Estimating Permeability of Porous Media from 2D Digital Images
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Model Validation
4. Results and Discussions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Latin symbols | |
A | The cross-sectional area of the representative element (µm2) |
Aav | The average pore area (µm2) |
b | A constant that depends on the cross-section of the tubes (dimensionless) |
c | Lattice sound speed, which is determined by Δx/Δt (m/s) |
de | The Euclidean dimension is 2 in 2D space (dimensionless) |
df | The pore fractal dimension in 2D space (dimensionless) |
dt | The tortuosity fractal dimension in 2D space (dimensionless) |
Df | The pore fractal dimension in 3D space (dimensionless) |
DT | The tortuosity fractal dimension in 3D space (dimensionless) |
eα | Lattice velocities (m/s) |
ey | The unit vector along the y-axis (m/s) |
F | The formation factor (dimensionless) |
f | The pore size distribution in 2D space (dimensionless) |
f3D | The pore size distribution in 3D space (dimensionless) |
fα(y, t) | The evolution of the density distribution function (kg/m3) |
K2D | Permeability of the 2D cross-section (10−3 µm2) |
K3D | 3D permeability of porous media in flow equivalence (10−3 µm2) |
Permeability in the direction when the flow is driven in the direction (10−3 µm2) | |
L | The actual streamlined length of a tortuous capillary (µm) |
The size of the computational domain in the direction (µm) | |
Lu | The edge length of the cubical unit cell (µm) |
N | The total number of pores in the representative element of a 2D cross-section (dimensionless) |
N3D | The total number of pores in a representative elementary volume (dimensionless) |
Ntotal | The total lattice number (dimensionless) |
p | The transient pressure (Pa) |
pin | The inlet transient pressure (Pa) |
pout | The outlet transient pressure (Pa) |
r | The pore radius in 2D space (µm) |
rav | The average pore radius in 2D space (µm) |
r3D | The pore radius in 3D space (µm) |
r3D,av | The average pore radius in 3D space (µm) |
rmax | The maximum pore radius in 2D space (µm) |
rmin | The minimum pore radius in 2D space (µm) |
r3D,max | The maximum pore radius in 3D space (µm) |
r3D,min | The minimum pore radius in 3D space (µm) |
R | The particle radius of the porous media (µm) |
Rap | The average particle radius of the porous media (µm) |
Ravc | The average circular particle radius (µm) |
Ravs | The average spherical particle radius (µm) |
Rmax | The maximum particle radius (µm) |
S2D | The specific surface area of the 2D cross-section (µm−1) |
S3D | The specific surface area of the 3D cross-section (µm−1) |
uj | The velocity at the void point j (m/s) |
u | The flow velocity (m/s) |
V | The pore volume of representative elementary volume (µm3) |
Vav | The average pore volume (µm3) |
Vu | The volume of the cubical unit cell (µm3) |
Greek symbols | |
τ | Tortuosity (dimensionless) |
τ(r3D) | Tortuosity of pore radius r3D (dimensionless) |
τav | The average tortuosity (dimensionless) |
τ0 | The relaxation time (dimensionless) |
φ2D | The areal porosity of 2D cross-sections (dimensionless) |
φ3D | The bulk porosity of a 3D matrix (dimensionless) |
µ | The dynamic viscosity (mPa·s) |
Δy | The lattice distance or the voxel size (µm) |
y | The grid location (µm) |
Δt | The time step (s) |
The component in the i direction of the volumetric average velocity (m/s) | |
v | The kinematic viscosity (m2/s) |
ρ | The fluid density in the D3Q19 model (kg/m3) |
ωα | Fixed weighting factors (dimensionless) |
π | Circular constant, which is approximately equal to 3.1415926 (dimensionless) |
λ | The weight coefficient of the average spherical particle radius (dimensionless) |
Subscript symbols | |
α | The direction in the D3Q19 model (dimensionless) |
2D | Two-dimensional space |
3D | Three-dimensional space |
max | Maximum |
min | Minimum |
Appendix A. Fractal Theory of Porous Media in 2D and 3D Space
Appendix B. The Algorithm of the D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Method
Appendix C. Determination of the Average Particle Size
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No. | Samples a | LBM | Proposed Model | |||||
φ3D (%) | K3D (10−3 µm2) | φ2D (%) | df | R3D,max (µm) | Df | K3D (10−3 µm2) | ||
1 | 1-A | 23.5 | 27.8 | 31.24 | 1.686 | 41.18 | 2.81 | 27.8 |
2 | 1-B | 23.4 | 69.4 | 21.35 | 1.450 | 43.15 | 2.79 | 69.4 |
3 | 2-A | 31.5 | 1450 | 35.71 | 1.576 | 64.04 | 2.78 | 1450 |
4 | 2-B | 21.5 | 216.7 | 26.44 | 1.683 | 70.31 | 2.79 | 216.7 |
5 | 2-C | 34.9 | 1743.1 | 38.55 | 1.611 | 60.24 | 2.79 | 1743.1 |
6 | 3-A | 30.7 | 906.9 | 34.97 | 1.735 | 89.07 | 2.82 | 906.9 |
7 | 3-B | 16.2 | 103.1 | 10.81 | 1.415 | 49.04 | 2.74 | 103.1 |
8 | 3-C b | 31.3 | 3049.4 | 36.97 | 1.631 | 61.83 | 2.76 | 3049.4 |
9 | 3-D b | 40.7 | 2660 | 36.74 | 1.636 | 60.20 | 2.82 | 2660 |
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Lei, G.; Liu, T.; Liao, Q.; He, X. Estimating Permeability of Porous Media from 2D Digital Images. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 1614.
Lei G, Liu T, Liao Q, He X. Estimating Permeability of Porous Media from 2D Digital Images. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023; 11(8):1614.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLei, Gang, Tianle Liu, Qinzhuo Liao, and Xupeng He. 2023. "Estimating Permeability of Porous Media from 2D Digital Images" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, no. 8: 1614.
APA StyleLei, G., Liu, T., Liao, Q., & He, X. (2023). Estimating Permeability of Porous Media from 2D Digital Images. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(8), 1614.