Protocol for the Development of Automatic Multisensory Systems to Analyze Human Activity for Functional Evaluation: Application to the EYEFUL System
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
- To design and develop a multisensory system suitable for the objective and automatic assessment of functional capacity and determination of dependency status.
- To validate the system in clinical settings, ensuring its reliability, sensitivity, and specificity in assessment of functionality during the performance of ADLs.
- To provide a practical guide for the development of a multisensory automatic assessment system and the process to clinically validate it.
2. Protocol Description
2.1. Development Team and Collaborative Framework
2.2. Selection of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
- In the first stage, the complete list of all available ADLs will be carefully analyzed, using as a reference the classification of activities from the Assessment Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) [12], as it is an observational assessment tool that evaluates the quality of performance in ADLs and has a wide range of activities classified according to their difficulty of execution. The research group of clinicians, particularly the occupational therapists, will make a selection based on the most complete activities. Consideration will be given to the number of performance components and functional requirements they contain, their feasibility based on environmental characteristics, their level of difficulty and physical effort, their efficiency and safety, and the need for assistance to ensure a correct and complete evaluation of functional capacities. The selection strategy will consider the following criteria:
- Allow for the most objective evaluation of the subject regardless of gender.
- Be capable of evaluating performance with the greatest possible independence from the subject’s pathology or physical or psychological impairment.
- Be a known activity for the largest possible population.
- Be complementary activities to each other in order to observe the most limiting components of performance.
The list of selected activities will be fully detailed, considering their movement characteristics, cognitive processing of the action, and performance requirements. - In the second stage, the selected ADLs will be examined by the team of medical specialists to determine if limitations and characteristic signs of dependence could be detected after the performance and observation of these activities.
- In the third stage, a group of clinical experts in occupational therapy, external to the research team will independently score the activities according to the following: (i) the suitability of the activity to measure the desired parameters; (ii) the appearance of relevant functionality parameters. This scoring will be based on observations made in a population with dependence when performing the selected activities.The three previous phases will conclude with the selection of the final ADLs, which must complement each other and serve as the basis for the development of the EYEFUL system.
- In the final fourth stage, the clinical research team, along with the engineering team, will evaluate the technical implications of the final selection of ADLs, in what respect to both suitable sensor configurations, and the requirements of parameters to be measured. The engineering team will provide information on the current and foreseeable capabilities of automatic systems to successfully analyze the available activities. From this coordinated effort, the engineering and clinical experts will also propose the required modifications needed to shape the final activities. This will allow for an early integration of the technical and clinical perspectives in the methodological design.
2.3. Definition of the Sensorization, Computing, and Communication Configuration for ADL Monitoring
2.4. Definition of Quantitative Metrics and Their Relationship with Measurable Functional Parameters
- Metrics related to physical aspects such as body position, balance, speed of movement, bimanual coordination, etc.
- Metrics related to interaction with objects such as fine coordination, object manipulation, hand–eye coordination, etc.
- Metrics related to cognitive aspects such as problem solving, sequencing, following instructions, etc.
2.5. Definition of Relevant Inferences
2.6. Design of the Technical and Clinical Validation Processes
- Technical validation: A fully detailed technical validation will be designed, in which the performance and correct functioning of the systems related to both the characterization of subjects’ activity and the estimation of evaluation values will be assessed. A population over 18 years old will be selected. For the initial evaluations, the subjects will not have any pathology or functional limitation, fulfilling the strict requirements of data privacy and informed consent. These subjects will perform the selected activities for the automatic systems training, verification, and analytical validation of EYEFUL [30].
- Clinical validation: A comprehensive clinical validation will be designed with a focus on determining if the final system meets sensitivity and specificity criteria to detect the necessary functional limitations to discriminate a situation of dependence [30,31,32]. As a guide to the clinical validation of a system such as EYEFUL, the same processes and clinical validation of traditional tests, tools, and measurement instruments will be followed [30]. The steps involved in the clinical validation process are reproducibility analysis, content validity analysis, concurrent validity analysis, and discriminant validity analysis [30,31,32].
