Association between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Lower-Limb Functional Performance and Sport Injury: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies
:1. Introduction
2. Method
2.1. Literature Search
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.3. Data extraction and Analyses
2.4. Study Quality
3. Results
3.1. Search Results
3.2. Participant Characteristics
3.3. Tests and Outcome Measurements
3.4. Definition of Injury
3.5. Calculation of Asymmetries
4. Discussion
4.1. Tests/Tasks
4.2. Participant Characteristics
4.3. Definition of Injury
4.4. Calculation of Asymmetries
4.5. Limitations
5. Conclusions and Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Selection | Comparability | Outcome | |
Brumitt, Heiderscheit, Manske et al. [18] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Brumitt, Mattocks, Loew and Lentz [10] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Brumitt, Nelson, Duey, et al. [13] | ✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Brumitt, Sikkema, Mair et al. [19] | ✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Butler, Lehr, Fink et al. [20] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
De Blaiser, Roosen, Willems et al. [21] | ✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Fousekis, Tsepis, Poulmedis, et al. [14] | ✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Fousekis, Tsepis and Vagenas [15] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Mila-Villarroel, Pujol-Marzo et al. [22] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Gonell, Romero and Soler [23] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩ |
Hartley, Hoch and Boling [24] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩ |
Hietamo, Pasanen, Leppänen et al. [25] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Knapik, Bauman, Jones, et al. [3] | ✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Lai, Wang, Chen et al. [26] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Lisman, Hildebrand, Nadelen and Leppert [12] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Luedke, Geisthardt and Rauh [27] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Manoel, Xixirry, Soeira et al. [28] | ✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Markovic, Šarabon, Pausic and Hadžić [11] | ✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩ |
Nakagawa, dos Santos, Lessi et al. [29] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩ |
Paterno, Schmitt, Ford, et al. [6] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Plisky, Rauh, Kaminski and Underwood [4] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Read, Oliver, Myer et al. [30] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩ |
Read, Oliver, Croix et al. [31] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Ruffe, Sorce, Rosenthal and Rauh [32] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Sieland, Krause, Kalo et al. [33] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Smith, Chimera and Warren [9] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩✩ |
Steidl-Muller, Hildebrandt, Muller et al. [34] | ✩✩✩ | ✩ | ✩✩ |
Warren, Lininger, Smith et al. [35] | ✩✩✩✩ | ✩✩ | ✩✩✩ |
References | Participants | Tasks and Outcome Measures | Injury | Duration of Follow-Up | Quality Score |
Brumitt, Heiderscheit, Manske, et al. [18] | 193 collegiate athletes | Single-leg hop distance | Low back or lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 16 |
Brumitt, Mattocks, Loew and Lentz [10] | 82 female collegiate volleyball players | Single-leg hop distance | Non-contact injury to low back or lower limbs (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 16 |
Read, Oliver, Croix, et al. [31] | 357 elite male youth soccer players (aged 10–18 y) | Single-leg CMJ and hop | Non-contact lower-limb injury (≥48-h time loss) | 10 months | 17 |
Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Mila-Villarroel, Pujol-Marzo, et al. [22] | 81 young elite team-sport athletes (U14–U18) | Single-leg CMJ and hop | Non-contact injury | 1 season | 17 |
Warren, Lininger, Smith, et al. [35] | 68 female collegiate athletes | Single-leg hop, triple-hop, and crossover distance | Non-contact lower-limb and spine injury requiring intervention by athletic trainer | 1 year | 17 |
