The Odae chinŏn (Five Great Mantras) and Dhāraṇī Collections in Premodern Korea
:1. Introduction
2. Early Editions of the Five Great Mantras, Queen Insu, and Hakcho
The colophon was respectfully written by the religious man (sanin 山人) and vassal (sin 臣) Hakcho 學祖, in the early summer of ŭlsa 乙巳, the twenty-first year of the Chenghua 成化 reign period [1485].
3. The Forty-Two Hand-Mantras
4. Nīlakaṇṭha-dhāraṇī, or The Great Dhāraṇī of Spiritually Sublime Phrases
觀世音菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Avalokiteśvara |
大勢至菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Mahāsthāmaprāpta |
千手菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Thousand-Armed [Avalokiteśvara] |
如意輪菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Cintāmaṇi-cakra [Avalokiteśvara]7 |
大輪菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Mahācakra8 |
觀自在菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Avalokiteśvara |
正趣菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Ananyagāmin9 |
滿月菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Full Moon |
水月菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Water Moon |
軍陁利菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Kuṇḍalī10 |
十一面菩薩摩訶薩 | The Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva Eleven-Faced [Avalokiteśvara] |
諸大菩薩摩訶薩 | All the great bodhisattva-mahāsattvas (Odae chinŏn 1635, 24a) |
5. Basic Dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara
6. Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī
稽首蓮華胎藏敎 | I humbly kowtow to the teaching of the lotus flower womb treasury, |
無邊淸淨摠持門 | The approach of the dhāraṇī of boundless cleanliness and purity, |
普遍光明照十方 | The ten directions of universal light and radiance, |
燄鬘應化三千界 | The three thousand worlds of the response and transformation of flaming fair hair, |
如意寶印從心現 | The jeweled seal of wish-fulfillment follows the manifestations of the mind, |
無能勝主大明主 | The lord who is unable to be overcome, the lord of great brilliance, |
常住如來三昧中 | Who constantly abides in the samādhi of the tathāgata, |
超證瑜伽圓覺位 | Transcends to and realizes the level of Yoga and Perfect Enlightenment. |
毘盧遮那尊演說 | The Honored Vairocana delivered a sermon |
金剛手捧妙明燈 | Vajradhara held the lamp of sublime brilliance in his hands |
流傳密語與衆生 | Circulated esoteric words with living beings |
悉地助修成熟法 | Siddhis aid in cultivating ripe dharmas |
五濁愚迷心覺悟 | The five impurities12 deceive and delude the awakening and enlightenment of the mind. |
誓求無上大菩薩 | Swear to seek the unsurpassed great bodhisattvas |
一常讚念此微詮 | Who all constantly praise and recollect this subtle explanation, |
得證如來無漏智 | Attain the realization of the Tathāgata’s knowledge that is devoid of outflows, |
諦想觀心月輪際 | True perception visualizes the limits of the moon-wheel of the mind |
凝然不動觀本尊 | The Honored One who gazes fixedly, is immovable, and observes the origin, |
所求願滿稱其心 | Is he who pursues vows and fully states his mind |
故號隨求能自在 | Hence, he is called the Self-Existing One Who Is Able to Confer Whatever One Wants |
依敎念滿洛叉遍 | Depending on teaching and recollecting the universality of abundant lakṣas |
能攘宿曜及災神 | It is able to resist the lodges, luminaries, and gods of calamities |
生生値此陀羅尼 | At the time they are produced, this dhāraṇī |
世世獲居安樂地 | Obtains residence in the land of peace and bliss generation after generation |
見世不遭諸枉橫 | Sees that the world does not encounter all vain and cross things |
火焚水溺及災殃 | From being burned by fire and drowned by water to injured by calamities |
不被軍陣損身形 | [And] does not suffer injury to one’s physical form on the battlefield |
盜賊相逢自安樂 | Thieves and robbers meet each other from peace and bliss, |
縱犯波羅十惡罪 | Are allowed to break the pāramitās and [commit] the sins of the ten evil acts13 |
五逆根本及七遮 | The root origin of the five heinous crimes14 and seven heinous crimes.15 |
聞誦隨求陀羅尼 | Hearing and chanting the Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī |
