The Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing (XVIII–XX Centuries): Historiography, Missionary Role, and Contemporary Assessment
:1. Introduction
- What narratives have Chinese and Russian records constructed regarding the Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing, and what novel interpretations emerge from these accounts?
- How is the Mission perceived as a driving force in the evolution of Sino–Russian relations, especially in terms of cultural and diplomatic engagements?
- What role did the Mission play in shaping the landscape of interpersonal exchanges between the peoples of China and Russia?
2. Historical Context of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing
2.1. The Limited Adventures in 1715–1860
2.2. The Rapid Growth in 1858–1917
2.3. The Unexpected Shifts in 1917–1956
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. The Russian Narratives on the History of the Russian Mission in Beijing
3.2. The Chinese Narratives on the History of the Russian Mission in Beijing
3.3. The Narrative Gap in the History of the Russian Mission in Beijing
3.4. Methodological Approach
4. Analysis and Discussion
4.1. Redefining Identity Myths in Historical Context
4.2. The Cultural Diplomacy in Bridging China and Russia
the greatest Sinologist of Russia and the entire European world of the nineteenth century; he was the first scholar to apply to Sinology the method of working only with sources, rather than relying on stereotypical information from Chinese encyclopedists.
4.3. Comparative Analysis of Mission Strategies and Western Counterparts
The results and consequences of Christian missionary activity in the second half of the 19th century are as significant as they are contradictory.
The academic and practical experiences provide a strong foundation for learning Chinese language, adapting to the culture, and performing missionary work in China.(Cao 2021)
As for the reasons why the Chinese joined the church, the vast majority of Chinese practiced Orthodoxy not to save their souls but to solve real-life problems. The Russian missionaries were aware of this from the outset, and while they continued to receive baptisms, most were clearly motivated by material rewards.
Until the end of the 19th century, the Russian Orthodox Mission was not actively engaged in missionary activity in China. The missionaries themselves did not believe in the possibility of a wide spread of Orthodoxy and Christianity in general in Chinese society.
Orthodox and Protestant churches have significant differences that have led to Christian schism. In parallel, they have developed their own distinctive styles of choosing and using external manifestations of communication media, subjects, and targets.
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 |, accessed on 25 April 2024. |
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Number | Tenure | Leader |
The 1st Mission | 1715–1728 | Illarion (Lezhaysky) |
The 2nd Mission | 1729–1735 | Anthony (Platkovsky) |
The 3rd Mission | 1736–1745 | Illarion (Trusov) |
The 4th Mission | 1745–1755 | Gervasiy (Lintsevsky) |
The 5th Mission | 1754–1771 | Amvrosiy (Yumatov) |
The 6th Mission | 1771–1782 | Nikolai (Tsvet) |
The 7th Mission | 1781–1795 | Ioakim (Shishkovsky) |
The 8th Mission | 1794–1808 | Sophroniy (Gribovsky) |
The 9th Mission | 1808–1821 | Iakinf (Bichurin) |
The 10th Mission | 1820–1831 | Peter (Kamensky) |
The 11th Mission | 1830–1841 | Veniamin (Moracevich) |
The 12th Mission | 1840–1850 | Polikarp (Tugarinov) |
The 13th Mission | 1849–1859 | Palladius (Kafarov) |
The 14th Mission | 1858–1864 | Guriy (Karpov) |
The 15th Mission | 1865–1878 | Palladius (Kafarov) |
The 16th Mission | 1879–1883 | Flavian (Gorodetsky) |
The 17th Mission | 1884–1897 | Amfilohiy (Lutovinov) |
The 18th Mission | 1897–1931 | Innokenty (Figurovsky) |
The 19th Mission | 1931–1933 | Simon (Vinogradov) |
The 20th Mission | 1933–1956 | Victor (Svyatin) |
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Li, J. The Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing (XVIII–XX Centuries): Historiography, Missionary Role, and Contemporary Assessment. Religions 2024, 15, 557.
Li J. The Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing (XVIII–XX Centuries): Historiography, Missionary Role, and Contemporary Assessment. Religions. 2024; 15(5):557.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Jingcheng. 2024. "The Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing (XVIII–XX Centuries): Historiography, Missionary Role, and Contemporary Assessment" Religions 15, no. 5: 557.
APA StyleLi, J. (2024). The Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing (XVIII–XX Centuries): Historiography, Missionary Role, and Contemporary Assessment. Religions, 15(5), 557.