The Myth of King Kong and the Religious Background That Nests in the Human Soul
:1. Introduction
1.1. Comprehensive Sociology and Sociology of Cinema
1.2. The Fear of Nature and Death and Giving Meaning to Life Are at the Origin of Religion
“If we were not afraid of death, I do not think the idea of immortality would have been born. Fear is the basis of religious dogma, as of so many things in human life. The fear of human beings, individually or collectively, largely dominates our social life, but the fear of nature is what has given rise to religion.”.(Bertrand Russell 2004, p. 325)
1.3. Religion Is Society
1.4. Philosophical Hermeneutics, the Hermeneutics of the Image
1.5. Goals
2. Crisis and Religiosity in Contemporary North America: The Context of King Kong
3. Skull Island or the Mystery of Death and Origin
3.1. The Mystery of Skull Island
3.2. A Journey through Time
3.3. The Mythical Mountain and Cave of the Skull Island or the Cradle and Grave
4. The Rites of the Tribe or the Return to the Same, to the Order of Always, Reinforced
4.1. Religion and the Origin of the Island’s Tribal Society
4.2. A Hierarchical and Monotheistic Society
4.3. A Closed and Autarkic Society
4.4. A Hybrid, Matriarchal–Patriarchal, Hunter–Warrior, and Tribal–Fraternal Society
4.5. The Sacrifices and Rites of Passage in King Kong or the Exorcism of the Crisis and the Renewal of Society
5. Conclusions: The Survival of Religiosity in the City of Skyscrapers
5.1. New York or the Return to the Same, Reinforced Order
5.2. From the Earth to the Sky: A Human Journey Opposite to That of the Gorilla
5.3. An Unfinished Myth, Fed by a Succession of Crises and Fears
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The first version of King Kong had a huge investment of USD 750,000 (Montagne 2008, p. 242), a very high figure for the time, and more so in times of crisis. In any case, the RKO company recovered and multiplied this enormous amount, obtaining huge profits from the worldwide success of the film. The 1976 adaptation, for its part, had a budget of USD 23 million and its return was between USD 75 and 90 million. The 2005 version had a budget of USD 207 million and more than doubled profits—USD 562.3 million. Ultimately, the 2017 film had a budget of USD 185,000,000 and a financial return of USD 566,652,812. The Son of Kong, by Ernest Beaumont Schoedsack, 1933, had a budget of USD 269,000 and a return of USD 616,000—significantly lower than the first adaptation; furthermore, it did not have the critical success of its predecessor. King Kong vs. Godzilla, meanwhile, 1962, is a Japanese production, so it does not fit our analysis of American religiosity. |
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Roche Cárcel, J.A. The Myth of King Kong and the Religious Background That Nests in the Human Soul. Religions 2021, 12, 185.
Roche Cárcel JA. The Myth of King Kong and the Religious Background That Nests in the Human Soul. Religions. 2021; 12(3):185.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoche Cárcel, Juan Antonio. 2021. "The Myth of King Kong and the Religious Background That Nests in the Human Soul" Religions 12, no. 3: 185.
APA StyleRoche Cárcel, J. A. (2021). The Myth of King Kong and the Religious Background That Nests in the Human Soul. Religions, 12(3), 185.