Renewing a Prophetic Mysticism for Teaching Children Justly: A Lasallian Provocation
:1. Introduction
2. Why a Prophetic Mysticism to Teach Children Justly?
2.1. Preferential Option for Children in Christian Mission
- (i)
- Ethic of Justice for Children
Children have become a new measure of justice for the church ad intra, a measure that will determine our credibility to speak on matters of justice for children, born and unborn, in a world where poor children continue to suffer from having too much to bear and from given too little to develop properly.(ibid., p. 1030)
Jesus did not just teach how to make an adult world kinder and more just for children; he taught the arrival of a social world in part defined by and organized around children.(p. 60)
- (ii)
- Relational agency of children
2.2. Implications for Catholic Education
An adequate vision of the common good must account for the vulnerabilities and the possibilities of children and childhood, and bring children in from the margins to the center to insure that our assumptions about the “common” good are not distorted by the perspective of those in positions of power and privilege. With children’s experiences at the center, the common good of society allows for children as individuals, as members of families and other communities to flourish.
3. The Lasallian Charism
3.1. Teaching Children Justly: A Commitment to a Preferential Option for Children
God is so good that, having created us, he wills that all of us come to the knowledge of the truth. This truth is God himself and what he has desired to reveal to us through Jesus Christ, through the holy apostles, and through his Church. This is why God wills all people to be instructed, so that their minds may be enlightened by the light of faith.(M. 193.1)
The necessity of this Institute is very great, because the working class and the poor, being usually little instructed and occupied all day in gaining a livelihood for themselves and their children, cannot give them the instruction they need and a respectable Christian education. nor a suitable education. It was to procure this advantage for the children of the working class and of the poor that the Christian Schools were established.(para. 4–5, cited in De La Salle 2002)
The thesis of this pastoral letter is that the situation of poor children in today’s world is an unspeakable scandal that our Lasallian charism invites us to make solidarity with neglected, abandoned, marginalized, and exploited children a particular focus for our mission.
Our Rule concisely and poignantly links De La Salle’s progressive awareness of the situation of poor children with the origin and development of the Institute. As he became aware, by God’s grace, of the human and spiritual distress of ‘the children of artisans and of the poor,’ their neglect and abandonment moved him profoundly.(Johnston 2016, p. 457, emphasis his)
3.2. Prophetic Mysticism That Grounds Teaching as Incarnational Presence
Recognize Jesus beneath the poor rags of the child whom you have to instruct. Adore him in them … May faith lead you to [instruct] with affection and zeal, because these children are the members of Jesus Christ.(M. 96.3)
What holy audacity in our Magi, to enter the capital and make their way even to Herod’s throne! They feared nothing because the faith inspired them and the grandeur of [Christ] whom they were seeking caused them to forget and even to scorn all human considerations, considering the king to whom they were speaking to be infinitely beneath the one announced to them by the star.(M. 96.2)
3.3. Faith and Zeal as a Dynamic of Lasallian Prophetic Mysticism
Let it be clear, then, in all your conduct towards the children who are entrusted to you that you look upon yourselves as ministers of God, carrying out your ministry with love and a sincere and true zeal, accepting with much patience the difficulties you have to suffer, willing to be despised by men to be persecuted, even to give your life for Jesus in the fulfillment of your ministry.(M. 201.1)
4. Toward a Praxis of Socially Engaged Contemplation
Look at the life you are living; be aware of the distressing situation of the youngsters that God has placed in your path; use that as a measure of what is at stake in your teaching service.(ibid., p. 225)
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Meditations is a reference to De La Salle (1994). Hereafter cited in text as M., followed by the numbering used in this text. |
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Four-Fold Rhythm in Lasallian Mystical Realism (Sauvage 1999) | Praxis of Socially Engaged Contemplation |
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Pang, A.K.M. Renewing a Prophetic Mysticism for Teaching Children Justly: A Lasallian Provocation. Religions 2022, 13, 893.
Pang AKM. Renewing a Prophetic Mysticism for Teaching Children Justly: A Lasallian Provocation. Religions. 2022; 13(10):893.
Chicago/Turabian StylePang, Alfred Kah Meng. 2022. "Renewing a Prophetic Mysticism for Teaching Children Justly: A Lasallian Provocation" Religions 13, no. 10: 893.
APA StylePang, A. K. M. (2022). Renewing a Prophetic Mysticism for Teaching Children Justly: A Lasallian Provocation. Religions, 13(10), 893.