Support for Engaged Couples in Preparation for a Catholic Marriage
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Marriage and Its Types
3.2. Marriage in the Catholic Religion
3.3. Marriage Vows in the Office and in the Church
“Being aware of the rights and obligations arising from marriage, I solemnly declare that I am entering into matrimony with [first name and surname of the other person to the marriage], and I swear that I will do everything to ensure our marriage is harmonious, happy and lasting.”
“the celebration of marriage between two Catholic faithful normally takes place during Holy Mass, because of the connection of all the sacraments with the Paschal mystery of Christ (Cf. SC 61). In the Eucharist the memorial of the New Covenant is realized, the New Covenant in which Christ has united himself forever to the Church, his beloved bride for whom he gave himself up (Cf. LG 6). It is therefore fitting that the spouses should seal their consent to give themselves to each other through the offering of their own lives by uniting it to the offering of Christ for his Church made present in the Eucharistic sacrifice, and by receiving the Eucharist so that, communicating in the same Body and the same Blood of Christ, they may form but ‘one body’ in Christ (Cor 10:17).”
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- Sacramental marriage is a liturgical act. It is therefore appropriate that it should be celebrated in the public liturgy of the Church;
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- Marriage introduces one into an ecclesial order, and creates rights and duties in the Church between the spouses and towards their children;
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- Since marriage is a state of life in the Church, certainty about it is necessary (hence the obligation to have witnesses);
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- The public character of the consent protects the ‘I do’ once given and helps the spouses remain faithful to it” (ibid.).
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- “[the name of the groom] and [the name of the bride], have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?
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- Do you intend to stay in this bond in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until death parts you?
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- Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?” (The Rite of the Marriage 2013).
“I (the name of the groom), take you (the name of the bride), to be my wife* and I vow to you* love, fidelity*, marital honesty* and that I shall not leave you* till death do us part.* So help me Almighty God and all the Saints.”
4. Discussion: The Role of Religion in Preparation for Marriage
4.1. Preparation for Marriage in Poland
- Who Is Christ for Me?
- What Does It Mean to Believe and to Be a Christian?
- Vocation to the Community of Believers—The Church Is Us.
- God Desires Our Salvation to Occur Within the Church (Sacraments).
- Marriage as a Sacrament (The Liturgy of the Sacrament of Marriage).
- Love in Marriage (Paths and Challenges of Love).
- Building and Sustaining Marital Communion.
- Responsible Parenthood and the Regulation of Conception.
- Children and Creation of Nurturing Environment.
- Shaping Family Life (Religious Life, Organization, Custom).
4.2. Premarital Courses in Other Countries
- “Pray! It is about a close relationship with the One Who is Love and asking God to bless this relationship and the process of preparing for the wedding that is the beginning of these two’s life as a married couple.
- Meet with your priest. The purpose of this meeting is to complete all necessary paperwork, including the submission of required documents and forms.
- Participate in an Archidiocesan Marriage Preparation Program. The sessions enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of their fiancé/fiancée. Topics covered include self-awareness, communication skills, the meaning of love, marriage, the sacrament of marriage, prayer and spirituality in marriage, finances and marital sexuality, as well as natural family planning. These sessions should be attended as a couple, rather than individually, starting 2–9 months before the wedding day.
- Premarital inventory. Completing the form enables the engaged couple to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, each other, and their relationship. Additionally, it highlights key topics that should be discussed to ensure the longevity of their future together.
- Attend Natural Family Planning classes. NFP is a series of classes, which as authors from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington maintain, “that provides you with the information needed to understand and interpret natural signs of fertility and infertility to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. Natural Family Planning has the added benefit of strengthening your marriage through enhanced communication and intimacy” (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington n.d.)
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- “It is extremely effective.
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- It is green. It is all natural, completely safe and there are no harmful side effects.
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- It is morally sound and completely consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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- It is virtually free and very easy to learn and practice.
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- It is useful throughout a woman’s reproductive years including breastfeeding, peri-menopause, post-partum.
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- It is custom tailored to each individual woman’s cycle, regular or irregular.”
The further stages of preparation for Catholic marriage include: planning the wedding liturgy with the priest (readings, prayers, music, hymns, date, and time), obtaining your marriage license (if the wedding is planned in a parish other than the engaged couple’s own). With that completed, it remains to take the encouragement of the authors of this programme, expressed in their words: “Celebrate your blessed wedding day!” When solemnising a marriage, the husband and wife are not left without support. It is recommended that they take advantage of available resources. The diocese offers opportunities for couples to “attend marriage enrichment workshops during your marriage or join a marriage enrichment group to gain support in your new Vocatio.”
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- “Marriage and your Family of Origin and Self-Awareness
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- Marriage and how you Communicate
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- Marriage and Your Conflict Management
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- Choosing the Sacrament of Marriage
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- Marriage and Your Commitment
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- Marriage and Your being Parents
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- Marriage and Your Fertility Awareness and Well-being
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- Marriage and Your Sexuality and Intimacy” (ibid.).
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dudziak, U. Support for Engaged Couples in Preparation for a Catholic Marriage. Religions 2024, 15, 460.
Dudziak U. Support for Engaged Couples in Preparation for a Catholic Marriage. Religions. 2024; 15(4):460.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDudziak, Urszula. 2024. "Support for Engaged Couples in Preparation for a Catholic Marriage" Religions 15, no. 4: 460.
APA StyleDudziak, U. (2024). Support for Engaged Couples in Preparation for a Catholic Marriage. Religions, 15(4), 460.