney scrubber” are all mitigation measures to reduce CO
2 “emission” (box 2); land use management to enhance land carbon sinks and ocean fertilization to enhance algae uptake of CO
2 fall into the category of “sink” intervention (box 3); carbon capture and storage (CCS) is usually proposed as a direct action to reduce CO
2 “concentration” (box 4). By scrutinizing the system, we could find that the stake (human well-being and economy) is “with closer exposure” to the intervention at the climate itself (by SRM). As shown in
Figure 2, “climate” (box 5) has direct connections (climate change influence) with “human” (box 7) and “economy” (box 1) as well as indirect connections with both via the biosphere (box 6) without buffer mechanisms. This illustrates that the action of anthropogenic climate modification at a planetary scale could have a direct influence or quick indirect influence on the major stakeholder—human being and his economy. The proximity (timescale of risk) of the intervention phase toward the stake poses high potential vulnerability to both human well-being and his economy, especially when such an intervention is deployed on a planetary scale and a remedy would be too late to compensate. The uncertainty of the SRM effect and its nature of inability in eradicating the root cause of climate change, as well as the high risk of an abrupt cease in operation due to unexpected situations (e.g., political or economic will to cease injecting aerosols), or even the irreversibility error of large-scale deployment (e.g., space mirror), could cause dramatic catastrophe to human and society due to the proximity of the action to the stake. Sudden termination of SRM geoengineering is exactly one of the concerns pertaining to whether such technologies should be deployed [
36]; political or economic instabilities, leading to an abrupt cancelation of SRM, could severely multiply the risks of dangerous climate change (
cf. Royal Society, 2009) [
18]. Assuming the geoengineering action is taken at time t
0, the intended cooling effect should take place at t
0 + t
1. However, due to uncertainties and potential errors, the unintended side effects or even
catastrophe could arrive at t
0 + t
1 + t’. However, CDR approaches, also called long-wave geoengineering, work on spheres of “emissions” (box 2), “sinks” (box 3), and “concentrations” (box 4) while these spheres do not have a direct connection (climate change influence) either to man or to his economy from the global warming perspective. Philosophically, it’s only when these spheres influence the “climate” subsystem (box 5) that they could influence the stake subsystems (“human” and “economy”) in the whole coupled human-climate system. Although we should recognize that “emissions” also lead to other types of environmental pollution and human health hazardous effects, the reasoning here only focuses on the impacts of global warming. Other types of environmental pollution impact are not within the scope of this discussion. The intervention of CDR prevails over SRM in part because it deals with the root cause of greenhouse gas concentration and in part because it has relatively less risk of causing catastrophe on human society and economy. This is due to the intervention being at the upstream of the feedback system that its impact has to diffuse chain effects through all the rest of the step-spheres (depicted by the boxes) to finally reach “human” and “economy,” while the resilience in the step-spheres could offset certain impacts. Therefore, any side effect or unintended impact of the CDR intervention needs to diffuse via several step-spheres with buffer effects and thus takes longer to finally influence humans, rather than a dramatic and abrupt error impact caused by failure of SRM, for which the stake is more directly exposed to the detrimental impacts in the “climate” sphere. More importantly, from cause to effect, the “concentrations” phase stands in the middle as a buffer of time in the feedback system, particularly due to nature’s self-regulating capability, resilience—sometimes called the “Gaia effect”. One example of such “buffering effect” is the enhanced CO
2 uptake by plants due to elevated atmospheric CO
2 concentrations and in higher temperatures. For instance, the biomass productivity of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species could reach a 35% increase in response to a doubled atmospheric CO
2 concentration [
37]. This is the buffer effect of increased concentrations leading to increased sinks. On the other hand, the process is slowed down to certain extent if changes of “sinks” result in radical changes in “concentrations” and subsequent “climate”. However, after “climate”, the stakes are exposed and already directly influenced. Hence, both “concentrations” and “climate” are resilient spheres that have a buffer effect before any abrupt danger caused by CDR intervention could reach the final stakes of humans. Considering that the CDR geoengineering measure is taken at time t
0, the intended cooling effect should take place at t
0 + t
2. Unintended side effects or even catastrophes caused by complexity and errors could arrive at t
0 + t
2 + T’. It takes considerably longer time, T, before a catastrophe reaches human society due to the buffer spheres in the feedback system.