2.7. Algorithmic Development and Technical Validation
- The first one by integrating them into the process of assessing functionality. So, from the catalog of defined elements, we will select the most discriminative subset in order to score the functional level. Machine learning techniques are to be used in the selection of those metrics in a data driven approach. The close coordination with the clinical team will again be necessary in this effort.
- The second one, once the extracted metrics form different sensors are validated, their fusion is to be considered to improve the overall estimations (related to the users’ location and pose, activity characterization and assessment, emotional state characterization, etc.).
2.8. Deployment and Clinical Validation
- Be over 18 years of age.
- Have no recognized degree of dependence.
- Accept and sign the informed consent form.
- To be over 18 years of age.
- To have a recognized degree of dependence (from degree I, level 1 to degree II, level 2).
- To be able to walk independently, with or without support products (canes, crutches, walkers, etc.)
- To accept and sign the informed consent form.
- Having a cognitive, physical, or sensory deficit that impedes the understanding of questionnaires or the performance of the tests.
- Wheelchair users.
- Reliability analysis will examine the degree to which EYEFUL measures without error, and internal consistency will evaluate whether the metrics measuring dependence are homogeneous with each other.
- Content validity will evaluate whether EYEFUL covers all the metrics it is intended to measure.
- Criterion validity will seek to establish the degree of correlation between the scores obtained with EYEFUL and those obtained from the assessment tools established as the gold standard. This will require a sample of 45 subjects without dependence.
- Finally, for the analysis of construct validity, the degree of EYEFUL’s ability to distinguish between the population without dependence and the population with dependence will be determined. This will require a sample of 90 subjects, 45 non-dependent and 45 dependent, and the resulting EYEFUL scores of both groups will be used. These subjects will follow the inclusion and exclusion criteria described above. To determine the appropriate sample size for the clinical validity phases, the G*Power software (version 3.1.7) was used [31,32].
2.9. Dissemination of Results
3. Materials
4. Organizational Details and Reproducibility
4.1. Criteria for Choosing ADLs
4.2. Flowcharts and Documentation
5. Discussion
5.1. Implications for Clinical Practice
5.2. Contributions to Research
5.3. Addressing Limitations and Future Directions
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Obeso-Benítez, P.; Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres, M.; Huertas-Hoyas, E.; Sánchez-Herrera-Baeza, P.; Máximo-Bocanegra, N.; Serrada-Tejeda, S.; Marron-Romera, M.; Macias-Guarasa, J.; Losada-Gutierrez, C.; Palazuelos-Cagigas, S.E.; et al. Protocol for the Development of Automatic Multisensory Systems to Analyze Human Activity for Functional Evaluation: Application to the EYEFUL System. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 3415.
Obeso-Benítez P, Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres M, Huertas-Hoyas E, Sánchez-Herrera-Baeza P, Máximo-Bocanegra N, Serrada-Tejeda S, Marron-Romera M, Macias-Guarasa J, Losada-Gutierrez C, Palazuelos-Cagigas SE, et al. Protocol for the Development of Automatic Multisensory Systems to Analyze Human Activity for Functional Evaluation: Application to the EYEFUL System. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(8):3415.
Chicago/Turabian StyleObeso-Benítez, Paula, Marta Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres, Elisabet Huertas-Hoyas, Patricia Sánchez-Herrera-Baeza, Nuria Máximo-Bocanegra, Sergio Serrada-Tejeda, Marta Marron-Romera, Javier Macias-Guarasa, Cristina Losada-Gutierrez, Sira E. Palazuelos-Cagigas, and et al. 2024. "Protocol for the Development of Automatic Multisensory Systems to Analyze Human Activity for Functional Evaluation: Application to the EYEFUL System" Applied Sciences 14, no. 8: 3415.
APA StyleObeso-Benítez, P., Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres, M., Huertas-Hoyas, E., Sánchez-Herrera-Baeza, P., Máximo-Bocanegra, N., Serrada-Tejeda, S., Marron-Romera, M., Macias-Guarasa, J., Losada-Gutierrez, C., Palazuelos-Cagigas, S. E., Martin-Sanchez, J. L., & Martínez-Piédrola, R. M. (2024). Protocol for the Development of Automatic Multisensory Systems to Analyze Human Activity for Functional Evaluation: Application to the EYEFUL System. Applied Sciences, 14(8), 3415.