An Analysis of the Religious Solidarity Discourses Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Discourses of Religious Solidarity Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye
“Since the start of the conflict in Syria, Turkey followed an open door policy, which was accompanied by a discourse emphasizing religious solidarity and humanitarian values. This official discourse, presenting Turkey as a protector of fellow Muslims, generally resonates well with the conservative and religious segments of society. However, in a society characterized by various ethnic, sectarian and ideological cleavages, the arrival of Syrian refugees has become entangled with existing identity debates and conflicts.”
3.1. Discursive Theme: Ensar–Muhacir Analogy
“This nation has been the ensar for the oppressed throughout its history. Dating back to centuries ago, we have become both muhacir and ensar under different circumstances.”
“We are children of the same geography, but our states are different. We have a historical tie which requires us to closely follow, take care of and embrace each other when necessary, just as it is today… I just told your Turkish brothers in Kilis: You have opened your homes to your Syrian siblings and embraced them This reminds us the case of the ensar and muhacir in Islamic history. Unfortunately, we are experiencing these events, but we are glad that there is a nation who can embrace their siblings.”
“If you have a big heart and see those people as your siblings, you don’t consider them as a burden… Our government has never viewed our Syrian siblings as a burden. We have welcomed them as those entrusted by God. We approached them like ensar. They are muhacir and we are ensar.”
“We are a nation with the consciousness of ensar. We see all our siblings coming to our country as muhacir and welcome them. We open our homes to them and share our bread… They (opposition party leaders)4 know nothing about ensar and muhacir. They don’t know how wide open our nation’s hearts are.”
“Brothers, I repeat again. As long as we are in power in this country, we will not push these muhacir people back in accordance with what Mr. Kemal5 or his advocates say… We are coming from a different civilization. And in this civilization, there is ensar and muhacir. We have been raised with that ensar and muhacir culture. Therefore, we will keep protecting our brothers who fled the risk of death and sought refuge in our country just as we opened our gates to them in the first place.”
“We have regarded solidarity with our Syrian siblings in our country as a humanitarian responsibility. We have mobilized all of our facilities and opened our gates, homes and hearts with a ensar–muhacir spirit to our Syrian siblings who escaped a violent war and found refuge in our country…
… Approximately %93 of our refugee siblings has been living in our cities in peace and security with us. We are providing them with all opportunities for their survival. This situation is the outcome of our open door policy which depends on benevolence and an understanding of ensar–muhacir6.
3.2. Discursive Theme: The Emphases on the Ottoman Legacy
“For us, those who escape cruelty and come to Turkey to save their lives and honor are all in the same status of real brothers. Throughout history, this geography has served as a refuge for all who escaped cruelty. Jews exported from Spain headed for these lands. These lands embraced all those who were oppressed in the Caucasus regardless of their religions, culture and beliefs. For all our oppressed siblings from the Balkans to Turkistan, this territory has become a home… This legacy inherited from our ancestors will be inherited to our descendants with glory.”
“Although this foreign policy strategy devised by Davutoğlu was depending on a civilizational partnership based on factors like geography, history, culture and religion, the basic aim is to create a welfare space at the intersection point of Eurasia and the Middle East depending on the leadership or balancing of Türkiye. This foreign policy strategy devised by Davutoğlu, while raising Türkiye to a regional actor status who can control, shape or influence a broad geographical plane, also praises Türkiye as a key country within the Western World’s policy of opening towards the East.”
“Back in history, Syria and Iraq were Ottoman territories. The demographic structures of these societies are identical to ours. Turks, Kurda and Arabs live there too. In our southern provinces, Turks, Kurds and Arabs live together under kinship ties… Thinking in a humanitarian way, we share a historical kinship with them. There have been those who came from Aleppo, İdlib and Damascus and fought in Çanakkale. We can’t ignore them. We can’t treat them as foreigners, they are our religious fellows.”
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | As of June 2022, “Türkiye” has officially been approved by the United Nations as the international use to denote the Republic of Turkey. |
2 | AKP is the Turkish abbreviation for “Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi” (Justice and Development Party). AK Parti is the name generally used to denote the Party. |
3 | Since July 2023, the social media platform known for years a Twitter has changed its name to X under new ownership. |
4 | Definition in brackets has been added by the author. |
5 | Mr. Kemal (“Bay Kemal” in Turkish) was the politically sarcastic use by President Erdoğan to denote Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, former leader of the CHP, the main opposition party in Türkiye. |
6 | The words “ensar–muhacir” have been emphasized in the original text in bold and italic fonts. |
7 | Zekat is one of the fundamental obligations of Islam that orders Muslims with the necessary socio-economic competence to donate a certain part of their wealth to poor Muslims. Sadaka means charity, which includes ordinary donations in cash or in kind to poor Muslims. |
8 | Mazlum refers to those oppressed, victims in a disadvantaged status. |
9 | For example, Şefkateli Humanitarian Aid Association accessed on 3 February 2024 and Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Foundation (accessed on 3 February 2024). |
10 | Hadith refers to a comprehensive collection of the sayings and actions by the prophet Muhammad. |
11 | As Ottoman Armenians were predominantly followers of the Gregorian sect, the name Armenian was given to this religious millet category. |
12 | Müşrik is the name used to denote Meccan pagans who denied Muhammad’s prophethood. |
13 | Türkiyelilik means “being a citizen of Türkiye”, a term coined by the AKP leadership as an alternative use for “Turkishness” in its citizenship meaning. |
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Çoban, M. An Analysis of the Religious Solidarity Discourses Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye. Religions 2024, 15, 1216.
Çoban M. An Analysis of the Religious Solidarity Discourses Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye. Religions. 2024; 15(10):1216.
Chicago/Turabian StyleÇoban, Melih. 2024. "An Analysis of the Religious Solidarity Discourses Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye" Religions 15, no. 10: 1216.
APA StyleÇoban, M. (2024). An Analysis of the Religious Solidarity Discourses Regarding the Syrian Refugees in Türkiye. Religions, 15(10), 1216.