應是諸惡皆消滅 | It responds to all these evils and eradicates them all. |
陁羅尼力功無量 | The power and merit of the dhāraṇī are limitless, |
故我發心常誦持 | So I arouse the aspiration to constantly chant it and bear it [in mind]. |
願廻勝力施含靈 | I vow to turn its victorious power and bestow it on living creatures |
同得無爲超悉地 | So that together they may obtain the siddhi that transcends the unconditioned. (Odae chinŏn 1635, 32a–33a; Sugu yŏnghŏm 1569, 1a–3b; Kim 2010, p. 238) |
7. Buddhoṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī
稽首光明大佛頂 | I humbly kowtow to the radiant Great Buddha’s crown, |
如來萬行首楞嚴 | The śūraṃgama16 of the myriad practices of the Tathāgata. |
開無相門圓寂宗 | He discloses the approach to the markless and the core teaching of perfect quiescence; |
字字觀照金剛定 | In each and every word one contemplates the vajra absorption. |
瑜伽妙音傳心印 | The sublime sounds of Yoga transmit the mind-seals, |
摩訶衍行揔持王 | The king of the dhāraṇī of Mahāyāna practice, |
說此秘密悉怛多 | Explains this esoteric Sitāta[patra-dhāraṇī?], |
解脫法身金剛句 | Delivering the vajra phrases of the dharma-body. |
菩提力大虛空量 | The power of bodhi and the capacity of great empty space, |
三昧智印果無邊 | The fruits of samādhi and wisdom-seals are boundless. |
不持齋者是持齋 | Not observing abstinence is observing abstinence; |
不持戒者名持戒 | Not observing the precepts is called observing the precepts |
八萬四千金剛衆 | The throng of eighty-four thousand vajradevas |
行住坐臥每相隨 | Walking, standing, sitting, and lying down—always accompany one [in all situations]. |
十方法界諸如來 | All tathāgatas in the dharma realms of the ten directions |
護念加威受持者 | Protect and keep in mind and empower the majesty of those who receive and observe them. |
念滿一萬八千遍 | Chanting them a full eighteen thousand times |
遍遍入於無相定 | In each and every individual [chant] one enters the markless absorption |
号稱堅固金剛憧 | Which designates a firm vajra yearning |
自在得名人勝佛 | Unrestrained, it acquires the name: Buddha Victorious Over Men |
縱使罵詈不為過 | Even if abusive language is not excessive |
諸天常聞說法聲 | All gods constantly hear the sounds of the dharma being preached |
神通變化不思議 | Spiritual penetrations change into the inconceivable; |
陁羅尼門最第一 | The approach of dhāraṇī is the greatest! |
大聖放光佛頂力 | The Great Saint emits light by means of the power of the Buddha’s crown; |
掩惡揚善證菩提 | Coving up unwholesomeness and propagating wholesomeness, one realizes bodhi. |
唯聞念者瞻蔔香 | Merely hearing chants, campaka17 incense, |
不齅一切餘香氣 | Does not smell all remaining incense fragrances |
設破二百五十戒 | Establishing and breaking the two hundred and fifty precepts |
及犯佛制八波羅 | And violates the Buddhist regulations, the pārājikas |
聞念佛頂大明王 | Hearing and chanting the Buddhoṣṇīṣa-mahā-vidyā-rāja |
便得具足聲聞戒 | One soon acquires the full precepts of the śrāvakas |
若人殺害怨家衆 | If a person kills an enemy family or throng, |
常行十惡罪無變 | Constantly doing the ten unwholesome actions, and his sins are unchanged, |
蹔聞灌頂不思議 | And momentarily hears of the inconceivability of consecration, |
恒沙罪障皆消滅 | His sins and hindrances, as much as the sands of the Ganges, will all be eradicated. |
現受阿鼻大地獄 | [If] he is actively experiencing Avīcī, the Great Hell, |
鑊湯鑪炭黑繩人 | Or a person in [the hells of] cauldrons of molten iron, stoves of burning coals, or black rope; |
若發菩提片善心 | If he arouses bodhi, a piece of a wholesome aspiration, |
一聞永得生天道 | All at once he will hear and perpetually obtain rebirth in the Path of the Gods. |
我今依經說啓請 | I now relying on this sūtra, explain this invocative petition, |
無量功徳普莊嚴 | Immeasurable meritorious virtues and universal ornamentation |
聽者念者得揔持 | Those who hear and those who chant [will] attain [this] dhāraṇī |
同獲涅盤寂滅樂 | And together obtain nirvāṇa, the bliss of quiescence. (Odae chinŏn 1635, 59a9–92b3; Kim 2010, p. 256). |
8. Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī
稽首千葉蓮華藏 | I humbly kowtow to the thousand-leaf lotus flower storehouse [realm], |
