Fortes in Fide—The Role of Faith in the Heroic Struggle against Communism
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology and State of the Art
3. Results
3.1. Witness, Martyrdom and Sacrifice
And so if I am about to be punished for what I did, i.e., for the good, the truth and Christ, then I do not want a lower penalty but rather a higher penalty and I would be the happiest person on earth if I could die for Christ—although I know I am not worthy of such a great grace. Therefore I do not wish to take advantage of any mitigating circumstances for myself just like I cannot apologize for doing what was good.
3.2. The Danger of Comfort
3.3. The Essence of Being Human
Once a political program turns into a philosophy or religion, when it tries to embrace human beings in their entirety, get hold of their soul and conscience while at the same time breach their fundamental freedoms, destroy spiritual values, trample on religion, dismiss God and coerce people to accept all of that, then it is the duty of the Church to defend the rights of both human and God’s laws.
3.4. Truth
3.5. Communion with God
I had the honour to meet him in Bratislava several times. Just like with Mother Theresa or Dorothy Day you know that you are walking in the presence of someone in whom God is present, someone who is able to do unusual things. Silvester Krčméry was surrounded by God’s presence, it was like some sort of radiation without the aura; you could sense it rather than see it.
3.6. Primacy of Faith
I believe it is determination in faith. The primacy of faith in one’s entire life and every action, courageous faith free of fear, hard-bitten faith through trials, faith brave enough to follow any God’s challenge—fortes in fide.
3.7. God’s Will and the Cross
While in prison we noticed that people of weak faith considered their years spent in prison as lost. But we as priests came to understand that we live in fullness exactly when we accept the path set for us by our Lord.
3.8. Faith as a Source of Support and Meaning
To put it simply, faith was the biggest support for me in my life. If I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t be here, that’s for sure. So let me be clear: without my faith in God, I would have to give up. The biggest help for me when I was in jail. It gave me certainty that everything has a meaning. If I didn’t have this hope, if I lost my faith, I would probably go for a rope around my neck.
3.9. Personal Maturity
All of them were spiritually balanced people with deep faith, they were highly educated and enjoyed natural authority. They were literally the best sons and daughters of our nation.
There was a fundamental difference between them [believers and non-believers] because (I think) the approach to life of these two groups was different even before. Believers were able to cope with their fate although, admittedly, they also may have suffered from temporary phases of depression and despair, but sooner or later they were able to overcome those and find their balance and act as a balancing factor for the community. As for non-believers, for them it was definitely more difficult to cope with all those things.
3.10. Humility
When he fell ill he told me he felt he was a weak Christian and a sinful man and asked me to pray for him so that Lord forgives him his sins. His confession was a real blow to me, even to the extent that I found the strength not to commit sins for a few days.
Over the five years following his release [Silvester Krčméry] managed to train three new professors—because he himself was only allowed to keep his doctoral title; but he did not become bitter about that—on the contrary, he continued sharing his knowledge with others. So three of his teammates became professors, another two doctors, and he sort of was left aside basically to clean the lab.
3.11. Internal Freedom
At times I was able to push through my ‘cause’ of being allowed to pray openly. For instance, I prayed while standing at the window with my arms outstretched, just for the matter of self-discipline, and also not to sort of ‘fall asleep’ or lose my focus, and also to train myself in courage... In those moments I had at least a bit of a feeling that I do not give in to those people; that I am really able to fight for a piece of freedom even here in prison, I was proud that I could offer [to God] something more than my loneliness or spiritual crises.
3.12. Indivisibility of Faith and Life
3.13. Driving Force of the Society
In Slovakia there exists no real alternative to Christianity; there is no ideological group that could compete with all those members of an array of vibrant religious circles, perhaps with the exception of that entropic mass of their consumerist peers who just hang and do nothing. Indeed, no ideological stream other than Christianity has a relevant base of engaged proponents—and least of all the communists.
