Can the Global Adoption of Genetically Improved Farmed Fish Increase Beyond 10%, and How?
:1. Introduction
2. Biological and Technical Constraints
2.1. Domestication
2.2. Inbreeding
2.3. Selective Breeding
2.4. Breeding Programs
3. Perceived Needs and Interests of Aquaculture Stakeholders in China, Vietnam and Malaysia
3.1. Material and Methods
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Public Policies
3.2.2. Human Resources
3.2.3. Business Strategies and Challenges
4. Discussion
4.1. Human Resources
4.2. Initiation of Breeding Programs
4.3. Accumulation and Dissemination of Genetic Progress
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
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- Financial support of the breeding nucleus operation will usually be needed, at least during the initial five to ten generations of selection, and, in particular, for species with long generation intervals. The early phase support should prioritize established aquaculture species with large production volumes, such as carps, that are not easily subject to investment from private breeders due to long generation interval and delayed profit.
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- Training of more people in selective animal breeding technology should be prioritized at all levels, including government officers, university staff, breeding nucleus operators, hatchery operators, and grow-out farmers. Collaboration between different research groups in genetics (institutes and universities) and scholars within the fields of aquaculture and livestock breeding should be encouraged.
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- If the private sector is expected to engage in selective breeding and genetic improvement of aquaculture stocks in less prosperous economies, development of appropriate business models are probably more important than legal systems to ensure fair benefit sharing between the breeding, multiplier and grow-out operators. Research is also needed to incorporate private breeders, cooperatives and small-scale farmers into traditional and ‘guanxi’ business management. Experience suggests opportunities for investing through cooperatives and other producer organizations.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interests
A. Questionnaires
A.1. Questionnaire for Fish Farmers
- Personal information
- What is your role/position?Farm owner, Farm operator/manager
- If employed by company/institution, is your organization (employer)profit, non-profit, public, private, cooperate, MNC, large national, SME, research
- Name of organization, employer, location
- What is your background (education, training and work experience)?
- Farm characteristics
- 5.
- What fish species is (are) being cultured on your farm?How important is the production of these species in your country or region (percent of total aquaculture production)? <20%, 20%–50% , 50%–80% or >80%
- 6.
- What is the total production on the farm?Big (tonnes per year), medium (tonnes per year), small scale (tonnes per year), household farmers (kg per year or number of fish with average size)
- 7.
- Is the farming full time work?Or part time work combined with other household income?Is more than 50% of production on the farm sold?
- 8.
- What is the annual turnover (sales from production) on the farm?(Figures in currencies representing low, medium and large farm with options to check appropriate interval).
- 9.
- What are the annual running costs (USD), and what are the main cost factors (e.g., labour, feed, power)? (to reveal whether it is intensive (high input) or extensive (low-input))
- 10.
- Did you have disease outbreaks last years?
- 11.
- What type of feed is used?
- Fish Breeding
- 12.
- How was/is the fish or seed of your breeders accessed?Own breeding (integration), from private hatcheries, from public hatcheries, from middle men.From hatchery every year, from hatchery every second year, from hatchery more than two years ago, from wild fish population last year, from wild fish population two years ago, from wild fish population more than two years ago
- 13.
- If you carry out fish breeding and reproduction on your farm, how is this carried out?Mass spawning, pair matings, artificial mating
- 14.
- Do you select brood fish yourself? If so, for how long has your current fish population been selected (no. of generations and years of selection)?How many broodfish do you select?What trait(s) do you select for and how is the trait measured or recorded?Body weight, other, please specifyMeasured by scale or visuallyWhy were these chosen?
- 15.
- What are the main challenges and problems for breeding the fish today?
- Fish seed
- 16.
- How is/was the fish seed disseminated to you?As sexually mature brood fish, fingerlings, fertilized roe
- 17.
- What is the price of fish seed?
- 18.
- What is the price of harvested fish ex farm (price to farmer)?What is the harvest weight?
- 19.
- What are the costs of the seed in percentage of all costs?
- 20.
- What quality or traits do you consider most important? Is price most important?
- 21.
- Are you interested in genetically improved fish? Is it easy or hard to provide genetically improved seed of your interest?
- 22.