Paterno, Schmitt, Ford, et al. [6] | 56 young athletes (aged 16.41 ± 2.97 y who had ACL reconstruction and returned to sport | Bilateral drop vertical jump | Second ACL injury | 1 year | 15 |
Sieland, Krause, Kalo, et al. [33] | 250 male youth elite soccer players (13.5 ± 4.5 y) | Single-leg CMJ and hop, isometric knee extension and flexion strength | ≥1-d time loss injury | 2 seasons | 15 |
Steidl-Muller, Hildebrandt, Muller, et al. [34] | 95 youth (10–14 y), 107 adolescents (15–19 y), and 83 elite adult (20–34 y) ski racers | Single-leg CMJ, isometric/isokinetic knee extension strength | Traumatic and overuse injury (≥1-d time loss) | 2 seasons | 18 |
De Blaiser, Roosen, Willems, et al. [21] | 142 collegiate physical education students | Isometric hip strength | Non-contact, acute lower-limb injury | 1.5 years | 17 |
Hietamo, Pasanen, Leppänen, et al. [25] | Team-sport athletes aged ≤21 y (188 males, 174 females) | Isokinetic (60°/s) quadriceps and hamstring strength; isometric hip abductor strength | Acute ankle injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 year | 16 |
Markovic, Šarabon, Pausic and Hadžić [11] | 45 professional outfield male soccer players | Isometric hip adductor strength | Groin injury | 1 season | 18 |
Fousekis, Tsepis, Poulmedis, et al. [14] | 100 professional male soccer players | Isokinetic knee strength; knee and ankle flexibility | Non-contact hamstrings and quadriceps strains (≥1-d time loss) | 10 months | 17 |
Fousekis, Tsepis and Vagenas [15] | 100 professional male soccer players | Isokinetic (60°/s) ankle strength; ankle flexibility | Non-contact ankle sprain | 10 months | 17 |
Knapik, Bauman, Jones, et al. [3] | 138 female collegiate athletes | Isokinetic (30 and 180°/s) knee strength; ankle, knee, and hip flexibility | Time-loss injury | 1 year | 15 |
References | Participants | Tasks and Outcome Measures | Injury | Duration of Follow-Up | Quality Score |
Brumitt, Nelson, Duey, et al. [13] | 169 male collegiate basketball players | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Non-contact low-back or lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 15 |
Brumitt, Sikkema, Mair, et al. [19] | 214 collegiate athletes | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Non-contact low-back or lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 16 |
Butler, Lehr, Fink, et al. [20] | 59 collegiate American football players (males) | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Non-contact lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 15 |
De Blaiser, Roosen, Willems, et al. [21] | 142 physical education students | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in SEBT | Non-contact, acute lower-limb injury | 1.5 years | 17 |
Gonell, Romero and Soler [23] | 74 male soccer players | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 18 |
Hartley, Hoch and Boling [24] | Collegiate athletes (284 males and 167 females) | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Ankle sprain injury | 2 years | 17 |
Lai, Wang, Chen, et al. [26] | 294 collegiate athletes | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Lower-limb injury (≥7-d time loss) | 1 season | 16 |
Lisman, Hildebrand, Nadelen and Leppert [12] | 124 high-school athletes (injured group aged 16.1 y; uninjured group aged 15.8 y) | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 4 months | 18 |
Luedke, Geisthardt and Rauh [27] | 59 male collegiate American football players | ANT, PM, PL, and COM reach distance in YBT | Non-contact lower-limb or lower-back injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 17 |
Manoel, Xixirry, Soeira, et al. [28] | 89 professional male soccer athletes | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Time-loss injury | 1 season | 16 |
Nakagawa, dos Santos, Lessi, et al. [29] | 135 male military recruits | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Patellofemoral pain | 6 weeks | 17 |
Plisky, Rauh, Kaminski and Underwood [4] | 235 high-school basketball players | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in SEBT | Lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 17 |
Read, Oliver, Myer, et al. [30] | 346 elite male youth soccer players (age: pre PHV, 11.9 ± 1.1 y; circa PHV, 14.4 ± 0.9 y; post PHV, 16.1 ± 1.1 y) | ANT reach distance in YBT | Non-contact lower-limb injury (≥48-h time loss) | 1 season | 17 |
