The Ecological Transition from the Perspective of the Poor †
:1. Introduction
2. First Hit, First Sunk
3. First Hit, First Experts
4. Genevieve and Francis of Assisi: An Anthropology to Be Reconstructed
The bed is important… When you are lying down, you can see a spot on the wall and it allows you to dream… the chair is also important… You can for example look through the window and see the sun shining on the wall… Another reason to dream and it is reassuring to see every day the shadow moving… when you have nothing, these are things that you have!!!
5. From Representativeness to Exhaustiveness: A Policy to Be Rebuilt
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | ATD means All together in Dignity. It is based on the practice of Joseph Wresinski: “Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty”. See (accessed on 10 December 2023). |
2 | See (Freire 1970). Freire also had a strong influence on the development of the Fourth World popular universities. |
3 | Many of these initiatives following Diaconia2013 are listed on the site: (accessed on 10 December 2023). |
4 | (Blanchon 2017), see “Introduction”, pp. 15–34 for the method; (Odinet 2021), see “Enjeux méthodologiques”, pp. 21–69 for the method, and more precisely the concept of “homologie de situations” developped by Marc Donzé, (Odinet 2018) ans my own works. See (Odinet 2022). |
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6 | Any list of examples must renounce being complete: dramatic evolutions for certain geographical areas (rising waters in Bangladesh, advance of the Sahara, flooding of the Mekong Delta…), violence of specific phenomena (Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Hurricane Dorian in 2019). See (Larrère 2017; Gemenne and Rankovic 2019; Alier 2014). |
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8 | Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, n. 88. |
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10 | These paths were sketched out through research by the Fraternité de la Pierre d’Angle, a fraternity of Fourth World Christians. The quotations from people in precarious situations come essentially from this research. See (Le Méhauté 2022). |
11 | See the works of Thomas Piketti, Gaël Giraud or Cécile Renouard among others. |
12 | Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, n. 198. |
13 | Literally “card board people” and “recyclers”. See (Pope Francis 2013). |
14 | Founded in 1887, this prison became in 1989 “the Centre d’accueil et de soins hospitaliers de Nanterre” whose violent reality is described by (Declerck 2001). |
15 | Even in other texts where Francis of Assisi’s attachment to animals is evident, they always appear free, “birds without borders (…) that cross the boundary of the enclosure without permission” (Kervyn 2009, p. 73). The wolf of Gubbio is not tamed but a relationship is negotiated with the villagers according to what we could call with Baptiste Morizot an “inter-species diplomacy” where animality is neither restrained, nor domesticated. “I call “Stépanoff’s paradox” (…) the strange idea that, in order to domesticate the wildest desires, that is to say to live well with them and by them, it is necessary to maintain them in a wild state” (Morizot 2020). |
16 | “Over no man, but especially over no other brother, no brother shall ever avail himself of any power of domination” (RnB, 5,9), (Dalarun 2010, p. 196). |
17 | In a 1980 retreat, Christ, Man of Mercy, Joseph Wresinski states that “forgiveness is a way of living in the world of misery. Our theological work suggests that forgiveness is also a way of believing in the world of poverty. Understood from the perspective of the Fourth World, it allows us to go deeper into areas left fallow by main stream theology, Christology, or ecclesiology. |
18 | Le Méhauté Frédéric-Marie. 2023. “Comme nous pardonnons aussi… Entendre l’appel des plus pauvres au pardon”, in (Fédou and Graber 2023, pp. 47–68). |
19 | Sentence from a “poor old lady” reported by Pope Francis during his first angelus on 13 March 2013. |
20 | Testament 2, (Dalarun 2010, p. 308). |
21 | (Latour 2021). In a more fundamental philosophical perspective, Augustin Berque advances the concept of ecumene, a set of human environments, each based on the coupling between the animal body and the technical or symbolic environment (Berque 1996). |
22 | Obviously, we must take these echoes with care. The poverty of Francis of Assisi is first of all a fully chosen poverty. For the vast majority, precariousness is suffered and experienced first of all as a trial and a suffering. Listening to the poorest must not at any cost lead to naturalizing poverty, to making it acceptable or useful in some historical or divine plan! Misery and injustice are to be destroyed. However, we can learn from those who suffer most from it and who are on the front line in this struggle. Etty Hillesum wrote in her diary in 1942: “The Westerner does not accept that suffering is part of life. So he is unable to draw positive forces from it”. There is a fine line between acceptance and resignation, but the challenge is to discern anthropologically, politically, theologically… what these experiences of precariousness reveal as transforming and liberating energies. |
23 | Concerning these distinctions and their difficult articulations, see (Le Blanc 2007). |
24 | Meeting held in France on the initiative of President Macron to find ways to articulate sustainability and acceptability of the ecological transition. |
25 | See the note by Thierry Pech and Clara Pisani-Ferry of Terra Nova dated 7 December 2020. |
26 | Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, n. 118. |
27 | Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, n. 235. |
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Le Méhauté, F.-M. The Ecological Transition from the Perspective of the Poor. Religions 2023, 14, 1540.
Le Méhauté F-M. The Ecological Transition from the Perspective of the Poor. Religions. 2023; 14(12):1540.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLe Méhauté, Frédéric-Marie. 2023. "The Ecological Transition from the Perspective of the Poor" Religions 14, no. 12: 1540.
APA StyleLe Méhauté, F. -M. (2023). The Ecological Transition from the Perspective of the Poor. Religions, 14(12), 1540.