The rationale here argues that from the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” perspective, by analyzing the feedback system, CDR is “less proximate” than SRM to human stakes. Comparing the distance of a possible catastrophe in SRM (t
0 + t
1 + t’) and CDR (t
0 + t
2 + T’), we argue that T’ is generally longer than t’ considering that the buffer effects in the feedback system. This results in less “
proximity of stake
to catastrophe”. The buffer effect of “concentration” change and “climate” change would give us “some time” to take other urgent actions in case CDR leads us to the wrong direction. It’s worth clarifying here that the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” philosophy does not aim to exclude the possibility of a catastrophe from CDR failures, nor does it intend to compare the detrimental effects of CDR and SRM malfunctions. One might give an example of CDR failure causing relatively quick detrimental effects: the failure of large-scale carbon storage. CCS, as a CDR approach, requires some place for storage of the scrubbed carbon dioxide. It has been proposed that the CO
2 be stored underground in cave systems, potentially using the geological space created by fossil fuel extraction. Were such storage sites to fail, there could be a rapid (on the timescale of days to months) change in the atmospheric CO
2 concentration and eventually a big influence on climatic conditions. However, CCS is, in general, a relatively decentralized approach. Therefore, to what extent the defection of a particular decentralized storage could influence the global CO
2 concentration and thereafter climate is debatable. Even if a large-scale carbon storage exists on earth, the failure of such a storage means a significant “emission” of CO
2 (upstream of the feedback system in
Figure 2). The impact of such abrupt “emission” still has to go through “sinks” and “concentrations” step-spheres (therefore buffer effects) before the impact is evidenced in the “climate”. Moreover, such changes are not linear processes. The higher CO
2 “concentration” will also trigger enhanced CO
2 uptake due to higher biomass productivity in elevated atmospheric CO
2 concentrations. Thus nature’s buffer effects offset the detrimental impact and allow more time for man to look for other remedy solutions, such as using SRM or recapturing the leaked CO
2. One fact is that time is needed for such detrimental change in “emissions” to penetrate through the “sinks” and “concentrations” step-spheres and then “climate” to finally reach the stakes. Nevertheless, unlike the failure of CDR, malfunction of SRM (e.g., halting of the aerosol injection or defection of space mirror) will directly change the temperature in the “climate” where the stakes are exposed to. There is no or rare “buffer effects” for SRM failures in the couple climate-human systems.
It’s not the purpose of this article (“proximity of stake to catastrophe”) to give mathematical quantifications or prediction scenarios on how soon the impacts from each SRM or CDR failure will reach the final stake. The time for such impact diffusion largely depends on the nature and scale of the impact itself as well as the condition of the affected system. Especially in the complex adaptive climate-human systems, the t factor could be influenced by many other factors. Therefore, this article tries to interpret from a rather philosophical reasoning that qualitatively recognizes such buffer effects and the corresponding buffering time in such a feedback system. The “proximity” of the stake exposed to a possible catastrophe by either SRM or CDR intervention is therefore conceptualized by looking at whether buffer effects are available. While many “buffer effects” could be identified for CDR interventions on “emissions,” “sinks,” and “concentrations,” limited natural “buffer effects” are available in such climate-human feedback systems once SRM geoengineering interventions fail. Taking such “buffer effects” and vulnerability of the stakes into account, this article gives a general philosophical interpretation for t’ < T’ and aims to suggest such “proximity of stake to catastrophe” to be included as one principle, together with other principles, in the geoengineering decision-making process. In this sense, we conclude that SRM could be prepared as Plan B to rescue the adverse impact of CDR intervention if CDR fails to function properly.