Ruffe, Sorce, Rosenthal and Rauh [32] | 148 cross-country athletes aged between 13 and 19 years | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Low back or lower-limb injury (≥1-d time loss) | 1 season | 16 |
Smith, Chimera and Warren [9] | 200 collegiate athletes | ANT, PM, PL reach distance in YBT | Non-contact injury | 1 season | 17 |
References | Variables of Interest | Equations for Calculating Asymmetry | Findings |
Brumitt, Heiderscheit, Manske, et al. [18] | Single-leg hop distance | Low/high × 100 (%) | 10% hop asymmetry associated with greater risk of foot and ankle injury in female collegiate athletes (OR = 4.4, p < 0.05) |
Brumitt, Mattocks, Loew and Lentz [10] | Single-leg hop distance | Not reported | 10% hop asymmetry not associated with injury in female collegiate volleyball players (p > 0.05) |
Read, Oliver, Croix, et al. [31] | Biomechanics in single-leg CMJ and hop | (Low − high)/high × 100 (%) | Single-leg CMJ peak landing vertical GRF asymmetry (U11-12, OR = 0.90, p = 0.04; U15-16, OR = 0.91, p < 0.001) associated with non-contact lower-limb injury male youth soccer athletes |
Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Mila-Villarroel, Pujol-Marzo, et al. [22] | Single-leg CMJ height, hop distance | (High − low)/high × 100 (%) | Non-injured young team-sport athletes showed lower single-leg CMJ height asymmetry (p = 0.00) vs. injured athletes |
Warren, Lininger, Smith, et al. [35] | Single-leg hop, triple-hop, and crossover hop distance | Absolute difference between limbs | Triple-hop distance asymmetry (OR (>12 vs. ≤12 cm) = 7.31, p < 0.05) associated with greater risk of lower-body (lower limb and spine) injury in female collegiate athletes |
Paterno, Schmitt, Ford, et al. [6] | Internal knee extensor moment at initial contact in drop vertical jump | Not reported | Internal knee extensor moment asymmetry at initial contact (OR = 3.3, p not reported) associated with second ACL injury in young athletes with ACL reconstruction and returning to sport |
Sieland, Krause, Kalo, et al. [33] | Single-leg CMJ height and hop distance | Dominant/non-dominant × 100 (%) | Injured male youth soccer athletes showed greater single-leg hop distance asymmetry vs. non-injured athletes (p = 0.027 adjusted for age) |
Steidl-Muller, Hildebrandt, Muller, et al. [34] | Single-leg CMJ height, isometric/isokinetic knee extension strength | Dominant/non-dominant × 100 (%) | Isometric knee extension strength asymmetry (Wald = 7.08, p < 0.01) associated with traumatic injury in 10–14 years ski racers |
De Blaiser, Roosen, Willems, et al. [21] | Isometric strength in hip abduction | Weaker/stronger × 100 (%) | Hip abduction strength asymmetry associated with acute lower-limb injury in collegiate physical education students (HR = 0.941, p = 0.007) |
Hietamo, Pasanen, Leppänen, et al. [25] | Isometric hip abductor strength | Not reported | Hip abductor strength asymmetry (HR = 1.44, p < 0.05) associated with greater risk of acute ankle injury in young athletes |
Markovic, Šarabon, Pausic and Hadžić [11] | Isometric hip adductor torque | Left/right | Adductor strength asymmetry (p = 0.09) not associated with groin injury in professional soccer players |
Fousekis, Tsepis, Poulmedis, et al. [14] | Isokinetic concentric and eccentric hamstring and quadriceps strength; quadriceps flexibility | Strength: not reported Flexibility: right − left | ≥15% eccentric hamstring strength asymmetry (OR = 3.88, p = 0.03) associated with greater risk of hamstring strain in professional soccer players ≥15% eccentric quadriceps strength asymmetry (OR = 5.02, p = 0.06), ≥6° quadriceps flexibility asymmetry (OR = 4.98, p = 0.08) associated with greater risk of quadriceps strain in professional soccer players |
Fousekis, Tsepis and Vagenas [15] | Isokinetic concentric and eccentric strength in ankle dorsal and plantar flexors; ankle flexibility | Strength: not reported Flexibility: right − left | ≥15% asymmetry in eccentric ankle flexion strength (OR = 8.88, p = 0.005) associated with greater risk of ankle sprain in professional soccer players |
Knapik, Bauman, Jones, et al. [3] | Isokinetic knee flexor strength; hip extensor flexibility | Right/left | More injuries occurred in female collegiate athletes when (1) right > left knee flexor strength (180°/s) by 15% (Chi square, 9.5; p = 0.005) (2) right > left hip extensor flexibility by 15% (chi square, 10.71; p < 0.001) |