金剛座上尊勝王 | The Victorious King of the Adamantine High Seat, |
爲滅七返傍生難 | For eradicating the disasters associated with seven rebirths |
灌頂摠持妙章句 | [There are] consecrations and dhāraṇīs, subtle syllables and phrases. |
八十八億如來傳 | Eighty-eight million tathāgatas transmit |
願舒金手摩我頂 | And vow to stretch out their golden hands to touch the crown of my head |
流通變化濟舍靈 | To circulate, transform, and bring about my efficacy |
故我一心恒讚頌 | Hence, I, with a single mind, always sing its praises. (Odae chinŏn 1635, 92b4–7) |
- Greater Spell
Korea: 唵 阿蜜哩多 鉢囉陛 尾布攞蘖陛 母地娑多迷 悉地悉地 麽賀蘖陛都嚕都嚕 娑嚩賀Om amirida parabye miboraalbye mojisadamye sijisiji mahaalbye torodoro sabaha(Odae chinŏn 1635, 97a1–7)
Tang: 唵 阿密哩多 鉢羅陛 微布擇蘖陛 鉢羅菩提 摩訶蘖陛 都魯都魯 娑嚩賀Om amirida parabye mibot’aegalbye parabori mahaalbye torodoro sabaha(T 1803, 39.1032c25–27)
- Lesser Spell
Korea: 唵 阿蜜哩多 惹縛底娑嚩賀Om amirida abajisabaha(Odae chinŏn 1635, 97a8–b2)
Tang: 唵阿密里多諦 惹縛底娑嚩賀Om amiridadye abajisabaha(T 1803, 39.1032c28–29)
9. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance
10. Concluding Reflections
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Kyujanggak 奎章閣, founded in 1776 by Chosŏn king Chŏngjo 正祖 (1776–1800), was the royal library of the Chosŏn dynasty and was originally located on the grounds of Ch’angdŏk Palace 昌德宮 in Seoul. Presently, it is known as the Kyujanggak Royal Library or Kyujanggak Archives are maintained by Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at the Seoul National University, located in Sillim-dong 新林洞, Kwanak-ku 冠岳區 in Seoul. |
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3 | The four extensive vows (sa hongwŏn 四弘願; or Ch. hongsi shiyuan 弘四誓願) are the four great vows made by all bodhisattvas. The contents of the four vows varies a little according to the sūtra in which they appear; here we will follow the Yuan edition of the Liuzu tanjing 六祖檀經 (Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch): (1) the vow to save all of the limitless living beings; (2) the vow to sever all defilements; (3) the vow to learn all aspects of the Buddhadharma; and (4) the vow to attain the most supreme and perfect enlightenment (T 2008, 48.354a10–13). |
4 | The Vernacular Translation of the Commentaries of the Three Masters of the Diamond Sūtra (Kŭmgang kyŏng samgahae ŏnhae 金剛經三家解諺解) is a vernacular Korean translation of the verses (song 頌) of the Southern Song monk Yefu Daochuan冶父道川 (active 12th cen.), the outline or synopsis (chegang, Ch. tigang 提綱) of the Yuan-period monk Zongjing Zongshu 宗鏡宗書 (1300–1367), and the commentary (sŏrŭi 說誼) of the early Chosŏn-period Korean monk Kihwa 己和 (Hamhŏ Tŭkt’ong 涵虛得通, 1376–1433). |
5 | The four groups of living beings (sasaeng, Ch. sisheng 四生) refer to the four kinds of living beings born in the three world systems and six destinies (samgye yukto, Ch. sanjie liudao 三界六道): (1) womb-born (t’aesaeng, Ch. taisheng 胎生; Skt. jarāyujā-yoni), people and beasts born through their mother’s womb from within the belly; (2) egg-born (nansaeng, Ch. luansheng 卵生; Skt. aṇḍaja-yoni), birds and fish born from eggs; (3) moisture-born (sŭpsaeng, Ch. shisheng 濕生; Skt. saṃsvedajā-yoni), things such as bugs and insects born as a result of humidity; the three foregoing are also called born by casual connections (inyŏnsaeng, Ch. yinyuansheng 因緣生) and born in accordance with cold and heat (hanyŏl hwahap saeng, Ch. hanre hehe sheng 寒熱和合生); and (4) transformation-born (hwasaeng, Ch. huasheng 化生; Skt. upapādukā-yoni), things made suddenly by transformation in accordance with their own karma and that do not rely on other things, but are living beings born in the heavens and the hells. |
