Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo
4. Universalistic Welfare State
5. Migration Control
6. Theological Underpinnings
7. Diaconia as the Art of the Possible
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | In Norwegian, foreign-looking street workers are often referred to as romfolk (“Roma people”), applying the ethnic designation indiscriminately to all visibly poor or destitute migrants. |
2 | PARI is formally conducted between from 4 January 2021 to 30 April 2024 with funding from Norway Grants and the Romanian state budget (see funding declaration). |
3 | A ban on rough sleeping in urban areas was enacted in Oslo in 2013 and remains in force at the time of writing (Seilskjær 2023, p. 44). Together with the opening of the emergency shelters that I describe in some more detail later, it has contributed to reducing the public visibility of some aspects Roma migrants’ private life. |
4 | The European Economic Area comprises the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. |
5 | I have translated all quotes from Norwegian sources into English. |
6 | According to Engebrigtsen and Haug (2018, p. 39), an acknowledgement of Norwegian public authorities’ humanitarian responsibilities towards the target group underlay the grant scheme, although this claim was not further explained or substantiated. EU migrants’ rights and the public authorities’ responsibilities have remained underexplored in the Norwegian context. Only in 2023, for example, were reviews of EU migrants’ right to shelter published on the initiative of the Church City Mission (Norwegian National Human Rights Institution 2023; Seilskjær 2023). |
7 | The extensive media coverage of a recent report on people using food banks titled Charity in the welfare state (Fløtten et al. 2023) illustrates how strong this ideal is. |
8 | The phrase that “[t]he measures given support […] shall not promote begging” in the call for the statal grant scheme supporting the services underlines this impression (Ministry of Justice and Public Security 2013). |
9 | It should be noted that other people using the services are trying to settle in Norway (cf. Seilskjær and Jensen 2023), raising other questions. |
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Holte, B.H. Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway. Religions 2023, 14, 817. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14070817
Holte BH. Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway. Religions. 2023; 14(7):817. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14070817
Chicago/Turabian StyleHolte, Bjørn Hallstein. 2023. "Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway" Religions 14, no. 7: 817. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14070817
APA StyleHolte, B. H. (2023). Diaconia as the Art of the Possible: Diaconal Engagement for Roma Migrants in Oslo, Norway. Religions, 14(7), 817. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14070817