- What characteristics of the seed would you prefer? Please assign which characteristic you prefer the most and least of the following (1–7):All male, genetic quality (higher growth, survival, carcass yield, disease resistance), standardized size, price, service, education/training, DNA information or technology
- 23.
- Are there more than one competing hatchery or middle man, and how competitive are they with respect to price, quality and service? Are these public, private or cooperative programs, owned by non-profit or profit organizations?
- 24.
- What price premium are you willing to pay for seed giving 20% faster growth?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 25.
- What price premium are you willing to pay for seed requiring 20% less feed to reach harvest size?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 26.
- What price premium are you willing to pay for seed with higher disease resistance such that the survival is increased with 20%?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- Recommendations
- 27.
- What are your recommendations to governmental bodies, other public organizations and private actors and/or investors to facilitate new breeding programs and to increase dissemination and marketing of genetically improved fish to farmers?
- 28.
- Other comments?
A.2. Questionnaire for Hatchery Operators
- Personal information
- What is your position?
- Name of Organization, employer, location
- Is your organization (employer): Profit, non-profit, public, private, cooperate, MNC, large, national, SME, research, industry
- What is your background (education, training and work experience)?
- Breeding program
- 5.
- For what species is (are) the hatchery operating and disseminating in your jurisdiction or country?How big is the grow out production of these species in your country or region? <20%, 20%–50%, 50%–80%, or >80%.
- 6.
- How was/is the fish or seed of for your breeders accessed?Species?From external breeding program every year, from external breeding program every second year, from external breeding program more than two years ago, from wild fish population last year, from wild fish population two years ago, from wild fish population more than two years ago
- 7.
- What breeding strategy do you apply?Mass spawning, pair matings, artificial mating, crossing of different strains
- 8.
- Do you select brood fish? If so,For how long has your fish population been selected (no. of generations and years of selection)? How many broodfish do you select? What trait(s) do you select for and how is it recorded/tested? Body weight, other, please specify, why were these chosen?
- 9.
- How many families are produced and selected among in your breeding population?
- 10.
- Are you applying any DNA technology or chromosome manipulation in your breeding program?If not, would it be useful, and if so how/why?
- 11.
- How big is the genetic gain of your fish per generation and/or year (if available)?
- 12.
- How is the breeding program being funded or supported today?Through income from sales onlyPublic support onlyThrough both sales and public support
- 13.
- How big are the investments made for the current breeding/selection operation (USD)?
- 14.
- What are the annual running costs (USD), and what are the main cost factors (e.g., labour, feed, power)?
- 15.
- How much are you willing to pay for seed/breeders giving 20% faster growing fish in the farms while the other traits are not changed?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 16.
- How much are you willing to pay for seed/breeders requiring 20% less feed to reach harvest size in the farms while the other traits are not changed?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 17.
- How much are you willing to pay for seed/breeders with higher disease resistance such that the fish survival at harvest on the farm is increased with 20% while the other traits are not changed?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 18.
- What are the main limitations, challenges and problems for running the hatchery today?
- Dissemination program
- 19.
- How are the fish disseminated to the farmers, through other hatcheries, middle men or direct to farmers? What infrastructure is needed for this?
- 20.
- How is the fish disseminated?As sexually mature brood fish, Fingerlings, fertilized roe.
- 21.
- What are the costs of the dissemination?
- 22.
- What is the price of fish seed to grow out farmer?
- 23.
- How many fry are disseminated per year?To how many farms or other hatcheries do you disseminate?
- 24.
- What type of grow-out farmers buy your seed?What is their training/education, intensity (high or low input) and technology level?
Percentage of customers Education Intensity/technology Big …………… .. … Medium …………… … … Small scale …………… … … Household farmers ……………. …. … - 25.
- What quality or traits are the farmers requesting most? Is price more important to farmers?
- 26.
- How big is the demand from farmers? Is it easy or hard to market the genetically improved seed? Is all produced seed sold?
- 27.
- What would make it easier to market the seed? (e.g., all male, quality, standardization, price, service, education/training of middle men and farmers), DNA information or technology)
- 28.
- Are there competing hatcheries, and how competitive are these with respect to price, quality and service? Are these public, private or cooperative programs, owned by non-profit or profit organizations?