6 | “Seeing and hearing” (kyŏnmun, Ch. jianwen 見聞) is an abbreviation of “the level of seeing and hearing” (kyŏnmun wi, Ch. jianwen wei 見聞位), and is also called “a life of seeing and hearing” (kyŏnmun saeng, Ch. jianwen sheng 見聞生). The level of seeing and hearing refers to the first level among the “The three kinds of students achieve Buddhahood” (samsaeng sŏngbul, Ch. sansheng chengfo 三生成佛), which is spoken of in the Hwaŏm/Huayan tradition. It is the level in which one hears the truth of the Hwaŏm tradition and resolutely goes forth in the possibility of his being able to achieve Buddhahood in the future. Just like seeing and hearing and planting the seed of the achievement of Buddhahood, it is said that the individual puts these contents of “seeing and hearing” the Hwaŏm teachings into practice and works forward doing all things to mature themselves in their bodies. Fazang says: “The level of seeing and hearing is the level of seeing and hearing the inexhaustible approaches to dharma of the Avataṃsaka-sūtra and accomplishing such things as the adamantine seed.” See Huayan yisheng jiaoyi fenqi zhang 2, T 1866, 45.489c5–6. The Hwaŏm ilsŭng sŏngbul myoŭi 華嚴一乘成佛妙義 says: ‘With respect to the level of seeing and hearing, because it is precisely Sudhana’s seeing and hearing a dharma just like that of Samantabhadra in a previous life, he accomplished the wholesome roots of that domain of liberation” (H 51, 3.728a19–21). Additionally, according to the Huayan jing wenda 華嚴經問答 (attributed to Fazang but probably composed in Korea), in the level of seeing and hearing, the reason one does not take a place and get pushed out, although one has heard a great dharma is because it does not exist itself according to what one has heard (T 1873, 45.601a12–13). |
7 | One of the six forms of Avalokiteśvara, who saves people by means of a wish-fulfilling gem and a wheel (cakra). For the rendering of the name as Cintāmaṇi-cakra, see Ui Hakuju (Ui 1989, p. 837); Nakamura ([1975] 1999, 1060b–c); and as Cakravarti-cintāmaṇi, see Nakamura (2002, p. 798l). |
8 | I have only found *Mahācakra Bodhisattva attested in one other place in East Asian Buddhist writings (X 1482, 74.559a22–23). A *Mahācakra Vidyārāja (Dalun mingwang, Kor. Taeryun myŏngwang 大輪明王) is attested in Tang and Song materials (T 1169, 20.685c24; T 1191, 20.875b25). |
9 | One of the fifty-three spiritual mentors who guides the lad Sudhana on his spiritual journey in the “Entering the Dharma Realm” chapter of the Avataṃsaka-sūtra (T 279, 10.367b12). |
10 | In the Japanese context, Kuṇḍalī is usually transliterated as Gundari 軍茶利 (Kor. Kundari, Ch. Junchali) and is one of the Vidyārāja (myōō 明王). A “Kuṇḍalī Bodhisattva” 軍茶利菩薩 is attested in the Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釋教錄 (T 2154, 55.599b11–13). In Japanese, he is also known as “Yakṣa Kuṇḍalī of the Southern Region” (Nanpo Gundari Yasha 南方軍茶利夜叉) or “Sweet-dew dispensing Kuṇḍalī” (Kanro Gundari 甘露軍茶利). He is the Amṛta Kuṇḍalī or Amṛta Kuṇḍikā found in some Sanskrit texts. In the Garbhadhatū Maṇḍala, he is likened to a bodhisattva and is called “Vajra Kuṇḍalī” (Kongō Gundari Bosatsu 金剛軍茶利菩薩). His hand holds a jar of divine sweet dew (amṛta, Kor. kamno 甘露), which confers immortality. Additionally, in the same maṇḍala, he is one of the acolytes of Vajrasattva (Jpn. Kongōsatta 金剛薩) and is the wrathful manifestation of Ratnasambhava in the south. Kuṇḍalī is conventionally depicted with one face and eight arms. See Frédéric (1995, pp. 209–10). |
11 | The Dongguk University Library has another woodblock print of the Five Great Mantras, not treated in this study. The information on this version (also with the classification no. 분류기호 [分類記號] 213.19) in the online catalog says that the contents are the six dhāraṇīs, including the Basic Dhāraṇī on the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. In addition, the catalog information says that it was published in 1485. However, no place of publication is recorded. This version, like the 1635 edition, includes the 1485 colophon; but it is unclear whether it was actually published as early as 1485. |
