Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It?
:1. Introduction
2. Two Interpretations of the Term “Fundamentalism”
3. Characteristics of a Fundamentalist Attitude
3.1. Cognitive Aspects
3.2. Affective and Behavioural Aspects
4. Secular Fundamentalism
4.1. Classical and Contemporary Manifestations of Secular Fundamentalism
4.2. Fundamentalism as an Element of Modern Politics
5. Secularisation and Fundamentalism
6. Reason, Religion, and Fundamentalism
6.1. Absolute Truth and Fundamentalism
6.2. The Temporal Aspirations of Religion
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Gierycz, M. Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It? Religions 2020, 11, 104.
Gierycz M. Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It? Religions. 2020; 11(3):104.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGierycz, Michał. 2020. "Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It?" Religions 11, no. 3: 104.
APA StyleGierycz, M. (2020). Religion: A Source of Fundamentalism or A Safeguard Against It? Religions, 11(3), 104.