- 29.
- What price premium would you expect that farmers will pay for seed giving 20% faster growth?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 30.
- What price premium would you expect that farmers will pay for seed requiring 20% less feed to reach harvest size?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- 31.
- What price premium would you expect that farmers will pay for seed with higher disease resistance such that the survival is increased with 20%?<10%, 10%–20%, 20%–30%, >30%
- Recommendations
- 32.
- What are your recommendations to governmental bodies, other public organizations and private actors and/or investors to facilitate new breeding programs and to increase dissemination and marketing of genetically improved fish to farmers?
- 33.
- Other comments?
A.3. Questionnaire for Academic Actors
- Personal information
- What is your position?
- Name of Organization, employer, location
- Is your organization (employer) profit, non-profit, public, private or cooperate (MNC, large national or SME), research or industry?
- What is your background (education, training and work experience)?
- How did you get your education and training? For example how was it funded?
- Why did you choose this field of education and training?
- Do you find your education useful for your current work?
- Breeding program
- 8.
- For what species is (are) the fish breeding program(s) operating in your jurisdiction or country?How big is the production of these species in your country?
- 9.
- How was the breeding program(s) established? Who took the initiatives and why? How was the upstart funded?
- 10.
- Who were the owner(s) and how was the program managed and organized in the first generations of breeding?
- 11.
- How big was the investment made to get it up and running?
- 12.
- For how long has the program been running (no. of generations and years of selection)?
- 13.
- Who are the owner(s) and how is the program managed and organized during the last generations (e.g., private, public, cooperative)?
- 14.
- What type of testing and selection strategy is applied and what causes the possible limitations?
- 15.
- How was the fish or seed of the base population accessed?
- 16.
- How many families are produced and tested in the nucleus breeding population?
- 17.
- What traits are recorded and selected for? Why were these chosen?
- 18.
- Are you applying any DNA technology or chromosome manipulation in your breeding program?
- 19.
- How big is the genetic gain per generation and/or year (if available)?
- 20.
- How is the program being funded or supported today?
- 21.
- How big are the investments made for the current operation (USD)?
- 22.
- What are the annual running costs (USD), and what are the main cost factors (e.g., labour, feed, power)?
- 23.
- What are the main challenges and problems for running the program today?
- Dissemination program
- 24.
- How are the fish disseminated to the farmers, through hatcheries or direct to farmers? What infrastructure is needed for this?
- 25.
- What are the costs of the dissemination?
- 26.
- What is the price of fish seed to grow-out farmers?
- 27.
- How many fry are disseminated?
- 28.
- Who are the grow-out farmers buying the seed? Big, medium, small scale or household farmers? What is their training/education, intensity (high or low input) and technology level?
- 29.
- What quality or traits are the farmers requesting most? Is price more important to farmers?
- 30.
- How big is the demand from farmers? Is it easy or hard to market the genetically improved seed? Is all produced seed sold?
- 31.
- What would make it easier to market? (e.g., all male, quality, standardization, price, service, education/training of actors (hatchery operators and farmers), DNA information or technology?)
- 32.
- Are there competing breeding programs, and how competitive are these with respect to price, quality and service? Are these public, private or cooperative programs, owned by non-profit or profit organizations?
- Recommendations
- 33.
- What are your recommendations to governmental bodies, other public organizations and private actors and/or investors to facilitate new breeding programs and to increase dissemination and marketing of genetically improved fish to farmers?
- 34.
- Other comments?
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Olesen, I.; Bentsen, H.B.; Phillips, M.; Ponzoni, R.W. Can the Global Adoption of Genetically Improved Farmed Fish Increase Beyond 10%, and How? J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2015, 3, 240-266.
Olesen I, Bentsen HB, Phillips M, Ponzoni RW. Can the Global Adoption of Genetically Improved Farmed Fish Increase Beyond 10%, and How? Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2015; 3(2):240-266.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOlesen, Ingrid, Hans B. Bentsen, Michael Phillips, and Raul W. Ponzoni. 2015. "Can the Global Adoption of Genetically Improved Farmed Fish Increase Beyond 10%, and How?" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3, no. 2: 240-266.