Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene β Cyclase Regulation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Microalga and Growth Conditions
2.2. Pigments Extraction
2.3. Flow Cytometry Analysis
2.4. RNA Extraction
2.5. qRT-PCR
2.5.1. Primers Design and Validation, Reference Gene Selection
2.5.2. qPCR Conditions
2.6. Retrieval of Protein Sequences and In Silico Analysis
2.7. Three-Dimensional Protein Modeling
2.8. Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD)-Docking
3. Results
3.1. Characterization of Dunaliella in the Two Cultural Conditions
3.1.1. Influence of Stressed Condition on Cell Growth
3.1.2. Pigments Accumulation
3.1.3. Flow Cytometry Analysis
3.2. Transcriptional Analysis
3.2.1. Evaluation of Reference Gene Stability
3.2.2. Gene Expression Profile under Stressed Conditions
3.3. In Silico Analysis
3.3.1. Enzyme Modeling
3.3.2. Alignment Analysis
3.3.3. Overall 3D Model of D. salina LCYB
3.3.4. Overall 3D Model of D. salina SUMO Protein
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Gene Name | Abbreviation | Primer Sequence (5′->3′) | Amplicon Size (bp) | Tm (°C) | E (%) | Reference/Access Number | |
Actin | Act | F | ACCACACCTTCTTCAACGAG | 150 | 86.76 | 111.35 | [39] |
18S RNA | 18S | F | TTGGGTAGTCGGGCTGGTC | - | 83.2 | 92.6 | [40] |
Alpha tubulin | α-TUB | F | GAGATCACCAACGCTGCCTTTGA | 105 | 86.03 | 106.2 | JF346103.1 |
Beta tubulin | β-TUB | F | AGGAGGGCGAGTTTGAGGGT | 137 | 83.12 | 92.4 | DQ080916.1 |
Enolase | ENO | F | TGAAGGGCATGGACCCCAGG | 123 | 85.66 | 97.23 | KM008612.1 |
1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase | DXS | F | AGGACTTACGCCTGGCCACAT | 102 | 85.67 | 94.86 | FJ469276.1 |
Lycopene β-cyclase | LCYB | F | CCTGCAATCACCACAGGCGG | 130 | 87.91 | 97.1 | EU327876.1 |
Carotene globule protein | CGP | F | GGCAACCGAGGCAGTGACTACCA | 104 | 85.18 | 111 | JX646677.1 |
Chloroplast-localized heat shock protein | HSP70 | F | TGCAGGCTGGTGTGCTGTCT | 124 | 87.88 | 99.03 | AJ271605.2 |
Chloroplast ribulose phosphate-3-epimerase | RPE | F | TGATCAAGGACCTGGGCTGCAA | 120 | 85.96 | 97.33 | JF346108.1 |
Enzyme | Position | Group | Score |
CGP | K308 | WLLGM AKPE DEAKK | 0.79 |
K262 | AVSEA FKEG ETEIS | 0.68 | |
LCYB | K271 | HARKL VKYD QEFNP | 0.93 |
124–128 | QRQPAADLLVVGSGPSGLA | 0.70 | |
149–153 | AGGFSVCVIDLDPYAPMIP | 0.62 |
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Share and Cite
Elleuch, F.; Hlima, H.B.; Barkallah, M.; Baril, P.; Abdelkafi, S.; Pichon, C.; Fendri, I. Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene β Cyclase Regulation. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 5389.
Elleuch F, Hlima HB, Barkallah M, Baril P, Abdelkafi S, Pichon C, Fendri I. Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene β Cyclase Regulation. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(24):5389.
Chicago/Turabian StyleElleuch, Fatma, Hajer Ben Hlima, Mohamed Barkallah, Patrick Baril, Slim Abdelkafi, Chantal Pichon, and Imen Fendri. 2019. "Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene β Cyclase Regulation" Applied Sciences 9, no. 24: 5389.
APA StyleElleuch, F., Hlima, H. B., Barkallah, M., Baril, P., Abdelkafi, S., Pichon, C., & Fendri, I. (2019). Carotenoids Overproduction in Dunaliella Sp.: Transcriptional Changes and New Insights through Lycopene β Cyclase Regulation. Applied Sciences, 9(24), 5389.