3.14. Forgiveness and Reconciliation
The key to the solution of the ‘communist problem’ lies in forgiveness. Forgiveness does not suppress the pursuit of justice: through forgiveness, the moral essence of an act does not change. Evil remains evil. What is resolved though is some of the consequences of the evil act but more importantly, the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim changes fundamentally.
Love is the key, it has to be pure so that we faithfully endure, work together, suffer, and die for no less than our Lord. Let us love Him but let us not hate ‘them’. We can afford a victory without hatred.
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The communist coup and takeover of power in Czechoslovakia took place as late as February 1948, but the communist crackdown on the church started to take effect immediately after the end of the war. |
2 | Common project of Catholic universities in Central and East Europe (Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary) that is led by the Nanovic Institute at Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA. |
3 | T. Kolakovič was a priest from Croatia, but during his visit to Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the 1940s, he gradually gained reputation and influence and had a remarkable impact on the community of key figures within the circles of the anticommunist resistance, especially thanks to his role as a founder of the “Rodina” movement (The Family). |
4 | M. Gavenda is the youngest person on the list (b. 1963). Although he had adventurously fled the country in the late 1980s for Rome to become a priest, his main contribution consisted in his later extensive monograph, which was a scientific analysis of the Slovak church during communism, in which he discusses the secret formation of priests in the monastic orders and church communities (Gavenda 2014). The title of his monograph also inspired the title of this article. |
5 | Foucault regarded truth as something originating solely within “this world”. His rejection of the idea of “universal truth” in contrast to the Christian view is discussed in more detail in P. Polievková (Polievková 2013, p. 42). |
6 | Originally published in Náboženstvo a súčasnosť [Religion In Our Time], 3/1985, pp. 17–19. |
7 | As part of the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) established by Ján Čarnogurský in 1990; the party remains a relevant political force in Slovakia to this day. |
8 | In 1987, A. Navrátil organized the famous 31-bullet petition for religious freedoms in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was also supported by Cardinal František Tomášek and signed by 600,000 people, half of them Slovaks. Previously, he was imprisoned inter alia for the distribution of an open letter about the insidious murder of the secret priest Přemysl Coufal by the state police. |
9 | Published as samizdat in Náboženstvo a súčasnosť [Religion in Our Time], vol. 1/1989, pp. 35–37. |
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Genre | Total | Slovak Publications |
Memoirs | 116 | 101 |
Biographies | 73 | 73 |
Monographs | 99 | 86 |
Edited collections | 27 | 27 |
Studies and articles | 128 | 112 |
Documents | 7 | 7 |
Total | 450 | 406 |
Overarching Dimension | Category | Occurrences | |
1. | Witness, martyrdom and sacrifice | 4 | |
2. | Philosophical | The danger of comfort | 4 |
3. | The essence of being human | 5 | |
4. | Truth | 2 | |
5. | Intimate | Communion with God | 6 |
6. | Primacy of faith | 7 | |
7. | God’s will and the Cross | 3 | |
8. | Faith as a source of support and meaning | 3 | |
9. | Personal | Human maturity | 3 |
10. | Humility | 4 | |
11. | Internal freedom | 3 | |
12. | Social and political | Indivisibility of faith and life | 2 |
13. | Driving force of the society | 4 | |
14. | Reconciliation and forgiveness | 4 |
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Rončáková, T. Fortes in Fide—The Role of Faith in the Heroic Struggle against Communism. Religions 2021, 12, 837.
Rončáková T. Fortes in Fide—The Role of Faith in the Heroic Struggle against Communism. Religions. 2021; 12(10):837.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRončáková, Terézia. 2021. "Fortes in Fide—The Role of Faith in the Heroic Struggle against Communism" Religions 12, no. 10: 837.
APA StyleRončáková, T. (2021). Fortes in Fide—The Role of Faith in the Heroic Struggle against Communism. Religions, 12(10), 837.