12 | The five impurities are the impurities of lifespan (shouzhuo 壽濁), kalpas (jiezhuo 劫濁), defilements (fannaozhuo 煩惱濁), views (jianzhuo 見濁), and those with feelings (youqingzhuo 有情濁). Apidamo jushelun 阿毘達磨俱舍論 (Abhidharmakośabhāṣya) 12, T 1558, 29.64a21–22. |
13 | The ten evil acts (sibak, Ch. shie 十惡) are (1) killing, (2) stealing, (3) adultery, (4) lying, (5) duplicity, (6) coarse language, (7) filthy language, (8) covetousness, (9) anger, and (10) perverted views (T 26, 1.437b28–c27). |
14 | The five heinous crimes (oyŏk, Ch. wuni 五逆) are (1) patricide, (2) matricide, (3) killing an arhat, (4) shedding the blood of a Buddha, and (5) destroying the harmony of the saṃgha (T 1558, 29.926b27–29). |
15 | The seven heinous acts (ch’ich’a, Ch. qizhe 七遮 or ch’iryŏk, Ch. qini 七逆) are shedding the blood of a buddha, killing one’s father, killing one’s mother, killing a monk, killing one’s teacher, disrupting the saṃgha, and killing an arhat (T 1484, 24.1005b18 and 1008c8–11). |
16 | Śūraṃgama (surŭngŏm, Ch. shoulengyan 首楞嚴) or “heroic valor,” is the transliteration of a concept translated as “mark or characteristic of vigor” (kŏnsang, Ch. jianxiang 健相). It refers to the virtue or power that enables a buddha to overcome every obstacle. Such power is obtained through the Śūraṃgama-samādhi (surŭngŏm chŏng, Ch. shoulengyan ding 首楞嚴定; or sunŭngŏm sammae, Ch. shoulengyan sanmei 首楞嚴三昧). |
17 | Campaka (ch’ŏmbok, Ch. zhanbo 瞻蔔) is a tree with yellow fragrant flowers (michelia champaka), which produces a kind of perfume. |
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19 | A Sanskrit manuscript of the sūtra was discovered in the late 20th century, probably in Gilgit, is held by the Miho Museum in Japan. Although the manuscript is damaged, its title is preserved at the end of the text: Sarvagatipariśodhanoṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī. Like most Sanskrit dhāraṇī texts, the word sūtra does not appear in the title (Schopen n.d.; cited in Kuo 2014, p. 374 n. 14). According to Fei Changfang 費長方 (fl. 597), a now-lost Foding zhoujing bing gongneng 佛頂呪經并功能 (The Uṣṇīṣa spell and its meritorious abilities) was translated by Jñānayaśas (Zhe’nayeshe 闍那耶舍) (T 2034, 49.100b17). |
Primary Sources
An Chinho 安震湖, comp. 1984. Sŏngmun ŭibŏm 釋門儀範 [Buddhist rituals]. Seoul: Pŏmnyunsa.Ch’oe Ch’wihŏ 崔就墟, and An Sŏgyŏn 安錫淵, comp. 1931. Pulcha p’illam 佛子必覽 [Must read texts for Buddhists]. Yech’ŏn 醴泉: Yŏnbangsa 蓮邦舍.F: Fangshan shijing房山石經 [Fangshan stone canon]. 30 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000. [vols. 1–5, sūtras carved in Sui-Tang period 隋唐刻經; vols. 6–28, sūtras carved in the Liao-Jin period 遼金刻經; vol. 29, sūtras carved in the Ming period 明代刻經; vol. 30, catalog and index 目錄索引].F 1071: Shijiao zuishangsheng mimizang tuoluoni ji 釋教最上乘秘密藏陀羅尼集 [Collection of dhāraṇīs in the esoteric storehouse of the most superior vehicle of the Śākyamuni’s teachings]. 30 rolls. Compiled by the Liao monk Xinglin 行琳 (d.u.). F 1071, 28.1a–250b.H: Han’guk Pulgyo chŏnsŏ 韓國佛教全書 [Collected Works of Korean Buddhism]. Comp. Han’guk Pulgyo Chŏnsŏ Pyŏnch’an Wiwŏnhoe 韓國佛教全書編纂委員會 [Committee for the Compilation of the Collected Works of Korean Buddhism]. 14 vols. Seoul: Tongguk Taehakgyo Ch’ulp’anbu, 1979–2004. [Numbering of texts following Project Unit for Archives of Buddhist Culture of the Academy of Buddhist Studies at Dongguk University, Compendium of the Complete Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Dongguk University Press, 2015), xvii–xxii.]H 51: Hwaŏm ilsŭng sŏngbul myoŭi 華嚴一乘成佛妙義 (The Sublime Meaning of Achieving Buddhahood in the One Vehicle of the Avataṃsaka), One roll. By Kyŏndŭng 見登 (ninth century). T 1890, 45.775c–792c; H 51, 3.719c–743c.Odae chinŏn 1485A: Ch’ongjip mun 摠集文 (on cover). Classified as Odae chinŏn chip 五大眞言集. Place of publication unknown. Colophon dated 1485. Woodblock print in Dongguk University Library no. 213.19 (貴 D 213.19 다 231 ㅇ).Odae chinŏn 1485B: Pulchŏng chonsŭng