References | Variables of Interest | Calculation for Asymmetry | Findings |
Brumitt, Nelson, Duey, et al. [13] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference and the normalized difference to leg length | No association between asymmetries and injury in male collegiate basketball players (RR = 0.9–1.2, p > 0.05) |
Brumitt, Sikkema, Mair, et al. [19] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Not reported | No association between asymmetries and injury in collegiate athletes (no cut-off value in ROC curve) |
Butler, Lehr, Fink, et al. [20] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and injury (no cut-off value in ROC curve) in collegiate American football players |
De Blaiser, Roosen, Willems, et al. [21] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and injury in university physical education students (p > 0.05) |
Gonell, Romero and Soler [23] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ≥4 cm PM reach distance asymmetry (OR = 3.86, p = 0.001) associated with greater risk of lower-limb injury in male soccer players |
Hartley, Hoch and Boling [24] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and ankle sprain injury in female collegiate athletes (p > 0.05) |
Lai, Wang, Chen, et al. [26] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and lower-limb injury in collegiate athletes (p > 0.05) |
Lisman, Hildebrand, Nadelen and Leppert [12] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and lower-limb injury in high school athletes (p > 0.05) |
Luedke, Geisthardt and Rauh [27] | ANT, PM, PL, and COM reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and lower-limb or lower-back injury in collegiate American football players (p > 0.05) |
Manoel, Xixirry, Soeira, et al. [28] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | No association between asymmetries and ankle injury in professional male soccer players (p > 0.05) |
Nakagawa, dos Santos, Lessi, et al. [29] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ≥4.08 cm PL reach distance asymmetry (OR = 5.46, p < 0.001) associated with patellofemoral pain in male military recruits |
Plisky, Rauh, Kaminski and Underwood [4] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ≥4 cm PM reach distance asymmetry (OR = 2.3, p < 0.05) associated with greater risk of lower-limb injury in high-school basketball players |
Read, Oliver, Myer, et al. [30] | ANT reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ANT reach distance asymmetry associated with non-contact lower-limb injury in male youth soccer players (pre-PHV: OR = 0.94, p < 0.05; circa-PHV: OR = 1.05, p < 0.05) |
Ruffe, Sorce, Rosenthal and Rauh [32] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ≥4 cm PM reach distance asymmetry (OR = 5.05, p = 0.02) associated with greater risk of lower-limb or low back injury in young cross-country athletes |
Smith, Chimera and Warren [9] | ANT, PM, and PL reach distance asymmetry | Absolute difference | ≥4 cm ANT reach distance asymmetry (OR = 2.20, p = 0.03) associated with greater risk of non-contact injury in collegiate athletes |
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Guan, Y.; Bredin, S.S.D.; Taunton, J.; Jiang, Q.; Wu, N.; Warburton, D.E.R. Association between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Lower-Limb Functional Performance and Sport Injury: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 360.
Guan Y, Bredin SSD, Taunton J, Jiang Q, Wu N, Warburton DER. Association between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Lower-Limb Functional Performance and Sport Injury: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(2):360.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuan, Yanfei, Shannon S. D. Bredin, Jack Taunton, Qinxian Jiang, Nana Wu, and Darren E. R. Warburton. 2022. "Association between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Lower-Limb Functional Performance and Sport Injury: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies" Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, no. 2: 360.
APA StyleGuan, Y., Bredin, S. S. D., Taunton, J., Jiang, Q., Wu, N., & Warburton, D. E. R. (2022). Association between Inter-Limb Asymmetries in Lower-Limb Functional Performance and Sport Injury: A Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(2), 360.