The “proximity of stake to catastrophe” perspective gives a “timescale of risk” interpretation on the disadvantages of SRM or CDR, therefore suggesting that CDR is superior over SRM as the catastrophe is “less proximate” to the stake due to more buffers in between. While such philosophy paid precautionary attentions to the negative effects (catastrophe) of the climate-human systems, one might doubt the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” principle with an argument of the t factor on beneficial effects. Because of the same buffers and time cost through buffers, CDR interventions might be slower to achieve beneficial effects than SRM interventions. At first glance, such argument seems to undermine the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” philosophy. However, a closer look at such a trade-off reveals that this t on beneficial effects are less prioritized in geoengineering decision making due to the well-known “core precautionary principle” [
16] and the more-or-less equivalent “anticatastrophe principle” developed and defended by Sunstein [
38]. To some extent, the “core precautionary principle” is accepted and used as a sound decision principle for climate policy on climate mitigation or adaptation [
40]. The precautionary principle, in general terms, aids our climate decision making to avoid the worst harm (catastrophe), particularly under uncertainties. In a choice between SRM and CDR, the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” should be more important than proximity of stake to beneficial effects, which is in line with the core precautionary principle. It is worth clarifying that we are not supporting the so-called “ultraconservative precautionary principle” which fundamentally neglects the beneficial effects. By prioritizing “proximity of stake to catastrophe,” we position our framing closer to the core precautionary principle in terms of preventing harms when both harms and benefits are under uncertainties. The precautionary principle respects the maximin rule, a general principle for decision making under uncertainty [
41]. To put it briefly, “
the one with the highest minimal possible payoff is rationally to be preferred from a set of alternative choices”. This maximin rule could help us gain clearer insight with a set of alternative choices in CDR and SRM. The CDR (slower benefit effects but less proximity of catastrophe) is therefore preferred to SRM (faster benefit effects but with higher proximity of catastrophe) when we simply compare the minimal possible payoff of each option. Therefore, in line with the precautionary principle and the maximin rule, we should adopt the anti-catastrophe perspective (as Sunstein defended) to incorporate the “proximity of stake to catastrophe” principle into decision making.
2.2. Can We Afford It?
While the previous session demonstrates CDR is generally superior over SRM from both the “essence of remedy” perspective and the “feedback loop system” perspective, this section might lead us toward an opposite conclusion when it comes to affordability. In general, albedo modification has a lower cost than emission abatement [
42]. The Panel of Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming calculates that injecting SO
2 aerosol into the stratosphere costs only pennies per tons of CO
2 mitigated [
8]. This reveals the concept of cost of mitigation (COM) as the economic metric for geoengineering: dollars per ton of carbon emissions mitigated ($/tc). According to Keith, injection of CO
2 into the ocean ($50–150/tc), injection of CO
2 underground ($50–150/tc), and intensive forestry to capture carbon ($10–100/tc) have the highest COM, while the stratospheric SO
2 to increase albedo by direct optical scattering has the lowest COM (<<$1/tc). COM is thus used as a clear parameter to compare the cost between geoengineering and conventional abatement as well as between different geoengineering approaches [
11]. There are two specific characters in terms of the cost of geoengineering and abatement. First, the cost of the albedo mitigation approach is not determined by the scale or the increasing pace of current anthropogenic emissions. One could target an albedo mitigation efficacy several times higher than anthropogenic forcing of climate change to achieve cooling the earth [
11]. Second, albedo mitigation costs so little that this approach might be the most appealing to countries that seek environmental gain in a cheap way. These countries thus would deploy albedo geoengineering whenever they find it necessary. A single country could use geoengineering, especially albedo modification, to offset the impact from emissions, but this will also lead to problem shifting and moral hazard [
43]. The availability of a faster SRM solution would possibly undermine the effort on CO
2 mitigation or increase the likelihood of mitigation failure. The root cause of global warming effect within the country has not been eradicated; the warming effect has only been suppressed and delayed to sometime in the future when geoengineering doesn’t work anymore for this in a small scale. Or these unilateral actions simply shift the problem to another country. Nevertheless, CO
2 mitigation calls for an unprecedented international collective effort that requires not only a huge budget for the mitigation technology and processes themselves but also investing a cooperative monitoring system, although this may also create jobs and have a beneficial influence on society.
With a global GDP of roughly $9 trillion, sunlight scattering is estimated as only costing $1 billion per year to offset global warming by 2100. Albedo geoengineering thus is widely regarded as costless. However, while injecting SO
2 aerosol into the stratosphere costs only pennies per tons of CO
2 mitigated, carbon dioxide capture and storage options would enable significant reductions in emissions from coal-fired generation, but the cost would be between $100–150/tc depending on the technology used [
44]. Zenz
et al. even claimed that the industrial air capture (IAC) scheme costs on the order of $1000 per ton CO
2 extracted from the atmosphere, and they described this as akin to a financial tsunami [
45]. Especially for industrial emission CO
2 capture, the gigantic volume of gas that needs to go through the scrubber will require enormous amount of new infrastructures all over the world. The infrastructure system change will cause a significant increase in cost. The difference is huge so that we face a dilemma of choosing moderate good schemes involving CO
2 capture, which have higher certainty but also higher cost, or the affordable solar radiation management, which is highly uncertain.