tarani wal 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼曰 (on cover). Classified as Odae chinŏn chip 五大眞言集. Place of publication unknown. Colophon dated 1485. Woodblock print in Dongguk University Library no. 213.19 (貴 D 213.19 다 231 ㅇ C 2).Odae chinŏn 1550: Odae chip 五大集 (on cover). Sobaeksan 小伯山 (P’unggi 豊基): Ch’ŏram 哲庵. Colophon dated 1550 Woodblock print in Dongguk University Library no. 219.19 (貴 D 213.19 영P3 C3).Odae chinŏn 1635: Odae chinŏn 五大眞言. Originally published at Ssangye Monastery 雙磎寺in Ŭnjin 恩津, Ch’ungch’ŏng Province, in 1635. Kyujanggak kosŏ 奎章閣古書 no. 6749. Photolithographic reprint in Kim, Mubong김무봉. 2010. Yŏkchu Sangwŏnsa chungch’ang kwŏnsŏnmun Yŏnghŏm yakch’o odae chinŏn (역주) 상원사중창권선문 영험약초 오대진언 (上院寺重創勸善文/靈驗略抄; 隨求靈驗/五大眞言). Seoul: Sejong Taewang Kinyŏm Sanŏphoe, pp. 139–358 (from the back; annotation given following original pagination).Odae chinŏn n.d. A: Blank cover. Classified as Odae chip 五大集. Place of publication unknown. Woodblock print in Dongguk University Library no. 213.14.Odae chinŏn n.d. B: Odae chip 五大集 (on cover). Place of publication unknown. Woodblock print in Dongguk University Library no. 213.14.Sugu yŏnghŏm 1569: Sugu chu 隨求呪 (on cover). Classified as Sugu yŏnghŏm 隨求靈驗. Originally published at Ssangye Monastery 雙磎寺in Ŭnjin 恩津, Ch’ungch’ŏng Province, in 1569. Photolithographic reprint in Kim, Mubong김무봉. 2010. Yŏkchu Sangwŏnsa chungch’ang kwŏnsŏnmun Yŏnghŏm yakch’o odae chinŏn (역주) 상원사중창권선문 영험약초 오대진언 (上院寺重創勸善文/靈驗略抄; 隨求靈驗/五大眞言). Seoul: Sejong Taewang Kinyŏm Sanŏphoe, pp. 85–138 (from the back; annotation given following original pagination).T: Taishō shinshū dai zōkyō 大正新修大藏經 [Taishō edition of the Buddhist canon]. Ed. Takakasu Junjirō 高楠順次郎, et al. 100 vols. Tokyo: Taishō Issaikyō Kankōkai, 1924–1935.T 26: Zhong ahan jing 中阿含經 (Madhyamāgama), 60 rolls. Trans. Gautama Saṅghadeva (Qutan Sengjiatipo 瞿曇僧伽提婆, fl. 383–398) between 397–398. T 26, 1.421a–809c.T 279: Dafangguang fo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 (Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra, Flower Garland Sūtra), 80 rolls. Trans. Śikṣānanda (Shichanantuo 實叉難陀, 652–710) between 695 and 699. T 279, 10.1a–444c.T 944A: Dafoding rulai fangguang xidaduoboluo tuoluoni 大佛頂如來放光悉怛多缽怛囉陀羅尼 (*Buddhōṣṇīṣa-prabhā-mahā-sitātapatra-dhāraṇī). Transliteration attributed to Amoghavajra (Bukong 不空, 705–774). T 944A, 19.100a–102c.T 945: Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 = Dafoding rulai miyin xiuzheng liaoyi zhu pusa wanxing shoulengyan jing大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 (Śūraṃgama-sūtra), 10 rolls. Translation attributed to Pāramiti (Banlamidi 般剌蜜帝) in 705. T 945, 19.105c-155b.T 967: Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 (Uṣṇīṣavijayā-dhāraṇī), One roll. Trans. Buddhapāli (Fotuoboli佛陁波利, fl. late seventh century) in 683. T 967, 19.349a–352c.T 1056: Jin’gangding yuga qianshou qianan Guanzizai pusa xiuxing yigui jing 金剛頂瑜伽千手千眼觀自在菩薩修行儀軌經 [Ritual manual sūtra on cultivating practices of Thousand-Handed Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara of the Vajraśekara Yoga], Two rolls. Trans. Amoghavajra (Bukong 不空, 705–774). T 1056, 20.72a–83a.T 1057A: Qianyan qianbi Guanshiyin pusa tuoluoni shenzhou jing 千眼千臂觀世音菩薩陀羅尼神呪經 (Nīlakaṇṭha), One roll. Trans. Zhitong 智通 between 627 and 649. T 1057A, 20.83b–90a 96b.T 1057B: Qianyan qianbi Guanshiyin pusa tuoluoni shenzhou jing 千眼千臂觀世音菩薩陀羅尼神呪經 (Nīlakaṇṭha), One roll. Trans. Zhitong 智通 between 627 and 649. T 1057B, 20.90a–96b.T 1058: Qianyan qianbi Guanshiyin pusa lao tuoluoni shenzhou jing 千眼千臂觀世音菩薩姥陀羅尼身呪經 (Nīlakaṇṭha), One roll. Trans. Bodhiruci II (Putiliuzhi 菩提流支, d. 727) in 709. T 1058, 20.96b–103c.T 1060: Qianshou qianyan Guanshiyin pusa guangda yuanman wuai dabeixin tuoluoni jing 千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經 (Nīlakaṇṭha), One roll. Trans. Bhagavaddharma (Qiefandamo 伽梵達磨) between 650 and 661. T 1060, 20.105c–111c.T 1061: Qianshou qianyan Guanzizai pusa guangda yuanman wuai dabeixin tuoluoni zhuben 千手千眼觀自在菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼呪本 (Nīlakaṇṭhanāma-dhāraṇī), One roll. Trans. Vajrabodhi (Jin’gangzhi 金剛智, 671–741). T 1061, 20.112a–113c.T 1062B: Shizun shengzhe qianyan qianshou qianzu qianshe qianbi Guanzizai pusa duodamo guangda yuanman wuai dabeixin tuoluoni 世尊聖者千眼千首千足千舌千臂觀自在菩提薩埵怛嚩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼, One section. T 1062B, 20.114b.T 1064: Qianshou qianyan Guanshiyin pusa dabeixin tuoluoni 千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼 (Nīlakaṇṭha-dhāraṇī), One roll. Attributed to Amoghavajra (Bukong 不空, 705–774). T 1064, 20.115b–119b.T 1065: Qianguangyan Guanzizai pusa mimifa jing 千光眼觀自在菩薩祕密法經 [Sūtra on the Esoteric Dharma of the Thousand-eyed Avalokiteśvara], One roll. Trans. Sanmeisufuluo 三昧蘇嚩羅. T 1065, 20.119c–116c.T 1803: Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing jiaoji yiji 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經教跡義記 [Traces of the teaching and record of the meaning of the Uṣṇīṣavijayā-dhāraṇī-sūtra], Two rolls. By Fachong 法崇 (fl. 760s–770s). T 1803, 39.1012a–1040c.T 1153: Pubian guangming qingjing zhizheng ruyi baoyinxin wuneng sheng damingwang suiqiu tuoluoni jing普遍光明清淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王大隨求陀羅尼經 (Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī), Two rolls. Trans. Amoghavajra (Bukong 不空, 705–774). T 1153, 20.616a–637b.T 1154: Suiqiu jide dazizai tuoluoni shenzhou jing 隨求即得大自在陀羅尼神呪經 (Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī), One roll. Trans. Baosiwei 寳思惟 (Manicintana?, d. 721) in 693. T 1154, 20.637b–644b.T 1155: Jin’gangding yuga zuisheng mimi chengfo suiqiu zede shenbian jiachi chengjiu tuoluoni yigui 金剛頂瑜伽最勝祕密成佛隨求即得神變加持成就陀羅尼儀軌 [Ritual manual on the Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī], One roll. Attributed to Amoghavajra (Bukong 不空, 705–774). T 1155, 20.644b–649b.T 1558: Apidamo jushe lun 阿毘達磨俱舍論 (Abhidharmakośabhāṣya), 30 rolls. By Vasubandhu (Shiqin 世親, 400–480). Trans. Xuanzang 玄奘 (ca. 600–664). T 1558, 29.1a–159b.T 1169: Foshuo chimingzang yuga dajiao zunna pusa daming chengjiu yigui jing 佛說持明藏瑜伽大教尊那菩薩大明成就儀軌經 [Ritual manual sūtra on mahā-vidyā-siddhi of the Bodhisattva Zunnuo of Yoga Great Teaching in the Dhāraṇī-Vidyā Storehouse], Four rolls. Attributed to Nāgārjuna (Longshu龍樹, ca. 150–200). Trans. Faxian 法賢 (d. 1001). T 1169, 20.677b–691c.T 1191: Dafangguang pusazang Wenshushili genben yigui jing 大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經 [Ritual manual sūtra on the fundamentals of the Mañjuśrī in the vaipulya-bodhisattva-storehouse], 20 rolls. By Tianxizai 天息災 (fl. 980–1000, d. 1000). T 1191, 20.835a–904a.T 1484: Fanwang jing 梵網經 [Sūtra on Brahmā’s Net], Two rolls. Translation attributed to Kumārajīva (Jiumoluoshi鳩摩羅什, 343–413) in 405 or 406. T 1484, 24.997a–1010a.T 1873: Hwaŏm kyŏng mundap華嚴經問答 [Questions and Answers on the Avataṃsaka-sūtra], Two rolls. Traditionally attributed to Fazang 法藏 (643–712); but probably another version of the Chit’ong mundap 智通問答, by Chit’ong 智通 (fl. late 7th–early 8th cen.). T 1873, 45.598b–612c.T 2008: Liuzu dashi fabao tanjing 六祖大師法寶壇經 [Platform Sūtra on the Dharma Treasure of the Dharma Master by the Sixth Patriarch], One roll. Compiled by Zongbao 宗寶 (d.u.) in 1291. T 2008, 48.345b–365a.T 2034: Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三寶紀 (Record of the three treasures throughout successive generations), 15 rolls. By Fei Changfang 費長方 in 597. T 2034, 49.22c–127c.T 2120: Daizong chaozeng sikong dabian zheng guangzhi sanzang heshang biao zhiji 代宗朝贈司空大辯正廣智三藏和上表制集 [Collected documents of the Trepiṭaka Amoghavajra bestowed with a posthumous title and honors in the reign of Daizong], Six rolls. Compiled by Yuanzhao圓照 (fl. 785–804). T 2120, 52.826c–860c.T 2128: Yiqie jing yinyi一切經音義 [The meanings of the sounds of all scriptures], 100 rolls. Compiled by Huilin 慧琳 (ca. 788–810). T 2128, 54.311a–933b.T 2154: Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釋教錄 [Record of Śākyamuni’s teachings compiled during the Kaiyuan period], 20 rolls. By Zhisheng 智昇 (fl. 700–740) in 730. T 2154, 55.477a–723a.X: Manji shinsan Dai Nihon zokuzōkyō 卍新纂大日本續藏經 Revised reprint of the Dai Nihon zokuzōkyō). Edited by Kawamura Kōshō 河村照孝, et al. 88 vols. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, 1975–1989.X 1482: Zhunti fenxiu xidi chanhui xuanwen 准提焚修悉地懺悔玄文 [Text on the arcana of siddhi repentance by means of burning incense to Cundī], One roll. Compiled by the Qing monk Xia Daoren 夏道人. 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1635: Odae chinŏn (Kyujanggak edition 奎章閣本, no. 6749) 1485A: Ch’ongjip mun 摠集文 1485B: Pulchŏng chonsŭng tarani wal 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼曰 1550: Odae chip 五大集 No date A: [nothing on cover] No date B: Odae chip 五大集 | ||||||
Contents of Odae chinŏn | 1635 | 1485A | 1485B | 1550 | n.d. A | n.d. B |
1. The Forty-two Hand-Mantras 觀世音菩薩四十二首眞言 | 1a–23b 啓請 | 2a–24b 啓請 in handwriting | 2a–24b 啓請 | 2a—22b | ||
2. Nīlakaṇṭha-dhāraṇī 神妙章句大陀羅尼 | 24a1–29a3 啓請 | 25a1–33a6 啓請 | 25a1–30a3 | |||
3. Basic Dhāraṇī of the Thousand-Handed Thousand-Eyed Avalokiteśvara 觀自在菩薩根本陀羅尼 | 29a5– 32a6 | 30a5–33a6 | ||||
4. Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī 隨求即得陀羅尼 | 32a7–59a7 啓請 | 33a7–60a7 啓請 | 33b | 23b1–46b9 | ||
5. Buddhoṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī 大佛頂陀羅尼 | 59a9–92b3 啓請 | 60a9–93b12 啓請 | 2b1– 35b3 啓請 | |||
6. Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼 | 92b4– 96b9 啓請 | 93b4–97b8 啓請 | 35b4–39b9 啓請 | |||
Greater Superlative Heart Spell 尊勝大心呪 Lesser Superlative Heart Spell 尊勝小心呪 | 97a1–97b2 | 98a1–b2 In handwriting | 40a1–b2 | |||
Pulsyŏl changsu pyŏlchoe hojye tongja tara[n]i 불셜장수별죄호졔동자 다라이 [佛說長壽滅罪護諸瞳子陀羅尼], 99a–100b Pulsyŏl toak kyŏng 불셜도악경, 101b–102b In handwriting | ||||||
7. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance (Sinitic): Nīlakaṇṭha -dhāraṇī 靈驗略抄 漢文本: 大悲心神妙章句大陀羅尼 | 98a2–100b2 | 41a1–43b2 | ||||
8. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance (Sinitic): Mahāpratisarā-dhāraṇī 靈驗略抄 漢文本: 隨求即得陀羅尼 | 100b3–103a3 | 43b3–46a3 | 46b1–49a3 | |||
9. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance (Sinitic): Buddhoṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī 靈驗略抄 漢文本: 大佛頂 陀羅尼 | 103a4–104b9 | 46a4–47b9 | 49a4–50b9 | |||
10. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance (Sinitic): Uṣṇīṣavijaya-dhāraṇī 靈驗略抄 漢文本: 佛頂尊勝 陀羅尼 | 105a1–106b9 | 48a1–49b9 | ||||
11. Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance: Postscript 靈驗略抄 漢文本 後記 | 107a1–5 | 50a1–5 | 20a1–5 Donor info 21b | |||
12. Hakcho’s colophon 學祖의跋文 | 跋文 1a1–2b1 | 51a1–52b2 | 21a1–22b1 | |||
13. Korean Vernacular Translation of Brief Transcriptions of Efficacious Resonance 靈驗略抄 諺解本 | 2a1–19b2 |
Taishō No. | Translator | # of Phrases 句 | |
1. | T 1064 | Amoghavajra | 82 |
T 1060 | Bhagavaddharma | 84 | |
2. | T 1058 | Bodhiruci II | 94 |
T 1062 | Vajrabodhi | 94 | |
T 1057B | Zhitong | 94 | |
3. | T 1061 | Vajrabodhi | 113 |
T 1064 | Unknown | 113 | |
4. | T 1056 | Amoghavajra | 40 |
T 1062B | Unknown | 40 |
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McBride, R.D., II. The Odae chinŏn (Five Great Mantras) and Dhāraṇī Collections in Premodern Korea. Religions 2023, 14, 8.
McBride RD II. The Odae chinŏn (Five Great Mantras) and Dhāraṇī Collections in Premodern Korea. Religions. 2023; 14(1):8.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMcBride, Richard D., II. 2023. "The Odae chinŏn (Five Great Mantras) and Dhāraṇī Collections in Premodern Korea" Religions 14, no. 1: 8.
APA StyleMcBride, R. D., II. (2023). The Odae chinŏn (Five Great Mantras) and Dhāraṇī Collections in Premodern Korea. Religions, 14(1), 8.